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May 28, 1932 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1932-05-28

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I aii1













Hoover Hits Garner's Relief Bill,1
Calling It 'Gigantic Pork Barrel'

Late Permission Is Granted;
Stub Holders May Still
Obtain Favors.
Close to 300 couples danced last
night from 10 until 3 o'clock at the
Union in the Senior ball of the 1932
graduating class.
Led in the colorful grand march
by Josephine McCausey, '34, and
Lawrence Whitsit, '32, the general
chairman of the ball committee,
the merrymakers were surrounded
by a festive decorative scheme bas-
ed on a spring flower motif well
adapted to a spring formal dance.
Music was supplied by Joe Sand-
ers and his Kansas City Night-
hawks, successors to the famous
team of Coon-Sanders that was
broken up by the untimely death
of Carlton Con a few weeks ago.
The orchestra was engaged in the
place of Isham Jones, who was un-
able -to play because of a previous
eng aement.
Late Permission Secured.
Following a time-honored tradi-
tion, the Senior ball committee

a lashing attack upon the relief
bill, proposed yesterday by Speaker
G a r n e r, President Hoover today
termed the measure the most "gi-
gantic pork barrel ever proposed to
Snapping out his words, the Pres-
ident told newspapermen that if
this bill were passed balancing the
budget would be hopeless,
He charged that various parts of
the bill could not stand the light
of lay. Backing for the measure,
the President asserted, is based up-
on a hoped-for cupidity in various
jtjggests Threats.
"It is apparently expected," heC
said, "that the cupidity of these
towns and sections will demand
that their congressmen and sena-
tors vote for this bill or threaten to
penalize them if they fail to join
in this squandering of money.
"I do not believe that such lack
of intelligence exists amongst the
people of our United States."
The President charged the meas-
ure would not truly provide unem-
ployment relief, saying he did not
Spanish Premier Presents Plan;
Would Later Make Spain
Federal State.


secured late permission for women
students, in order that the dance MADRID, Spain, May 27.-(IP)-
might continue from 10 until three Premier Manuel Azona presented to
o'clock.. the Spanish assembly tonight a
The engagement of Joe and the plan that eventually would convert
rollicking nut songs of "Coonie," Spain into a union of federated
brings to mind a host of memories states similar to the United States
of the time when the two were to- except that they would be under
gether. They met during the World complete control of the national
War, when the team was started government.
in a barrack-room-ballad fashion. This was in effect his solution to
After the war they decided to capi- the Catalonian problem and he was
talize on their popularity, and the speaking on the Catalonian statute,
team retained its large following up which would give that rich indus-
until the death of Coon. trial area of Spain a limited auto-
Those persons who hold ticket nomy of government.
stubs and who have not as yet Fundamentally the Catalonian
secured their favors may obtain statute allocates to the state gov-
them at 'the Burr, Patterson and ernment of Catalonia the right to
Auld jewelry store on Church ave- employ the Catalan tongue, the
nue' nera South University street. direction of the Catalonian educa-
tional, economic and social system,
Patrons Listed. and the right to police its own ter-
Prominent faculty members and r itory.
their escorts were present as pat- Questions of foreign relations,
rons and patronesses. They were: naval and military protection are
Dr. and Mrs. Alexander G. Ruth- conceded in the statutes to the cen-
ven, Dean and Mrs. Joseph A. Burs- tral government.
Icy, Dcan and Mrs. Herbert Sadler, The premier counseled the cham-
Dean Alice Lloyd, Dean and Mrs. ber to concede all provisions of thet
Wilber Humphreys, Dean Walter statute compatible with the consti-
Rea, Prof. and Mrs. J,. S. Worley, tution and indicated he thought
Prof. and Mrs. Emil Lorch, Porf. such conflicts important and few.
and Mrs. Jesse S. Reeves, Prof. and' He inferred that the government
Mrs. Clarence Thorpe, Prof. John expected that other regional stat-
Tracey. utes will be presented to the assem-
Prof. and Mrs. Justin L. Powers, bly.
Prof. and Mrs. William Hoad, Prof. The premier declared however,
and Mrs, Joseph Hayden, Dr. and that full separation of Catalonia
Mrs. A. J. Hall, Dr. William Brace, was unthinkable because of the
Dr. and Mrs. Maurice R. McGarvey, consequent weakness it would bring
Dr. and Mrs. Russell Bunting, Dr. to Spain and the misfortune it
Margaret Bell, Lieut. and Mrs. would visit on Catalonia.
Richard Coursey, Mr. and Mrs.
Donal Hamilton Haines, Mr. and
Mrs. Richard Fuller, Prof. and Mrs.
Lovell, Prof. and Mrs. James K.
Pollock, Henry Moser, T. Gerald
Xronick, and Dr, George Hammond.
American Women Lead
Standardn Oil Co. of Indiana
.i T S ort. Meets

believe 20 per cent of the projects
suggested could be brought to the
stage of employment within a year.
The President's statement came
while the bill was being whipped
into shape for introduction, with
plans already made for hearings
before the Ways and Means Com-
mittee next week. The Speaker
himself plans to be the first wit-
ness for it.
The President said in part:
"The urgent question today is
the prompt balancing of the bud-
get. When that is accomplished, I
propose to support adequate meas-
ures for relief of distress and un-
employment. In the meantime, it is
essential that there should be an
understanding of the character of
the draft bill made public yester-
day in the House of Representa-
tives for this purpose.
"That draft bill supports some
proposals we have already made
in aid to unemployment through
the use of the Reconstruction Fin-
ance Corp. But in addition it pro-
poses to expend about $900,000,000
for Federal public works.
Would Create Deficit.
"I believe the American people
will grasp the economic- fact that
such action would require appro-
priations to be made to the Fed-
eral department, thus creating a
deficit in the budget that could
only be met with more taxes and
more Federal bond issues.
"The Country also understands*
that an unbalanced budget means
the loss of confidence of our people
and of other nations in the credit
and stability of the Government,
and that the consequences are na-i
tional demoralization and the lossi
of 10 times as many jobs as would1
be created by this program, even
if it could be physically put into
Race Car Pilot Dies
in Speedway Smash
-Elton Jones, 38, of Cleveland,
injured when his racing car went
through a wall at the Indian-
apolis motor speedway this aft-
ernoon, died in a hospital shortly
before 6 o'clock (C.S.T) .
Harold ray, 23, also of Cleve-
land, Jones' driving mechanic,
was seriously injured in the
Prof. Youn Elected
UnjversityClub Head
Leigh J. Young, professor in the
forestry school was elected presi-
dent of the University club at a
recent meeting.
Prof. Frank R. Finch, of the Col-
lege of Engineering, was elected to
the post of secretary, while T. Haw-
ley Tapping, general secretary of
the Alumni association and the edi-
tor of "The Michigan Alumnus,"
was made treasurer. Prof. Chester
0. Wisler, of the engineering school,
was elected to membership on the
board of directors. le will serve a
term of three years.

Says Child Could Not See How
Mayor Could Live on
$25,000 Salary.
Samuel Seabury Tries to Link
Walker's Finances With
Missing Clerk.
NEW YORK, May 27.---(P)-Paul
Block, a newspaper publisher, to-
lay told the Iiofstadter Legislative
Committee that he opened a joint
brokerage acounit in which Mayor
James J. Walker made $246,000
without a cent's investment, be-
cause his ten-year-old son, Billy
Block, could not see how a mayor
could live on $25,000 a year.
The Publisher's explanation was
given after a City employee had
contradicted some of the Mayor's
own testimony.
Testimony Attacked.
The aftermath of Walker's two-
day appearance before the inquiry
board ended with Samuel Seabury
attempting to link the personal
finances of the Mayor and those of
Russell T. Sherwood, missing ac-
Sherwood, testimony had shown,
put nearly $1,000,000 into his bank
and brokerage accounts between
the day Walker became mayor and
the day the $3,500-a-year account-
ant disappeared.
Block said he was loath to give
the explanation of the brokerage
account because he feared it would
sound "silly and sentimental."
It was a story of a great personal
friendship, in which Walker figured
as an individual and not as Mayor
of the world's largest City.
This was Block's story of the
joint brokerage account:
Mayor Siagests Drive.
"The Mayor telephoned me one
day--it was a Sunday-and asked
if I would take a drive with him. I
told him I had promised my young-
ster, who was about 10 years old,
to take him for a walk.
The Mayor ;aid:
'Why not have Billy go with us
for a drive?''"
Flock said he and the boy were
waiting fc the Mayor on Fifth
Ave., when Billy ,asked him what
salary the Mayor received.
"I told him it was $25,000," Block
-aid, "and he asked:
" Does the City give him a
hiom? aid '

Seniors to Hold Mock
Elections June First
Senior Class mock elections will
be held Wednesday, June 1, in the
Natural Science auditorium under
the direction of the Student council,
it was announced yesterday. Identi-
fication cards will not be required.
Seventeen mock offices are to be
filled through the balloting. They
will include the following: most
popular girl, most attractive girl,
most respected senior, senior who
has done the most for Michigan,,
senior who has done Michigan for
the most, best appearing man, class
athlete, smoothest politician, most
literary senior, most artful senior,
smoothest man, most astute grade
beggar, co-ed's choice, most popular
man, most ingenuous blonde, and
most effective brunette.
Procedure of nomination to the
offices will be changed from last
year's regulations which necessi-
tated two days for the elections.
Instead of nominating one day and
electing the following day, arrange-
ments will be made so that the
elections will be completed in one
Petoskey, Wistert,
and Daniels Forego
Japanese Ball Trip
Ted Petoskey, Francis Wistert,
and Norman Daniels, all members
of the Varsity baseball squad, have
forgone the opportunity to journey
with the team in its summer trip
to Japan.
Petoskey, an outfielder, and Wist-
ert, a pitcher, are both formidable
candidates for the football team
and will remain in Ann Arbor dur-
ing the summer to be available for
fall practice. Daniels, regular sec-
ond baseman, who is the only nine-
letter man to graduate from the
University this year, has accepted
a position as head coach of football
and basketball at the Hillsdale,
Mich., high school. He is due to
report to his new duties on Septem-
ber 1, and since the team will not
return until October 7, it will be
impossible for him to accompany
The squad will leave for the'
Orient on August 11. The players
to go have not definitely beenI
named as yet.

Scholarships Are Established for Se nior s
in Professional Schools; Belknap
Given Leave of Absence.
A general reduction of University salaries ranging from six to
ten per cent, and effecting a total salary budget reduc'tion of approxi-
mately 1 ' per cent, was adopted at the regular meeting of the board
of regents yesterday afternoon.
The procedure was to adjust indivdual salaries with the end of
getting all salaries on an equitable basis, according to a statement
issued to the press by Regent R. Perry Shorts immediately after the
meeting. It was pointed out that in some individual cases the reduc-
tion amounted to 26.8 per cent, although the total amount was about
11 per cent. The University hospital would not be affected by the
bugdet cut.
The complete statement of Regent Shorts was: "To the end
of effecting economies the last legislature reduced the appropriation
for the University of Michigan by approximately $738,000 which
---amounted to a reduction of about
15 per cent from the previous
DL L !J year's appropriation. Considering
the other sorces of income of the
University, coming from student
fIfees, service fees, income from en-
Iii owS en funds, etc., its total in-
come for 1932-33 fical year thereby
- became reduced by approximately
Play Opens Before Full House; 11 per cent and the administration
There's Always Juliet was therefore faced with admin-
istering to the University for the
Ends Today. coming year on this reduced income
"Candida" by George Bernard "In balancing the budget every
Shaw starring Patricia Collinge, activity and position was fully
opened last night before a full studied to determine whether the
house as the second presentation expenses could be decreased With
on the Dramatic festival, the least permanent damage to the
"There's Always Juliet" with Vio- institution. The plan of blanket
let Heming and Lester Vail will be cuts was not applied because it was
concluded with the presentation at believed that such a method would
the matinee this afternoon and the not prove an economical one.
appearance this evening.A. n. S r
Miss Collinge, who has the title"r Adjust Individual Salaries.
role in the Shaw play, has played Ihe procedure adopted i reduc-
recently with Goeffrey Kerr, Les- ing salaries was, after eliminating
certain positions and adjusting the
A review of "Candida" will be teaching loads, to adjust each indi-
found in the Music and Drama vidual salary-all to the end of
column on page four. getting salaries of the entire staff
on as equitable a basis as possible.
lie Howard, and Joseph Schildkraut After this was done a general re-
in several New York productions. duction was made applying to all
Among the others taking part in salaries, amounting to from six per
"Candida" are Ainsworth Arnold, cent on the low salaried employees
who was a member of the cast 01 to 10 per cent on the higher salar-
last year's Dramatic season, Lillian ied staff. The result affected a total
Bronson, who had the part of Flor- reduction of the salary budget, ex-
ence the maid, in "There's Always elusive of the University hospital in
Juliet," Francis Compton, brother the amount of approximately 11 per
of Fay Compton the English. ac- cent although in some individual
tress, and Raymond O'Brien. cases the reduction as high as 26.8
Many of the cast of "The Animal per cent."
Kingdom" by Phillip Barry the next The regents in a joint resolution
play to be given on the Dramatic passed on the establishment of
season schedule, will arrive in Ann University scholarships for the six
Arbor today to begin rehearsals. 'professional schools, open to the
Among them are Doris Dalton and regularly enrolled seniors in high
Francis Dade, both of whom have scholastic standing who could show
been brought here before by Robert need for the assistance. Three of
Henderson, G o e if r e y Kerr, New these scholarships were alloted to
York star, and Amy Loomis, long the Medical School, three to the
prominent in Ann Arbor dramatic Law School, two each to the schools
productions. of, Dentistry and Education, and
Martha Graham, p r o min e n t one each to the Business Adminis-
American dancer, will be here on tration and Forestry schools.
Thursday and Friday, June 2 and In response to a recommendation
3, to give two recitals on the pro- by Secretary of the Interior Wilbur,
gram of the Dramatic season. Miss five scholarships were granted to
Graham, who will be accompanied American Indian students. The
by Louis Horst, will present num- University of Michigan club of Ann
bers all new to Ann Arbor audi- Arbor donated $100 for the creation
ences, and two numbers never be- of a scholarship loan fund.
fore presented on any stage. J-Hop Donates $1,010.
-_Announcement was imade of a
Phi Kappa Psi Enters sum of $1,000 turned over to the
i K Estudent loan fund by the 1933 J-
Final Baseball Round Hop committee, and of $25 given by
n of the Hillel foundation.
In the semi-finals of the inter- A grant of $1,000 from the Carne-
fraternity baseball championships gie institute was acknowledged, for
yesterday afternoon, Phi Kappa work on the ecology and genetics of

Psi defeated Delta Phi 4 to 2 to ad- mammals in Arizona by Prof. Lee
vance to the finals along with Sig- R. Dice of the zoology department.
ma Nu, who progressed to the finals Prof. Ralph Belknap of the geology
earlier in the week. The two final- department was granted a leave of
ists will meet to determine the absence for the coming year, that
championship on Tuesday after- .he might take an expedition to
noon. Greenland as a continuation of the
Excellent support from his team- work on meteorology and glaciation
mates enabled Henry Schaefer, Phi recently conducted by Prof. W. H.
Kappa Psi pitcher, to chalk up a Hobbs.
win over the hard hitting Delta Mrs. Edwin C. Goddard and Mrs.
Phi's. E. R. Sunderland were appointed to
Phi Epsilon Pi lost to Phi Kappa, the board of governors of Adelia
12 to 8, in another game which had Cheever house. Mrs. Helen B. Joy
been postponed from the regular and Mrs. Alexis C. Angell were
season. placed on the board of governors
In the faculty league, Zoology de- of the Helen Newberry residence.


"I said, no,' and he asked:
"'Does the City give him an au-
"I said, 'yes, but not to Mrs.
Walker.' Billy then asked:
"'Can he live on what he gets?'
"I said, 'yes he probably can, but
it may be difficult.'"
The idea of opening the joint
account occurred to him then,
Block testified, but before opening
the account, he discussed it with
Walker, saying:
"Jimmy, I'm going to try to make
some money for you. I'm going to
open a joint account for us and see
if I can make some money for you."
-- _____-~----------- -____ -


Find Any Developments
Hunt for Killers
of Baby.I


SAUNTON, England, May 27-()IP
-Blond Maureen Orcutt playing in
the best weather of a nasty day,
shot a brilliant 73 this morning to
lead the field by two strokes
through the first half of the qual-
ifying of the British women's golf
AUTEUIL, France, May 27.--(IP)-
Helen Wills Moody advanced to the
finals of one division of play and
the semi-finals of another in the
French tennis championships to-
Paired' with Elizabeth R y a n,
American woman living in London,
Mrs. Moody helped eliminate Sen-
orita Ehia DeAlvarez of Spain, and
Josane Sizart, of Belgium, in the
semi-finals of doubles, 6-4, 6-1, 0-4.
.,w .n i__

Ordered to Close Because Increased cooperation and good]
of Delinquency, feeling between departments has
been the most marked characteris-
tic of the past year in the Literary
LANSING, May 27.-(P)-Secre, jcollege, in the opinion of Dean
tary of State Frank D. Fitzgerald I John R. Effinger.
today revoked the license of the The faculty, he stated in an in-
Standard Oil Co., of Indiana to terview yesterday, has been mostly
operate in Michigan and ordered occupied with final plans for puts
allopfrts1,947nsatigondcloednerxting into operation the new curri-
all of its 1,947 stations closed next cuiar scheme for the college. The
Wednesday. The order was issued new system entails a definite field
after the company refused to pay of concentration for the junior and
an alleged delinquency of $1,599,- senior years, which must be preced-
815n tegalineny . $ -ed by certain prerequisites in the
1315 in the gasoline tax. freshman and sophomore period.
Frank E. Packard, general tax "Such broadening of interest and
attorney for the Standard Oil, noti-cooperation between two different
fled the Secretary of State that I departments of the same school,"
d theDean stated, "is a great ad-
will apply before Wednesday to the vance over the condition that has
State or Federal Court for a tem- heretofore often existed. There has
porary injunnction restraining the always been a tendency for a mem-
-ber of one department to look ask-

As an example of this modern
viewpoint w h ic h has developed,
Dean Effinger cited the English
honors course, for which nine hours
credit is given each semester. When
the department has approved the
election of this course, it is privileg-
ed to direct the student's study in
the manner that seems best calcu-
lated to round out his English ex-
perience, and often the student
may be directed to take a course
which is related to literature only
in a back-ground capacity, and
may be in an entirely different de-
Defines Terms.
A sharp distinction was drawn by.
Dean Effinger between the term
"major" and the new phrase, "field
of concentration." To major in a
subject, he explained, means to de-
vote one's entire effort to a single
subject, leaving little time for nec-

HOPEWELL, N.J., May 27.-(P)-
While John Hughes Curtis, con-
fessed faker of contacts with the
Lindbergh baby kidnappers, ex-
pressed contentment with his treat-
ment at the hands of Hunterton
county jail officials, the hunt for.
the baby's killers continued without
important developments today.
Curtis, asked by county officials
if he were being given proper treat-
ment and attention, was described
by them as uncomplaining. Both he
and his family were said to be
anxious to see his future statute
disposed of quickly.
One step in that direction is ex-
pected tomorrow when the grand
jury which heard charges that Cur-
tis obstructed justice by giving out
false information in the search for
the kidnappers and the slayers of
Charles A. Lindbergh, jr., and its
findings to Justice T. W. Prenchard
at Flemington.
It has been reported that the
grand jury indicted the Norfolk
shipbuilder and that Prosecutor
Anthony M. Huck expects to push
for a start of the Curtis trial dur-
ing the week of June 13.
W. C. Pender, Curtis' Norfolk at-
torney, however, has indicated he
may ask a postponement to July 1.
Col. Charles A. Lindbergh is ex-
pected to take the stand for the
prosecution in event of a new trial.
Freshman's Condition
Remains Unchanged
Berne Gustafson, freshman in-


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