FEBRUARY' 25, 1932 ~ THE MICHIGAN DA LY F.... S PST 9FE w A.'+ nal Public D ebts M ore Than Overbaiance Amount Cut From Budgets. SINKING FUND IS BIGGER Secretary Mills Declares Debt Retirement Fund Increase Accounts for Outlay. WASNNGTON, Feb. 24. -GP)--. Many millions of dollars carefully culted from next year's operating costs of the Treasury and Postofice departments ,are more than over- balanced by additional public debt requirements and the Federal build-. ing program, in the annual supply bill reported today to the House. In the bggest regular appropria- tion measure, $1,059,09,000 has been set aside to operate the two depart- m* hts, and $1,161,68',000 for public debt retiremiaent, interest and other permanent outlays. These sums to- tai nearly half of the $4,600,000,000 biddt submitted by President Hoo- ver. The Appropriations Committee cut $2,677,000 off the budget esti- mates for the operating expense bill, reducing this $44,688,000 below current expenses. The Postoffice Department received $805,586,000 or $7,972,000 below the budget and $37,297,000 less than this year. The Treasury was allowed $254,311,000, or $14,704,000 less than the budget and $7,391,000 below current out- lays. Th Dinocratic economy knife paredl a net 2 per cent savings from the direct appropriation measure. Sifking F und Swells. An increase of $118,666,000 in the p e r m a n e n t 'outlays was caused largely by increases to $426,489,000 in the siffkinig fund to retire the public debt, and to $640,000,000 in interest and by -$69,000,000 charged; off on cash payments by foreign governments..t $ecretary Ogden L. Mills explain- ed to the committee this was "due to an increase in the amount of the public debt outstanding, resulting from the issuance of bonds to meet the Treasury's deficit." Mills said the surplus $3400,000,000 paid into the sinking fund since the WorldJ War above legal requirements had nearly been counterbalanced by a $3,000,000,000 increase in the public debt. "You have drawn on your reserve fund, and when we approach the fw a year 1933 there are only twot things to do, and to do just as vig- urously as we know how," he told the committee. "Cut, expenditures to the. bone and raise taxes until the American people and the rest of the world can be assured that for the fiscal year 1933 current reven- ues will balace current expendi.- tures, and that, while we cannot re- duce our public debt in 1933 through the operations of the sinking fund, t under no circumstances will the public debt be increased after JuneY 30, 1933." Ex-Motorman Directs Chicago Surface Lines CHICAGO, Feb. 24- (P)--Thirty- one years ago Guy A. Richardson twirled the controls of a Boston elevated street car-a motorman's cap the badge of his rank. Tuesday he wa's elected president of the Chicago 'surface lines-the owners say it's the largest tram system in the world. The position was vacated by the recent death of Henry A. Blair. BILL TILL HATED Disagreement Blocks Enactment; Expect Early Solution in Conference. WASHINGTON Feb. 24. - (P) - Disagreement today still blocked final enactment of the Federal Re- serve credit expansion bill, but an early solution in the House-Senate conference committee was expected. New light on the country's bank- ing situation was given by the latest monthly report of the Fed- eral Reserve Board, showing mem- ber" bank credit declined $550,000,- 000 during January in leading cities, this downward movement fallowing on a, billion and a half decrease in loans and investments during the quarter immediately preceding. This was taken by some in Con- gress to bolster the argument made there that bankers generally, far from needing expanded credit fa-' cilities, were not using fully those now available to them. Conclusion of hearings on the home loan discount proposal-it is a part of of the Administration re- construction program-left banking committee leaders determined to push the legislation, but doubtful that it would be enacted. Very stub- born opposition has shown itself. year; Internal Revenue Bureau, $33,650,000, or $26,312,000 below 1932; Industrial Alcohol Bureau, $4,725,- 000, or $89,000 less; Public Health Service $11,421,000, a cut of $697,000. Postal Deficit Large. Postmaster-Gen. Walter F. Brown estimated for the committee that the postal deficit for the current year would reach about $200,000,000, due to a decline in revenues, which' he said, would total about $60,000,- 000, compared to $656,000,000 in 1931. . The committee noted in its report that about $58,500,000 of the deficit was due to ocean and air mail sub- sidies and other non-postal func- tions and said the only substantial increased item was that for trans- portation of foreign mails, from $36,600,000 to $38,816,000 due to con- tracts entered into in an effort to build up the merchant marine. While the committee c'ut the do- mestic air mail appropriation from $20,000,000 to $19,000,000 for next year, it left unchanged the $7,000,- 000 for foreign air mails transpor- tat'on. It noted that revenues of $6,210,000 from the domestic air mail service were $11,383,000 below txpenditures and said Postmaster- General Brown would seek further decreases in the contract rates paid air mail operators.. CHINESE REFCES F 1,L LI T L FEL I Non-Comtnatants Flee Shambles' of Capei District, Cowd International Zone-. SAN FRANCISCO, Feb. 24.-oP)), A horde of panic-stricken, -starving Chinese pouring in almost arVun- ending stream into the Interna- tional Settlement provide , greater danger to foreigners in Shanrhai' than chance shells from artile'ry of combatants, passengers arrivlng here on the President McKinley report.y Forced trom their homes in the Chapei district by the Japanese and Chinese bombardmCnt, t by haveI come into the foreign settlement to sleep in pushcarts, begging food from all passersby. "It is war, with no declaration of such having been made," said Lieut. .E. Howard,Vzho is returning toI the Great Lakes Naval Training Station after three years with the American Yangtze River patrol. "Press accounts of fighting there have not been exaggerated. Along the streets of the settlement the white man shares the sullen stares' of Chinese with the- Jap'anese. To the Chinese all foreigners are bad, but the Japanese are worse." Joe Rock, Los Angeles motion pic- ture company employe, told of the I refugees. "Families were broken up, men, women, children wandering around without any means ofsustenance. Many were so near starving they lived from garbage cans. The real peril to the settlement lies in a rush on the part of this desperate horde." The Rev, Francis J. Moehringer, Brooklyn, N.Y., who spent six years in Xiangsi .ovince, declared he found the trouble with Japan hadc united China. "It was surprising to those grown used to the political disunion of the country to see this sudden flare of1 nationalism," he said. "I am con-c vinced the Japanese have a diffi- cult task if they intend to centure Shanghai. The Nineteenth Router Army, which is defending the city, dil splendid work in Kiangsir against bahdits and Communists." Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Rosenblat, New York, from the roof of ther Cathay Hotel, witnessed the open- ing bombardment of the Shanghai North Station. PUBLISHERS DISPUTE WITH CURT Marxkian College W ill Conduct Debate Here Under the auspices of the Exten- sion Division of the Marxian labor college, I. Paul Taylor, former com- missioner of the City of ighland Park, and Alfred Renner, Director of the Marxian Labor College will debate here. The question is, "Can Unemployment Be Solved Under Capitalisin." The debate will take place Sun- day, February 28 at 8:00 o'clock in the auditorium of the Ann Arbor high school. The public is invited. Admission is free.- -. . __ VIEESETf TALK ON. GE} NATS Albrecht Durer, Greatest Ger- man Artist, Is Subject of Dr. Tietze. Dr. Hans Tietze,,professor of fine arts at the University of Vienna, will speak at 4:15 o'clock tomorrow ii the main gallery of Alumni Me- morial Hall on "Albrecht Durer, the Greatest German Artist." Durer lived in Nuremberg between the late flseenh and early ,ix- teenth centuries and was a painter, draftsman, woodcutter, and engrav- 2r of renown. Dr. Tiete, brouglit here under the auspices of the'Ann Arbor Art Associated Press Photo James A. Mthews (left), publisher, and Howard C. Anderson (right), editor of the Aberdeen, S.D., American-News, faced a 30-day jail sentence for contempt of court after they rejected a suspended sentence offered if their paper would cease its criticism of a circuit judge. Mathews and Anderson said they would carry their fight to the New Technic Presents Water Power Article The February issue of the Mich- igan Technic,.appearing on campus today, contains several interesting articles and some attractive illus- trations. The principle article is "Water Power Development at Louisville, Kentucky," by A. S. Hoefflin, '23E. It is a detailed description of the new hydro-electric plant at the "Falls of the Ohio." Due to pecu- liarities of the Ohio river, certain. unusual problems were encountered in the construction of this power plant and adjoining dam. Another article composing the magazine is by I. K. Pond, '79A. It, is called "Function and Scale in Archictecture" and treats of var- ious problems of form and function. :'ASSlation, , began his career as chiei collaborator of the official in- ventory of historical and artistic monuments in Austria. His book, "Methods of History and Art," stands unrivaled as a profound his- tory of art. He has lectured in many parts of Europe. le speaks English and sev- cral other languages fluently. At 90 J. B. Chapman filed suit at Gadsden, Ala., for divorce, alleging his wife abandoned him. Supreme court if ne'essary. Moratorium Has Money Piling up so kapidly That It Can't Go Around. BUDAPEST, Feb., 24. - (/P) - A paradox as puzzling and contradic- To help support Missouri state parks, a fee of 25 cents a day will be charged visitors remaining long- er than one day. I II1 Ma.ior Edwards Will - Remain Another Year Major Basil D. EAdwards, head of the University R. O. T. C., stated to- day that, contrary to campus ru- mors, he will stay at Michigan an- other year to complete his four- year detail here. During the summer of 1933 Majoi Edwards expects to go to Washing- ton, where he will be assigned to work in the office of the assistalt secretary of war. He stated that he expects to be employed in co-ordi- nating industrial mobilization. R.O.T.C. Pistol Teams Being Organized Here Organization of R. O. T. C. pistol' teams started Tuesday night. Drill will be l4eld three nights a week. Six of the new Colt "Ace" .22 cali- bre automatic pistols have been purchased by the military depart- ment. This is the first time that any, gallery pistols have been Used. Besides the R. O. T. C., Scabbard and Blade and Pi Tau Pi Si;ma plan to organize teams'. i 3 .tt 1 1 C l 7 A S 4 t f C tory as anything that ever grew out of an economic crisis faces Hungary as a result of the transfer morator- ium declared in December. It is briefly this: The money Hungary cannot pay to foreign creditors is piling up so rapidly that unless someone finds a place to in- vest it there will not be enough money in Hungary to go around. This state of affairs is due to the moratorium and the accompanying' control of foreigne exchanpge. By declaring a transfer morato rium on about 250,000,000 pengoes annually due on foreign loans, the governmen' shut down on all ef-- for-ts to buy foreign exchange to make th&2e payments in the cur- rencies called for in the various bond or notes. But it did not release fndividuais or municipa ities from paying the obligations in pengoes. It provided that the money was to be paid to the Hungarian national bank, the bank's function being to hold the cash as trustee for the foreign cred- itors. Under this arrangement 250,000,- 000 pengoes would pile i1p in the Hungarian national bank within 12 months and, if the moratorium should last two years, the pile would grow to 500,000,000 pengoes, or about $87,000,000. But the entire note circulation of Hungary is only 400,000,OO pengoes. So in two years all tC legally cov- ered banknotes in Hungary would be lying in the nat in1 bank, in trust for foreign creditors. Then there would be no pengoes to circulate among the Hungarians themselves-unless they chose to inflate the currency, and the mora- torium was designed to protect against inflation. The average wage of women workers in St. Louis is $75 a month, a survey indicated.1t Rt. Hon. Winston Churchill "The Most Interesting Man in England" -- .-~ ORATORICAL ASSOCIATION Presents II -!w -6 ~r 1r . s es " . .: . . Tuesday, March Hill.Auditorium Tickets $1.00 On Sale Room 3211 Angell Hall All Seats eserved IV Ili I w ti s , 3 ; ,. .5t: , f 91 are coming in daily. Books written by your favorite authors whose writings are suffused with she finest qual- ities of fiction. Books of non-fiction by wri(ers who present the latest advances and conclusions in their par- ticular fields of research. Books for you pleasure, and books of the utmost use to educators and laymen in general, rather than only to specialists. We are taking real pride in building up a very high class fiction and non-fiction department, which will be in charge of a member of our organization who has several years experience in one of the oldest book firnis in the United States. Good books are permanent of our two spacious stores. to yourspecial orders. values. We will be delighted to have you come in and 'browse' aboue in either The latest catalogues of publishers are available and we shall be pleased to attend 14 3 i I rices Prevail . A lwmu r r