Pm, i H MICHIGAN DAILY THFL4dl 6V 1W[L l E!C- fA L 1 L _ __ _ -_ _ __ _ _ __ _ __ _ __ _ _ __ _ __ r t L1L.7L 1' 1 Y L' r -p tIL IC JI Menbers of Journalism Faculty YAt- Sorority's Gue sts at Banquet. CILE MILLER PRESIDES Lee White, Detroit News Editor, Is Principal Speaker at Affair. A1- the annual banquet held last night by Theta Si ma Phi, nationsia honorary and professional journal- ism sorority, Beatrice Collins, '34, was awarded the cup presented, each year by the sorority to the sophomore woman who has done the most outstanding work on a student publication. Miss Collins is a member of the women's editor- Senior Society Admits 10 Prominent Juniors Senior Society, honorary or- ganization for independent wo- men, held their initiation yes- terday afternoon in the chapelI of the League. Members of the society are chosen from the jun- or women who have been active in campus activities for the past three years. The new initiates who were yesterday honored with mem- beship are: borothy Abbitt, Gladys Baker, Elsie Feldman, l)Otlathy )Javis,-0 Icidiira0Gos*- ii;. me Gross, Louise Peter- son, Eveyi1 1adeke, Annette Ru- d jacl 'ih S usanna Wood. Helen NI tnsclwh ite presided over the ceemiony. Par s Designers Say Aprons to Be Worn on Beach This Year PARIS, (A)-The beach pajama style is dying in the salons which o Cl e Alpha Delta Pi. Alpha Epsilon Phi. Alpha Delta Pi entertained three The freshmen women of Alpha guests at a rushing dinner Wed- Epsilon Phi will honor the senior nesdoy evening. Red tulips were women tonight at dinner. Spring med for decorations. flowers and tapers in a color A buflet supper was given in hon- scheme of orchid and yellow will or of the Mother's club, alumni and serve as table decorations. patronesses Thursday e v e n1 1 n g. Chi Omega. Spring flowers were used for dec- { The active chapter of Chi Omega orations. I wilt be entertained at a steak roast Betty Quaise of Grand MRapids,n is afternoon at the home of Mrs. II Sawyer of Flint, and Mary Lills Taylor of Ann Arbor will be week- - end guests of the house. Jordan Hall. The residents of Jordan Hall en- teitained the graduate students of 5een (on the dormitory at tea on Thursday afternoon. Corsages were present- ed to the honor guests. Tea was poured by Mrs. Carl Huber, Miss Suit are without doubt the fa- Jeanette Perry, and Miss Failyer. vorite expression of what is right Lee Mason, Ruth Knepp, Barbara for spring. This morning we ob- Rose, Margaret Beckett, Mary Reif, served on campus one that comes Georgina Carlson, Helen Custer, the nearest to what a spring outfit May MacQuiaidVera Kreigoff, and should be. The suit was beige, Virginia Murphy were in charge of trimmed with smart bands of dark the affair. brown galyak a little above the The members of the Adult Edu- wrist. The coat was fitted snugly cation group will be entertained j about the hips, and was finished at tea at Jordan Hall this after- with a slight flare. At the time that noon. These women are making a I observed the wearer she had survey of Michigan's campus and thrown her coat open, revealig methods. --one of those smart new "Greta Gar- _ ________ bo" blouses in eggshell satin. The waist was of course a tuck- HONOR SORORITY in, showing to full advantage the HOLDS CEREMONY clever band with which the skirt had been finished. The suit in it- self would have been enough to Delta Omicron Installs Officers warrant comment, but this petite for Coming Year. co-ed had not been content with- out all the accessories. Hat, gloves, Delta Omicron, national music pocketbook, and shoes all were .of sorority, held installation of offi- brown, chosen no doubt to accent cers for the coming year Wednes- the note struck by the bands of day night in the Hostess room of brown fur. The hat tilted off the the League building. face gave a sauciness to the cos- The officers installed were: Edna tume which the snakeskin-trim- Houck, '33, regent; Dorothy Benja- med, tie-shoes completed. min, '33, vice--regentt; Mona Hutch- ~_~_~ ins, '34, secretary; and Fern Chap- man, '34, treasurer. Mrs. Lucile Schoenfeld was elected faculty advisor. Mrs. Russel Hussey, who has been sorority mother during the past year, will honor the chapter by continuing her office for another year. ial staff of the Michigan D'"ly. gave it birth. The committee in charge of The beach apron - with a short awarding the cup consisted of Elea- skirt instead of long trousers -- h, nor Mann, '34, chairman; Ruth taking its place. Gallmeyer, '32, and Ifilda Eastcott, "Since Coney Island took them up Galmcer '32,an I-=idaEascot'Cannes has turned them down," is '32. Cile Miller, '32, president of t dne's exrntion of the the organizationi for the past year, the designer's explanation of the t pajama scarcity in their new collec- acted as toastmistress at the ban- tions. "Whether America clings to quet and presented the cup. The members of the faculty in pajamas or not, the women who set the department of Journalism and the styles on the Riviera want their wives were guests at the af- something different." fair. Lee A. White, editor of the The new beach apron is as young Detroit News, was the principal as a little girl's pinafore, which in- speaker of the evening. Other out spired its design. It has a gored of town guests at the banquet in- skirt with a hem about 12 inches cluded the Misses Emily Grimes from the sand made on wrap and Frances Alvard of Detroit. around effect which buttons in the Professor John L. Brumm, head back and a short sleeved or sleeve- of the department of Journalism, less bodice which is sometimes as and Donal Haines, instructor in barebacked as a bathing suit. Journalism, spoke at the banquet. Beach aprons are made of linen Following the affair which took 'or pique in such quiet tints as beige, place in the Garden Room of the cream or white lightened with Women's League building, an in- splashes of bright red or green. formal discussion was held. Another version of the new beach The officers for the coming year mode is made of red and white pol- include: Eleanor Mann, '34, presi- ka dotted linen with a suspender dent; Helen V. Bailey, '33, vice top and a skirt as long as pajamas. president, and recording secretary; A third is a divided suspender Irma Robertz, '33, treasurer; and skirt of heavy white wool which Lucile Barnes, '33, keeper of the will not wrinkle in the damp sea air Archives and Matrix correspond- and which has the advantages of ent. the pajama's bifurcated cut. It is worn with a striped jacket of red, Barbara Braun Named green and white; brown, green and beige; or black, orange and white Mortarboard Delegate ! which is knitted like a sweater. -iThe few pajamas which are Barbara Braun, '33, has been se- shown in the latest collections have lected as delegate to the national narrower trousers than last year's convention of Mortarboard, senior designs. They are generally made of honorary society for women, which blue or sand colored linen. will be held at West Bayden, In- ! The new bathing suits fit almost diana, June 27-30. The convention is a bi-annual event and provides a means of determining the progress made by the members of Mortar- board in the various colleges. as closely as the wearer's skin. They are universally one-piece, made of heavy knitted wool or jer- sey in such bright tints as sapphire, emerald and orange. i1 M IYYM li I Iir .Y[Ilnil p. SPERIOR MILK and ICE CREAM 2-Layer Brick Vanilla and Grape Pineapple PUNCHES-FANCY MOLDS Phone 23181 F - - - -- ---- -- - a' a l f ®" ". .'"'.a-ITT Y:.::::;; r ' % _ :+:R: " 1[31:::: ait at:°::::::....... WHITE HATS for Decoration Week-End You may have white hats of any type you wish. For the week-end active and spectator sports-hats will be most necessary. We have turbans of fabrics .. .brims of stitched silk . . . flops of soft straws . . and comfy snug knits for motoring.