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May 26, 1932 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1932-05-26

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THURSDAY, MAY 26, 1932.

sion of plays "as such," that culminated in "Saint
Joan"; whereas "Too True To Be Good," now the
current Theatre Guild production in New York, may Dusic and D ama
Published every morning except Monday (luring the University be final item in the occasional plays of conversation,
by the Board in Control of Student Publications. miscellany, and argument best typified by "Getting drchitects Disgrace.
dember of the Western Conference Edlitorial Association. Married" and "Misalliance" of Shaw's middle ears. Student-Written One-Act Plays
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for re-Mai"n"slnc oSd ye
:ation of all news d<ispatches crelited to it or not otherwise In 1895 Shaw set the immortal characters of A Review
:ed in this paper and the local news polblishcd hehcin. "Candida" on the stage as social observation, satire, Watching Ballots, by R. Duane Wells
Gntered at the.Post Office at Alm Arbor, -Alichigan, as second and gospelling, relatively new to the English-speak-
matter. Special rate of postage granted by Third Assistant goers
uastcr General. ing theatre. (No wonder "Candida" was produced at By Barton Kane will find two and a half hours of
iubscription by'carrier, $4.00; by mail, $4.50 South Shields-wherever that may be.) He created _ivery pleasant entertainment being
his pompous minister in Rev. Morell, the precise iAthe presented by the students in Play
)ffices: Ann Arbor Press Building, Maynard Street, Ann ArborPoyAsuetith arhtcra.on. hns:ldoil 42;Bies,11., the genial curate in Lexy Mill, the uxorious
gan. Phones: Editorial, 4925; Business, 21214, rsy h eilcrt nLx il heuoiu rdcincassa h ie
_ _ _ _ _ _I__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __A_ __ _ _ P r o d u c t i o n c l a s s e s a t t h e M i m e s
apostate in Burgess, and the two great romantic school s at present dubious uab oratory Theatre this evening.
Telephone 4925 figures of the modern theatre, Candida and Eugene the honesty of his fellow students. Before an audience of amateur
Marchbanks. In one of the large courses a book playwrights-who, incidentally, are
MANAGING EDITOR Forty cynical years on, they less impress than(by one Mr. Fletcher is used. One responsible for the bill,-parents,
EDr OR FRANK B. GILBRETH amuse us with the inspired bite of Shavian charac- day the student returned to his desk friends, and unattached patrons of
EITOR ............................KARl, SI I"PmRT terization. Besides, they are now but the circle ofdr the s oan thatehad ntresting
es dior.............................Ma t .to'llriciI which Candida and Marchbanks are the center. In to find his Fletcher gone, and a h
ant Women's Editor-....d.............Elsie Feldman "TooTernquartette of one acs was displayed
aph Editor........................ rge \. t True To Be Good we have observed the ven- note saying "I have borrowed your last evening. The plays of the eye-
erableBernard as symbolist. In 'Ca ndida" we may Fletcher." The note was not sign- ning showed unusual ability on
NIGHT EDITORS look under the sharp-pointed spangles of social satire the parts of the various authors to
WV. P'ritchrd G lenn R. Winters JoscphliW. Reriilaned thpasofhearusuhrst
rackley Shaw Thomas Connel" ,. Jerome Pettit and find a younger Bernard that is romanticist as kind-heartedp choose the subjects with which
C. I1art Schaaf wellAsprofessorwin te yerte mosbts f aWith
~check specimens of hand writingin they were most familiar. With sev-
Sports Assistdnts Marchbanks is a yufupotwhich state before
sport Assitant Marcbanksis ayouthful poet, wihsaebfr all past bluebocks with 'that of the eral exceptions there was constant
A. tuber Roland Muartin Albert Newman the machine age was to be romantic or perish. He i an ebort t at the r motion toward the climax in each
° -note in an effort to locate the bor- mto oadtecia nec
REPORTERS is weak of body and strong of spirit; a lamb when or of the pieces, some arriving a little
r. Ar"hei Theodore 1K. Coen Alexander ilirschfeld Morell shakes him, a lion when he can retaliate with late and one in particular much
n J. Aronstam I )onal Elder Ward 1. Morton speech. He is sensitive and irritable, forthputting*
is Ball Robert Engel Robert Ruwitcli and caustic. He has glamoured Candida an elder
s G. Barndt Albert Friedman Alvin Schleifer The"Half-A-Stick by Sydney Rosen-
Bauchat Edward A. Gez G. Edwin Sheldricl woman and Morell's wife; believes that he better he arch school has a nice col-IHalney rs
d R. Birdtz aroldGross Robert W. Thorne understands and more craves her; would have her umn it received from the old De- hal, '34, was fortunately the first
d F. Blankertz Ercic Hall George van VieckctatPs fie ydrikadt eofrd a otntl e
d E. Blaser John C. [Icaley Cameron Walker as shelter in time of trouble, nurse to his hurts, troit Post Office. By derrick and e oitered. I say fortunately be-
s B. Brownson Robert 1. IJewett Robert S. Ward feeder to his dreams. He is the quintessence of Shav- cement it was carefully placed cause it was the least fiished play
~rilt Bhurting Ml B. Hliggiis Guiy AT. \Whipple, Jr.amnthpem etexitsu-ofhevnngTeatorwso
W. Carstens W. Stoddard white ian romance-a tremulous passion of mind and im_ among the permament exhibits out- of the evening. The author was no
L. Barton Prudence Foster Marie J. Murphy agination. As Marchbanks fancies, Candida cannot side the building. Rumblings aredoubt full of his story when he
r B. Blum aAgce GilbcrtMgaret C. Phalan nwhose dut rom students. The cal- wrote, anwherdrfometudets.thet
cyield. uttingaiva Morell. her husan


The Last Dance at the League



I .




Russ Morgan from 9 till 1:00

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Panamas! Stitched!


iabrics! Sheer Hats! Crochets!
All new and at new low prices ! r


$198 to 500




Liberty, one half block from Main Street

Cl ara.nc.

ne K.
try f.
ry h1

Bru.ker Caroli y ,ann.n Sarah K ucker ',
arver Jtrese ]. ran M1-arion Shepard Yet Candida, being also romantic, will not and umn is upside down. No one can
Collins Frances alnchester verly Start does not; while the conflict between the three and find, however, a picture of the old
Crandall EdithI. Maples arjorie <Wstern her choice betwen the two make the final and crucial post office to check the accuracy of
[. Duggan Marie. Metzcr JoseLhine woodun scene of the comedy. Add, too, that it makes one said allegation. Furthermore the
BUSINESS STAFF of the most beautiful, poignant and thrilling scenes column is extremely heavy.
Telephone 21214 ever written in the modern theatre. (Yes, my child, Until further developments the
I P.T JWNSON..........................AssistantManage* strange as you and your little playmates may think column will remain upside down.
SDepartment Managers /it after seeing "Too True To Be Good," Shaw, when The students wonder.
ing .......................... .......Vernon Bishop he chooses, can contrive and manipulate splendid
;g Contracts .........................Harry R. Begley suspense.)
ns Sieve..............yron C. Vedder
. .ons .ro.iiam T. Browr The romantical Candida has also done her bit of A police squad car roared down
.................Richard Strateme glamouring-not of Morell, since that would be im- a suburban district of the big city.
s Jusineas Manager.....................Ann W. Vernor


t E~. Burslcy
t Finn }
r E. Kohn
rd Schnacke
n W. Sharp
d A. Johnson,

)mln lyon
] e rn ard I.E. Good
I)onna Becker
Maxuine Fischgru'tnd
Anh Gallneyer
Katherine Jackson
DorothIy I'ayin
II irginia McCroXnib

Caroline Mosher
ide ('~Olson
[I eln Sebmude
AlI ay Scefried
Helen Spencer
Kathryn Spencer
1,athryn Stork
'lare Unger
Mary Elizabeth Watts

possible, but of herself. In her eyes, to her own Near a small wooded grove it stop-
imagination, she is refuge and comforter, providor ped, two loyal custodians of the law
and stimulator of men-the very image that the rushed out, pistols in hand, to cover
endearing Marchbanks has also raised of her. But a young lady digging in the ground
she also has a mind. Which of these two, Morell or with a trowel. Beside her was . a

Night Editor-C. HART SCHAAF
THURSDAY, MAY 26, 1932

Marchbanks, needs her more?
Her decision is the climax of the play. Even in
this 1932 it is a good and moving choice. The youth-
ful Shaw has remained ever-young in his "Candida."
His spirit of youth wil make it live when many of
his later pieces are happily forgotten. And it is the
final irony that it is the "romantic" Bernard Shaw
that will be handed down to the ages among the
Letters published in this column should not be construed as
expressing the editorial opinion of The Daily. Anonymous con.-
munications will be disregarded. The names of communicants
will, however, be regarded as confidential upon request. Contrib-
utors are asked to be brief, confining themselves to less than 300
words if possible.

for h
A wt
ma w:
to un
ped i

A Silver Lining
to Graduation Clouds

r bundle.
e was digging up a few violets
her garden, The law, satisfied
ned to its car. The young lady
ned to her digging.
ell-known Kappa Kappa Gam-
vished to do something this last'
tion. A local automobile dealer
ed three cars driven back
the factory. She volunteered
adertake the job.
me the day. Unfortunately the
were sans bodies, seats or fur-
ngs. The drivers had to sit on
gas tanks out in the open air.
ing daunted, the Kappa step-
n, or I should say, on the car,
e away the 250 miles home.
be college does prepare us to
the conditions we are to face
.' 5' *

across. He did, and very well, ex-
cepting for the fact that he left it
entirely up to one character to do
the job. It was a hard job appar-
ently for Mr. Benstock, who fell
heir to the difficult task. Despite
his almost too melodramatic make-
up and voice, Mr. Benstock could
not handle the much too long solil-
oquies of the old lens-maker. It was
not his fault at all; the lines were
simply unweildy. The story is that
of a young woman caged in from
the beautiful world by her horribly
religious father. Nevertheless, love
comes into the little back room of
the lens-maker's shop, and it is
only through the good offices of
two newspaper scandal mongers
that this love is able to triumph
over the squalid misery and tragedy
surrounding it.I
Tne only play representing the
women of the campus as play-
writes is "Beer Garden" by Adelaide
Symons, '32. "Beer Garden" can
hardly be called a play; it is too
short; it is more of a skit. Why!
Miss Symons didn't continue the
good work she started is more than
I can see. Too be sure she has her
story in mind as an unit, and so it
comes across the footlights. She
has wrapped it up in delicate tissue,
tied up the bundle in pink ribbons,'
and presented it to her audience on
a silver platter to take or leave.
Most of last night's audience took
it all and loved it. But it was only
an appetizer; there was not any-
where near enough to satisfy the.
hungry onlookers. Miss Symons has



I ,

,.. ,,

Also for Values to $5.00.
And for Values to $1.98..

. . . $1.00


Here is one event that hundreds of Ann Arbor women wait for! Almost
the entire stock of Mack's better hats will be sacrificed to Make room for
new summer sports models! Headsizes for everyone! Many matron hats



M ANY of last year's graduates, unsuccessful in
their search for employment, returned to the
University this year for a master's degree. Num-
bers of this year's seniors have also signified their
intention of doing the same if they are unable to
find a job.
There are several reasons why this is a wise
policy and should be considered by everyone about
to graduate. Anyone who is financially able to
stay in school another year lessens, by so doing,
the employment difficulties of those people who
must work to live. With thousands of people de-
pendent upon charity for their livihg, an individual
can render help quite as concrete as if he contrib-
uted to the Salvation Army if he will remove his
name from the list of job-seekers and thus remove
one name from the dependents on the community
And many who could not afford to take an-
other year under other circumstances can do so
now. Never has the cost of education been lower.
Prices of room and board have dropped prodigi-
ously within the past two years and in all likeli-
hood will remain down for several years to come.
A dollar will go farther toward a year's education
today than in many years past. In many cases the
cost of living another year in Ann Arbor will not
differ greatly from that of a year of enforced idle-
ness anywhere else.
The movement also will be of service if it
brings more forcibly to the attention of the grad-
uates the fact that as the number of graduates
increases yearly, the value of a batchelor's degree
becomes relatively less significant, and that it is
necessary now to have an advanced degree to
enjoy the distinction that was the batchelor's not
many years ago.
It is hard to find a silver lining in some clouds,{
but here is one even in the depression. There's no
great loss without some small gain.
by H. T. Parker
(Editor's Note: Mr. II. T. Parker is the critic of
the Boston Evening Transcript. His article on
"Candida" is re-printed here by special permis-
The Shavian balance is rectified. In reviewing in
succession "Too True To Be Good," play of 1931, and
"Candida," play of 1895, the critic realizes that on
nearly every score on which "Too True To Be Good"
was reproached, "Candida" goes blameless. The scene
in "Candida" is ordained; drawing room in St. Dom-
inic's parsonage in a northeastern suburb of London.
It is further described with the particularity custom-
ary to Mr. Shaw in his stage directions.
The six personages are unmistakably defined.
Each is an individual, having his, or her, life, traits
and stage-being. Their dress, manners, speech, and
action, consistently disclose them. There is a discov-



To The Editor: drove
I extremely regret a serious inaccuracy has crept Mayb
into your "Diagonal" of Wednesday, May 25th. j meet
The circumstances connected with the affair are after
far more complicated than was stated. The first
point I desire to clarify is that I have been the
aggrieved party. The differences between Mr. Chak- Pre
ravarti and me arose as the result of by being in- mind
strumental in bringing against him, at Coldwater, elect]
Michigan, a charge of intoxication, and of compelling had c
me to allow him to drive my car in that condition. cine
The under-sheriff and prosecuting attorney acted in alonc
my behalf and subsequently made a statement iousl
against Chakravatti to Dean Bursley. tionc
While in the office discussing this matter he, with- teere
out the slightest provocation, referred to me and "H
the officials of Coldwater as "damned liars." I im- swer
mediately challenged this statement and protested the t
to Dean Bursley, in whose presence it was made. turns
Dean Bursley thereupon stated that circumstantial
evidence was against him. This seemed to increase
his malicious wrath. And out of a clear sky he made M
false, slanderous, and malicious statements relative M y
to the character of my fiancee. min,
These matters, as vitally touching my honour and tean,
that of my friends, I subsequently demanded an tHam
,xplanation, seizing him by the sleeve. Thereupon he the b
savagely struck me and I defended myself. Ph
The lamentable part of the story is that in the 'egi
presence of all the circumstantial evidence on my and
behalf Mr. Chakravarti was permitted to enact his"Bu
Comedy of Errors without the slightest objection But


I written a piece about the pleasantly
esident McCormick is kept re- silly debutante class of modern so-
ed of the stuffing at the last ciety. The two particular debut-
ions. Yesterday, after the polls antes of the play are having an af-
losed, candidates Zias and Ra- ter party snack with their beaux
saw ward-heeler Mac start off who have grown up with them. The
with the ballot boxes. Anx- party is progressing rapidly enough
y inquiring as to the destina- when the mid-Victorian element
of the ballot boxes, they volun- enters the scene and spoils all the
d to help watch. perfectly innocent fun. It turns out
elen Newberry" was Mac's an- that said midvictorian element is
to the query. He left without the man to whom Agatha, one of
two. I await the election re- the debs present, has been engaged
with curiosity. by her careful mother. When this
outsider deliberatly cuts short the
life of the beloved "Schnapps," the
boom to send Harry Benja- only flower left in the revered beer
Alpha Sigma Phi activities garden, Agatha is not long in mak-
to Japan with the baseball ing up her mind that this man will
appears to be losing ground. never do as a husband. Eugenie
'y is also, you know, manager of Chapel heads the cast in the part
Jaseball team. of Agatha. She scintillates. and for
A1 Pack, Ann Arbor's leading that matter so does the whole cast.
ator, says Coach Fisher's wife The great technical knowledge
daughter will go on the trip. that Mr.' Nestle put to use in the



1 Hopeful Harry still lies awakej

from Dean Bursley. Under the most extenuating
circumstances I have been generous enough to save!
him from prosecution.
The story about my referring to some Indian as Two State street fraternity lads
"a damned low-caste" is absolutely baseless. I have were chasing each other around the
reason to believe the information reaching The Daily back of the Union yesterday. A
office was hatched by a journalist-room mate of the member of the School of Music
party concerned, and much of the false information grabbed his trusty wand, rushed
has resulted from their inherent disapproval of my j out of Morris hall, and halted the
support of the British government as opposed to game:
their nationalism. George Matthew, '33E. "Are there some criminals out
_ _here?"

writing of "Between Winds" is al-
most too much for the unsuspecting
audience to swallow in such a short
time as this piece plays. It is an
excellently constructed play build-
ling up to a climax by a series of




E DIT RIAL COMMENT Mosher-Jordan society item: the!
baby carriage is still on display at
A RULER'S NIGHTMARE the dorm, but it has been not so
carefully hidden behind the place.
(Daily Tar Heel) And incidentally, the elevator doors
It is apparently becoming increasingly dangerous are now locked tp on the hill dur-
to hold high political office in these troublous times. tng dances. 0 tempor, o mores!
The recent assassination of the president of France j_*>*
has been followed with a startling swiftness by the!
assassination of the premier of Japan-the second Donal Hamilton Haines, journal-
Japanese premier to fall at the hands of an assassin isin instructor, bought a new tennis
within a year. iacquet recently, strung with the
In Italy Mussolini has been constantly subjected new artifical gut. Tennis player
to the fire of would-be assassins; a few years ago a Haines was curious; wanted to

telephone calls, forest fires, deaths,
and dynamite blasts. The story,
deals with the loyalty of the forest
rangers to their duty regardless of
the hazards to their own life or the
lives of those dear to them.
Milliken as C a p t a i n Stevens,
in this same play should be handed
top honors for his performance. He
wasn't on the stage for very long,
too be sure, but while he was there,
there was no doubt that he was the
first and only Captain Stevens pic-
tured by Mr. Nestle when he wrote
the play.
The evening ends with a farce on
life in a small town in Indiana. The
ups and downs in the crowded life
of Ezra Hawkins makes for very
satisfactory humor in "Translated"
by Mr. Poque. The plot is indescrib-
able because of its levity, but at the
same time there is a plot and it is
very nicely handled by the cast.

LAKE Sylvan Gardens


ON U. S. 112

ON U. S. 112

SAT., SUN., MON., MAY 28, 29, 30


Del Delbridge
Ray Gorrell
(in person)
With their Orchestra

Added Feature Attraction
Frohre Sisters
N. B. C. Radio Stars
Park Plan Dancing

Free Admission


Continuous Dancing Begins at 3:00 P. M.


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