X, MAY 26, 192., " THE MTCHTGAN DATEY FACTE =1 THEMTHTGN 3ATY AGET- Ba.seba FOR ORIENTAL TOUR ON 11THOf 9AUCUST Nine Will Atte mpt to Repeat Successful Invasion of 1930. WILL PLAY IHAWAII Schedule of 15 Gamies Arranged; 'Trip Planned at Mei ji's Invitation. LITeam JA YVEE Certain of Suminer Trip to Japa NE TMEN DOWN ADRIAN, 7 TO( 4 k Publicity director Philip C. Pack. announced yesterday that t h e Michigan baseball team's proposed trip to Japan this summer has be- come a certainty and that all ar- wangements have been completed. A six-week trip is planned, the nine leaving from San Francisco on August 11. A stopover in Honolulu en route will be made in order to get in a series with the University of Ha- waii's squad. Once in Japan, the Wolverines will start immediately on a 15-game schedule, playing the leading teams of the country. Meiji to Play Host. 4 The general invitation to tour the country came from Meiji University, who also were hosts to Michigan on their former trip there. The Wolves have met Meiji at Ferry field on several occasions. Although no very definite re- ports are available yet as to the make-up of the team who will go tto Japan, acting-captain Superko, Daniels, Bnandle, Artz, Tompkins, Fergason, Manuel, Dif] ey,.Water- bo, MNeal, Wistert, and ,Petoskey all have a good chance. Hosler and Patchin, freshman pitchers, may also be taken along to bolster a weak pitc..hing staff if they are eli- gible. Went in 1930. Two years ago the invasion was rewarded by remarkable success on the part of the Michigan nine, prin- cipally due to'the pitching of Fred Asbeck and Bill McAfee, admitted- ly two of the finest hurlers ever produced here. This year Coach Ray Fisher will rely principally on McNeal and M- kay to subdue the Japanese, who are notably weak hitters. Jack Troipkis can also be called hron ceterfield + if necessary.TIN BOSTONEAN TP.INNATIONr AL 'Cardinals, Shut Oaut' by Grimes as ]Brown Whips Brooklyn. Brown, rookie Boston-° hurler, scored a 4 to 2 victory over the Brooklyn Robins this afternoon to keep the Braves in first place in the National League. Pittsburgh con- tinued to demonstrate their mast- ery over the third-place Cincinnati club 'by defeating the Reds 9 to 4, although the victors employed three hurlers. Burleigh Grimes proved that his right arm still has a good- ly share of power by limiting the St. Louis Cards to seven hits and blanking them ito the bargain. Rain prevented the games in the American League. NATIONAL LEAGUE Now York .. .321 402 000--12 17 1 Philadelphia 140 000 003 _.- 8 12 0 Fitzsimmons and Hogan; Elliot , Hansen and MCurdy. Brooklyn ... .100 000 100- 2 4 3 Boston ......030 000 lx- 4 7 0 Vance, Quinn and Lopez; Brown and Spohrer. Chicago .....000 101 001-- 3 7 0 St. Louis .....000 000 000- 0 7 2 Grimes and Hartnett; Derringor and Wilson. Pittsburgh . ..500 201 100-- 9 13 1 Cincinnati . ..020 020 000-- 4 9 '1 Kremer, Chagnon and Grace;I Carroll, j3enton, Ramey and Lmbar- di. AMERICAN LEAGUE St. Louis at Detroit, called at end of" third, rain. Only game sched- uled. I NOTICE t i I } Y ITo Enter Auto Race Au DP~PA ALPHA KAPPA LAMBDA HOLDS SPORT lifhl IIILUI~il CROWN IN FRATERNITY TOURNEYS STANDINGS By Charles A. Sanford. renovatien this year, taken by the TO I-. - - (hsste is o heeatcls; (Ths s hefistGftheearicesDar'k Horses; cross country by the* NATIONAL ILEAGUE 'pe-d or Indoor Courts Baffles Intramural activities are rapidlylyblbyte hiseSunt ......2' 12 64 Adrian Netters, Who Are approaching a close for another ana ritc a u a o t~ta~ti2 . r again. T he additional event of the Chicago . . 23 13 639J A:;t:laeTe"ams year, and a final reckoning of anulAm'ieDy u'a o iiinai,.2 9 .2 standingoandatr phyewin ersmis. the fall Sigm Delta Psi trials, box- St. Louis.. . . .17 19 AV'7 bigmdtoflonrcrasoeby Conger, and of course there were New York . 14 17 .452 Greatly handicapped by the un- of the department's most success- ing and wrestling shows to fill ot PittsburjIt ......,. 14 11 .437 accustomed speed of the bounce on ful programs. Fall, winter, and the :first thirdr f the ,year. fI roolyn i _........ 15 21 .41"17 .r Nteido ors h dinCl-liile th norcutteAra o-spring cards have been run off ino After the holidays the, winter yilEc _....1 r .0°rI lee;ete povd ay =re ys good order and with considerable sp~rts calendar starter. with th tcrdlay to the all-around ability of interest and participation by hund- usual basketball and crowns in fr:o- N ANFERICAN LEAGUEi r the Michigan Jayvees in a match reds of students. ternity play were taken by the Betaus I i 4 ;- -'in the Intramurial building.. The A glance back through these sop- inlass "A", the D.U.'s in class "1B," i 1 tshri iton -- .- ---- 22 13 691) Wolverine ntters swept every one arate calendars gives in review the and A.K.L. in class "C." The Phy- ¢i'r iL..........8 15 54; loof h nge sen adesfithotte story of this aggregate of 62 events kcal Eds forged ahead to win amrong C leveland - - 1 1 .514 lossof asinle st, nd wre odf Intramural competition. In thr'ee the Independents. Other fr atrnit y to accept defeat in only 10 games.tilswntoAhaCiSorfr . azi 1; {) 6 Intenmeroefnle acAthe main divisions, all-year win- tile wet o Aph Cl S?'1[o AppetIn woenuwithrompaaivgeaeschaers already'have undisputed claim bowling, Lambda Chi Alpha'., tank-...........-~ 2: over Bno fAdrian,6-'6-. eIdpnetrc iceA-Omega repatd adtis time Besno*O 1 con;thakHreshvegani wminApa........ ...._' Benson took his only game, the sec-phChislangterosina alone, in foul shooting, Tat Dltia tri m.. Strong ~>~);>: ~§::y :~ K end in the last set, on his own serv- phternitis edforthe thrdouesshadthlrtrit ea ems oMnrsfrSao Asicewhich ausedTppestProubleive year, and Alpha Kappa Lamb-an AKL.wnterfuhtil throughout. dahstefrtriytil nte by taking indoor track. Billy Arnold, noted race track Baldwin, Michigan, defeated Dil- dag has theifraeronity tea n TeAlCmu bree DETROIT, May 25. "-- Kenneth demon, will be back on the track lie, Adrian, in the second ranking ba 'o hi eon r h l-amu ubr eeSrng, forner New York Univer- at the start of the. 500-mile. speed match, 6-0, 6-3. Dillie was able to A.K.L Wins Two Titles. meandantrd started do when Chuck: Ni- sity star athlete has been sent to classic at Indianapolis on May 30, win three (games in the second set(II h alAKL oktolrt e atrdido ens iPiT~itib h eri iesmn atcr having cracked uip while lead- largecly through his hard ,service, el-nity crowns in speedlbal and vo- I Phi again won the ice hockey title, gewneit, it Was afrnicedl today.i ing" 100 miles from home last year. which he was able to control better cblwieda simn ai ~nbrgto adalsnlS trong injutred his throwing hand Hle won the race in 1930. than in the opening games. eis were annexed by Lambda Chi and Friedman and Berkley teamed last year and had several opera- ____In the thir'd ranking match, San- Alpha. Theta Chi barely lost out up to take the doubles. Johnny tioiis on it this spring, buit it didi dulyhad little trouble with the in1 the swimming but came through Rcindcel had an easy time in squash, nort heal as expected. He will lirob- STAI TRA K EN Adrin opponent, Reese, winning{ for championship inl water polo, ardi Loveland starred in bowling, ably be able to play later in the! M~1ET AT INDIANA, almost, will in straightt sets(;_21 and Phi Beta Delta repeated ni winning the singles andwith Wt season and return to the Detroit G-0. Root, Mchirga n, lst only on I.~ handball. Sigma Pi picked up, the erbor, taking thin doubles team in the spring. game in his match with Kelly to (, reek letter wrestling crown ,'and----------.---- Hoosiers, Purdue, Butler, Ball, winl 6-1, 6-0. the cross country honors were1 I e}Cattw Entered inl Meet. fI the last ranking singles match, awardfed tto Pi K alppa lpha. 'W_____ ;proved his complete super'- All-Camplus evnts .tartecl wTth I a t anC(' atthe JLague iority on the boards by chalking up t;oi, Larry Trott winning the first, - (Special to Ti-icDaily) a 6-0, 6-1 victory over McNaighton and Dave Shetter the second BLOOMINGTON, Ind., May 25.----' of Adrian, flight..- Seymour S .igl, frosh court IT Thetate s aktrayin teni Micthigan won both of the dlouble. star , captured tire tenis tourney, .Ro'~ ID A *'Y,*' M AY 27ce ppl n adin em hl M~la.la -te1ed t meet hetre next Saudyi h In ing to defeat Kelly and Bensoni, 6-1, the cross country number. The2 r nual Indiana State Intercolletgiate i 6-0, while Sandusky and Root. pair-- final A-C event of soccer went to track and field meet in the memn- ed to win over Re, se and Dillie, 6-0, the Cosmopolitans and with it the oilsaim Wihottnig6-1.. beautiful Kanti trophy for the year. Rus Morgan from 9 till 1:00 anlsaim ihottnig--- Independent play scattered titles men form Indiana, Purdue, Do- S[TMMARTES to three groups; tag foot ball, a_____________________________________ Pauw, Butler, and Ball State Teach- Appelt (M) d. Denson (A), 6-0, ----'T--_._ ers entered, the competition is ex- 6-1. pected to be intense and records 1Badwin. (M) d. Dillie (A), 6-0, good. 6-3. Indiana's powerful track team, Sandtisky (M) 41. Reese (A), 6-2, of course, reigns as the top-heavy Do-yo favorite. in the advance dope,, but Root (M) d. Kelly (A), 6-1, 6-0. the four other strong Indiana teams Waring (M) d. MNaughton (A), will be a factor for the H-oosiers -, 6-1. to take into consideration. A num- Appelt, Baldwin (M) d. Kelly, ber of the smaller schools will have Denson (A), 6-1, 6-0. specialty men onl hand pickinig aup Sanidusky, Root (M) d. Reese, 1)1- noints. i lie (A). 6-0. 6-1.- CHAMPION RIDER HERE WITH MOUN', Olymnpic Equestrian Winner Training in California. LOS ANGELES, May 25. --_ (/P) Capt. C. F. Pahud de lMortang and his famous mount, Marco I wich lie rode to victory in th individual equestrian cham~plonshi of the 1928 Olymipics for Hlollan( wil arrive here July 3 t() detfend .th Accopanyng te catainwill b twon o the.r riders, Lahdr A. Van Len niepan J. D~e Bru1ine withi thei hizh ;schooled steedsr. The balanc ol the "iOlympic 1(tea Imlrom ollan Tl'-toca~il commu itee a1lso hais bee in1 !W(r i:.°; t(1_e Ita liar team of 12 ""~~tio~ ill arrive here cJuly 1ST : ji t; oM a cliuia an-d Afghan1itantwo n7 t ions not classed as" Olymipic "our. tries can participate in the interne tional.contes:; ha,:, been pres"ent to tireoraiigcm tte f(,gliwl y I i itinion a ther cmp titor cn b etere ; ", , 21-t-, ', LX I, I# -V, %P-.L. I i --777 7, " 1i''r 1SjS}'ta %- qmI T SALr innaier G : ,, . 1) - "-~, o Al most Examinations will be held for Red Cross certificates in the. In- tramural Paol from 3 to 6 p-m., on Thursday and Friday, and will be given by J. M. Powers, special exaiminer from St. Louis. Coach Matt Mann. an untouichable" subject icigarette advertisi g *.yet 7 out of 10 smokers inhale knowingly- Sand the other 3 inhale unknowingly! $ 3 7:i $0 SUITS NOW.. ..$12 SUITS NOW.. 7"-i75 ,; 'ij- 75 $40 SUITS NOW.. $45 SUITS NOW. . 1t R EALLY now -how often have you wondered why the subject of inhaling has been generally avoided in cigarette advertising? Why the mystery? Why the si- lence? We all inhale-knowingly or unknowingly! Each and every one of us breathes in some part of the Luckies assure you the clean, pure cigarette you want ... because cer- tain impurities concealed in even the finest, mildest tobacco leaves are re- moved by Luckies' famous purifying process. Luckies created that process. Only ILuckies have it! "Fifty million smokers can't he I It IN I 1 0 1s lwk- - .0qv- I A Mm