THE MICHIGAN DAILY ST LlMIIAgTION, School League Cut From to 32 Teams as iesult of First Matches. GU'RNEYIN,-CHARG~E FA~R EAS'TER BATTLEFIELD SCENE ESTIMATE LIQUO ~rq176, DEPRESSION LOWERING WIFE-RA TE IN IRA Q, CLAIMS KAMI L TOONIANs ppk ,rity Extension. Dvision and Detroit Free Press Conduct !'Contest. Returns of the first elimination debate fi the Michign high school debating league, rnaaged by the ~University extension division and sponsored by the Detroit Free Press, wore announced by James H. Mc- Burn anager of the League. Of the 64~ schools entered; 32 will. coh~- tinue in~ the competition for state chamioship honors in successive eliinaiondebates to' Pe heldi 11 ;ch 4and8, April 1 and '15, and the state championship de.bate in Ann Arbor on Apri 21. Schools in the western part of the state to survive the first elim- ination series are Muskegon, Hart, P'aw Paw,. Grand Rapids Christian, Hastings, Zeeland, Grand Rapids South, and Coldwater. Grand Rap- ids Cristian rem~ains in. the corn- ptii byt virtue~ of a, victory over *khdRpids~ Union, runner-up in lastyea.r's-debates. Muskegon tStr~ong: /Muskegon Senior continued its record of victories by defeating; Gradville. Muskegon has an im- prsse record this year with vic- oisover Grand R~apids Union, Grn apids Ottawa Hills, Kala~- ma2666Cetr~al, and Grand Rapids Cenftral. Grand Rapids South, run- nier-up in the Legue Series in 1929, defeted.~ Muskegon Heights. Schools in northern Michigan to cniue in the competition' are Mato and Cheboygan, which won the StteChampionship. Debate in Detroit schools victorious in the lasit series are Redford and Detroit Theresa. Redford, Detroit city Chapion, because of its victory over St. Anthony, looms as an im- portant candidate in this year's series. Pontiac Senior High elim- inated Detroit Northwestern. Other schols to continue in the series nr: Armanda, Mount Clemneis, TIrenton, Northville, Ferndale, Mid- larid~, Williainston, Stock~bridge, El- sieSaginaw Arthur Hill, Flint Cen- tray Yale, Oxford, St. Mary's,' and. Royral Oak. The querstion is, "Resolved: That the State of Michigan should enact legisation providing for, a system, of Compulsory Unem~ployment In- Thschedule for the elimination, edbate on March ;4 is as fqllows: Iron Mountaini-Iron River.1 Muskegon - Hart. PawPaw - Grand Rapids Chris- Ferde - Detroit St. fheresa. Hatings - Zeeland. Granid Rapids South - Coldwa- Assaciated Pre s h Above is a pietuire showing, a numtsber of fallen. Chinese' soldi+ers who tried- to block the Japanese advance on Harbin; Japanese conquerers can be seen i'n. fte background on- the right'. Associated Press{ dispatches indivat ed thaxt-, fuorllowing open field enga gie ncits, There Were many scenes like this one on theI Sino-Japanese battlefront. Ipr TIMfSC&JTS ,Ctitto t Events Competition Has Prizes Totalling $250 in DiMv4i ns: Trhe University of Michigan pre- liminaries of the 1932 New York: Times current events contest will: be6 hield at from 2 until 5 o'clock. T.uesday, March 1, in room 2203, Angell hall, it was °announced yes- terday. Prizes for the contest are : first, $150, for which all undergraduates aire eligible; second, $75, for which. only ,freshmen and sophomores are eligible; and third, $25, for which all undergraduates are eligible'. Prof. E. S. Brown, of the Political; Seience. department, who is chair-" man of the contest here, has an- nounce' that he will be in his'ofgfce ini Angell hall from. 2 until 4 o'clbock today, and from 9' until 11 tomor- row, to, answer questions which students intending to participate' ANNOUNCE NADER-CLAS, ELIGIBILITY~ FORBROSO-THUVMAS COMPETITION C :Guiard Official Ascribes1 La-ge Fleet of ]Runners ' to Gneat Combines,. c .rc, cdPress) WASHING TON, Fe:b. 24. -The e~~vY4 u"rsiatesthat "large, h~~~~, i:h yoraized international uynbi~es"aie~erating 176 liquor- ~wgi .,,essels along United F< c 7ra F. C. Billard, corn- nmfl~nt 'j testified before the; Aoaw - apropriations committee in hearing on the treasury department °ul:,lly bill reported today to the house. ' -hese VrcSSI;, Biliarci estimated, are landing th same amount of al- coholie liquors that 163 ships did last year. He added. ":tis; perfectly apparent that if we had a sufficient number of coast guard craft to keep all the smugg- ling vessels under constatnt surveil-- lance, we would have the situatLion entirely contr.olled." Dr. James Mt. Doran, commission- "er 01: industr ial alcohol, told the same comrmictee he believed the il- legal diversion of industrial alcohol is decreasing. He added: "We think that the diversion of industrial alcohol" is quite small. Iu undertake to say that at no tine will it be possible to so control the produ(,ts made from denatured al- cohol that there will be no diver- sion."% Billiard testified that Canadian, legis liion has materially reduced liquor smuggling_ on the Great Lakes. Hfcontinued "Smuggling is now carried on al- moat eclu sively by large;, highly orgaInired international combine.. "Our iinformation- indicates tha i, there }are ?tthe present tiime forei z_ liquor vessels engaged in the uie; o f attempting to. smugleliqoron the Atiantic "Th.- vesselis, ha ilingpinciipally from Nova ta and INew Found- land, have a base, of operations the islands of St. Pierre, Miquelon,' the Baham-as and other islands of. the Wves,,,Idies."1 ,. Widening of the field of' eligibil- ity for competition in the Bronson- Thomas essay contest in German will this year be accomplished by admitting, all -undergraduate stud- ents in German to compete, accord- ing to an announcement made yes- terday by the German department. The. contest, carrying an award. of $50, will be determined on two factors. The first requirement is an essay in German on the "Influ- ence of the Strasbourg Period on, Goethe." Formerly this essay was Witnhdrawvals Continue to Come in; Literary School Has 169 New Students. New University enrollments for the second semester totalled 511 organized under the instruction of Prof. J~. A. C. Hlldner. This year the paper is to be prepared extra- miuralfly and must be submitted on or before. April 21, 1932. The sec- ond qualificatiop will consist of an exkamination on the life and works of G',Oetlie up to 1775. Last year no award was made, due to the small' number of partici- pants. It is expected that, due. to the increased number of eligible students, this contest will be at- tenide& with much more interest this year. Wheteler WinesRifle, Pistol +Competition B enamin W. Wheeler, instructor in history, won the February fac- ulty pistol and rifle shoot. Prof. John Ek Emswiler of' the engineer- ing school received second place among the 18 contestants. A may have. _ last night, according to assistants of Registrar Ira M. Smith. No fig- M~olina ViII Address urtes were available regarding total University enrollrmnt, because of SpanishSac~et Here te fact that withdrawals continu- ed to come in at a rate that made Prof. Felipe Molina:, head of the ' any estimate of probable second se- Spanish department of Toledo Uni- mesten enrollment impossible. versity, and consul from Nicaragua In the literary school 117 men for Toledo, will address members of and 52 women had registered yes- SOciedad AisPaniica' at 7:30 O'clock terday, while 65 new men were list- tonight at the' League. ed in- the engineering school. To- Professor Molina, who is also a, tats for men and women were 324 i I .1 4 corresponldent for several Central American newspapers, will discuss "Don Quixote" before the group of students of Spanish at their r'u- and 18'1,respectively. . C~ ouncllos'°raintig and.--- Williamston. Ito -Cheboygan. l 1rit~ge - Elsie. tic- Saginaw Arthur Hill. t~ Central - Yale. Dd-Royal Oak St. Mary's. olt, Redford - Royal Oak. Lad-a - Mt. Clemens. Iton -- Northville. of deputy sheriffs' operating' Topeka, Kas., are to be ec1 with radio receiving ap- is. .Power of Breckenridge, Tex., I riding the trail in 1886 and an active horseman. Jar bi-monthly meeting,-eda ore -a ~etn thattirr1~e.Over 100 men reported for the second meeting of the camp coun- Plan Latint-Aierican cillor training course held last Inauuraion anq et ight in room 231, Angell hal, when_ Boyd 'I. Walker, metropolitant Y. M. C. A. bpys' work secre-tary, Plans for a banquet which will spoke on "Duties and Responsibil- inaugurate' the "Sociedad Latino- ithies of Camp Leaders." Am~ericana" were anrnounced yes- The course is the first of its kin d terday by Arturo A. Plard, '3, who ever 6'ff ered in the University and isi is in charge of general arrange- the only one given by a university ments. at the preesnt time. Eight statesI Prof. Arthur S. Aton of the his- in the east and middle west were~ Coryr department will be the prinzci- repre'ented at the meeting. pal speaker at thec banquet which Meetings of the course will be will take place at 6:30 o'clock Fri- held every Wednesday night for the dlay ,in the Union. More than 251 next 10 weeks, it was announced stuzdents, representing 10 Lati.n-" yesterday, and although more turn- American countries, ar~e expected to ' ed out than were expected, it is still attend. possible to enroll. Fifty-one mautf acturing plants Reduction ,fn fire losses in, Kansas and 50 manufacturers' branch of- City over a five-year period excceed'- flees have been located at Birming- ed cost of, operating the entire fire I rrdrir, .r ra , srrrc:c, lya --_ t g. _ * 0 ICHIGAN NOW ,PLAY ING.----- MUSICAL EVENT All programs are' given in 1-ill Azudi'oritym unless orllerwise noted. ii The afre'noon concerts are given' withou"t admhission charge. WASSILY BESEKIRSKY, Vio- linist, AMABEL RIOSS RHEAD, Pin,.mts, in S o n a t a Recital; Mvarch 6, 4:15,' Mendelssohn r Theatre. CHA 2iOTTE L O CK W O O , Organist, M-arch 2, 4:15. ROSA PONSEILEr, Soprano,° March 7, 8:15. J0OiRPI BRINIAN, Pianist, r''a' ch 13, 4:15. JOSEPI-I BRINKMAN, Piainist, and H.ANNS PICK, Vilon- cellist, inl Sonata Recital, M'arch 27, 4:15, Mendelssohin Theatre. UNIVERSITY S YM P H ONY C RUV'STRA, David F. Mat- tern, Conductor, and J IANNS PICT;,. Violoncellist, April' 3, I 4:15. can sell rus girls ice to Eskimos, corsets to and the Brooklyn B~ridge, Broadway Columnist. What a line! What a [over! fAILV -A,! .em1