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May 25, 1932 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1932-05-25

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i K

Published every morning except Monday during the University
year by the Board in Control of Student Publications.
Member of the Wcstern Confcrcnce Editorial Association.
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for re-
publication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise
credited in this paper and the local news pulblished hehein.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second
class matter. Special rate of postage granted by Third Assistant
Postmaster General.
Subscription by carrier, $400; by mail, $4.50,
Offices: Ann Arbor Press Building, Maynard Street, Ann Arbor,
Michigan. Phones: Editorial, 4925; Business, 21214.
Telephone 4925
CITY EI)ITOR ............................KARI, SE'AFFEUT
Sports Editor..................................John W. 'holmas
Women's Editor .................argaret O'Blrien~
Assistant Wonn's Editor.. . .................Elsie Feldman
Telegraph Editor............................. George A. Stauter

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3tanley W. Ai uheim
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1larjori Western
Josephine Wowdhaniu

thentic little love story about an American young
man and an English girl who falls desperately in
love at first sight. Of course, the passion of the I
hero and heroine attains a velocity somewhat un-
'psual in international courtships, coming to blossom
in five hours' time. But as the hero explains, Romeo
and Juliet burned for each other after five speeches.
At the beginning of "There's Always Juliet" the
girl is discovered at the telephone, seeking to identify
an attractive American she has just met at a tea
party. She is of the unsusceptible type of English
woman, and is a bit surprised at her interest in the
foreigner. In the midst of her naive inquiries the
hero appears in her flat, having been impelled to
visit her by an urge similar to her own.
He is handsome in an obtrusive Yankee way, in-
offensively self-confident and with a gift of amateur
small talk, not too humorous to interfere with its
plausibility. Fortunately, too, Mr. Van Druten has
a keen ear for the American language.
The affection for the lovers progresses with great
rapidity and reaches the caressing stage before the
end of the first act. In a candid exchange of motives
the lady warns the stranger that if his errand is
carnal he will be disappointed, since prudence is
stronger with her than inclination.
That opinion she retracts later when she learns
that she must lose him. She cannot marry him, on
account of obligations to her parents, but she will
go with him to Southampton unchaperoned. The
American declines with characteristic nobility in a
scene beautifully and poignantly written.
Frequently the parallel between "There's Always
Juliet" and its famous predecessor in "Romeo and
Juliet" is not too strained. There is an amusing
similarity in the plot, with sly modern inuendos and
a sense of delicate modern sophistication.
The most remarkable thing, however, about Mr.
Van Druten's comedy is that four characters are
sufficient to tell the whole story. What they do,
what they say, what they think make a genuine
comedy without those adventitious pyrotechnics that
most four-character playwrights are compelled to set
off. Although its wits and humors are full and deli-
cious, you do not feel that "There's Always Juliet"
lives only by its wits, like Noel Coward's "Private
Lives" of last season (and also a four character play).
Not only, in my own opinion, is this compassionate
comedy the best play of Mr. Van Druten's career-
among plays of his that already have the hallmark
of real ,distinction-but it finds him doing in a more
romantic and less rowdy vein the same kind of thing
that Noel Coward's achieved, far less subtly, in "Pri-
vate Lives." Artful as the technique of "There's
Always Juliet" is, the play has the ring of life about
it. His lines are tender without being maudlin, gay
without being strained, and playful without being
coy. It is a subtle trick that he has turned.


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Remodeling and Alteration P
of Women's Wear. We employ only highly skilled craftsmen. Ii
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CHARLES T. KLINE.............-........... Business Manages
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Department Managers
-dvertising--.. . ...................Vernon Bishop
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Acounts.............g......... ....Richard Stratemeir
Women's Business Manager.................... Ann W. Vernor

Irvil Aronson
Gilbert E. Bursley
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Arthur E. Kohn
Bernard Schnacke'
Grafton W. Sharp'
Donald A. Johnson,
Dean Turner'

])on Lyon
Bernard H. Good
Donna Becker
\laxine Fischgrund
Ann Gallneyer
Katherine Jackson
Dorothy Laylin
IlVirginia McCromb

('aroline Mosher
IIclen Olson
Helen Schmude
May Seefried
Helen Spencer
Kathryn Spencer
Kathryn Stork
Mdary Elizabeth Watts

Student Government
by the President
E MASCULATE the Dean of Student's office;
abolish the Senate Committee on Student Af-
fairs; place the 'real power in the hands of the
President. There you have the new Student Coun-
cil plan in a nutshell.
President McCormick has been working all
year on a plan for real student government, and
the document which was passed Monday evening
after three hour's discussion represents the efforts
of his committee for over one semester. Yet there
are several changes which must be made before
the plan can become really effective.
In the first place, the members of the upper
house are all appointed by the President. From
the composition of that body, it appears to be
taking the place of the Senate Committee on Stu-
dent Affairs as a check on action of the Council.
Should not, therefore, student members be chosen
as they are now, namely heads of campus organ-
izations who by their past work have shown an
interest in student government? As long as the
student members are appointed by the President,
no matter who they may be, the students will
intuitively call them administration mouthpieces.
Furthermore, all the members of the upper
house are removable at will by the President. Such
provision certainly does not secure government by
the students. It does, however, provide for gov-
ernment by the President, and therefore how does
this plan change the present system?
The new constitution is rather vague as to the
powers of-the new Council. Perhaps it is best so.
The new group, after a few necessary changes
have been made, will have to feel its way along in
establishing itself as student government. "Student
conduct and student activities" are to be bound
by laws established by the new Council. But the
enforcement is to be delegated to some other per-
son or group. Will the Council set up its own
committee of students to provide for enforcement?
It failed in the auto ban. Will it delegate enforce-
ment to officials of the University?
An interpretation of these and other parts of
the new constitution would be welcomed.
The Council, we believe, should not take this
plan to the Regents for approval until they have
first obtained the endorsement of the student body.
Regardless of what the Council may think, it is
not representative of student opinion. An all
campus vote on the plan would certainly carry
a great deal of weight with the Regents At the
same time, the students could not be expected to
pass any scheme that would seem to give them
self government and still place all final decisions
in the hands of the President's office.


Peeping Toms.
Wild Indians.
Cutting in on the Racket.
By Barton Kane

The Kappa Kappa Gamma house is the favorite
haven for Ann Arbor's "peeping-toms." Two weeks
ago a man was chased off the premises by two male
students who were calling at the time. The incident
was repeated a few days ago. The Kappas pull the
On Friday two male students walked out to Toumy
bills; stood on U.S. Highway 112; asked cars for a
ride; were picked up by a tough individual driving a
Ford truck. The driver proceded for three miles;
stopped by a thick woods; told the boys to wait;
picked a bunch of forget-me-nots for his wife; con-
tinued to Detroit whistling softly.
Railroad Jack, memory expert and Ann Arbor tra-
dition, has been spending the spring a short ways
outside of the city limits. Recently, Jack was philo-
sophising; walked absently; stepped into a deep hole;
broke three ribs. At the present time he is rapidly
recuperating, and philosophising.
Uncle Joe Bursley was almost called upon to
referee a grudge list fight that occured outside of his
office yesterday. George Mathews, hot-headed, high
caste Indian student and Sudhir K. Chakravarti, un-
assuming, lower caste compatriot took a dispute to
Watcher of Student Morals Bursley.
High Caste Mathews became insensed over the
remarks made by Chakravarti about his fiance; ex-
plained that he was of a superior rank; allegedly
threatened his rivals life; walked out of the Dean's
Chakravarti remained calm; tried to smooth
things over.
Assistant to the Dean saw the two men leave the
office; believed the quarrel adjusted; thought the
men to be friends; saw Mathews turn and strike
compatriot; rushed to the scene of action.
Pandemonium reigned. Secretaries flocked from
all corners. Chakravarti has been hit with glasses
on; was bleeding at the mouth; was so much smaller
that he could do nothing to protect himself.
Dean's henchman Muir and Custodian Regan
pulled the Indians apart; led them to different doors
of University hall; sent them home.
Chakravarti hid behind a tree until the larger
man was out of sight; went to the Health Service to
have his cut looked at; was informed that there is
a law in the state of Michigan against hitting a man
with glasses; said that he would take no action..
Mathews is not well liked by other Indians on the
campus; his associates are subservient to his de-
mands; is hot tempered; once kicked a student and
said, "don't talk to me you damned low caste,," writes
syndicated stories about India for the Detroit news-
papers; is tall, dark, and good looking.




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by Robert Henderson

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