--- - I .-dommi. Noww"I'd Ad. ESTABLISHED 1890 ICr tr 4 ~All I I i MEMBER ASSOCIATED PRESS VOL. XLII, No. 171. SIX PAGES ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, MAY 25, 1932. WEATHER: Cloudy. PRICE FIVE CENTS EXPORT DEBENTURE IPLA IS IJECTED FTE R LONG FIGHT Election Contests Against CoyleI and Difney Disallowed c by Lower Group.f AMEND REVENUE BILLt New Senate Test on Prohibition1 Promised as Resolution C by Bingham Appears. WASHINGTON, May 24.- (P)-2 The troubles American farmers are having with surplus crops and low pri'ces were told in. the Senate to- day as a part of the dragging de- bate on the billion dollar revenue bill. In. the end, however, it rejected the export debenture plan which was proposed as an amendment to the tax bill. The House, ineanwhile, washedt its slate clean of election contests by disallowing those which were brought against Rep. Coyle and Difney. That done, the House looked for- ward, to devoting the remainderof the session to relief measures d-1 signed to aid the city and rural1 dweller alike. Speaker Garner said1 today his $2,100,000,000 relief pro-1 gram to provide jobs would, be senti to the ways and means committe e this week where speedy action isj in prospect.; Prohibition Test Seen Another Senate test on prohibi- tion was promised when Sen. Bing- ham, whose efforts to legalize beer have been unsuccessful, introduced1 a resolution to repeal the Eight-9 eenth Amendment and have it lieI on the table. The vote will prob- ably come when he moves to haver it taken up. That will be soon, he1 said. While farm relief was discussed on the Senate floor, the finance coma itte Amended the revenue bill, to pSace a 10 percent sales tax on automobile tires and tubes in place of the import levies now in it. Later Sen. Walsh announced he would offer a general sales tax of one and three-fourths percent as a substitute for the excess taxes in the measurel. Rep. Rainey, the Democratic leader, said he believ- ed that sales tax adherents were being gained in the House where it was twice rejected. Urges Budget Balance. Norris in offering the export de- benture plan - a system whereby farmers would get half of the amount of the tariff on a product exported-urged prompt disposition of the vital budget balancing bill. Earlier in the day, the finance committee voted to make the rates on automobile tires and tubes a flat 10 percent sales tax instead of a tax of five cents and three cents a pound, respectively. It also agreed to cut the proposed 25 per cent tax on race track ad- mission to 10 per cent - the same rate as applied on other admissions. Despite a protest from banks collecting the*two cents tax on checks, the committee stood by this proposal. CURTIS TGO TOJUYTUSA County Prosecutor at Lindbergh Estate to Decide Course of Prosecution. IIOPEWELL, N.J., May 24.-(IP)-- Final 1932 Gargoyle Will Appear Today Retirbn EdItors Take r Fing atIRuthven, Burstcy. Gargoyle's "Hail and Farewell" issue, the last of the school year, will be out for sale on the campus this morning. In it the retiring editors take their last fling at their felow-studets and long-suffering teachers. President Ru thven and Dean Bursley, who are always the first to suffer, receive their share of the punishment along with everybody else from the Michigan Daily to the Sociology department. Several columns of clipped ex- changes from other college maga- zines are offered for the express purpose of demonstrating how freakish that phenomenon known as "some people's humor" can be. O-----. PNEUMONIA SETS IN, Condition of Student Injured in Class Games Termed Very Serious. An attack of pnqumonia has ren- dered serious the condition of Berne T. Gustafson, '35E, who has been confined in the University hospital with an infected foot since he injured it in the class games three weeks ago. Pneumonia has been feared for several days, and its presence was confirmed late last night by Dr. A. C. Kerlikowske, chief resident phy- sician at the hospital, who said that "his condition is very serious indeed, and much worse than yes- terday." Gustafson, whose home is in Mel- rose, Mass., hurt his foot during the tug of war between the freshmen and sophomore classes during the Spring games. The sophomores, outnumbered many times, tiedtheir en4 of the rope to a plow, anda' number of freshmen including Gustafson, found it necessary to dislodge the implement before any further progress could be made. In the ensuing fracas, the sharp point of the plow cut a large gash in Gustafson's foot. He was taken to the Health Service, where he was treated until the infection became so great that it was necessary to remove him to the hospital. NEWEST PLANET IS NAMED '1932' And It's Only 4,350,000 Miles Away, Say Discoverers. HEIDELBERG, Germany, May 24. -(EP)-The Heidelberg observatory tonight announced the discovery of a new planet, which it tentatively named "1932," which can attain a proximity of 7,000,000 kilometers to the earth. (This is approximately 4,350,000 miles.) NEW YORK, May 24.-()-The Heidelberg "planet" is a very small object and a few miles in diameter. It is one of the celestial bodies usually called a planetoid. More than 1,000 of these planet- oids have been discovered in the past few years. Most of them are at a great distance from the earth in orbits far out between Mars and Jupiter. The largest of them is about the size of England if that country could be rolled into a ball. Most of them are quite small and the im- portance of this latest discovery is its extreme closeness to the earth. MICHJGAMUA GOES ON WARPATH; SEEK NEW PALEFACES When from out the paleface wigwam From behind the staring moon- face Caine the slow and solemn five booms Telling that the evening spirit wanders over woods and meadows, Lights the camplfires of the heavens, Then the Michigamua warriors In their feathers and their warpaint Soon will gather 'round the oak tree 'Round the oak tree called the Tappan There to greet the trembling palef ace. Many in number wait the bidding Of the loud rejoicing redskins For before they take the long trail To the home of Mihigamua Many trials and many tortures First must prove their strength an( ]cora g l're the red man hids them Ere he calls each paleface "I iiiaa," Ere the peace pipe smoke goes skyward. LABOR011INSTITUTION TO CONVENE HEE Experts to Scan Unemployment Conditions at Meeting June 20 to 23. Unemployment will undergo a critical examination by labor lead- ers and university economists and sociologists next month when the first University of Michigan Labor institute will be held June 20 to 23. Lectures and open discussions by experts on both the practical and academic aspects of the stabiliza- tion (A empniloynent and the rela- tion of the press to labor problems will feature the meeting, it was an- nounced by Dr. Charles A. Fisher, assistant director of the University Extension division, which, with the department of economics and the Michigan Federation of Labor, is sponsoring the institute. Plan Frank Discussion. A frank discussion of the extent, causes and remedies of the situation is planned, without special expla- nations, viewpoints or panacea, In- terchange of ideas and information between the fields of labor and edu- cation is the fundamental object of the institute. Morning mneetings will be given over to addresses on phases of the problem and discussion from the floor; afternoons will be occupied by free group discussion of the morning's subjects; while during the evening lectures will be given by authorities on labor and eco- nomics. At the first meeting on Monday evening at the Michigan Union, Pres. Alexander G. Ruthven will welcome the visitors and John P. Frey, secretary-treasurer of the metal trades department of the American Federation of Labor, will speak on "The Causes of Unemploy- ment." Wood to Speak. At the second session, "What Un- employment Does to Us," will be considered by Arthur Evans Wood professor of sociology at the Uni- versity of Michigan, and Prof. J. A Estey of Purdue university. At the third session, Wesley W. Maurer, in- structor in journalism, will discuss "The Press in Labor Controversies"; at the fourth,, Professors Max Handman and Morris A. Copelaud of the economics department wil speak on "The Causes of Unemploy- ment." gol U L l IN SECOND SESSIONl Dr. Margaret Bell, Professors 0. J. Campbell, R. B. Hall Give Addresses. LUNCHEON TO BE GIVEN To Dedicate Wild Flower Garden at Arboretum in Memory of Group's Founder. The meetings of the Institute of Adult Education, which are being held here this week under the aus- pices of the University Extension Service and the Michigan State Federation of Women's Clubs yes- terday went into the second day with addresses by Dr. Margaret Bell, director of physical education for women, and Professors 0. J. Campbell of the English depart- nent and R. B. lall of the Geogra- phy depa rtment. The delegates were entertained at t tea given in Betsy Barbour dormi- tory alter the conferences. Prof. Campbell Speaks. Speaking of the kind of produc- tions which should be given by the Little Theater, Professor Campbell expressed his inability to prescribe a set of rules that would insure the success of all dramatic productions, but pointed out that there are cer- tain tendencies which should be followed in the selection of plays for amateur productions. "There ar~e good plays being written in America these dlays by American dramatists," said Professor Camp- bell, "and it is too bad that more of them are not played." He admitted that most of the rules that he was setting forth were contradicted by the popularity of "There's Always Juliet" which was played last night but explained the difference on the grounds that ex- perienced actors can put over plays which are very difficult for ama- (eurs to produce. 'Professor Hall, speaking of the P over-population of Japan and the Ishortage Of food, expressed an opin- ion that the recent disturbances in Manchuria are an outgrowth of the crowded conditions in Japan. "Ja- pan is increasing its population,," said he, "and canont keep pace in the increase of its food supply." Will Entertain Visitors. This noon the officers of the Southeastern district wil entertain the visitors at a luncheon to be giv- en i the ballroom of the League. A garden of wild flowers will be dedicated in the Arboretum today to the memory of the late Mrs. M. E. Thompson, who was founder and first president of the Institute. The dedication exercises will be opened by a Greek ritual dance, which will be presented by sixteen freshmen girls, participants in the Freshman Pageant. This meeting of the Institute, the first of its kind to be held, will be an annual affair, it was announced by Mrs. M. C. Fraker. of Ypsilanti. Sigma Na Shuts Out Delta Tau Delta, 4.0 Sigma Nu advanced to the finals in the interfraternity baseball com- petition by shutting out Delta Tau Delta today, 4-0. Tessmer, who pitched for the winiers, struck out 17. fI a (larter-fiial game, Phi Kap- pa Psi won over Lambda Chi Alpha 7-2, pitcher Schaefer's home run with the bases full in the fourth be- ing the deciding blow. The Phi Kappa Psi team will play Delta Phi tomorrow, the winner to s play Sigma Niu Friday for the championship. Lovett Will Address Michigan Socialists Dean Robert Morss Lovett of the University of Chicago, who will ad- dress the Hopwood prize winners Thursday afternoon, will also de- r liver a speech on "America View the Future" before a meeting of th - Michigan Socialist club at 8:00 T Thursday evening in 1025 Angel hall. . Dean Lovett is dean of tlre junio y colleges and professor of English a e the Universty of Chicago. He is also , well known as a liberal writer, be n ing at one time editor of the "Dial , and is at present on the editoria board of the "New Republic." STUDENTS PLANS TO CAMPERS CT ASSIST IN CITY A meeting was held in Lane I tall last night of all the students inter- ested in the follow-up work of the Fresh Air camp. This group has for its purpose as outlined by Harry Graham, -'33, chairman of the Stu- dent; Christian association execu- tive comin ttee on Student Fellow- S;ip to reate contacts with the boys that attend the camp, to assist them in establishing higher ideals, and to help them take advantage of the greater opportunities in life."r The men at the meeting have made definite plans to contact with some of these boys in Detroit. The, need for this work was realized when the case study of 90 of these boys was revealed by Marshall H. Levy, of the Sociology department. Forty-six per cent of the boys stud- ied are now socially well adjusted, and 54 per cent have some slight maladjustment that such work as the Student Fellowship committee is advocating could cure. According to Louis Riemann, the originator of the camp, this is one of the most progressive steps that has been taken by the individuals controling the cain). tie said that tae considers this proposed actioni a necessary corollary to the comple- tion of the camp's activities. SELECT WINNERS Dean Sadler Aimounces Awards to Engineering Students; Three Groups Named. Dean 11. C. Sadler of .the College of Engineering announced yester- day the winners of scholarships for this year. The awards ard divided into three groups, each having sep- arate qualifications for those apply- ing. The Donovan scholarships con- pose the largestnumber, ten men being chosen by the coninittee this year. All of those picked are jun- iors in the engineering school. The list follows: Owen K. Brown, Harold P. Hesler, Cecile C. Waldo, Jerry M. Gruitch, Leslie V. Buek- ema,- Weyburne M. Dodge, Carl K. Davis, George M. Skinner, Robert L. Price, and Lloyd A. Staebler. To Receive $300. Those who applied for these were required to have completed at least one year in residence at the Uni- versity and have received 45 or more hours credit with an average of 3.0 or better. Each of the above men will receive $300. Next are the Mandelbaum schol- arships, which are awarded only to sophomore engineering students. Three of these were awarded this year, and the winners receive $30 in cash. The requirements are the same as those for the Donovan scholarships except that the aver- tage which accompanies the 45 hours; of credit need only be 2.5 or over. Lloyd R. Garrison, Harold R. Le- gatski, and Maurice E. Bates were the ones chosen. Gemmel Winners Listed. The Gemmnel winners, who are drawn from the freshman class in the school, are: Joseph C. Wagner, Albert E. Marshall, Lewis A. Bos- worth, 0. Allen Knuusi, and John F. Schmidt. These five men will receive $110 as their recognition. Applicants must have completed 15 hours and maintained an average of 2.5 or over. The Scholarship committee was composed of Prof. Henry W. Miller as chairman, Prof. Peter Field, and Dean Sadler. German Psychologist to Give Lecture Here Kurt Lewin, professor of psychol- ogy at the University of Berlin, will give a lecture on "Intelligence and Directed Behavior" at 8 o'clock to- morrow nlihtl in Natural sciene s uditorium. - Prof. Lewin is a leading repre- s sentative of the Gestalt school of e psychology and will teach at Lelabd Q Stanford university during th coming academic year. Tomorrow evening's lecture will be based on his work in connection with the r study of small children. t The lecture will be illusitratcd o with motioni pictures and will be - given in the English language. Th program is under the joint auspices l of the psychology department and education school. Would Head Council Charles It Racine, '33, and Jo- seph S. Zias, '33, the two candidates nominated for the presidency of the student council at the last meeting, will be voted on by the campus to- day. R.t 09 BAKR HITS SOCIAISTPARTY Mayor Murphy Is Scored; Partyt Called Vacillating', ,[ reachierous. Branding: the Socialist party, itsr wok and the vacillating policy of Mayor Murphy of Detroit as treach- erous and cowardly, R. D. Baker, fort several years a communist orgaiz- er it Michigan and a charter mem-e her of the Communist party, con- cluded the program of Union for- ims for the year with an address ont "The Appeal of the Party to the Vote" last night at. the Michigan Ulnion. Mr. Baker outlined the plans andx aims of the Communist party by1 saying that Communism aimed tol arbolishn capitalism by revolutiont and substitute a system. of non-ex- ploitation of the workers. Commun- ists in this country are organized to promote mass resistance and strug- gle by inciting mass meetings and marches against the capitalists, Mr. B~aker said. T.he Ford riot and oth- er such disturbances were cited as examples of this organization. rhat the standard of living of the working man had ben reduced fifty per cent in the last few years andr that the prosperity of the post-war period was gone forever was declar- ed by the speaker. I-e also stated that any relief from the depression would be only temporary under the capitalist system, and that it would be followed by worse conditions than at present. Considerable discussion ensued in the discussion following the speech between members of the Michigan Socialist club and Mr. Baker. Neal Staebler, son of a former mayor of Ann Arbor and for several years ac- tive in socialist circles read exerpts from the platform adopted recently by the Socialist party at the con- vention in Milwaukee.-- GRIFFIN TO PITCH FOR STATE TODAY Stiar Lasing Pitcher Will Try to Master Wolves. Left-handed Charlie Griffin, star Michigan State pitcher, will at- I tempt to continue his complete mastery over the Michigan nine when the two teams clash at East Lansing this afternoon. Griffin, a senior on the Spartan baseball squad, has taken a great personal delight in beating the Maize-and- Blue nines during the past three years, and only once has he failed to completely subjugate the Wolverines. The lone failure was recorded during the first meeting of these two teams this season, when they played a 3 to .3 tie in sixteen in- nings, oi Ferry Field, May 3. Michigan is somewhat bowed by a pair of defeats last week-end at the hands of the Purdue and Illinois nines, both games being lost due to mental slowness. Practically the 1 same lineup that faced the Boiler- [ makers will take the field for the Wolverines this afternoon. Manuel, rDaniels, Waterbor, and Superke will comprise the infield with Braendle, Petoskey, and Wistert playing the f outfield. McNeal and Tompkins are i lated to share the hurling duties a while Difl'ley will catch. meerct Detroit Man for Robbery of Bank GRAND RAPIDS, May 24.-(Al)- e Arrested near Smyrna, Mich., this ; afternoon, a man who said he was j James Gallagher, 30, of Detroit, to- ight was definitely identified as ;ne (f four robbers who today held JA9MPUS OFFICES NI[LL BEFlILE IT POLLS TODAY lacine, Zias Candidates for Student Council Presidency. NOMINEES LISTED [dentification C a r d s Must Be Shown by Voters, Balloting for all-campus offices will take place from 9 to 5 o'clock today on the diagonal in front of the main library. This is the only place where voting will be held, Edward J. McCormick, '32, presi- lent of the Student Council an- nounced yesterday. Charles R. Racine, '33, and Joseph S. Zias, '33, are the two candidates for president of the Council, nominated by that body at its last meeting, which was held on Monday night, May 23. All students must present their identification cards before they wl be permitted to obtain ballots for the All-Campus election, MCorm- ick announced yesterday. Student members of the Board in Control of Student Publications will also be chosen at the election. The nominees are Vernon Bishop, '33., Edward W. Bowen, '33, William T. Brown, '33, Charles M. Rush, '33, George R. Squibb, '33E., and Ken- neth L. Yourd, '33. Bown, who was nominated by petition, is filling the vacahey of George A. Stauter, '33. Nominees for the six vice-presi- dencies of the Union are John Schmieler, '33, Roderick 11. Cox, '33, Cecil E. Cantrill, '33E,, John A. Goetz, '33E., Gilbert A. Saltnstall, '33M., Sherwood B. Winslow, '33M, Robert L. Sloss, '33L., Nels Sorensen, '331)., Joseph Moser, '33D, Alden Gentz, '33BAd., and Robert Culber, '33BAd. Students running for positions on the Board in Control of the Stud- ent Christian association are James 1-. Inghis, '33, William F. Temple, Jr., '33, Roger W. Howell, '33, Morton Frank '33, and William P. Giefel,'34. The two nominees for the Board in Control of Athletics are Harvey . Chapman, '34d., and Stanley E. F'ay, '34Ed. HOOVERH EL0 gTES SECURE _MAJORITY, Texas Pledge of 49 for President Makes Nomination Certain; Garner Receives Votes. (Fay the Assoeatl d Prss) While President Hoover disussed prohibition and other matters con- riected with the approaching na- Ronal convention with three party leaders late yesterday, he gained ;he indisputable pledge of sufficient lelegates for renomination when 'exas instructed its delegation of 19 for him. This large block of convention votes sent Mr. Hoover's total of )ledged delegates to 621, or 43 more khan the majority of 578 needed for the nomination. .In addition, local party leaders n 14 states claimed 423 more dele- ;ates for the Hoover column for t grand total of 1,044 out of the 1080 selected to date. Joseph France, of Maryland, the only avowed op- )onent of Mr. Hoover for the nom- nation, disputes this claim. Democrats selected 52 delegates 'csterday, Texas giving its 46 to :=eaker Garner amd Delaware in- structing six for Franiklin D. Roose- yelt. The action of the Texas Demo- c-rats projected Garner out of the favorite son class and moved him into third place in the delegate -ace with 90 convention votes, in- ;luding California's 44. Will Distribute Senior Announcements 2 Days Senior announcements will be distributed for two days this year, May 31, and June 1, it was an- nounced yesterday b y Howard S The strange coterie of intermediar- les, who once buoyed false hopes COLLEGIATE BASEBALL for. the return of the slain Lind- Wisconsin 5, Notre Dame 4. 'ber h baby, monopolized the mur- sNotre der hunt today--one in a jail cell, another before a grand jury, and a PLA Y PRODUCTION third sponsoring an appeal to the OR PLA WRI ransom receiver.I O PL Y The course to be pursued in prosecuting John Hughes Curtis, Casts for the four student written confessed and imprisoned hoax one-act plays to be presented to- negotiator, brought Anthony M. night and tomorrow night in the Hauck, Jr., the Hunterdon county Laboratory theatre by Play Produc- proseetor, to the Lindbergh estate tion, were announced yesterday. for a conference. The Play Production division of At its conclusion the prosecutor the department of speech and ling- announced that he planned to lay uistics and the English department the Curtis case before the grand are co-operating to produce these jury at Flemington, N.J., on Thurs- plays which were written in the day. Should an indictment be re- course in play writing conducted by turned he said it would be reported Prof. Kenneth T. Rowe. formally Saturday. The cast for "Half-a-Stick," a T- - - 4-1 - _In..fll. I ,- . -....1." flS>3 ro - ln-tw n -npl .Y Iy Qidn a, p rmncc - 1 7 LI t R ANNOUNCES CASTS rTEN BY STUDENTS Lauren Gilbert, Grad. The directo for this play is Kathryn Kratz, '32 "Between Winds," by Jack B. Nes- tle, '32, will be played by Mary Pray '34, William Wildern, '32, Aldine Hunt, '33, and Herbert Milliken, '33 with William P. Butler as director The actors in "Translated," by Barton Rees Pogue, Spec., will be Jean Rosenthal, '33, Eleanor Locke '33, Herbert Milliken, '33, Melvin Benstock, '32, and Wayne Dickinson '33. This play is to have three direc ta Wana Toe,.Gad- iven i (? i. Io 10 L