the P1"
V L.:
'Y ~tlo n 1 i t l u le u i e n lt eu i e n o t le e T-C3 a ll m e m b e r J IX ! [ i riii r ' o l iii . i i i h 4 N 1u : 1V lr '. 11 1rs o ft I h e s e ,,o u p s a r c-
Uniersty.Cop reei~d a th ofh'eof he ssitay I t llf!i t) Lu l elid thle (dinnfer lat c'libbsat 6 o'clock. All will go 1o the
i- f- d W u n i-: 0 1 , 0 a i . J~id y {tc ~ t rt f t c t t i o y P h y sics C olloqu ium : M r , E rn est K . C h a p in w ill talk on "T h e E ffect I
T J;' TUSD)AYTr "IAY24, 1932"Nc, iai 01f'i-")aye (onthe IL(Jlldflessand the Quality of Two Harmonic 'Tones,", at
_______________________ _____Ij 4:15 p.m., in )Zoom 1041, Ra st. Physic,,, uildinf3 . Al! inter e teri are eor-
NOTfiCE, dially in-vited t,() attend.
NOTICE TO SENIORS AND GIA IIATE STUDENTS! F o1 sti'y C[tlb: Meets at, 7:30pm, in R2oomt 20:39, N.S. Prof . i C.
yone more( day remains for the lPayment; of diploma fees5. f fie #cIlavaof the N(ew Yoirk 8ta#te College of Fore~stry at Syracuise, 'Will
*ot extritenion beyond l4 p.mn., tomrro,:,w, Wedrnesday, May 25. ,,,; 1;k oil osiiit,. i Fore:Ary in the Nort~heast." Prizes for Field
Shirley W. Smith. flDay contest awarded. Electionl o1 officers for next year. Refie shnicflts.
inAmeviea A1 qtji~ed
I)y COicnit'libi-ary
First Bible Print
w ill be 11- -
Unive~rsity !Lvture: rrotesiw x\.KutLewin, o01 .Unieity ofBer
lin, a leading representative of the Gestalt School of Psychology, will
lecture on "Intelligence, and Directed Behavior," in the Natural Science
Auditorium, Thursday, May 26, at 8 p.m. The public is cordially invited.
j Kappa Tau Alpha: Picnic at Whitmore '[ake today. Meet in front
of Wtest Medical building at 4.30, or in evenIt of raini, at 0 o'clock. Dinner
at 7 at Burke's.
Alpha Nui annual initiation banquet in the Michigan Union at 6:15.1
Automobaile egut0lation: ThZ'1e following schedule will marke the lift f egent J. E. Beal of the Univprsity will be the principal speaker. Call
ing of thIe Automobile Reg.+ulation for students in variouls colleges, andI Hajek at 2-1559 ors Rogiers 2-3157 will take advance reservations. All
departmenrts of the Un1ivei-;,ity: ntmesaetrge oatn hs h i~aleig fteya.Pie1
Literarcy Colleg e, Engineec~'ing Colle e, College of Pharmiacy, Schorol'ugdt atn hstefnl etn 1'teya. rc 1
of Edu1cation, School eef'Business Ad., School of Music, School of Forestry, Sigma Rhoi Tati: Stumwp Speakers' Society of Sigma Rhlo PIau will
G~ rcluat Depoairtit ,Jun e 14, 1932, at 12 o'clock noon. hold the annu~ial spring contest at 7:130 p.m., Room 311 West Engineering
Medr~ica.l Colle?'ge:'Fnis, 31ie 3 1932 at 5 p.m.; Juniors, May 28, butilding . IThe project Speaking Contest, the Hall of f~amez Contest, andI
1932, a 5 p (m; oplhomaoies, May '27, 1932, at 5 p.mi.; Freshmen, Jime 11, the Raconturs Contest will be held at this time. The ainial electiOn of
1932, :at 5 p)-rm. oficers immediately after the contest.
Law S IIchol: Seniors, Junme 9, 1932; at 5 p). in.; Juniors, June 2 , 1932.,______
at 5 p.mz.; Freshnien, June 7, 1932, at 5 p.m. Varsity Band meets at 7 p.m., at Morris lall to play for the Lantern
Dental School: Seniors, June 9, 1932, at 12 o'clock noon; Juniors, Night Exercises. Members of the band will be in full uniform and have
June 11, 1932, at 12 o'clock noon; Freshmen, June 9, 1932, at 12 noon. marchiingy folios.
All studcents5 enrolled in the above 'departmnents will be required to __ ____
aidhere :Strictly to the foregoin , schedule. W. B. Rea, Chra istiani Science Organization meets in the Chapel of the Michigan
Assistant to the Dean. I Lati a nm All .0-md,. n#-.c nr snIfX Arnivi-Af nf
A ssucPi tte d rc.es lPhoto
Faculty, College of Engineering: There will be a meeting of the
Faculty of this College on Thursday, May 26, at 4:15 p.m., in Room 348,
West Engineering building. Louis A. Hopkins.
TO they Members of the Guard of Honor: A meeting for the purpose
of instruction and drill of the Guard of Honor for the Commencement
Day Exercise's will be held at Waterman Gymnasium, Thursday after-
noon at 4:30 under the direction of Dr. GeorgeA. May. Members or
the G uard wil1 wear caps and gowns. L.. M. Gramn, Chief Marshal.
Unriversity Bureau of Appointments and Occupational Infiormation:
Mr. J. J. Jennings, President of the firm of Jennings and Busby, mem-
bers of the Detroit Stock Exchange, will speak to those students who are
interested inr selling insurance securities in Room 205 Mason Hall at
4:10 on Thursday, May 26. He will also be glad to talk individually to
those interested immediately following the address and also nextcday.
For fuirthein formation, please call at the Bureau, 201 Maisora Hall.
Ilniversity Breau o11f Appointments and Occupational hi formationt:
A replrese nta;tive of theo Mcfllai Stores company will be in the office,
201 Masona Hall, at 4;:10 p.m., Tuesdlay, May 24, 1:o talk to men interested
in employmeont withl that org)ani ,ation. Will those interested kindly
xoify Miss Webber at the Bure0au.
University Women: All University women, whether or not they are
eligible for camprus activities, are urged to join in the march on Lantern
Night. This starts at 7 o'clock, Tuesday, May 24, at the Palmer Field.
Presenitation of Student Plays: On Wednesday and Thursday, Play
Production and t;he De:partment of English will present four original'
student plays at the Laboratory theatre. The program will include
"Tzranslated" by Ba .rton Rees Pogue, Spec.; "Between Winds" by Jack B.
Nrestle, '33; "Half-a- Stick" by Adelaide Symons, "'32. The program has
be, ni dir ectLed anO, technically executed by students in the Play Produc-'
tiocs: eThe bOX Aofice -o,.ill be open for tickets daily fr'oi 12 Noon
u1nti? 3 'clock.
Lantern' Night Leaders and Aides: It is imperative that all leaders
and aides for Lantern Night meet at Palmer Field, 4 o'clock this after-
noon. Absences murst be excused.
,ife-avi Cls for WVomcn will riot meet thi.s evenaing onl ac-
couznt of Freshman Padgeant and Lantern ight. Laurie E. Campbell.
Amateur Photographers: All interested in putting pictures on exhi-
bitionz, today, at the meeting of the Camera Club, will please leave them
at Francisco Boyce Camera Shop on North University before noon on
Adlditional Military Ball Favors may be secured at the R.O.T.C.
Hlea dquarters.
Rusiness Administration 208-Trust Function s: Fiinal examination
Wednesday, May 25, 7:00 p. in., room 109.
P'sycholog;y 31. Students who have a conflict for the final examina-
tion inl this course please turn their giames and examination schedules
into the office immediately.
Comnprchensive Examination make-up. All students who missed
the Comprehensive examination in Education set for Saturday, May
21, are hereby notified to consult Dr. Jackson at once in his office, room
4024 University ; figh School. Office hourse 2 to 5 p.m., Tuesday and
Master's Degree in History': All students who expect to obtain a
master's dlegree in history this year and who entered the graduate school
in or after June, 1931, must pass ,a written examination in one foreign
lang~uage, preferably French orGerman. This examination will be
,given at 4 p.m., on Friday, May 27, in Room 1204, A.H. Students will be
permzittedl to urse a dictionary of their own..
Exiibition of Modern Austrian Painting and a loan Exhibition of
Modemn European and American Prints in Alumni Memorial Hall. Gal-
Junior Girls' Play Central Committee meeting iromn 4 to 5 p.m., in
the League. Important that each member be present.
l *1"JIFavle9 J.mi]I1%QQ inf tlr1i t 1UL~UL. 1V1Unt~iri1rf41,Ll'i. -4- n4- RusianStuentClu
.Mrs. rAmlia lEarhart Putnamn landed in Ireland Satuarday afternoon
after a siiecessful solo flight across the Atlantic. She is t~te first 'woman
to accomplish the feat, eind the frot person to (10 it since indbergh's
famous flight.
A copy of the first English Bible
printed in America has been ac-
quired by the William L. Clemeonts
fLibrary of AjoericofnIHistory. This,
is one of the rarest of Amierican
books, there being only a very few
known (c0lik5 in existenceo.
TI'he Cln 'nt cpy haiIts orig-
inal leather ind ing on X11oak board:;;
with eilver corners. The Bible is
six inches long, t hree anld one-half
inches wide and two and one-halfC
inchcs think. It wai printed at
Philadelphia in 1782 by Robert
Aitken, who camne to this 4counlry
fromt Dalkeitb, Scotland, in 11769.
Cotton Ma ther, early New Eng--
land religious leader, was the first
American to attempt publication
of an English Bible. After 15 years
of labor, Mather announced in 171o
that hip ii mtscript was realdy, buL
hle flild to obltin financial "support
and the book ntever waspr-inted.
John Flemingt, a Sco tchlnan, pre-
pared a manuscript in 17701, but
also failed linancilally.
The break with -England at, the
start of the Arerican Revolution
cut off the- supply of Bibles from
the Mother Country, andr the Holy
Book became scairce ini the New
World during the; War for ide-
pendence. In 1777 thee Rev. Patrick
Allison, chaplain of Congress, pro-
sentedI memorial, asking the
Legislature to support a move to
have an English Bible printed in
During, theagtio which fol-
lowe,],Ailen was enlxcouragevd t~o
i5 suer an edit ion of Lte New Tcsta-
mncnt. The bxook went to four edi-
tions and was received so well that,
Aitken announced his purpos e of
printing the whole Bible.
He presented a petition to Con-
gress, seeking support and sanction
for the undertaikin-,
802 Packard St.'
Trodty, 11:30) to 1:40
Ki a-ed T lan with Baked Beans
Blosion Brawn i(ad
Breaded Pork Clmp Roast Beef
H ashed Brown llcr~atoes, ("old Slaw
fMeat I,oal ,Sandwich lwith V lgetsable
rake, l, Ice Cream
Coffee, Milk
5:30 to 7:30
Individual Chicken Pie
Sirloin Steak ala Creole
Roast Pork Roast Beef
Lanmb Clobs
Mashed or O'Erien P)otatoes
String Bean Salad, Creamend Corn
Linma Bean,;
Pie, Cake, icec Cream
Coffee, TIeai, -Milk
o'clock, T'ryouts will meet at 3 o'clock for miailinmg out, !usa tdn
COMING EVENTS R cgie y&rl~
UnierstyLecture: Thursday, May 26, 4:15 p.m., Natural Sciencej The n iversitI.; has d~filriitelyi
Unierit Irccornzed the existence of the
Auditorium. Dr. Wilfrid L. Hambly, Assistant Curator of African Ethi- Russian Student~ club in a. letter
nology in the Field Museum of Natural History, Chicago: "Primitive recently received from Dean Joseph
tribes of Angola, Portugutese West. Africa" (illustrated with slides and A. Bursley by P. D. iKalachov, presi-
motion pictures). dlont of the club.
---- m- - here are 19 members in the club
A Sound Film on electric lamps and their manufacture will be pre- which holds social gatherings every
sented by the General Electric company, Thursday, May 26, at 8:15 'Pm.,set~ond Sunday and regIul1r meet-
in Room 343 West Engineering; building. This should interest business If9)Twice ael fimst"V..
I Oflcer's of lime :l i ayae: aP. D.
and engineering students especially, Everyone is invited to attendl. 1(achlov, Gradl., ltresiderlt; A. '..
TolLapste lf, Grad., vice-president;y V
'olEn'gincering will be discussed in Room 1300 of~ the East Engi-. M. Kibardii i, Grad., sceay n
neering building on Wednesday, May 25, at 8 a.m. 'V. D. P'ri aruikiiiko ff, Grad., treasz-
Mr. PrianishnikolTf will speak on "Why Tool Engineering is Almost uirer.
an Unknown Quantity in Manchuria."
Mr. Roessner will prove the fallacy of the statement that the jig 26. Professor Hobbs will speak on
borer will eliminate jigs and fixtures.I "Wilkes' discoveries in Antarctica"
Mr. Williams will speak on "The Funct~ion of Too ni '.ainprrinrr! (Illustraited).
Ohio Student Finds
Heroin in Suitcase
COLUMBUS, May 2:3.___-A uiiiver-
Sity stutl,l has un wittingly aided
Columbus poli1ce in a huge iiarcotir-
>(ei, ure.
The student, Kvi.Harold Collier,
found 16 ounces of heroin i his
slhite-f.S( after returningr from aE
wet'k-em Itrilj) to iBridgeporh.
overI to) cler~al auithi)tiesCwhio are,
niv'stga i1 (-telese. Collier pick-1
ed up [th",wrong ;;Suilease wh'en
levngabus a (t ca. buIS IT l~en4inah(e
Iunda y night.
R~educed rates allow you to travel
with all expenlses paid, for less than
the ordinary cost of~ a round trip
y' 150
I nm c 1it~ d e s transportation; hotels,
meals, taxes, tips, sightseeing trips
anid handling of baggage for a 3/
week's tour of L.OND)ON AND)
For infor mation call 3582.
Which Impressed Me As Most Important:'
I All students interested in this important subject are invited to
attend thcse 15-minute talks.r
Romance Languages Journal Club will meet Wednesday, May 25, at
4:10 p.m., in Room 103 Romance Languages building. Graduate students'
are cordially invited.
Athena: Bmca seof Lantern Night, c1c-ction of officers and the regu-'
bar meeting will be postponed until Tuesday night, May 31. There will
bae no meeting this week.
Engineering Council: Important
meeting Thursday, at 5 p.m., in tUhe
M .E. computing room.
III Maes - Large and. otable
Sold. Rented .Rucha ed Repai red
Large choice stock:.R wsytr
0a Do -MOR R TL_.
314 SSate St., Arun Aror,
Tau Beta lei mcet-ing for the elcc-
tion. of officers, Wednesday, May 25,
at 7:30 p.m., in the Michigan Union.
Scabbard and Blade: Final meet-j'
ing at Union, Wednesday, May 25,
at 7:15 p.m. Initiation of honorary
members. Please wear uniform.
Michigan Technic Staff and Try-
outs meeting on Wednesday, May
25, at 7:30 in the Technic office.
Tryouts must all attend and be1
ready for the tryout bluebook.
The Geological and Geographical
Journal Club will meet in Room
4058 N.S., at 8 p~m., Thursday, May
Fat Inexpensively
At All
Modern Soda Fountains 4
F~q , y I 1
Corner of Main
,And \Vashington
- - - - - .,
1% blocks from campus onl
Thayer Street.
Luncheon . 35c and 40c
Special Plate Lunch . 25c
Steak Dinners . .. ..50c
Sunfday Chicken
Dinners .. 50c and 75c
200-202 F. L IBLRTFY ST.
Tr'ust and Safe
Deposit Departments
Alemnber of the Federal Reserve Sysleni
Under U. S. Governmwent Sn/iervii ; w!
open weekO-dasys from nine -
five: Sundays from two until
E'xhibitionls close Ma y 201. I
- .r.- -
I "Art* Moderne
The Third Annual Exhibition of
'ulpture held under the -auspices-
Fthe Division Of Fine Arts is to
Scontinued until May 30 in Uni-
crsity Hil,, Rooms 210, 401 and
Sophisticated and
beautiful . -- The
Lydia. MEN DELSSOHN Theatre
1932 Dramatic Season
Popular MATINEE TOMORROW at 3:15
RE ;
1111 South University Avenue
ideal portrait
- - - _-- . - "-- t - -
_.:.:. r .:: :.w._. . . _. e_..i
University of Mienhigan Plays
With An Introduction by Lennox Robinison
Edited by Kenneth Thorpe Rowe
Stadio 332 South State Street Dial 5031
Lester Vail
in John V'an Drutten's Gay Comedy It
wirrnr'in a1 m 3MnII Bill 1*p 4