:y T HE MICHIGAN DAILY TUESDAY, MAY 24, 1932. Published every morning except Monday during the University year by the Board in Control of Student Publications. Member of the Western Conference Editorial Association. Th" Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for re. publication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this paper and the local news published hehrein. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second class matter. Special rate of postagc granted by Third Assistant rostmaster General. Subscription by carrier, $4.00; by mail, $4.50 Offices: Ann Arbor Press Building, Maynard Street, Ann Arbor, Michigan. Phones: Editorial, 4925; Business, 21214. EDITORIAL STAFF Telephone 4925 MANAGING EDITOR FRANK B. GILBRETH CITY LDITOR ............................ KA1 , S1IFFRT Sports Hditor ............... ...............Jo hna W.1Thomlas Women s Iditor.. .......................Mraret O'lrjen Assistant Women's Editor........................1lsie Te lmaii T~elegraphEditor ....... ......................George A. Siaute being made by ministers everywhere but which stands out in a much more glaring light within - nd DDIAGONAL an academic atmosphere. They have assumed an USIC n D rama unreasonable- overconfidence in themselves and in their own wisdom which is a sin that the scientific!Uncle Joe's Nephew. and a scholarly man rarely forgives."Y Sex Appeal. The most obvious manifestation of this over- A Review by William J. Gorman. confidence is the nature of the placards which are Grudge Moratorium. customarily exhibited outside of churches. One John Van Druten's play, which which was posted very recently comes to mind; 'opened the Dramatic season last By Barton Kane it read, "The World Situation." Anyone of an night before a large audience, could academic disposition, seeing this outside a church,not be much slighter and still be a "The vice squad" was officially would be most likely to say to himself. What a mn," and pass by with an inward laugh at the play. As it is, there are two cable- inaugurated on the campus yester- expense of anyone who would dare approach the Igrams for second and third act plot' he pres ,arl Fosyhco uNaoleonc e world situation in a twenty-minute talk. Other at least six telephone calls and sev-Jw advrie deron ils uh a "Wha sw. n Joe's real nephew. Officers of the vertize sermon titles, suc as hat is wrong eral, including one rather long club are Carl Forsythe and Poco with our Economic System, or "God and His i relation to atomic structure," bring the same feel- maid-scenes for les fundamental TBursley ings of distrust toward anyone who would cut out extension. Yet Noel Coward carried The motto of the organization is, for himself such a job as treating these problems his trick off last year with "Private you can't beat fun"; the pin is a in a short Sunday mornig talk. Livtes," and in his own very differ- sma bran paperaltevere tsi We are not in a position to say whether or nAot oqway, Mr. Van Druten has done se ct bhandshaeean every ootin churches in general are declining or not. Some his at least as successfully. inThe Hu wnd met; ves oftn figures would indicate the church mem-bership was hsa es sscesul.i the Hut and Parrot; one of its - as high in the country at large as it has ever been. The author is quite positive about functions will be to crash fraternity It seems safe to say, however, that churches in his way. He suggests it in the title parties; anyone liked by members of the clique will be eligible for Ann Arbor have not been shining examples of and towards the end has his hero membership; there will be no initia- live, active, going institutions from the student ;say fervently "Im all for romance" tion fee. stand point. The failure of convocations two years Two people, very well-bred and, ago is- but one evidence of this.* . mildly, graciously, certainly not an- Without venturing to say whether or not it noyingly sophisticated, fall in love Colby Ryan, smiling, backslap- would be desirable for the churches to resume+, ..._~_ ping tennis captain, almost failed DECORATION DAY ROUND-TRIP EXCURSIONS TO NEW YORK ............ $18.50 BOSTON .............. $19.50 PHILADELPHIA .......$17.50 ALT ANTIC CITY ....... $18:50 For coach travel only. Going Friday, May 27 (after 3 a. m.) and all day Saturday, May 28. Returning not later than Tuesday, May 31. For Information Consult Local Ticket Agent MBCHIB T CENAALY SUBSCRIBE TO THE MICHIGAN DAILY John AV. Pritchardl Brackley Shaw Fred A. Huber itanley W, Arnheirn Idward Andrews- Hyman J. Aronstain A. Ellis Ball Charles G. l3arndt fames Bauchat Donald 1:, Bird Donald F. Blaukertz Willard E. Blaser Charles 1. Brownson C. Garritt Bunting Arthur W. Carstens Jessie L. Barton Elecanor B. Blum Jane II. Brucker Miriam Carver Beatrice Collins Mary J1. Copeman Louise Crandall Mary Md. Duggan NIGHT EDITORS le nn\. Winters Thomas Connellan C. I art ,Schaaf Sports Assistants Roland Martin REPORTERS Theodore K. Cohen Robert S. cuitsch Donald Elder Robert lngel Albert Friedman Edward A. Gene Hlarold (Gross Eric Hall John C. Healey Robert 1. I1-Iett M. B. higgins Prudence Foster AlicecGilbert Carol J. Hannan Theresa R. Berman Frances Manchcster )?li zabeth Allann EYdith E. Maples Marie Metzgcr BUSINESS STAFF Telephone 21214 Albert NewmanI = Alexander 1irseb fekl Walter E. Morrison Ward D. Morton Robert Ruwitch Alvin Scljeifer G. Edwin Sheldrick Robert W. 'rhorne George Vanl Vicek Cameron Walker Robert S. Ward Guy M. Whipple, J W. Stoddard White Invitations Jos~ep~h X. Reniihat) El. Jerome P'ettit i,. Announcements jr Marie J. Murphy Margaret C. Phalan Sarah K. Ruaker Marion Shepard ]gverly Stark Alma \Wadsworthi Marjorie Western Josephine voodhanms CHARLES T. LINE...... ...........Business Manages MORRIS P. JOHNSON ..-................ Assistant Manager Department Managers Advertising. ............................Vernon Bisbop Advertising Contracts......................... .flrry R. Begley Advertising Service.......................... Byron C. Vedder Publications,................................ William T. Brown Accounts -...........-.-..............Richard Stratemej Women's Business Manager ................ .... Ann W. Vernot -... - -- -W ;at first sight. The affair is really their position of power and dominance of 50 years!quite closed from the beginning. or more ago, we would like to offer the advice that The interest of the play lies solely the churches assume a little more modesty in the in the way they manage the first choice of sermon discussions, The reaction of the few days: the way they enjoy this scientist is usually, more favorable to the person I phenomenon "with a million prece- who takes a small subject and covers it completely dents," the things they say to one than to the person who tries to do too mich and another,tthe way they move through fails to treat every aspect of his problem. and to the moments when they hug one another with delight. The at- tempt at complications and a crisis xB0G'jis rather a flop, I think. Lenora's plea of respect for her parents and English conventions; AN AUTOBIOGRAPHY, by Frank Lloyd Wright the inference that such a romantic (Longman's, 1932), $5.00. young man, who had "bummed" all about, would not be able to get back A Review before a year to get the marriage by John W. Pritchard done up; the little bother about Frank Lloyd Wright, architect extraordinaire, the Dwight's past with the later illum- man who has always refused to conform to the tenets ination from Peter that though it of tradition, of organized society, has at last given had been rather riotous Dwight had us the story of his turbulent life-an enthralling acted splendidly all through-these story, written from his own viewpoint, written in a things seem weak. manner that leaveshno doubt that here, after all, is The reviewer, that is, found the Frank Lloyd Wright. Between the covers of this play somewhat tiresome; its single volume he has compressed all the emotions of his note-that of bright, warm roman- early boyhood, of his youth, of his manhood-a man- tic charm-not interesting enough h nnrlu +ILW+ b n --4-iu i ^ o me a ecaaen- wi n passing be 4 ;4.,, h soun de ith . i kt l i j ta lt : 1 to get his boys to Evanston for thej Big Ten championships last week. |The team was standing on the plat- form of the Ann Arbor station; the train pulled in; Captain Ryan had forgotten to see about the tickets; the train was held; the station mas- ter consulted; tickets were furnish- d r R~v ~ ea- brked Banquet Programs Dance Programs it Irvil Aronson - Gilbert E.Bursley Allen Clark Robert Fiinn Arthur. L. Kuhn Bernard Sclnacke Grafton W. Sharp Donald A. Johnson, Dean Turner. Assistants Don Lyon BeArinard 1-. Good I)onia Becker M~laxine Fiseligrund Ann Gallmeyer Katherine Jackson Dorothy Iaylin IIVirgiuia McCromb I euA, rZAul1 II-Itil aa Ie.A Colby's real name is Edmond Colb bert. He is superstitious. On the days of tennis matches or blue books he always passes on the "lucky side" of the tree in the mid- dle of the sidewalk in front of Alumni Memorial hall. The lucky side is the north side. Ryan wins most of his tennis matches and passes most of his blue books. On Friday Violet Heming dined at the Alpha Phi house. Tactful Miss Heming told the girls that never before hadsshe known that college girls have sex appeal. * * * Mrs. Mary E. Buffington, assist- nt dire, f t r f M h h a Caroline Mosher Ilelen Olson Helen Schmude Mlay Seefried Hfelen Spencer Kathryn Spencer Kathryn Stork Clare Unger Mfary Elizabeth' House Papers Stationery THE CRAFT TYPESHOP 305 MAYNARD ST. PHONE 8805 BROWmmCftE5~ SECU ITI S5 - Y~irs uuw ..i d r on. Accoiunts owarri~ad S olnreorwrtrg .. ?Wkphon. 1232.71, Atli ARBOR TUST 5LM.. %wn FoOt' -W w-w .w w -- WIN V" JEAN GOLDKETTE'S BLUE LANTERN ISLAND LAKE NIGHTLY a cEXCEPT MONDAY ANN ARBOR NITE EVERY FRIDAY MANY VALUABLE GIFTS PRESENTED TO THE HOLDERS , OF THE LUCKY NUMBERS. Watts Night Editor-GLENN R. WINTERS TUESDAY, MAY 24, 1932 Paying the U nion President LAST year at this time, the question of paying the president and recording secretary of the Union was raised. The Board of Directors decided that to inaugurate such a system would be mad- visable at .that time, but it was agreed that the directors would take the proposal under consider- ation. Last week, after one year of "thinking it over," the Board met to appoint a new president and a new recording secretary. This being done, the question of salaries for these officers again came up. The Board decided again to pigeonhole the matter until the next meeting. The directors still needed time to weigh the question. Undoubtedly the Union ranks as one of the three major campus activities. It is also true, as members of the Union maintain, that many men who would otherwise be drawn into the organiza- tion prefer to work on publications or to go into athletics because the returns are treater. Students working on the publications are paid regular salaries. In fact, even a number of juniors, as well as the. senior editors are included on the payroll of The Daily, the Michiganensian, and the Gargoyle. Athletes, though they receive no mone- tary profits, are rewarded with frequent trips, with complimentary tickets to games, and even with some degree of national publicity. Seniors in the Union organization, after three years of competition involving regular duties, must spend as much as six hours daily on routine work attached to the two positions. For this work they receive no monetary reward and in many cases little prestige on the campus. The Union has been fortunate in recent years in having senior officers who have sufficient inter- est in the organization to work without recom- pense. This does not necesarily mean that they will always be so fortunate. Such a thankless job will not always attract men of the high calibre of those who have been in office during the past year. In summation, we believe that the Board of Directors will make no mistake in creating a salary for Union officials in order to: 1) pay them what they earn; 2) put the Union on the same basis as other leading student acitivities; 3) safeguard the organization by drawing a higher class of tryouts into the competition for senior positions. i i nood that has not become decadent with asn uu unt iim e-palUi 1C;Lu lM61 1'al years,. but has remained vigorous, fresh, and ever evening. It is certainly necessary grandmother, has lots of life. Last rebellious. to add that Mr. Van Druten is not week, grey-haired Mrs. Buffington - It is the saga of his development of the new, just writing an easy play. He is went roller-skating with two co-eds modern architecture, expressing the machine indus- quite sincere about his "note," and from the dead-end. They were Mary trial age. It is equally the story of his personal writes about this well-bred roman- Phillips, of J. P. G. notoriety, and character, of his constant beatings against the social tic love very sincerely and very ef- Hilda Kirby, woman athlete. She walls that imprisoned his essential independence. It fectively. There is freshness of feel- made the girls promise that they reflects the workings of his mind on every .subject ing in the love scenes and warm, wouldn't say anything to The Daily that came into his ken. quiet delightful humour in the in- I about the matter. The co-eds kept From the days of his earliest childhood-and even terludes. their promise. before that: from the days of his ancestors genera- The talents of Lester Vail and * * tions back-Wright was in the training process for Violet Heming are sufficient to meet Last week members of Vulcans, the life that was to come. He was predestined to be the test of being observed without senior honorary engineering socie- rebellious, aesthetic, dominant-there would have relief through a whole play-which j ty, put on their fools' caps, pound- been no way out of it. As we read his autobiography, is saying a good deal. It is a real ed their anvil, mounted their trucks, we are unable to find a place where one of those task to play this quiet, reticent Eng- went in search of members who had fatalistic Thomas Hardy coincidences would have lish humour without monotony. Mr. initiation fees. One of the first altered the essential course of his life one whit. Vail and Miss Heming do it with stops was at the Psi Upsilon house Superficially, certain events might have been differ- ease and, again one must say, where they were to bid William Jen- ent; but always he would have retained his non- charm. Miss Heming was not even ney. The Psi Upsilons put aside conformity, vaunted it, impressed people with it to embarassed by the scene epitomis- their customary dignity; awaited so great an extent that one by one they half approved ing English stoicism-her lover gone Vulcans with pistols loaded with of it. to America for a whole year, Lenora blanks; filled pails with water; He was trained, we find, in the University of Wis- avoids a "scene" with a very large I drenched and scared the engineers; consin, against which he almost rants. He stalwartly biscuit. Mr. Vail, it esemed, might went back to their customary rout- holds that he remembers only the most trifling do- have played more fluently, with ine of reading and playing bridge. tails of his academic life,, and adds that it is probably more attack and more activity. Too I * e just as well. He ran away from the University before often, he was just standing like a Freshmen women are undergoing the end of his senior year, and sought employment gentleman, relying on the inherent troubles in presenting their pag- in various architects' offices in Chicago. He finally "charm" of the situation to keep I eant. Last Sunday night they were established a connection with Louis Sullivan-"lieber the play moving. Ile was much less engaged in terpsichorean exercises. I meister"--who, a partner in the firm of Adler an'{ an "American," for example, than Two small boys watched the scanty Sullivan, was a pioneer in the very sort of work that Tom Powers would have been. A apparelled maneuvers. "I know Wright later made famous. He too was rebellious: little less dignity and more aggres- what," said one. "Let's bring our but he fought a losing fight. Yet his strength, appar- siveness might have added speed to sling-shots tomorrow night." ently, was transferred to his apprentice- the play. But, then, we have Pe- * 's - Follow, in absorbing detail, the story of his ter's word for it that Dwight was8 The feud that had its beginning marriage with Catherine; his Unity Temple adven- almost an Englishman-which may years ago between the Thetas and ture; his separation from his wife; "Mamah" and mean that any less quiet playing the S. A. E. is boiling. One of the , Taliesin; Miriam and the Imperial Hotel at Tokyo- would have offended the author. S. A. E. boys has a radio. At mid- the only building that remained standing in Tokyo Mr. Henderson was a little awkward, night he turns it on full blast. after the cataclysmic earthquake of 1924; Taliesin II; but adequate as Peter, and Lillian When the Thetas call up and com- and, finally, cleared of all the trials, garish news- Bronson good as Florence. plain the radio is transplanted to a paper publicity, scandal connected with the four window sill facing the sorority. women with whom he had lived-even imprisonment The Thetas rebelled last week -Olgivanna and Taliesin III. PROGRAM when the boys shooed a stray dog It is a story which, above all things, expresses the into their house. They are nego- i very quality in Wright's character which he con- Performances of "There's Always for a moratorium. Julie wil, begive in he Mndel- Itiatingframotri. stantly and vehemently denies and fights against: 1Juliet" will be given n the Mendels sentimentalism. He is, he says, essentially a non- sohn theatre Tuesday, Wednesday, ISunday there walked down East sentimentalist; yet, on occasion, his architecture and Thursday and Saturday nights with University avenue a strange woman, his life soared into flights of delicate romanticism matinees Wednesday and Saturday. clad in a typical blue hospital uni- and sensibility. And, even in his most typically Friday night will be given the form, wore high heel slippers, Wrghtish design, one can trace a thread of .. . I first performance of "Candida," stockings rolled to the ankles. Well, perhaps we are wrong. "the most pleasant of Bernard A doctor approached in a small# At any rate, it is superbly written, and is perhaps Shaw's pleasant plays." This pro- coupe; called to a male student to all that an autobiography should be. duction will introduce a new actress stop the fugitive; swore when the to Ann Arbor, Patricia Collinge, I student froze in his tracks; followed who will appear in the role of Can- the woman up the street; finally dida, Miss Collinge has appeared got courage enough to get out and E TO A C ENthis past season in New York pro- force her into the car. duction of "The Affairs of Anatol" Bystanerst ar. and "The Lady with the Lamp" andI Bystanders stared. The woman I EASTERN ACTION . said that she "didn't want to go (Purdue Exponent) I has been connected in the past with Eastern schools have taken steps through the 'Plyanna,'' Tillie, "ust Sup- sisted that she had had enough of agency of the Middle States Association of Colleges pote," an "Bek harpe istheplace and Secondary Schools to eliminate or to at least Others in the cast include Ains The doctor took her back to Pig gothArbya MrelFranciseoHil minimize the subsidizing of collegiate athletes by the worth Arnod as Morell, Frncis eon Hill. abolition of athletic scholarships. I Compton as Burgess. Ramond 0'-* 1 Although they will take a step forward toward Brien as Lexy, Lillian Bronson as Pre-requisite for a certain course, their ultimate goal which is evidently equality for Prossy, and Robert Henderson as in senior biology is a pair of hip all, it would seem that, they are striking at a sub- the poet Marchbanks. boots. Helen Mikan, who is taking sidiary cause of a situation that, like so many __the course, has found a new use for problems, has two sides. If all support must be taken -,- ,.{.them. Last week she walked right 1 k. FREE%'MAN'S DINING ROOM 1 Block North from Hill Auditorium NEWPRICES WEEKLY RATES Lunch and Dinner .............$4.50 Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner .... $6.00 Lunch 30c Dinner 50c Sunday Dinner 75c Prompt Service-Excellent Food Serving Michigan men and women for the twenty. eighth consecutive year! "La--t Cal--"- University of Michigan Men W ANTED You may be potentially a successful life underwriter, even if you've never sold before, or think you have no special aptitude for selling. Hundreds of our successful lige underwriters once thought they could never sell. If you can WORK HARD WORK FOR YOURSELF WORK WITH PEOPLE EXPLAIN THINGS CLEARLY Getting the Student's Interest SOME evidence seems to point to the fact that science and religion do not flourish together. From the standpoint of University interest, the churches of Ann Arbor are not in a strong posi- tion. In fact, it is safe to say that the per capita interest in the church among University students and professors is smaller than that of the popula- tion at large. we should like to talk with you about life insurance as a career. Preference usually given to men with some business or organization experience, in or out of college, especially to wholly cr partly self-supporting students. Convenient interviews arranged. NEW YORK LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY 51 Madison Avenue New York, N. Y. L. SETON LINDSAY, Vice-Presiden; New York Life Ins. Co.