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Student Loan Fund to ReceivePlayProceeds
Violation of Navy Power Agreed
Upon in 1922 May Cause
Diplomatic Breach.
Foreign Shipping Warned Away
From Japanese Military
Base on Whangpoo.
(By the Associated Press)
A heavy massing of Chinese sol-
diers on the Kiangwan front inmli-
cated that they would attempt to
smash the,-Japanese line before the
enemy's troop reinforcements ar-
rived, and every available Japanese
fighting man was rushed to that
Fire broke out in Chapei and
building after building, of those
left standing by long-continued
Japanese bombardment, burned.
Stimson Fears Beach.
Secretary of State Stimson de-
z slared in a sweeping reaffirmation
of, the United States policy yester-
day that the whole fabric of inter-
national understanding in the Far
+' tIs threatened by the hostil-
ities between Japan and China.
The secretary referred specific-
ally to the balance of navy power
agreed ,n in 1921-1922, and this
reference, coming on the heels of
action by the Senate naval corn-
mi~tte for a ,bigger navy, caused
wkd- 'pread comment.
Col. Stimson's declaration, set
forth in an open letter to Senator
Borah, chairman of the foreign
relations committee, reiterated the
doctrine of the "open door" in
China and challanged Japan's firm
stand for revision of the nine-
power treaty.
Warn Shipping.
The Chinese warned all foreign
shipping 4away from the Japanese
military base on the Whangpoo-t-a
step that was taken as notification
of their intention to stop with guns
any attempt to land reinforce-
Foreign consuls were asked by
the Chinese to get their nationals
out of all section of Shanghai
close to Hongkew which would be-
come danger zones in the event of
a Chinese drive.
Finally blocked in their effort to
smash the center of the Chinese
line at Kiangwan, the Japanese
shifted their ttack to the Chapei
front, where. there was consider-
able action but no apparent change
in positions. \
Delays Action on Iowa Proposal
for Coaching Job; Spartans
Are Alarmed.
EAST LANSING, Feb. 24. -AP)-
On the request of President Robert
S. Shaw, of Michigan State College,
Jimmy Crowley will wait another1
24 hours before making a decision
regarding an offer from Iowa to be-
come head coach of the Hawkeyes'
football squad.
This delay was arranged Wednes-
day afternoon when the Spartan
mentor officially notified President
Shaw, that 1e had been offered the
Iowa coaching assignment. Imme-
diately after this notification Mr:
Shaw sent for Crowley and the two
were in ponference most of the aft-
ernoon. At its conclusion Crowley
let it be known that he had agreed
to postpone for another day his ac-
ceptance of the position.
First Official Notification.
Although Iowa authorities have
_ _ i
-asgseated Press Piaofo.
Fido Gets Jitters from City
Noise; Goes to Hospital.
PITTSBURGH, Feb. 24. - (R) -
Fido's nerves are being worn to a
frazzle by the hub-bub of the mod-
ern city, dog experts say, and in the
quiet of a suburbFn district- they
have set up a recuperation farm to
restore canine equilibrium.
The cacophony of city noises-
clanging a n d screeching street
cars, tooting automobiles and blar-
ing radios-combine to give the ur-
ban dog an acute case of the jit-
ters, one veterinarian says.
"A dog's symptoms of a break-
down are similar to those of a hu-
ian," he relates. "He whines and
whimpers at first. Then he tries to
hide from everyone and finally be-
comes just hysterical-jumps at ev-
ery sound and perhaps runs around
in circles."
Associated Press Photo
Above.--Scenes before and after
the Japanese bluejackets attempt-
ed to blast Chinese troops out of a
strong position in Chapei by a
heavy cannonade. When the artil-
lery fire died down it left dozens of
smoldering buildings like the one
shown in the picture below. War
has not yet been declared.
Left.-Admiral Pirnce Hiroyasu
Fushimi, chief of the Japanese na-
val general staff in charge of the
marine forces which shelled Shang-
Daughter of Famous Dramatist
Will Appear at Hill
Countess Alexandra T os t oy,
youngest daughter and secretary
to the late Count Leo Tolstoy, great
novelist and dramatist, will speak
on "Tolstoy and the Russian Rev-
olution" at 8 o'clock tonight in Hill
Countess Tolstoy has been in the
United States since August, 1931,
when she came here from Japan,
where she had been residing for a
number of years following her de-
parture from Russia sometime after
the Russian revolution.
Students and disciples of Count
Tolstoy universally proclaim Count-
ess Tolstoy to be the outstanding
living authority on his life and
works. She was closer to him than
any of his other children and acted
for several years as his secretary.,
When, in 1910, unfortunate domes-j
tic conditions forced the Russian
thinker and moralist to leave his
home, Countess Tolstoy alone of the
family accompanied her father.
Miss Tolstoy will arrive in Ann
Arbor this afternoon, and will re-
main here through most of tomor-
row. She will be the house guest of
Dr. Charles Onderdonk, of the col-
lege of Architecture, and Mrs. On-
derdonk. s
Roosevelt Discharges
Tammany Hall Leader
ALBANY, N. Y., Feb. 24.-()-
Franklin D. Roosevelt, Democratic
governor of New York, today re-
moved from office Sheriff Thomas
M. Farley, district leader of Tam-
many hall's keystone unit.
The governor said he was not
satisfied with Farley's explanation
of his income and it was mainly
on this ground that he removed
him. The income, as charged by
Samuel Seabury, counsel to the leg-
islative committee investigating the .
city's administration, related pri-
marily to Farley's "wonderful tin
box" in which the sheriff deposited
$390,000 over a period of a few
The removal of the Tammany
hall man was construed by some
to mean that Mr. Roosevelt had
thrown down a gauntlet to Tam-
many, challenging it to oppose his'
candidacy for t h e Democratic
presidential nomination.
Britisher Sets Record of 254
Miles Per Hour in 12-
Cylinder Bluebird.
DAYTONA BEACH, Fla., Feb. 24.1
-(AP)-Sir Malcolm Campbell, not-
ed British race car driver, today
hung up a new world's automobile
speed record on the ocean speed-
way here. His speed was 253.968
miles an hour. He plans to attempt
to set a faster record tomorrow.
The veteran forty-seven-year-old
racer drove his twelve-cylinder
Bluebird twice over the course for
an average two-way speed 'of 253.-,
.968 miles an hour, over an official
mile. This exceeded by 8.235 miles
an hour the record of 245.733 he es-
tablished here last year.
Speed Reaches 267 Miles.
Sir Malcolm was clocked over the
mile at 13.46 seconds on his first
run south for an average speed of
267.459 miles an hour, and at 14.89
seconds on his second trip, made
north over the beach. The second
run was made at 241.773 miles an
hour. The average time both ways
was 14.175 seconds.
Considerable confusion arose im-
mediately after Campbell made his
first run. He did not appear to be
traveling at record speed and offi-
cials delayed announcing his speed,
until some time after he had com-
pleted his second run.
They checked and re-checked
their figures carefully and then
announced the time for the first
run was correct and that he had set
a new record.
Blocked by Headwyind.
Instead of making a practice run
at first, Campbell surprised the of-
ficials and opened the car up for
record speed on the first run. The
driver's second run was slowed up
considerably due to the fact it was
made against a brisk headwind.
"I am not at all pleased with the
record," he said as he climbed out
of the cockpit. "I should have driv-
en much faster, but the wind on my
second run north slowed me up
considerably. It felt as though it
was blowing at least 40 miles an
hour and my car was held back by
such a headwind.
"I am going to check over my car
and if I find it is in good condition
and the beach still is good. tomor-
row, I am going out and try for a
faster record then. Because the tide
now is coming in rapidly over the
course. I shall not be able to make
further trials today."
McDonald Announces Donation
of Box-Office Receipts of
Anthony and Anna'.
The entire proceeds from Comedy
Club's "Anthony; and Anna," open-
ing tonight at the Mendelssohn
theatre, will be turned over to the*
office of the dean of students to be
used for the relief of students in
need of funds, according to the an-
nouncement yesterday of Robert C.
McDonald, '32, president of the or-
The offer of Comedy club made
yesterday is the first proposal to
materialize of a long series which
have been brought forward to solve
the critical financial situation fac-
ing a large number of students.
Joseph A. Bursley, dean of students,
as a result of the present financial
crisis, has practically exhausted
the great fund of loan money set
aside for the aid of students. Most
of the loan money which remains,
it is reported, is tied up with re-
strictions which makes its use for
the ordinary run of deserving stud-
ent impossible.
Expect $500.
It is estimated that "Anthony
and Anna" will net in the neighbor-
hood of five hundred dollars. Aside
from a few incidental expenses
which have to be paid in connection
with previous shows, this entire
amount will be turned over to loan
In connection with the projected
aid from this source Dean Bursley
made the following statement yes-
"Anthony and Anna" deserves
the wholehearted support of the
University and town both for itself
and for the worthy cause for which
it, is being presented. The present
economic tangle in which the coun-
try is involved has been reflected to'
the University campus to such an
exteEci that hundreds of students
are having to give up their college
careers because of the economic
plight in which they find them-
selves. Aside from a numnber of
generous gifts on the part of indi-
viduals, this action of Comedy club
is the first concerted effort on the
part of a campus organization to
aid in a crisis which is truly unpar-
Wetzel Is Director.
Robert Wetzel of the English de-
partment is directing "Anthony and
Anna," which is a high comedy
dealing with the love of an Amer-
ican millionaire's daughter and an
English diletante. The action of
the drama, which has been called
"a high comedy of bad manners,"
deals with the peculiar and amus-
ing martyr complex of the heroine
whose favorite pastime is to muse
on the possibility of headlines in
the Chicago papers whicht she en-'
visions as saying: "Prominent heir-
ess throws away millions for ideal
love affair."
The cast includes McDonald in
the role of Anthony, Maxwell Pri-
bil, '33, as Penn, James Raymond,
'33, as Dunwoody, William Butler,
'32, as Fred, Herbert Miliken, '32, as
George, and William V. Mulroney,
'32, who is remembered for his part
as the clerk to the banker in the
"Streets of New York." Mulroney
will take the part of Jago, an Amer-
ican business man.
Eugenie Chapel Is Lead.
Widely acclaimed for her work
last year in "Good Hope" and "Re-
bound" put on last year by Play
Production, is Eugenie Chapel, '32,
who will play the feminine lead,
Anna. Frances Billie Johnson, '32,
who played Alida Bloodgood in
"The Streets of New York," will
take the part of Lady Cynthia.
The single set for the play, the
lobby of an English inn, has been
designed by Alan J. Handly, '32, and
Fraimk Harrison, '32. This scone,
which has been termed a plastic
set, represents one of the most am-
bitious and lavish sets which has
ever been constructed in the Men-
delssohn theatre. The action of
the play takes place on three levels
in the scene.
Patterson Sets Time for 4:15
This Afternoon at The
Press Building.
Tryouts for the business staff ofJ
the Gargoyle, monthly humor pub-
lication, will report at 4:15 o'clock
this afternoon' t, the Press' build-.
ing on Maynard street, it was an-
nounced yesterday by Harcourt. S.
Patterson, '32, business manager of
,the magazne.
Freshmen reporting, Patterson
said, will do work bf a general na-
ture their first two semesters on
the staff. During this time they
will be under the supervision of the
upperclassmen and will learn the
Approximately 25 freshmen
have reported for work on the
business staff of the Daily.
More men can be used oh the
staff, Charles Kline, '32, busi-
ness manager, announced..
All those who still wish to re-
port are asked to do so at four
o'clock any day this week.
Twenty-three tryouts report-
ed for work on the Michiganen-
sian editorial staff, while 25
men a n d women will seek
places on the business staff of
the yearbook. There are places
open also on these staffs for
any others who may wish to re-
pirnciples of practical business pol-
icies relating to magazine publica-
In the second semester of the
sophomore year, the men will be
placed in one of the five depart-
ments, which consist of circulation,
accounts, publication, foreign ad-
vertising and local advertising. In
May the appointments are made
and the heads of the five depart-
ments as well as the business man-
ager of the magazine are appoint-
ed. The five department heads are
usually juniors and the men ap-
,pointed serve until the following
IMay when out of the group the
mianaging editor is appointed.
Spain's First Divorce
Act Passes Assembly
MADRID, Feb. 24.-(P)-The Na-
tional Assembly tonight approved
the final article of the new divorce
law, the first ever enacted in Spain.
It will become effective when pub-
lished in the Oftmcial Gazette.
Whitney Has Teaching
Textbook Published
Dean-Emeritus Allen S. Whitney
New Requirements Prescribe Eleven Hours,
Honor Points; Also Advance
Initiation Date.
Drastic changes in the rules regarding deferred pledging, allow-
ing any first year student to be pledged to a fraternity proiding
that he has completed at least 11 hours and has earned 11 honor
points at the University, and providing further that he is not on pro-
bation, were made at a meeting of the Senate Committee on Student
Affairs yesterday afternoon, and announced at a special meeting of
the Interfraternity Council last night.
Another Change, allowing freshmen to be initiated any time after
May 1 if they have made an average of 1.5 during the first semester
was also passed by the Senate Committee. This was meant as a'
temporary relief measure in view of the financial distress which,
combined with deferred pledging, has caused many houses theanx-
iety of extermination.
Fraternity men last night rebelled against the latter proposal
which was drawn up by their own judiciary Committee before being
presented to the Senate group, voicing the opinion that the rule
should be changed to read that freshmen with 15 hours and 15 honor
Spoints be eligible for initiationj at
any time after May 1. They stated
that the Judiciary Committee's
proposed scholastic average was too
high, and that so few men would
be initiated that the financial aid
would be almost negligible.
Council Passes Resolution.
A resolution to the Senate Com-
mittee, asking permission to initi-
ate men with at least 15 hours of
credit and at least 15 honor points
was unanimously passed by the
Council, in contradiction to the
Judiciary Committee'si plan.
According to student members of
the Senate Committee, a lower
scholastic limit for initiation might
have been passed by the Committee
if such a petition had been made by
the Judiclary Committee of the In-
terfraternity Council, which first
proposed the changes.
They stated that they had oppos-
ed the change because they believ
ed that the financial aid given to
the fraternities would not be suffi-
cient and because they thought
that the requirements of grades
should be lowered.
Constitutionality Doubted.
Student members of the Judici-
ary Committee stated that when
they had proposed the revisions
they were under the impression
that if the scholastic rating of
freshmen eligible for initiation was
greatly lowered, that the Senate
Committee would not pass it. They
said that they were in favor of the
ruling which the Council desired
but questioned the constitutional-
ity of the resolution adopted by
that body.
Prof. I. D. Scott, of the geology
department was the only member
of the Judiciary Committee who de-
sired to set the limit for grades
above the 1.5 mark, they stated last
night. He wanted a B average to be
required for iniation but was final-
ly convinced that this was too
"Unanimous" Ruling Changed.
It was decided by the Interfra-
ternity Council to change the rul-
ing regarding the majority needed
in the Judiciary Committee to re-
vise rules pertaining to deferred
rushing. In the past a unanimous
vote has been required. This was
changed to two-thirds.
The Interfraternity Council as a
whole voiced objections to the
"compromise" resolution which the
Judiciary ?.ommittee presented tc
the Senate Committee yesterday
afternoon and 'which the. latter
body took to be the majority opin-
ion of the fraternities at Michigan
1 With a unanimous. vote by thF
Council as a whole disapproving of
the Judiciary Committee's resolu-
tion, the new proposal was being
drawn up last night for presenta-
tion to the Senate Committee im-
Howard T. Worden, '32, presiden-
of the Council, was absent from the
meeting. Howard Gould, '32, secre.
tary-treasurer, presided.
Criticism of University's Paternalismt
to Appear in New Diagonal Out IToday
Condemnation of the University
in its adoption of a paternalistic at-
forceable rules and a more general
open policy in regard to rushing
* * *
strictly campus topics is found in
which the United States is advised