I1ESTABSHED 190 I AL -Ar 2UT . MEMBER ASSOCIATED PRESS ---- - -- -4-mms"amma .......... ...... - ------- ---- ... . . .......... VOL. XLII, No. 170. HEMING 1VIL AY DBFR ULHOUSE TU RNA Special Spotlight Effect Used to Advantage by Scenic Designer. ART EXHIBIT IS SHOWN Oil Paintings, Batiks, Drawings and Prints Featured by Local Artists. "There's Always Juliet," starring Violet Heming and Lester- Vail, opened this year's Dramatic Festi-] val before a capacity audience last night in the Lydia Mendelssohn theatre. For the lighting of this play a special spotlight has been arranged by Stewart Chaney, scenic designer for the Dramatic Season. This light has just been developed by Ray- mrond Sovey, noted New York scene designer, who has given Chaney special permission to use it here. The color of the light is called "surprise pink,' but is in reality a cold steel lavender-blue. On the stage it looks like a white light, but, because of the peculiar composition of the gelatin used, has a soft hue A review of "There's Always Juliet," wil be found in the Music and Drama column on page four. without any of the glaring qualities of raw white light. It is considered by experts to be the most flatter- ing light that can be cast on the face. A display of work by local artists is being held during the drama season oh the walls in the corridor outside the auditorium. The exhibit includes pil paintings,water colors, etchings, drawings, prints, batiks and wood blocks. Among the exhibitors are Jean Paul Slusser, A. M. Valerio, Myron Chapin, Mrs. Margaret 'H, Chapin, Walter Oores, Carlton Angell, Avard Fairbaiks, Frederika G. Moulette of Ypsilanti, Frederick H. Aldrich, jr., and Erit iH. Barnes. According to'Ms. John B. Waite, xmember of the board of directors of the Ann Arbor Art association, the water colors In the exhibition are exceptionally good. Water colors by both Mr. Slusser and Mr. Chapin were recently exhibited in the Chi- cago International Water Color exhibit, reputed to be the best water color display in the world. PWO WINNERS -. Dean Lovett to Talk Following Naming of Contest Awards, to Be Held at League. j Winners of major and minor awards in the 1932 Avery and Jule Hopwood creative writing contests will be announced by the judging committee at 4:30 o'clock. Thurs- day, May 26, in the Lydia Mendels- sohn theatre. Following t h e announcement Dean Robert Morss Lovett of the University of Chicago will deliver an address on "Creative Writing on a University Campus." Dean Lovett, a graduate of Har- yard university, came to Chicago university as one of a brilliant lit- erary group in which Robert Her- lick, the novelist, and William Vaughan Moody, the poet, were prominent figures. Herrick and Moody collaborated in writing two outstanding books on history and criticism of English literature. Dean Lovett is dean of the junior colleges and a professor of English at the University of Chicago. He isl a member of the editorial board of the "New Republic" magazine and is widely known as a literary critic. At one time he was editor of thel "Dial.' Union's Final Forum to Be Held Tonight The last Union forum of the year 'will be held tonight at 8 o'clock in main assembly hall of the Union. R. D. Baker of Detroit, prominent Communist leader will talk on "The Appeal of the Communist Party to the Voter." Baker was the organizer of the' Communist party in Michigan. The forum will be attended by the en- lire St rlemt Soialist clb. nd ar n SIX PAGES ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, MAY 24, 1932. WEATHER: Fair; Increasing cloudiness; warmer. PRICE FIVE CENTS PRICE FIVE CENTS I FRESHMAN FLIER (or I|Ni PARTY CL IILIUULI 'ISTI asses Will Honor Senior Women $ POLITICAL PLNK EE; li Assoc atei resnsPot Nancy Hartness of Hoghton, Mich., the only flying freshman and only aviatrix at Vassar, has won her limited commercial license as a step)ioward transpoit iernse. UNIONTUEPCD Campus Goes to Polls to Choose Six of Ten Nominees for Iinportant Post. Ten men from six schools and colleges of the University were nominated for the vice-presidency of the Union for the year 1932-33, at a meeting of the nominating committee Sunday afternoon at the Union. Six of the nominees will be elect- ed to the positions at the all-cam- pus election to be held tomorrow. From the engineering college the committee chose John A. Goetz, '33E., and Cecil Cantrill, '33E.; Lit- erary college, John Schmieler, '33, and Rolerick H. Cox, '33; Law school, Robert L. Sloss, '33L.; Med- ical school, Gilbert B. Saltonstall, ,'3311., and Sherwood B. Winslow, '33M.; Dentai scnooi, Nels P. Soren- son, '33D., and Joseph Mosier, '33D.; other schools and colleges combin- ed, Alden L. Gents, '33BAd., and Robert F. Culver, '33BAd. Goetz is a member of Triangles, junior honorary engineering society, Scabbard and Blade, Engineering Honor committee and Sigma Phi. Cantrill is a Varsity football player and a member of Phi Gamma Delta. Schmieler is the captain of the Varsity swimming team for next year and holder of several national swimming records. He is a mem- ber of Sphinx, junior literary hon- orary society. Cox is a Varsity football and track rman, and a member of Sphinx and Phi Kappa Psi. The nominating committee con- sisted of Hugh A. Conklin, '32, chairman, Frank B. Gilbreth, '33, David R. Lious, '32, Jack S. Beech- ler, '32E., and Roger N. Turner, '34L. LUNCHEON GROUP lfreshivan Club Banquet Tonight Concludes Activities for Year. The 1931-32 Freshman Luncheon club, founded this year by Dean Joseph A. Bursley in an attempt to establish closer relationships among men of the entering classes, will conclude its year's activities with a dinner at 6:30 o'clock tonight atl Chubbs. Dean Bursley, besides being its founder, sponsored and advised the group throughout the year. Credit also is given to this year's seniors who discussed the idea with Dean Bursley and recommended men of the entering class to be invited to join. The club was divided into two ;coups, one meeting on Tuesday noon and the other on Thursday at the Union. The club was enter- tained by musicians and speakers who were well-known about the campus. Members of the club stated that 1 they had considered it a most suc- cessfiul and active group and that they had attained many friend- ships among men of their class which would have been impossible if they had not belonged to the club. They voted unanimously that the purpose and ideals of the club were most imnortant and shoumld Plan Designed to Appease Both Wet and Dry Factions of G.O.P. Group. SUGGCESTION UNPOPULAR Modification Program Outlined Briefly by Doctor Dinwiddie. WASHINGTON, My 23.---(/) - Prominent Republicans are endeav- oring to shape a moist plank which would conserve the party's dry sup- port, but so far they have run up against opposition from dry organi- zation leaders who have beecn Coni- su~ted, this was disclosed today as the llouse defeated another eOfort to legalize and tax 2.75 per cent beer and as two prohibition organiza- tions principals clashed over wheth- er Franklin D. Roosevelt was really wet at heart or a repealer for po-' litical gain only. Coincident with the revelation that one of the many Republican planks being considered would op- pose repeal but permit low imodifi- cation of the existing laws, Dr. Ed- win C. Dinwiddie, secretary of the National Prohibition board of strat- egy, said he had been consulted by many Republicans but had turned a deaf ear to all suggestions. "We are against any extra-con- stitutional method of making repeal o f the .Eighteenth Amendment easy," Dr. Dinwiddic said. "We've got our orders from our people and we will oppose any opposition that would be letting down on enforce- ment." All Republican plank proposals considered thus far have been ten- tative. Rep. Snell, of New York, the House leader who is in line for permanent chairman of the nation- al convention, predicted today the platform would contain a liberal plank on prohibition, but no one could tell what the details woul be- TECHWRc PUBLISHES1 Fcatule Articles by Professors of Engineering School Cover Wide Field. The May Michigan Technic, which marks the close of the fif- tieth year of publication of the en- gineering school magazine with its appearance this week, features art- icles by four professors or the en-- gineering college. Prof. Felix W. Pawlowski, nation- ally known authority on stream- lining points out in his discussion of aerodynamics and engineering, the various problems which now confront engineers concerned with wind resistance ana air pressure. The use of diesel engines to pow- er types of aircraft is described in another article by Prof. Hugh E. Keeler of the mechanical engine- ering department. Prof. Wells I. Bennett of the architectural school and Prof. Wal- ter C. Sadler of the transportation departiment are the authorities of the other two featured articles. Al Uni siste Fres Nigi at 7 hi1S Imar] year the and with ed b clas cloc strec to t1 bloc 1.Sy lant ions caps can t earl' to be cont 111 011 man lc Uni Arb beci will clas Mic Cc Micl mor buil todl a tens said TI the buil lng stre liam stre tory At take acrd Car, rapi be s 7 onight With Lantern Night March By Elsie G. Feldman. box in the center where President 1 undergraduate women of the Alexander G. Ruthven and Mrs. versity will honor their senior Rutlhven will watch the program rs tonight with the annual with the patrons and patronesses. hliman Pageant and Lantern Emily Bates, '32, will lead the ht procession which will begin procession this year. Each class will o'clock on the Palmer field. be headed by four women who have is a tradiional ceremony distinguished themselves in schot- king the culmination of the arship and activities, and directed i"5 activities. by eighlt aides who have been chos- ie event which is sponsored by en on tie same basis. Followig the Women's Athletic Association march each class will go to their the freshman class will start assigned seats to see the Freshman the march and will be follow- Pageant which will portray the his.- y the Freshman Pageant. Each tory of music through the dance. s will form separately at 7 o'- In case of rain the entire pro- k at the gate on Observatory gram will be postponed until Wed- et and will march clown the hill nesday night. he field where they will form a ----- k "M". Last 19 Garl 'mbolic of their status as sen- ' and their traditions, lighted A erns will be carried by the sen- who will be dressed in their With N Features and gowns. These will be giv- o the juniors who in turn will y garlanded hoops which are e passed to the sophomores. The Taking a tip from Barnum, the .ribution of the freshmen wo- Gargoyle has published a picture to the priog ram is the Fresh- of the great "Wlat-is-it?' on the Pageant. front cover of .the June issue, out esides being attended by all wo- tomorrow. As explained in the cam- on campus, the faculty of the pus column, the picture, a monstro- versity and the residents of Ann sity with a handkerchief pressed to or and surrounding towns will its one sobbing eye, is said to be the festivities. Bleachers have designed especially for those people a set up on the field and seats who will ask questions about it. The1 be marked off for the different thought of grief seemingly was ses. There will be a president's inspired either by approaching examinations or by the approach- ing contact with the cold world. Toasted Rolls, that venerable institution which has fallen a vic- tim to the Mc~nltyrish Diagonal column on. page four of 'The Daily, will not pass away "without the A OTmeedof some melodious tear," for Gargoyle waxes sentimental in re- membrance of the old dlays of Joe higanensians Will Alsol Be Tinker, Dan Baxter and Johnny Obtainable Tomorrow at Chuck. New Press Building. A "great American institution"-_ ____and anything's American that Ed- ampus distribution of the 1932 die Cantor endorses, n'est-ce-pas? higanensian began yesterday -and its probable effect if tried ning in the new Publeatons upon various faculty members, fills ding, and will continue there a page of the magazine. The "bird," y and tomorrow, John A. Cars- "razzberries," "Bronx cheer," or 'Ensian business manager, "Menckenian bravo," is reputedly yesterday. tranquilizing to President Ruthven, he books may be obtained at and terrifying to Prof. Lowell J. desk in the lobby of the -new Carr, while Dean Bursley's reaction ding, whilch will be oppn from is said to be quite unpredictable. to five. The Publications build- President Ruthven's well-kfnowh is on the west side of Maynard reptilian leanings and other per- et, in the block south of Wil- sonal characteristics come in for a ,s street and directly across the share of the banter. The page is et from Betsy Barbour dormi- illustrated with a bottle of the r. President's favorite hair dressing. fter tommryow distribution will place in the old Press building ss from the Majestic theatre, stens said. The books are going BI ily and only a few remain to i old. 1 0 .H1 W - - - - - - --r M Ir A t Zias and Racine Nominees for President. Are VOTE TOMORROW Other Be Officers W ill Nominated Later. S. C. A. WILL PLAN SUMMERACTIVITY Meeting Tonight at Lane Hall to Discuss Fresh Air Camp. Harry Graham, '33, chairman of the Student Christian association executive committee on student Fellowship, announced a meeting, to be held at 7:30 o'clock tonight in Lane Hall, of the students inter- ested in the follow-up-work of the Fresh Ali- camp, held annually at Patterson lake. Faculty representatives of the Fresh Air camp will be present at the meeting also; these men are: Prof. Howard Y. McClusky, Prof. F. N. Menefee, and George G. Alder. Louis Riemann, originator of the Fresh Air camp, will speak. The camp conlcilors are to be present and there will be moving pictures that were taoken at the camp last year shown. STUDENT COUNCIL PASSES PLAN STO ATTAIN MORE. JURISDICTION O'LVER UNDERGRADUATE ACTIVITY State an in N d County Revenue Cut ew Decision of Boardx of Supervisors. All-campus elections will take place Wednesday, May 25, it was decided last night at the Student Council meeting. Joseph S. Zias, '33, and Charles R. Racine,'33, were nominated by the Council to run for the presi- dency of that organization. Zias, a member of Sigma Phi Epsilon, is on the Executive coun- cil of the Union. He was on The Daily editorial staff for a year and a half, and was chairman of music for the sophomore prom. During the past year he acted on the upper staff of the Interfrater-. rety Council, and was chairman of the Fall homecoming. Racine, a member of Trigon, is also a member of the executive council of the Union, and was a member of The Daily editorial staff for two years. He is at present the secretary of the Student Council. Nominees for student members of the Board in Control of Student Publications are Vernon Bishop, '33E, Edward W. Bowen, '33, Wil- liam T. Brown, '33, Charles M. Rush, '33, George R. Squibb, '33E, and Kenneth L. Yourd, '33. Bowen was nominated by peti- tion. The petition was approved by Prof. Edson R. Sunderland, busi- ness manager of the Board in Con- trol of Student Publications. I Nominees for the vice-presiden- cies of the Union are John Schmie- E 33; Rderick H. Cox, '33; Ce i1 E. Cantrill, '33E, John A. Goetz, '33E; Gilbert A. Saltonstall, '33M, Sherwood B. Winslow, '33M; Robert L. Sloss, '33L; Nell Sorenson, '33D; Joseph Moser, '33D; Alden Gentz, '33BAd: and "Robert Culber, '33BAd. Three Candidates . for Music Deree Will Give Recital A musical recital will be presented by three candidates for the profes- sional degree of Master of Music, at 8:15 o'clock Friday, June 2, in Hill Auditorium. The musicians are George Poinar, violinist, w h o will play Lab's "Spanish Symphony"; D a1 i e s Frantz, pianist, who will present the Liszt Concerto in E Flat, and Mar- jorie McClung, soprano, who is to sing an aria, "Pleurez me Yeux," from Massenet's "Le Cid." Because of the importance of the recital, it will be presented, in the evening instead of the usual mat- inee performance, said Prof. Earl V. Moore, director of music. Miss McClung sang the role of "Sirin" in Rimsky-Korsakoff's opera, "Legend of the Invisible City of Kitesh," in the Saturday night concert of the, May Festival. Poinar has studied violin for four, years under Prof.; Wassily Besekirsky, while Frantz this year won the Naumberg foun- dation prize to support his debut in New York city. BYTMEICALSTAFF Retiring Head of Ophthalmology Department Tendered Farewell. Dr. Walter A. Parker; retiring head of the department of ophthal- mology in the Medical school, last night was tendered a testimonial banquet by the executives of the Medical School faculty. Tribute was paid to Dr. Parker by President Alexander G. Ruthven, Ralph Stone of Detroit, member of the Board of Regents, and Dr. Wil- 1am Wilmer, of Baltimore, Mary- land, speaking at the banquet. Dr. Frederick G. Novy, head of the de- partment of bacteriology, acted as toastmaster. Dr. Parker's association with the TrnirvofrAn n- Two-House Governing Body Is Outlined in New Plan. AWAITS REGENTS Lower House Would Be Elected; Ruthven to Pick Other. Strenuous efforts toward more effective student government were made last night by the Student Council when a plan was adopted by that body which provides that jurisdiction over student conduct and activities will be vested in a legislative body consisting of an upper and a lower house. The plan, drawn up by Edward J. McCormick, '32, president of the council, Harry Benjamin, '32, Louis Columbo, '33, and James North, '32, has been approved by President Ruthven. It has now to receive the approval of the Univer- sity Council and the Board of Re- gents.I The lower house would be similar Pots to Be Mandatory Through Grid Season Pots will be worn next year un- til the end of the football season, according to a ruling pased by the council at its last meeting. Cap night will take place one week later. Senior mock elections will take place this week, under the super- vision of Joseph Zias, '33, and Allister Mitchell, '32E., it ws announced. They will be held in . the Natural Scieuce auditoripm, The - ngnilig duncII f run Its own eletons In the f i tdre under the supervomon of a Student Council representative, according to a motion passed at the meeting last night. to the present council, according' to the plan. It would consist of not more than 16 male voting members elected by the student body at large at the regular campus poll to be held during the third week of the second semester. Twelve Undergraduates. Twelve members of this group would be undergraduates, six of whom would be elected to office each year. Graduate and profes- sional schools, heretofore without representation, would have two members in the lower house. The upper house, if the Regents ratify the plan, will consist of eight members, four of whom will be chosen from the faculty and the other four from the student body. All members of the upper house would be appointed by the president of the University, and would be lia- ble to removal from office by him. -All laws, regulations, and rules of conduct enacted by the lower house, as they pertain to the student body, would become effective as soon as they were passed by upper house, according to the plan. The upper house would also have the power to initiate legislation. In order'to Ie more effective, however, the plan provides that legislation must ,re- ceive the approval of the lower house, or if rejected by that body, it must be passed by a vote of six members of the upper house and approved by the president of the University. Regulation of all student activi- {s would come under the jurisdic- tion of these two bodies, according to McCormick, who declared last night that "no other university' in the country enjoys such a great de- ;ree of student government as this Iplan would provide." New Photography Club Holds Meeting Tonight Meeting tonight at 7:45 in the main lecture room of the Architec- tura building, the new Photogra- phy lub will offer a program to its members and any others interested in its work. There will be an exhibition of plhotographs taken by club mem- bers and other contributors. Ross Bittinger, instructor in decorative design, will preside at the meeting The Ann Arbor Board of Review in an unofficial meeting Sunday; morning decided to reduce the assessed valuation of all Ann Arbor real estate 25 per cent. The change will lower the total assessment from $53,000,000 to $40,000,000. Inasmuch as the city's budgeta already has been set, the change in valuation will have no effect upon local funds, but it will aid materially in reducing the share' which Ann Arbor taxpayers will contribute toward the county and state revenue. At the last meeting 'of the city council, the aldermen adopted a resolution recommending that the supervisors reduce valuations by 15 per cent. The larger reduction was explained ' by the fact that assess- ments have been rising slowly each year in response to increased needs, faster than actual property values have risen. GLEE CLUB MEN RECEIVE AWARDS i DR. C A. FISHER GIVES ADDRESS ON BENEFITS OF ADULT EDUCATION That the advantg.ios of adult ed- l toon of the college student in his ucation should be made available to cap and gown and holding his all persons regardless of social hleepslCii in his hand and the cap- class was advocated by Dr. Charles Won below "Educated be gosh." He w \ent on to point out that this car- A. Fisher, assistant; director of the toon pictured what was often true, University extension service, yes- that the college graduate went terday in a talk before the after- ! home, ceased trying to learn, swal- noon session of the Institute of lowed the usual newspaper, radio Adult Education. and movie propaganda and became "It is ordinarily assumed," Dr. a stereotyped individual. Dr. Fish- Fisher said, "that any person whose or denied the allegation that the time is mainly ocupied with the du- mind ceases to be plastic after the ties incident to earning a living and age of 25. Teachers of adults of age who in his leisure hours voluntarily 25 to 45 should expect them to learn pursues some continuous study of at the same rate and in nearly the a formal or informal nature is en- same manner as they would have gaged in the enterprise of adult ed- learned the same thing at 15 to 20, ucation. It is certain that the Uni- ire said. versities have an inescapable duty The movies and radio, Dr. Fisherl to perform in assisting their own asserted, could be used as agents graduates to continue their educa-in adult education, but the former tions. It is equally certain, howev- pictures only silly nonsense while er, that while there is no group that the latter is used as a medium for nInP.r Nnaiel- nrinoemfinnnrr~.1 i ( 1fii n nrr-a ' n eve-m ~ Year's Activity to End Sorority Serenade. Awards for outstanding service to the Varsity Glee club in the course of their college careers were pre- sented to 10 students last night by the club. The recipients are: Truman Steinko, '33, president for 1932-33; Richard Jacobson, '32, George R. Innes, '32, Francis Hazen, '32Ed., Phillip Lincoln, '33, Douglas Craw- ford, '32E., Leslie Oldt, '32, Milo Griggs, '32E., Harry McCain, '33SM., and Harold Gelman, '33SM. Each was given a gold charm bearing the traditional date of the club, 1859, nnr thr ia in-ni rffth - .r-~- , :7 .