THE MICHIGAN DAILY SUNDAY, MAY 22, 1932. PRINCETON HEAD PLAY PRODUCTION STAFF TO DIRECT xI, PROGRAM OF ENGLISH CLASS PLAYS IO D LThe production of student writ- "Often his attempt to grapple ten plays to be given at the Labor- with such traditions makes him lose f satory Theatre this week is unique in ght of the actual play, and his r tr hareti ekisuiunIro ductian becomes a iumla of im- . . . ........ .. IIULN I U L i Michigan First Has Official Ring for Time in History of School. COMBINES FEATURES League, Union Views Engraved on Sides of Ring; Made in Gold and Silver. An official ring has been adopted by the Student Council for the Uni- versity of Michigan students. It is the first time in the history of the school that an official ring has been selected. The ring .is made, with or without a stone, in gold or silver. Either a fraternity, sorority or a Law club crest may begattached to the stone on the ring.. This combination makes it both a fraternity or so-. irority ring, as well as a college ring. Afront, view of the Uion is en- graved on one side, while a like view of the League is engraved on the other. Below both of these two engravings is an' image of a wol- verine, and then the year. Samples of the rings are now on display in the Arcade Jewelry Shop, the official Ann Arbor distributors of the ring. Over 200 other schools in the country have already adopted an official ring, including such colleges as Notre Dame; Dartmouth, and Il- linois. There will be distributors of these rings, made by Josten's Treasure- Craftsmen, in all large cities, so that mmbers of the Michigan alumni may secure them. TUNGOIL B uT1 TO1BE HELD UN I Speech by Ruthven, Presentation of Cooley Cane to Feature Tung Oil Dinner. An address by President Alexan- der G. Ruthven, the presentation of the Cooley Cane, and the pres- ence of members of seven other en- gineering school societies will fea- turethe annual Tung Oil banquet of the Sigma Rho Tau debating fraternity, June 1 in the Union. The Cooley Cane is given each year to the Junior member of Sig- manRho Tau who has beenout- standing in forensic work during the year. This year the cane will be presented by Asistant Dean Al- fred H. Lovell. that the bill is being arranged en- tirely by students in the Play Pro- duction classes," said Mr. Valentine B. Windt, director of Play Produc- tion yesterday in an interview. "The stagecraft and direction is all ac- cording to the students' own plans Sand according to their own execu- tion." "This year's plays offer good vari- ety in kind for the stuaent directors -ranging as they do from melo- drama to high comedy,"~ he said. "The directors are showing consid- erable skill in grappling with the problems of interpretation and staging. Indeed, the direction seems to be better than any I have seen from students in the past four years." When asked what he considered the value in such a production as that to be given this Wednesday and Thursday, Mr. Windt said: "It is of value to the playwright to see his 'workactually mounted on the stage, for it subjugates his play to what I like to call the life-and-breath test." "It is not easy to make charac- ters alive. Often it is a matter of theatrical trickery, and always it is a matter of theatre terminology. Production is one of the finest ways I know of making a would-be play- wright think in terms of the the- atre." He continued: "It is of value to the would-be director to produce these new plays, for he has a chance at original interpretation. One of the greatest hardships to a young director is the existence of stage A sociate" Press Photo Edward Dickinson Duffield of South Orange, N. J., was appointed acting presdent of Princeton Uni- versity. He will assume office uponI the retirement of John Grier Hib- ben in June. Detectives Follow Condon as He Speeds Through Connecticut on Mystery Errand. DANBURY, Conn,, May 21.-(P)- traditions'. Dr. John F. Condon, "Jafsie" of. the Lindbergh kidnapping case, ar- rived at a roadhouse on the out- Track Team Takes skirts of Danbury shortly before Confernc noon today after driving here at a e e Title high rate of speed from New York. (Continued from Page 1) Two New York detectives, trail- ing him in another car, said they Illinois, 1931. Also betters world's did not know themselves where he mark of 0:14.4 by Thompson, Dart- and they were going. mouth, 1920). We haven't the slightest idea," 880-yard run-Won by Hornbos- one of them said. tel, Indiana; second, Turner, Mich- Condon anounced he was going igan; third, Smith, Illinois; fourth, to have lunch at the roadhouse, but Kenny, Purdue; fifth, Lemen, Mich- did not say where he was going igan. Time, 1:56.5. from there. 220-yard dash-Won by Bennett, He ran into some acquaintances Ohio State; second, Hellmich, Illi- in the cafe, and, pointing to the! nois; third, Fazekas, Ohio State; reporters and the detectives with fourth, Renwick, Michigan; fifth, a smile, said: Thompton, Minesota. Time, 0:20.5. "I just can't seem to get away (New Western Conference record; for a quiet little jaunt by myself." former record of 0:20.6 made byI Two New Jersey state policemen Simpson, Ohio State, in 1929; also called at Condon's home in the betters world's record of 0:20.6 made Bronx before he left. It had been by Locke, Nebraska, in 1926). announced h e would examine Discus-Won by ,Broks, Michigan, rogues gallery pictures in Newark 148 ft. 1% in.; second, Purma, Illi- today. nois, 145 ft. 9 in.; third, Kabat, Wis- consin, 142 ft. 11% in.; fourth, Sim- P STERS ON WAR mns, Wisconsin, 141 ft. 2 in.; fifth, Theis, Ohio State, 139 ft. 212 in. BEING DISPLAYED, Two-mile run-Won by Brock- smith, Indiana; second, Hill, Mich- Famous Foreign Artists Exhibit igan; t h i r d, Watson, Indiana; . . :fourth, Currell, Minnesota; fifth. in World's Largest Collection. Courtwright, Wisconsin. T i in e, 9:37.9. What is believed to be the largest Hammer throw-Won by Bidding- collection in the world of posters er, Indiana, 157 ft. 10%2 in.; second, and cartoons dealing with war will Cox, Michigan,.145 ft. 10 in.; third, be on display this afternoon and Johnson, Ohio State, 145 ft. 6% in.; evening a t the Congregational fourth, Youngerman, Iowa, 145 ft. church. The collection has been l in.; fifth, Holle, Minnesota, 1381 made during the past fifteen years ft. 11 in. by Prof. F. S. Onderdonk, of the 220-yard low hurdles-Won b y College of Architecture. . Saling, Iowa; second, Scheisley, Professor Onderdonk has grouped Minnesota; third, Egleston, Mich-, the pictures in such a way as to igan; fourth, Crouch, Indiana; fifth,. furnish striking contrasts and il- Black, Ohio State. Time, 0:23. lustrate the opposite viewpoints of (Equals accepted world's record by those who are for and against war. Brookins, Iowa, 1924). Particularly effective is a postor Broad jump-Won by Brooks,Chi- bearing pictures, on one side of cago, 25 ft.; second, Gohl, Purdue, cbaplains blessing troops, on the 23 ft. 8% in.; third, Crouch, Indiana,, other side of Christ viewing with 23 ft. 21/2 in.; fourth, Wise, Ohio sadness the results of man's con- State, 22 ft. 9 in.; fifth, Nelle, Illi- flict. nois, 22 ft. 53/4 in. Among the artists represented in One-mile relay-Won by Michigan the collection are Honore Dautnier, (Ellerby, Glading, DeBaker and a Frenchman; E. Holarek, a Czecho- Russell); second, Indiana; . third; slovakian; Otto Dix, a German; and Iowa; fourth, Illinois; fifth, Ohiol Grottgea, a Pole. State. Time, 3:22.1. p j t A U n.. U C ;fl J - GJ J l J L ± e Vl 1 1 1 itation. These new scripts have no traditions hovering over them, and the student is put it- the extremely vital position of making a tradition of his own," Windt concluded. OEN STDMRO Distinguished Audience to See Violet Heming, Lester Vail in First Production. (Continued From Page 1) Juliet" have been executed by Stew-; art Chaney, brilliant young New York designer who is in charge of the physical productions of the Dramatic Season. Chaney is assist- ant to Raymond Sovey, distinguish- ed American artist, and has worked with him at the famous Bergman studios in New York. His design for the heroine's drawing-room in "There's Always Juliett' is done in modernistic manner in shades of white and brown. These match Miss Ileming's imported Vionnet gowns which she wears in the production. The 1932 Dra.matic Season is th0! third of the annual spring theatre festivals in Ann Arbor, which gather together each year the outstanding artists of the New York stage and present them in the latest New York successes. In previous years the outstanding actors have been Margaret Anglin, Blanche Yurka, Violet Heming, Tom Powers, Ernest Cossart, Thomas Wilfred and Mar- tha Graham. In addition to "There's Always Juliet," the season this year will present,- during five weeks from May 23 to June 25, Patricia Collinge in "Candida"; two dance recitals by Martha Graham; Geoffrey Kerr, Amy Loomis and Frances Dade in Philip Barry's "The Animal King- dom"; special matinees of "Great Catherine"; Violet Kemble-Cooper and Mr. Kerr in Paul Osborne's "The Vinegar Tree"; and Glenn Hunter and Miss Cooper in "Peter Ibbetson." This year the Dramatic Season has attracted wide: attention in New York and Boston. All of the New York papers have been carry- ing announcements of the season this week on their dramatic pages. 4 Such critics as -Burns Mantle and Stark Young regard it of sufficient importance to merit special articles in their papers.,..The New York Times for Thursday, May 18, gave a leading article to the season. As added features of this year's program, the Ann Arbor Art Asso- ciation has placed,a display of' painting and sculpture in the Men- delssohn theatre lobby; and Stanley Fletcher, fellow of the Juillard foundation at the University, will present entre-acte music in a con- cert manner during the plays. President Alexander G. Ruthven and Prof. H. M. Jones have written forewords for the program tomor- row night. Seats are still available for all performances, and are on sale at the Mendelssohn theatre box-office from 10 o'clock through the hur of performance daily, except Sun- day. The popular Wednesday and Saturday matinees are to be pre- sented each week during the season at 3:15 o'clock. iand those completing the graduate work will be held today. Professor Edgar G. Johnston will be the speaker. Installation of new officers will be held. International Good Will Day: At 2 p.m., Charles Rand Kennedy's "The Terrible Meek" will be pre- sented by the Wesley Players and motion pictures of the League of Nations and No More War Move- ment will be shown at a Union Service of Ann Arbor Churches in Seven Societies Repre sented. I Each of the seven organizations endorsing the Tung Oil banquet will be represented by speakers. Marshall Anderson, '32E, will speak for the student branch of the Am- erican Society of Mechanical En- gineers. For the American Society of Civil Engineers the response will be given by Fred Buchan, '32E, chairman of the student branch. The American Institute of Elec- trical Engineers will be represent- ed by Gary E. Muffly, '32E. Bazely Johnson, '32E, former editor of the Michigan Technic, and one of the most brilliant after-dinner speak- ers of the student body, will re- spond to the toast for the Trans- portation club. Prof. Walter E. Lay of the auto- motive department will talk for the' national organization of the So- ciety of Automotive Engineers. The speakers for the American Institute of Chemical Engineers and the Aviation club have notl been announced. William A. Zan- der, '32E, will represent the student branch of the American Society of Industrial Engineers. Cane Has Unique History. The Cooley Cane, which has be- come a respected honorary award in the past three years, has a back- ground of which few campus tro- phies can boast. It was made from the wood of the staggered wooden gate posts which at one time guard- ed tlet: diagonal from strolling eat- tle. These posts weict usld to a farner by ihf administration when tHi fencing was torn down in 1887. Student, upon learning of the transaction, visited the farmer, and secretly took the posts when he re- fused to sell them. In time the wood was made up into canes and Mortimer E. Cooley, then an in- structor, was presented with one of them by his students. The can has since been refash-l ioned with an ivory and gold head. It is understood that the junior who wins the Cooley Can each year will deliver it over to his successor, the following spring. One hundred and forty-two occu- pations are pursued by parents of students attending the University T Y P E WRI T IN MIMEOGRAPHINTG pPromptly and neatly dne in our oun shopy etent operators M dera rates. . D. M 0 R R I L L, 14 S. State: St. ,Arnn Arbor. i IL -II ~ERTH NOW SHOWING gh ightt Rangy -vous,- That uded l EL A IN FE liNG'S PRO ION Nt INS NGROOE RT MOWAMME plyf ' 1 ; NIY{ I If