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May 22, 1932 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1932-05-22

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VOL. XLII, No. 169.



WEATHER: Generally fair; warmer


_._... .. .. .-.-.



Distinguished Audience
to See First Night
Heavy Sale of Tickets
Indicates Capacity
A distinguished and crowded
house is assured the opening per-
formance tomorow night in Lydia
Mendelssohn theatre of "There's
A:lways Juliet" with Violet Heming
ind( Lester Vail in tH starring rolcs.
According to the civic committee of
the 1932 Dramatic season, the sea-r
zon ticket sale through yesterday
a fternoon has more than triplled
that of previous years.I
Many interesting personalities,1
famous in the theatre and critical
world, will be in the audience of
"There's Always Juliet" tomorrow
night, including Patricia Collinge,
who is now in Ann Arbor rehears-
ing for "Candida," Charles Wagner,
the noted impressario, Mrs. Ossip
Gabrilowitsch, Oliver Sayler, Miss
Jessie Bonstelle and Walter Sher-
win, the dramatic critics of the four
Detroit papers, Anthony Kemble-
Cooper, brother of Violet Kemble-
Cooper, and Miss Ruth Page, the
The curtJu .wijl rise promptly at,
8:15 o'clock tomorrow night, and
as Miss )Ieming is on the stage at
the rise of the first curtain, Robert
Henderson, director, urges that the
patr-ons be in their seaits on time.
Last night the first performance'
of "'There's Always Juliet" was pre-
Sented in the new Civic theatre at
Kalaipazoo before a capacity audi-
ence. This preliminary performance
asures a polished opening in Ann
Arbor, Henderson says.
The civic committee of the Dra-
nmatic Season, which includes 'Prof.
0. J. Carnpbell, Dean Joseph A.
Bursley, Mr. and Mrs. A. 14. Earhart,
Mrs. T. 0. Oliphant, 'Prof. James
O'Nejil, Mrsi:. II. M. Hutchins, and
Prof. Ioward M: Jones, will all be
in attendance at the opening per-
The story of There's Always
Juliet concerns a young English
girl and an American 'architect who
1all desperately in love with each
other at very slight acquain Lance.
Miss Lheming, who has just re-
turned from Hollywood, will appear
as Leonora Perrycoste, the English
girl; and Vail, also from Hollywood,
will nlav the American. Dwight l


Uincle /lex' Is ExpmeI d ;iJune
Issune, Out Wednesday.
The private life of Alexandier G.
Ruthven, University president and
erstwhile snake-hunter, is at last
bared to an eager public in the June
issue of Gargoyle, appearing on the
newsstands Wednesday.
Dr. Alex's habits of applying var-
nish to his hair, his love for (logs
andl picket fences, aIdihis mnidnight
frolics with the Student counicil are
all exposed in order. The Gargoyle
ventures also to say that the Uni-
versity came clown a peg when it
traded a president who played with
rats for one who enjoyed h1im-isel
with snakes. The campus humor
sheet, aaphlAiti_ the, lt Mr.
Tobin, concludes that Uncle. Alex
"would make a good University
Following t e exanple of other
editors who spoke out their minds,
the editor of the Gargoyle coughs
out a farewell address. Ile warns+
the reader, however, that his obser-
vations may niot be accurate, be'-
cause of his habit of boling two-
thirds of his classes and sleeping
through the other nine-tenths.
Special Senate Committee Ilans
Compromise in Order
to Pass ills.
WASHINGTON', May 21._-I/)-
Further compromising inust b e
clone to make possible a program of;
federal relief acceptable to every-
body who counts in. con res , to
President Hoover and to the poeii-
atid beneficiaries" as well.
A special Democratic relief com-
mittee of the senate Friday night
hatched out: the fourth plan for;
aiding unemployed and distressed
which has been put forward since


DO-X Reaches Azores on Second
Leg of Homeward Flight
to Switzerland.
New Pages in Aviation History
Written on Fifth Anniversary
of Lndbergh's Hop.
("y h e 4sso ,iuI, 4IPress )
A y(r)irirg Ainemin m Platron and a
)and of Crman birdmen wrote
shining pages of aviation history
Mis. Amelia Earhart Putnam be-
came the first woman to fly the
north Atlantic alone and inscribed
her name second to that of Col.
Charles A. Lindbergh in ocean fly-
img. She became also the first per-
son to fly the ocean twice iin a
The Amelia Earhart of many pre-
vious aerial exploits brought her
crimson and gold monoplane down,
in a grassy plain at Culmore, north-
ern Ireland, at 7:45 a. m., Eastern
tandard Time, after a hop from
IUai-bor Grace, Newfoundland, in 14
hours, 54 minutes.
Capt. Frederick Christiansen and
his gallant crew put the flying boat
DO-X down at Horta, in the Azores,
at 7:55 p. in., Eastern Standard
Time, at the end of a flight from
Hlolyrood, Newfoundland, which be-
gan at 3 a. m. The DO-X thus com-
lpleted. its first overwater span to-,
ward its home base in Switzerland.
The Ifith aniversary yf "Slim"
Lindbergh's epochal flight from
New York to Paris was marked by a
single tragedy. In Rome, Capt.
George Endres, who flew the At-
lantic in 1931, was killed in a short
service flight, while attending a
convention of trans-Atlantic bird-


Board Discusses Salaries
President, Secretary
of nion.





John H. Huss Named Recording
Secretary at Board of
Directors Meeting.

Violet Heming is the leading lady
in "There's Always Juliet," which
opens the 1932 dramatic season at
Lydia Mendelssohn theatre.
Atudience of 3500 Hears Premier
of Rimsky-Korsakoff Opera
as Festival Ends.
An audience of more than 3,500{
last nig'ht heard a notable grou of1


....., ,h"""' T v.. .,. ............. ....,..... , ... .... .,. .... .,

Houston. Henderson is cast as Peter
Walmsley, and Lillian Bronson as
Florence, the maid.
The settings for "There's Always
(Continued on Page 2}
Noted Communist Organizer
Will Address Students;
Socialists to Attend.
The entire Student Socialist club
will attend the. Union forum on
Communism to be held on Tuesday
night May 24, it was announced
yesterday by Edward W. Kuhn, re-
cording secretary of the Union.
The principal speaker at the
forum will be R. D. Baker of De-,
troit, for 15 years prominent corn-
numist leader in Michigan andI
organizer of the Michigan Com-
munist party.
Neal Staebler, son of the former
mayor of Ann Arbor will also ad-
dress the meeting. Staebler has
been for several years prominent in
zocialist circles in Ann Arbor.
After the address by Baker, en-
titled "The Appeal of the Commun-
ist Party to the Voter," there will
1,o .11 qi oo l,o..(inr, rof the nnm -

opera stars present, as the closinghs
oncert in the 1932 May Fstival, re-entry of the congr('ssional scene,
the first performance of Rimsky- last week.
he frst eifrmane ofRim y- hisfourth plan calls for use of
Korsakof's "Legend of the Invisible fourth -hari all n l or
City of Kitesh and the Maiden $2,300,000,000 -half ahil ioin for
P, evronia." s apublic construction, obtained by is-
John Charles homasbaritone I sue of government bonds; $300,000,-
JoftheChcagorOeraThomayres-00 for direct relief loans to states
afth Chicago Opr company, yes- in d $1,500,000 for public and private
terday afternoon gave a recital be-ans$rucforpublcnd-a
ore a large audience in the fifth mconstruction loans, both to be ad-
th ere. eappeared iniistered by the Reconrstriuctioni
with the Chicago Symphony orches-Finance corporation, oult of capital
tra, Frederick Stock conducting. secured by issuance of its own se-
The stars who appeared in the en't ies
Opera last night were Juliette Lippe, This plan is sticking close to the
oprano; Marlorie McClun g ' comprOinise offered by Pr sidenrt
prano; Mina hager, contralto. Hoover and Senator Robinson, the
Frederick Jagel, tenor; Emmet 'Democratic leader, egc t that the
Leib, tenor; Nelson Eddy, baritone, I 'fundS are larger by a billion doll-
Chase Baromeo, bass; Palmer Chris- lars aid that half of this is to be
tian, organist; the Chicago Sym- raised by bonds. President hoover
phony orchestra, arid the University is opposed to a further big expan-
Choral union with Earl V. Moore sion of public works at this time.
conductin , with'Speaker Garner's own plan, third
cod g .in the list, meanwhile was taking
Ends Year's Activities. lcgislative form in one bill which
The two concerts yesterday mark- is now expected to be submitted to
ed the close of the 39th annual May the house within two weeks or less.
Festival, founded by the late Dr. Garner proposed a $2,100,000,000
Albert A. Stanley, and the culmina- elan, with the odd hundred million
:ion of the University Musical so- placed in the President's hands for
ciety's yearly activities. Visitors outright allocation wherever need
from all over the United States, might require it, with the balanc9
Canada and a few from European divided equally between a public
cities were numbered among the construction plan and. an expanded
iuests. lending policy by [lie reconstrue..
"I have been deeply gratified," Lion corporation.
commented President Charles A. -- - --
Sink of the music school, "by the stanley Services Will
support which has been given the
Festival this year. It has indicated Be at 3 o'Clock Today
that appreciation of music has not
been drowned by the current pes- Funeral services for Dr. Albert A.
simism and financial difficulty. Stanley, May Festival founder, will
"In my opinion, music is even take place at 3 o'clock this after-
more needed in times of stress and noon at St. Andrew's Episcopal
strain than during periods of nor- church. Dr. Stanley died early
mnalcy or extreme prosperity, since Thursday morning.
it lifts us temporarily above mater- The honorary pallbearers will be
lal concepts." President Ruthven, Regent Junius
Famous Artists Heard. I E. Beal, Dr. Warren P. Lombard,
In the six concerts, which began Dr. James F. Breakey, Dean-Emeri-
Wednesday and ended last night bus, Mortimer E. Couley, Levi D.
,' Wines, Sidney W. Clarkson, and
' a is were Ruth Rog- Ruben 11. Kempf.
F rederik Jg Ch Barom- The active pallbearers will be Dr.
SGitta radovGoeta LungCharles A. Sink, president of the
er, iaLgrova Music School, Prof. Earl V. Moore,
berg, Mina hager, Beniamnino Gigli, Prof. Albert Lockwood, Prof. A. hi.
John Charles Thomas, Juliette White, Vice-President Shirley Smith
Lippe, Marjorie McClung, Emmett and Prof. Clarence Johnston.
Leib, Nelson Eddy, Palmer Chris- Rev. Henry Leis, rector of St.
tion, the Chicago Symphony or- Re. hr wi, rectoraof St
chestra, the University Choral Andrews church, will offis.ate at
Union, and the Children's Festival the services.
chorus, with Frederick Stock, Earl

M~ot ion

John W. Lederle, '32, and John H.
huss, '32, were appointed president
and recording secreta'y of the
[nion for next year, at a meeting
of the board of directors held yes-
terday noon.
The new of icers will take office
at a formal installation baiiquet
Tuesday night, May 31.I
Lederle was chairman of the
S.C.A. convocations as a sophomore,
aiwl has been vice-president of the
Oratorical association, and a ineni-
)er of the varsity debating squad.
Lor two years he has been a memi-
ber of the Union executive board,
in his sophomore year as assistant
chairman of the underclass com-
mittee, and this year as chairman
of the reception committee. Lederle
is a member of Trigon fraternity.
Huss was president of his class
as a freshman. He is a member of
Alpha Nu speech society, and a past
member of the Varsity debating
squad. For two and one-half years
he has been on the Union staff,
this year as chairman of the under-
class committee. He is a member of
DeltLa Alpha Epsilon fraterrimi ty.
Salaries are Discussed. I
A heate'd discussion was held at
the meeting of the board on the
subject of giving salaries to the
president and recording secretary
of the organization. It was brought
out that the Union officers are vir-
tually the only important non-
athletic activity heads on the cam-
pus who are not remunerated in,
some form,
On the other hand it was argued
that never in the past has it been
felt necessary to pay the officers to
insure that their calibre be high
and that they conscientiously do
their work.
A motion was finally made em-
powering the president to appoint
a committee of five to study the
matter and to report to the board
with a recommendation at the ear-
lie'st possible moment. Hugh R.
Conklin, '32, present president of
the Union, urged that anyone hav-
ing a definite suggestion on the
subject communicate with him at
If the committee recommends
that salaries be paid to the two
senior officers of the Union, and
the measure is approved by the
board of directors, it will go into
effect with the year 1932-33.
It was also brought out at the
meeting that financially the Union
is ahead of its position at the same
time last year.

Picture, Play,
Feature Meeting
Resisters League.

A motion picture of the work be-
ing done th roughout the world by
the League of Nations and a one-
. ct play, "The Terrible Meek," will
be presented at 8 o'clock tonight in
the Congregational church at a
meeting of the Union of Ann Arbor
churches. The meeting will be un-
der the auspices of the War Re-
sisters' league.
"The Terrible Meek" was written
by Charles R. Kennedy. It will be
presented by the Wesleyan players.
In addition to the motion pictures
of the League of Nations work a
film of some "No More War" dem-
onstrations in Europe will be shown.
A collection of 297 war cartoons and
posters will also be on display.
Dr. Peter F. Stair, assistant pas-
tor of the First Methodist church,
will occupy the pulpit in the serv-
ice at 10:30 this morning, speaking
on the subject, "Seeing Is Believ-
rg ,"
The subject of the morning ser-
mon at Bethlehem Evangelical
church will be "Our God." Rev.
Theodore R. Schmale will be in
charge. The 'regular German serv-
ice will be omitted and a commun-
ion service will be held at 11:00
At 10:45, Rev. R. Edward Sayles i
will preach at the First Baptist
church on "Life's Inner Resources."
At 6:30, Prof. W. Carl Rufus will
speak on "Towards an Oriental
Point of View."
"Seeing Through Difficulties" will
be discussed by Rev. Merle H. An-
derson in the morning service at
the First Presbyterian church. In-
stallation of new officers of the
Young People's society will take
place at 6:30.
Zion Lutheran church will hear
E. C. Stellhorn preach on "The
T l sit K of ho Tiune ,,d"a i

Book of University
of Michi'gan Plays
Makes Appearance
Book three of the "University of
Michigan Plays," containing ten
one-act plays written in Prof. Ken-
neth T. Rowe's class in play writing,
has arrived, it was announced yes-
terday by Professor ,Rowe.
The plays included in the book
are "The Beer Garden," by Adelaide
Syimons, '32, "Between Winds" by
Jack B. Nestle, '32, "Translated," by
Barton Rees Pogue, "Go Down
Moses," by Adolph Levy, "The Pro-
vider," by William A. Compton, '32,
"Half-a-Stick," by Sidney B. Rosen-
thal, '34, "A Doctor to Be," by Paul
1. Sissman, '35M "Masquerade," by
Richard L. Tobin, '32, "The Bright
Medallion"' and "'The Eyes of the
old" both by Boris Price, Grad,
Four of the plays are to be pro-
duced by Play Production on May
25 and 26 in the Laboratory thea-
t re, under direction of Valentine
. Windt, and two of them, the
ones by Miss Price together with
"Sotka" also 'by Miss Price, were
produced recently in the Laboratory
theatre by an amateur colored cast
fromr Detroit.
The book was printed at the
Antioch Press at Yellow Springs,
Ohio. It was published by George
Water and is now on display In the
State street store. The price has
been set at $1.75.
Ninth Inning Rally Is Cut off
After Score by Tompkins;
Four Pitchers Used.
CHAMPAIGN, Ill., May 21.--(/P)-
Illinois won a Big Ten baseball
game from Michigan here today,
3 to 2. Four pitchers took, part in
the hurling battle that resulted in
Michigan's second loss in as many
Harley McNeal and George Mills
opposed each other as the game
began, but Mills was hit by a ball
pitched by McNeal in the fifth and
had to retire. Joe Wrobke finished
the game for Illinois and got credit
for the victory. McNeal, who yield-
ed eight hits, left the game in the
seventh in favor of Wistert, who
held the Illini to one hit thereafter.
Steurnagel's double for Illinois in'
the seventh was the only extra base
hit of the game. He was put out
on a fielder's choice, but hits by
Schustek and Pike drove in Cher-
vinko with the winning run in that
inning. Michigan started a ninth
inning rally, but the effort was cut
short after Tompkins, Who had
walked, scored on hits by Superko
and Daniels.
Ferguson, if ......4 0 0 4 0 0
Waterbor, ss ....3 0 0 2 3 0
Artz, rf ..........4 0 1 0 0 0
Tompkins, cf .....2 1 0 2 0 0
Superko, 3b.......3 1 1 2 1 0
Diffley, c .........4 0 1 2 1 0
Daniels, 2b ......4 0 2 4 3 0
Manuel, lb .......4 0 1 8 1 0
McNeal, p ........3 0 0 0 2 1
Petoskey, ef ......1 0 0 0 0 0
Wistert, p ........0 0 0 0 0 0
'Total .........32 2 6 24 11 1
Gbur, 2b .........5 1 2 2 2 1
ITryban, ss ........4 0 0 2 3 1
Frink, If.........5 0 0 5 0 1
Steurnagel, rf .. 3 0 2 0 1 0
Millsp .........2 0 1 0 4 0
Chervinko, c ......4 1 0 3 1 0
Schustek, lb......3 0 1 11 0 0
Pike, of----------2 1 2 2 0 0
Wahl,rb .........3 0 1 1 1 0
Wrobke, p ......1 0 0 1 1 0

Total .... 32 3 9 27 13 3
Runs batted in ---By Diffley, Dan-
j1s, Gbur, Pike. Two base hit--
Steuernagel. Left on bases-Michi-
gan 6, Illinois 12. Base on balls-Off
McNeal 3, of' Mills 2, off Wrobke 2.
Struck out---By Mills 1, by Wrobke
2. Hits-Old McNeal 8 in 6 2-3 in-
nings; off Wistert, 1 in 1 and 1-3
innings; off Mills, 2 in 5 innings;
off Wrobke 4 in 4 innings.
rir Ten Standings I

Scarlet and Gray Star
Hurt in 220 Yard
Hurdle Event
Stiff Wind May Force
Discarding of New
Records Set
By Sheldon C. Fullerton.
(Speciali to 'he aily)
EVANSTON, Ill., May 21.-A
leg injury to Jack Keller, Ohio
State star, in the 220-yard low
hurdles event, forced him out of
the race and made it possible for
Michigan to annext the Big Ten
track title here today.
The Wolverines ran up a total
of 50% points as against Ohio
State's 46% and Indiana's 43Y.
The other scores were: Illinois
31%, Minnesota 1812, Iowa 17%,
Wisconsin 17, Purdue 9, and Chi-
cago 6. Northwestern failed to
Michigan placed men in all but
three events, climaxing the day
with a sensational victory over In-
diana in the mile relay.
Records Fall.
With a stiff wind blowing against
the backs of runners in the shorter
sprints, several record breakin~g
times were turned in. Two world
marks were broken, two were tied,
and one Big 'en mark went by the
boards, but it is probable that
none of these nmarks' except the
shot put record will be recognized.
While the track team was
nosing out the Buckeyes to win
the conftrence track meet, the
golf squad was doing equally
well, %oniny Fischer leading
them on to victory at Minneap-
olis in the Big Ten competition.
For details of the matches see
page 3.
Bennett of Ohio State broke
'oeke's mark in the 220-yard dash
hi the time of :20.5. He also tied
'he record of Eddie Tolan in the
100-yard dash, doing it in :09.5.
Saling of Iowa came back to cap-
itre the 220-yard low hurdles in 23
:econd flat, tying the record, while
Munn of Minnesota broke the Big
T'en shot put record by heaving the
weight 49 feet, 1%i inches.
Michigan took three of the first
fOur places in the 440, Ed Russell
copping first place after a hard
race. Brooks added another first in
the discus, and the relay team also
,,ame through with a first.
The outcome of the meet was un-
itrtain until the final event, when
Mosio of Michigan came through
with a 6 feet 2 inch mark in the
high jmnp to tie for second place
and clinch the victory.
The weather was clear, but it was
gold and windy.
One mile run-Won by Brock-
Fnith, Indiana; second, Wolfe,
lichigan; third, Sears, Purdue;
fourth, Neese, Indiana; fifth, Trott,
f(wa. Time, 4:21.2.

440-yard dash--Won by Russell,
Michigan; second, hFuqua, Indiana;
third, Ellerby, Michigan; fourth,
.JeBaker, Michigan; fifth, Teitel-
baum, Ohio State. Time, 0:49.8.
100-yard dash--Won by Bennett,
Ohio State; second, Hellmich, Illi-
nois; third, Fazekas, Ohio State;
fourth, Renwick, Michigan; fifth,
T-ompton, Minnesota. Time, :09.5.
i(ies Western Conference an d
world's record made by Eddie To-
Ian, Michigan, in 1929).
Shot put-Won by Munn, Minne-
sota, 49 ft. 51% iches; second, Pur-
ina, Illinois, 46 ft. 10 inches; third,
Kabat, Wisconsin, 46 ft. 6%/ inches;
fourth, Cook, Illinois, 46 ft. 3%
inches; fifth, Brooks, Michigan, 44
ft. 21 inchs. (New Western Con-
fc-ereice record: former record 49


Loss of $1,000 Estimated
East Engineering Blaze
Due to Sparks.


Firemen made short work of a
blaze which broke out on the roof
of the East Engineering building at
12:45 o'clock yesterday afternoon.
Building officials estimated the
(lamage at approximately $1000,
The fire started from a spank
which ignited wooden flasks on the
roof, used in sand molds. The blast
furnace on the floor below had been
in operation all morning, and it
was thought that a spark had flown
out of the cupola above the chim-
ney and ignited the flasks.
The roof on that side of the build-
ing probably will have to be re-
placed, as well as windows which
were broken. Water damaged a few
easting's on the floor below which




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