4;_THE MI CHIcAN DAILY SATURDAY, MAY21 DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University. Copy received at the office of the Assistant to the President until 3:30; 11:30 a.m. Saturday. VOL. XLII. SATURDAY, MAY 21, 1932 No. 18 NOTICES To The Members of the University Council (Corrected Notice): There will be a meeting of the University Council on Monday, May 23, in the Alumni Memorial Hall, Room B, at 4:15 p.m., at which time two com- munications will be considered: (1) report of the Standing Committee on Student Relations, concerning University Discipline, and (2) the report of the Committee on Questionnaires. Copies of these reports will be mailed to members of the Council, and are available to all members of the University Senate. Louis A. Hopkins, Secretary. Faculty, College of Engineering: There will be a meeting of the Faculty of this College on Thursday, May 26, at 4:15 p.m., in Room 348, West Engineering building. Louis A. Hopkins. MAY FESTIVAL The Fifth May Festival concert will be given this afternoon at 2:30 o'clock in Hill Auditorium. John Charles Thomas, Baritone; Chicago Symphony Orchestra; Frederick Stock, Conductor. Program: d'Indy: "Wallenstein's Camp"; d'Indy: Symphony No. 2, in B Flat (Extremement lent-Tres vif; Moderement lent; Modere; Lent Vif) Verdi: Aria "Di Provenza" from "La Traviata" (John Charles Thomas) Dohnanyi: Romanza from Suite, Opus 19; Massenet: Aria, "Vision Fugitive" from "Herodiade" (Mr. Thomas). The Sixth May Festival concert will be given this evening at 8:15 o'clock in Hill Auditorium. Juliette Lippe, Soprano; Marjorie McClung, Soprano; Mina Hager, Contralto; Frederick Jagel, Tenor; Emmett Leib, Tenor; Nelson Eddy, Baritone; Chase Baromeo, Bass; Palmer Christian, Organist; Chicago Symphony Orchestra; University Choral Union; Earl V. Moore, Conductor. Program: "The Legend of, the Invisible City of Kitesh and the Maiden Fevronia" (Concert Version) Rimsky-Korsakoff. An Opera in Four Acts and Six Scenes. English Text by Lila Pargment. First Performance in America. Cast of Characters: King Jury (Chase )3aromeo) Prince Vsevolod, His son (Frederick Jagel) Fevronia (Juliette Lppe) Gregory Koutierma (Frederick Jagel) Feodor Poyarok (Nelson Eddy) A Youth (Mina Hager) First Rich Nobleman (Emmett Leib) Sec- ond Rich Nobleman (Chase Baromeo) A Bear Leader (Emmett Leib) Bedyai (Chase Baromeo) Burundai (Nelson Eddy) Sirin (Marjorie Mc- Clung) Akonost (Mina Hager) Huntsmen, Warriors, Townsfolk, Tartars, and Angels (University Choral Union.) Act I: In the Forests of the Volga; Act II: In the Square at Kitesh Minor; Act III: Scene I. In Kitesh Major, Scene II. On the Shore of Lake Jar (omitted at this performance) Act IV: Scene I. In the Forest of Kerjenez; Scene II. In the Invisible City of Kitesh. The public is requested to be seated on time as the doors will be closed during numbers. NOTICE-TO SENIORS AND GRADUATE STUDENTS! Only three more days remain for the payment of the diploma fees There can and will be absolutely no extension beyond 4 p.m., Wednesday, May 25. The Cashier's Office is closed on Saturday afternoons. Shirley W. Smith. The University Institute of Adult Education, sponsored by the Ex- tension Division of the University of Michigan in co-operaton wth the Michigan State Federation of Women's Clubs, opens on the campus on Monday morning, May 23, and continues through the entire week. Two general sessions and two special sessions of the Institute will be h .eld each day. The general sessions convene a$ 10:30 a.m., and 1:30 p.m., and the special sessions at 10:30 a.m. and 2:30 p.m. The following subjects will be discussed at the general sessions by University profes- ors: The Univerity and the State; The University and Adult Education, The Club Program--Objectives; The University and Physical Education of Women; The Club Program-Methods; The University and Culture; The Club Program-Typical Study Outlines; The University and Citizen- ship; Civic Leadership and the Press, and The Washington Bicentennial. The lecture subjects at the special sesions are: Drama; International Relations; Fine Arts, and Health. All women students are invited to attend the lectures if they mo desire upon presentation of any University identification. Univrsity Bureau of Appointments and Occupational Information: Representatives of the Home Life Insurance company of New York will preent in Room 205 Mason Hall, Wednesday, May 25, at 4:10, for the purpose of presenting to men and women the possibilities and oppor- tunitics the Life Insurance business offers as a life's work. University Bureau of Appointments and Occupational Information: Anyone interested In Social Work who lives in or near Detroit will be interested in Social Work Seminar offered by Highland Park Y.W.CA. Ocupatiotial information on Mother's Pensions, Child Placement, De1Anquent Juveniles, Public Health, Neighborhood Settlements, Crippled Children, Y.W.C.A., Case work, Psychiatric Clinics, will be offered through lectures, field trips, and interviews. Those interested can see representatives on Monday, May 23, at 4:10, at the ofilce of 'the Bureau, 201 Mason Hall. Comprehensive Professional Examination in Education: Under the regulations of the School of Education all the candidates for the Teach- er's Certificate (except those receiving a Graduate degree this June) are required to pass a Comprehensive Professional Examination in Education before they are eligible for recommendation for the Certi- ficate. The next examination of this kind will be held on Saturday, May 21, in the Auditorium of the University High School. Owing to the length of ths examination it will be necessary to begin it at 8 o'clock (not 9 o'clock as prevously stated). For the average students the time that is likely to be required to complete the work will be about four hours. Students must plan accordingly. C. 0. Davis. Junior Coiposition (English 87): Students who expect to enroll in English 87 next September should present manuscripts to the instructors of the course at one of the periods indicated in the following schedule: Assistant Professor Everett-Saturday, May 21, 10:30-11:30. EXHIBITIONS Third Annual Exhibition of Sculpture to be held under the auspices of the Division of Fine Arts. Works by students and Prof. Avard Fair- banks to be displayed until May 23 in University Hall, Rooms 210, 401, and 402 from 11 a.m. to 9:30 p.m. Exhibition of Modern Austrian Painting and a loan Exhibition of Modern European and American Prints in Alumni Memorial Hall. Gal- leries open week-days from nine until five; Sundays from two until five. Exhibitions close May 30. EVENT TODAY Chinese Students Club: The last meeting of this semester will be held at Wesley Hall, on State and Huron St., at 8 p.m. This meeting will have a threefold purpose: (1) a report of the club's activities of this semester (2) election of officers for the coming year, and (3) a farewell to the members who are leaving here. An interesting program and light refreshments will be provided. All members are expected to be present. COMING EVENTS Members of Dean's Luncheon Clubs: The members of these groups are urged to attend the dinner at Chubbs at 6 o'clock, Tuesday night,l May 24. All will go to the Freshman Pageant in a body. Spring Parley: The last follow-up meeting of the Spring Parley on r Personal Philosophies will be held at the League at 8:15 Sunday. Profs. Louis Strauss and R. Sellars are on the program with Prof. Slsson as chairman. Breakfast at 8:15; ~eeting at 9. Senior Ball Committee: There will be an important meeting Sunday, t May 22, at 5 o'clock in the Union. Everyone please attend. Lawrence Whitsit, General Chairman. Presentation of Student Plays: Next week Wednesday and Thursday, May 25 and 26, Play Production and the Department of English will present four original student plays at the Laboratory Theatre. The program will begin at 8:30 p.m., and has been directed and technically v executed by students in Play Production classes. The box office for tickets will be open at the Laboratory Theatre every day from now on to the opening date from 12 Noon until 3 p.m. Notice to Lutheran Students: Lutheran Student club will meet in Zion Parish Hall Sunday evening at 5:30 for fellowship hour. The annual banquet given to seniors of the club and those completing graduate work will be held this Sunday. Prof. Edgar G. Johnston will be the speaker. Installation of new officers will be held. /C Harris Hall: Sunday evening at eight o'clock the Rev. Samuel S. 1 Marquis, D.D., rector of Christ Church, Cranbrook, will read a paper for P discussion on the subject: "Wanted-a new religion." Interested stu- dents are invited. Harris Hall: Sunday, Prof. Bennett Weaver of the English depart- t ment will conduct an outdoor service for the student group. Those who are planning to walk will leave Harris Hall at 5:30 pm., the others who want to ride wil leave at 6 p.m. If it should rain the meeting will be at Harris Hall. St. Andrew's Church: Sunday, 8 a.m., Holy Communion, 9:30 a.m. Church School, 11 a.m., Kindergarten, 11 a.m.; Morning prayer and ser- mon by the Reverend Duncan E. Mann, 6:15 p.m., Young People's Fellow- ship in the Church School building. Wesley Hall: Sunday, 6 p.m., Dr. J. A. Halmhuber, District Superin- tendent, will speak on the General Conference. Social hour and cost supper will follow. Baptist Guild, Sunday, 6:30, Professor W. Carl Rufus will speak on "Towards an Oriental Point of View." Friendship Hour at 5:30. Presbyterian Young People's Society: Student Class for Freshmen Men and Women 9:30 Sunday at the Church House; Social Hour5:30 and Student Meeting 6:30. Sunday evening there is to be a fellowship meeting and installation of the new cabinet. ATOM SPLIT BY HUGE VACUUM TUBE F NP This picture shows the million-volt vacuum discharge tube at Cam- bridge, England, which was used to split the atom in teLts by Urs. E. T. S. Walton and J. D. Crockfort. Adeiphi: The annual banquet will be held at 6:30 p.m., Tuesday, May 24, at the League. The speaker will be Professor Dawson, of the Law School. The awards for the past year will be made at this time. All' present active members of Adelphi, and former members now in the graduate or professional schools are invited to attend. Tickets are $1.00, and may be purchased at - - the banquet. All who expect - o at- === tend are urged to communicate with J. E. Glavin, Phone 4026, Sat- urday, if possible. I11I 1 Ji Amateur Photographers: All interested in putting pictures on exhi- bition, Tuesday, May 24, at the meeting of the Camera Club, will please leave them at Francisco Boyce Camera Shop on North University before noon on Tuesday. ACADEMIC NOTICES Qualifying Examination for Directed Teaching: All students expect- ing to elect Education D100 (Directed Observation and Teaching) or D150 (Correlated Course in Education) the first semester of next year are required to pass a qualifying examination in the subject matter in Nwhlch the directed teaching is to be done. This examination will be held in the Auditorium of the University HIgh School from 9 to 12 on Saturday, May 21, 1932., Those who write the examination in English are required to cone from 9 to 12 in the morning and from 1 to 3 in the afternoon. C. 0. Davis, Secrelary, School of Education. I iil All members of the men's and women's physical education clubs and faculty members are invited to attend an outing on Monday afternoon May 23, at the Ann Arbor Y.M.C.A. Camp at Silver Lake. The party will leave from Barbour gym at 3 p.m. A few cars will leave at 4 p.m., for those people who can- M.E. 32 rad Test: Sections I, II and IIn meetat 8a m.., Monday, 'lTuesday :and lWedetsday, irespc-' tively. Be prepared to spend Ihe day out of town on the road. Gradualing S e n i o r Engineers: Piease call for your sets of Draw- ing I, II and III plates at Room 412 West Engineering building between Monday, May 23 and Saturday, JMe 4-office hours: 9-12, 1:30-5. Lydia MENDELSSOHN Theatre 1932 Dramatic Season GALA OPENING MONDAY AT 8:15 BOX OFFICE NOW OPEN "Delightful diaphanous comedy-utterly delightful" ROBERT HENDERSON Presents :. VIOLET HEMING and Lester Vail in Jahn Van Drutten 's Gay Comedy Hit We Announce a New Connection It Is Important To You Who Travel This Summer We have recently establishe d a connection with the Ameri- can Express Company whereby we can offer their LETTERS OF CREDIT as a medium of exchange. They are reorganized and honored throughout the world ... redeemable in part or in full if not used... of value to you alone . .. insured for your protection . . A ,___ aR A ... __ ... C' _+_ .: ! ..r.. --.q.. A Wise Investment In Food of Quality Home Co3ked At Prices to Suit