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May 21, 1932 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1932-05-21

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SATURDAY, MAY 21, 1932.

iv_- I-- op , - .- I 1 I 1 11 - -- -- W"m

Published every morning except Monday during the University
ear by the Board in Control of Student Publications.
Member of the Western Conference Editorial Association.
The Associated Press is exclusively (entitled to the use for re-
ublication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise
redited in this paper and the local news published hehein.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second
lass matter. Special rate of postage granted by Third Assistant
'ostmaster General.
Subscription by carrier, $4.00; by mail, $4.50
Offices: Ann Arbor Press Building, Maynard Street, Ann Arbor,
Lchlgan. Phones: Editorial, 4925; Business, 21214.
Telephone 4925
ITY EiTOR........................ KARL SaFERT
ports -ditor...................... ...John NV.. Th4omas
/omen's Editor. ................ ........Margaret O'Brien
ssistant \omen's Editor.............. .......Elsie Feldman
clegraph Editor..........................(;eor~ge A. Stauter

Somewhere along the line they have allowed some-
body to take a lot of fun out of their singing. Missj
Higbee and staff have perfected their intonation and
their enunciation and balanced the choirs. But, asI
the sound of the words suggests, those things are
not what one expects of children. As the children
appear in the Festivals there is very little delight
evident. There is a prevailing mildness and some-
what dull correctness which is incongruous. As a
matter of fact in the Gilbert and Sullivan pieces
!which they sang the kind of mild, fastidious 'enuncia-
tion .which the children gave was definitely wrong as
interpretation. There are buoyant conversational
inflections in all this music which the children did
not render and which they could, I am sure, rendera
delightfully. And again, I am sure many have desired
with me to hear just how much volume four hundred
children are capable of. Yet, "When the Foeman
Bares His Steel" was very carefully sung, and onej
was thwarted. My intention is not to minimize the
importance of Miss Higbee's efforts to make the!
children sing corectly. Enthusiasm and vitality, how-
ever, seem to be stifled.
Mina Hager contributed to the afternoon some
very pleasant singing. She seemed a little embar-
rassed in the style of eighteenth century oratorio butt
one was glad to hear an unfamiliar aria, "Salve1
Regina' by Pergolesi. The songs by John AldenI
Carpenter she sang very delightfully and in her
encore, an unfamiliar aria by Rossini from "La Cev-t
erentola," she displayed her talents to real advantage.
A Review , a
Beniamino Gigli was in rare form. In rare form


Diagrammed Picnics.
Prima Donna Ham -erlocks.
The Museum's Flutist.
By Barton Kane

216 South 4th Ave.





117South Main Street
Sale of NEW

John W. Pritchard
Brackley Shaw
Fred A. lluber
stanley W. Arnheim
Edward Andrews
Hyman J. Aronstam
A. Ellis Ball
Charles G. Barndt
James Bauchat
Donald R. Bird
Donald F. Blankertz
Willard E. Blaser
Charles B. Brownson
C. Garritt Bunting
Arthur W. Carstens
Jessie L. Barton
Eleanor B. Blum
Jane H. Brucker
AMiriam Carver
Beatrice Collins
Mary J. Copeman
Louise Crandall
MDary M. Duggan

Glenn R. Winters
Thomas Connelan
C. Dart Schaaf
Sports Assistants
Roland lMartin
Theodore K. Cohen
Robcrt S. IDeutsch
onad El :der
Robert Eungel
Albert FIriedman
Edvward A. Genz
Harold Gross
Eric hall
John C. healey
Robert B. Ilewett
M. B. Higgins
Prudence Foster
Alice Gilbert
(Carol J. laiana
-'herese R. henran
Frances M anchester
Elizabeth Mann
Edith E. Maples
Marie Metzger
Telephone 21214

Joseph W. Renihan
E. Jerome Pettit

I was waiting for an economics
class at 10 o'clock yesterday morn-
ing, and the sociology professor who
had had the class the hour before
was explaining to a young lady
about a picnic they were going on.
The meeting place was subject of
some discussion, and it was finally
decided to meet at Camden Court.
The young lady didn't know wher.c
Camden Court was, so the profes-
sor drew appropriate diagrams on
the board in front of the waiting
economics class. Just as he was
through our ec instructor walked
"Oih, oh," he said, "what's going
on here?"
"0 h nothing," embarrassedly
smiled the sociologist, "just a Sun-
day night discussion group that I


M BA _




with LACE Tops
First Quality!





Albert NewNan

Alexander H irschfeld
Walter E. Morrison
Ward D. Morton
Robert Ruwitch
Alvin Schleifer
G. Edwin Sheidrick
Robert W. Thorne
George Van Vleck
Cameron Walker
Robert S. Ward
Guy M. Whipple, Jr.
W. Stoddard White
Marie J. Murphy
Margaret C. Phalamn
Sarah K. Rucker
Marion Shepard
Beverly Stark
Alma Wadsworth
Marjorie Western
Josephine Wood ham

CHARLES T. KLINE ......................Business Manage
NORRIS P. JOHNSON..................... Assistant Manage
Department Managers
!Advertising .. .. ........................ ....Vernon Bishop
Advertising Contracts .. ................. . .... Larry R. Begley
Advertising Service....................... ......Byron C. Vedder
Publications .... ......... ............William T. Brows:
Accounts............ .............Richard Stratemeir
omen's Business Manager ...................... Ann W. Vernor

was he. He sa
can quite sing.
of wistful bewi
ful applause A
combination h
applause thisy
sing-which sin
the reviewer, e
the perfect Ita
and power, un
very round tone
always so supe
always convinc
his field intot
as several song
in concluding
success. It is

ing like no one who sings like he does The Theta house is not in favor
His boyish scampering and moments Iof its guests making a bar out of the
His oyih sampringandmomntsmatron's room. At least so it would
lderment at all this wonderful wonder- arnfrom m lait ainst
appear from a complaint against
were executed very well. With that
e exnhietedhveyigwel. th such practices which was register-
e won himself the biggest volume of ed in one of their recent meetings.
year and the opportunity to sing and I seems that two of the gentlemen
nging he and everybody else, including guests at their dance last Saturday
njoyed. This man, is without doubt night mixed drinks on the bureau
alian tenor, glamorous in his energy in the matron's room, which was
Lrestrained in rolling and sustaining being used as a men's cloak room..
es, very bold in color and tonal variety, "It wouldn't have been so bad," said
erbly confident in his voice as to be one of the girls, "if they had only
sing. In addition, he can go out of been careful-but they took all the
the lyric and equal any other tenor, varnish off the bureau."
gs last night showed. One feels safe
that Mr. Gigli's appearance was a * * *
F1rhA tlC 1^~~ cafe nnA ---ain-x '- 1

Irvil Aronson
Gilbert E. Bursiey
Allen Clark
R~obert Finn
Arthur L Kohn
Bernard Schnaekel
Grafton W. Sharp
Donald A. Johnson,
Dean Turner

D~on Lyon
Bernard I. Good
D~onna Becker
laxine Fisch grund
Ann Galhneyer
Katherine Jackson
lorothy I aylin
TIiVirginia McCromb

Caroline Mosher
len Olson
l sen Schnde
May Seefried
Ielen Spencer
Nathryn Spencer
Kathryn Stork
Clare Unger
Glary Elizabeth'

perhaps less sale, ana cenalmy less


0 . I N


SATURDAY, MAY 21, 1932
Dr. Stan ley-
Un iversity Builder
HEN death called Professor Emeritus Stan-
ley the University lost one of itsbest-known,
best-loved faculty members; Ann Arbor lost one
of its greater influences for culture; and the entire
student body of Michigan lost a wonderful friend.
Not many students of today remember personal
contacts with Dr. Stanley-he retired as head of
the school of music more than ten years ago. Many
faculty members who knew him then still remem-
ber the many likeable chaacteristics which marked
him at the time however. For then he was wont
to poke his ever-present pipe at one in all good
humor and reflect his pleasant personality wher-
ever he might be. Then he used to show students
the proper manner in which the famous ol' locomo-
tive should be yelled at a pep gathering; then hel
attracted thebflocks of "pipe" seekers to his courses
in the theory of music-and made them like it
even after discovering that the courses really
meant something; then he wrote the music for
the plays presented by the senior women, Greek
societies, and other organizations. :
Now he is remembered by the present campus
group because the May Festival which he origin-
ated still endures; because his many compositions
seem to mellow with the years and are more
appreciated all the time; because alumni tell of
his wonderful accomplishments.
He was one of the city's most loyal sons. An
ardent supporter of civic activities, he never missed
the meetings of the Rotary club, even when in
Vienna. In fact he probably enjoyed its meetings
because of its international aspects-he was often
on the run between the continent and the United
States. To Rotarians he was "Dad" Stanley.
His University shall miss him, his many stu-
dents shall miss him, every music lover regrets
his departure. Dr. Stanley--one of the reasons
why Michigan is the University it is today!

polite, to note down a reflection the reviewer had
while Mr. Gigli was unexpectedly stealing one of the
favorite encores of concert pianists and violinists:
In the time taken by Mr. Gigli's scampering and
'extra' encores, the needed second perform'ance of
the "Symphonie de Psaumes" and perhaps of the
"Choral Fantasia,' which Mr. Moore spoke of Thurs-
day night, could have occurred. The question is
open. Obviously it is one of value.
Frederick Stock excellently directed his orchestra,
which remains excellent through all its vicissitudes,I
in an early Mozart Symphony, Scriabine's "The
Divine Poem," Gliere's symphonic poem "The Sirens,"
and the Strauss "Emperor Waltzes." The Mozart was
splendid. The seventeen year old boy frequently
worried and occasionally broke the French horn sec-
tion. Otherwise the only thing to mention about the
Derformance is that Mr. Stock displayed his usual
good taste with classical music. Taken in connection
with the amazing commentary which he wrote for
it, the "Divine Poem" by the 'Palestrina of the Bla-j
vatsky religion' seemed only pretentious nonsense.!
Taken for itself, it often seemed as interesting as
Wagner and often seemed an interesting parody of
Wagner. The Gliere symphonic poem seemed very!
good of its kind. Johann Strauss? An excellent
composer. Intentions clear, execution perfect. j
W.J.G. ;

I was strolling across campus thc
other evening, directly behind
Chase Baromeo a nd Frederick
Jagel, two of the Festival stars.
Hoping to get an earful of what
they thought of students, jazz, wo-
men, music and Festivals, I listened
carefully to the conversation.
They were discussing the best
holds for wrestling.
* * *I
I was always a little skeptical
about these college men selling this,
that, and the other thing, to work
their way through college. But it
must be true. In yesterday morn-
ing's D.O.B. there was a notice
about Mr. Blank, of the Fuller
Brush company, who would like to
interview men for permanent em-
It would, however, be much more
interesting to me to work along the
lines suggested by the Bureau of
Appointments and Occupational In-
formation in a similar notice yes-
terday, such as Mothers' Pensions,
Delinquent Juveniles, or Case Work.
* * .
I might just as well mention, be-
fore many people start calling my
attention to it, an advertisement
yesterday which calls your atten-
tLiof to "Pajamas- 2 Off."'



...--- ,




11 .r

II i

(Indiana Daily Student)




An intimation that the school work of fraternity
members suffers because of social competition is con- In case you never knew it, there
tained in the report of Prof. Joseph Bursely, dean of is a lake on the campus, right plunk
men at the University of Michigan, released in the in the middle of the Natural Sci-
annual report of the president of that school. The once building. It feasures approx-
report is based on the records of members of five imately six by ten feet, and has .
fraternities which were closed at the beginning of rather leaky rowboat drawn up on
the second semester after police raids disclosed the ;shore.
presence of intoxicating liquors. It
A compilation of grades for the five closed frater- No wonder people don't like to
nities was made for the first semester when the men live in the Law club. The truth
were living together and for the second semester leaked out yesterday about women
when they were living separately outside the house.:visitors to the club. It seems that
In every instance the scholastic standing was mater- last year the law students were al-
ially better when members were living separately latea the wsments er al-m
outside their fraternities than when they were living lowed to have women in their rooms
in their respective organization houses. rom 2 to 5 o'clock, on Sunday aft-
in .r e oernoons, but, whoever it is that
"Fraternities," said Dean Bursely, "when function- makes a practice or checking up on
ing in acordance with their ideals as set forth in the morals of lawyers, decided that
their constitutions and rituals, are a tremendous this would have to stop. As is cus-
asset to the university, but they should so regulate tomary in such circumstances, it
their houses that it would not be more difficult for did stop.
their members to do their best work while living in This year the rooms on the first!
them rather than when living outside." floor that face toward the inner
This statement of Dan Bursely is a challenge to court are in reat demand. They're
all fraternities which are losing sight of the fact that more neiengrt
their existence is harbored in the well-being of the
university at which they are located, and that their **
members are supposedly attending the university to Someone, I can't find out who,
equip themselves with an education which is to practices a flute in the Museum al-!
better prepare them for a life occupation. most every night sometime after 121
In failing to provide proper conditions and the o'clock. The practice consists in
incentive for its members to realize substantial and the most part of running up and!
worthwhile educational gains, as well as certain down the scale, and, with all due
social benefits, a fraternity is neglecting one of its respects to the musician, he is not.
fundamental raisons d'etre. Failure of the organiza- very accomplished.
tions to meet this obligation has led to the formation Two explanations seem to present
of honorary organizations which seek to promote themselves. First, that the flutist!
high scholarship and recognize those students who is the night watchman. Second,
attain it. They have literally taken over the unful- !that he is some curator whose wife
filled purpose of the social fraternities. will not allow him to play at home.
It is pure folly for a fraternity or sorority group
to flatter itself by believing that in attaining a make-'
believe and unsubstantial high "social" standard, it I was swimming the other day,
is satisfying its reason of existence, thereby neglect- and stopped to watch a student, ap-
ing its reason of existence, thereby neglecting the all- parently in his first year on cam-

Cor. S. State and E. Washington Sts.
Frederick B. Fisher
Peter F. Stair
10:30 A. M.-Morning Worship.
Dr. Stair
8:00 P. M.-Union Serivce at the
Congregation Church in behalf of
World Peace.
Cor. East University Ave. & Oakland
Rabbi Bernard Heller, Director
Philip Bernstein, Assistant to the
Sunday, May 22nd 1932
11:15 A. M.-Services in the Chapel
of the Women's League Bldg.
Rabbi Max Artz of Scranton, Pa.
will speak on, "The Religion that
Nobody Knows."
8:00 P. M.-Open Forum at Nat-
ural Science Auditorium, "The
Question of Reparations." Speak-
ers: Professors Slosson, Pollock,
and Watkins.

12:00 M,-

-Class: "The Aim ofI


State and Huron Streets
E. W. Blakeman, Director
Sunday, May 22nd, 1932

6:00 P. M.-Student Guild. Dr. J.
A. Halmhuber, District Superin-
tendent, will speak concerning the
General Conference at Atlantic


A Review
It was very clear after only a few minutes yester-
day afternoon that Bach and the performers were
contributing something quite solid and incontrovert-
ible to the Festival. The Brandenburg Concertos,
Schweitzer assures us, represent "the purest productI
of Bach's polphonic style." At least in the Fifth, as
in others, the agility and absolute sureness of what
might as well be called Bach's musical intelligence
are evident to perfection. The performance was quite
good enough. To some extent the first movement
was spoiled by a serious mistake in acoustical tactics.
There was enough indication when one heard the
piano that Mr. Brinkman was playing his highly
figured lines with the requisite sharpness and preci-
sion. But with the top down, those lines often came
out blurred and often, for the reviewer in a central
seat in the first gallery, not at all. In the lovely slow
movement, Mr. Brinkman had a tendency to do too
much 'phrasing'- indulging slight retards and ac-

(Missouri Synod)
Third and West Liberty St.
C. A. Brauer, Pastor
Trinity Sunday
9:30 A. M.-Sunday School.
9:30 A. M.-Morning Worship.
Sermon topic: "Father, Son, and
Holy Ghost,"
6:00 P. M.-Senior and Alumni
banquet at the church. Sponsored
by Student Club.
Washington Street and 5th Ave.
E. C. Stellhorn, Pastor
9:00 A. M.--Sunday School Lesson
topic: "The Spirit of Reconcilia-

Huron and Division Sts.
Merle H. Anderson. Minister
Alfred Lee Klaer, AssociateMinister
9:30 A. M.-Bible Study Class for
Freshmen Students at the Church
10:45 A. M.-Morning Worship.
Sermon: "Seeing Through Diffi-
12:00 M.--Discussion group for up-
perclassmen on ethical issues in
current events.
5:30 P. M.-Social Hotmr for Young
6:30 P. M.-installation of new
officers for the year 1932-33.
E. Huron, below Stat,
R. Edward Sayles, Ministtr
Howard R. Chapmain, MinIster for
9:30 A. M.-Church School. Dr.
Albert J. Logan, Supcrintntdent.
10:45 A. M.-Morning Worship.
Mr. Sayles will preach on Tifse's
Inner Resources."
12 M.----Stde nt study grou; .;t the
Guid House. Mr. Clah aan.
5:30 P. M.-Student Frientdship
6:30 P. M.-Professor W. Carl
Rufus will speak on"Towards An
Oriental Point of View."
409 S. Division St.
10:30 A. M.-Regular Morning Serv-
ice. Sermon topic: "Soul and
11:45 A. M.-Sundav SrhonT folow.

Conservative services
evening, 7:30 P. M.,

each Friday
at the Foun-

South Fourth Avenue
Theodore R. Schmale, Pastor
9:00 A. M.-Bible School.
10:00 A. M.-Mornini Worshin.

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