FRIDAY, MAY 20, 1932 FHE MICHIAN DAILY PAGE FIVE WOMEN DEBATERS RECEIVEASAR Local Team Members Presented With Honor Medals. Members of'the women's d:bate teams of the University who pr- ticipated in at least one judged contest during the past season were presented with medals yestecdayi afternoon by-Mr. Herbert G. Wat- kir s, assistant secretary of the Uni- versity. These medals a r e provided through a fund which was given by Mrs. Edsel Ford in 1923 for the pur-, pos- of furthering women's debate on this camnus. Besides the med- als, scholarships are given to each member of a team from this same fund. The women who 'participated in Univerzity conrte;2ts during the past year arc Jean Hagaman, '33; Gladys Baker, '33; Dorothy Daniels, '32; Eleancre M. Gilmore, '33; Dorothy Davis, '33, and Alice Pilbert, '33. INITIATION IS HELD 10 Junior Women Become New Members of Honorary , Society. The initiation ceremony for the newly elected members of Mortar- board, national senior honopry so- ciety, was held in the chapel of the League building, Sunday, May 15, after which a breakfast was served. The outcome of the election of new officers is: Barbara Braun, president; Vinselle Bartlett, vice- president; Aileen Clark, treasurer; Catherine Heesen, secretary; and Margaret Keal, correspondent. The newly elected members in- clude:. Barbara Braun, Vinselle Bartlett, Aileen Clark, Jean Bots- ford, Jane Fecheiner, Helen DeWitt, Margaret Keal, Catherine Heesen, Jane Rayen, and Evelyn Neilson. Among the former members of Mortarboard who attended t h e breakfast were Dr. Margaret Elliot of the economics department and School of Business Administration, who gave the response of the alum- ni members; Miss Elsie Murray of Detroit, the national vice-president of Mortarboard; Mrs. T. Hornberg- er of Ann Arbor;, Mrs. K. Litzen- berg, Miss Isabelle Rayen, and Phyllis Jones of Battle Creek. PARENTS FILE COMPLAINTS. Seen on Campus One clever outfit that was seen on campus yesterday served the wearer two pu-rposes. With the jacket on, it was a smart little white: wool suit with a blue and white printed ascot. With the jacket off, a white wool-lace blouse was re- vealed and the printed scarf was tied around the waist to make an outfit dressy enough for any affair. A little white turban made of the -same material as the suit, trimmed with the blue and white of the ascot cbmpleted this charming and prac- tical costume. Blue is eveh' adapting itself to polo coats this, season and an ex- ceptionally smart one was seen, rapidly coming out of Romance Languages. Perhaps it was the ac- cessories that brought out the ex- treme chic of the whole. The hat was of straw, almost the identical shade of the coat, while the purse and shoes were of dark blue. The purse was small and of dull leather while the shsoes were plain pumps. GOETA LJUNGBERG, FESTIVAL STAR, ADMITS HOBBY-LOVES TO BUY HATS a pretty town," says Miss Goeta Ljungberg, the lovely singer from Sweden. "I was born up in the mountains, the forests, of northern ,Sweden, and I love it there, but it is very beautiful here." Miss Ljungberg, for all her prac- tices during the day, and another one before her performance, was yet very gracious and generous with her time. She had been out buying hats during the af.ernoon. Hats are her hobby. "I can't go by a hat store without going in. But I can :ave 50 hats and I must still have a 'love hat' that I wear all the time." Returning to mausic: "All the Americans who sing have such fine voices," she remarked. "They have that quality, 'colaire' that I like so much." She has always been in- terested in music, and began her tinging when she was just a little girl. People told her when she was fourteen or fifteen that she had a wonderful voice, so it was then that she really started training it. She Motorists i I IHL-H a The action is said to have L B r Tr NewsScr4ic) taken after several complaints had 1 MADISON, Wis., May 19.-Town been made by motorists, the final privileges granted University of one from a young man who claimed Wisconsin women have been re- that at least eight young ladies had ( scinded by order of the Women's "thumbed" for rides as he was mak- Self-Governing association. This ing the drive to the campus. action was precipitated by com- plaints filed by parents of univer- Detroit lays claim to being the sity students living in Madison who city where typewriters were first claim their homes have been turned manufactured. I into veritable "student dormitories." and it was whole the night before! Q ,k workers--hese moths! If you don't want them to pepper your fur coat with holes that are beyond mend- ing, bring it to us. We'll keep it safe from Moths, Fire and Theft in our vaults. Come in and find out how little it costs to have your fur or fur-trimmed coat cleaned and repaired! FUR JACQUETTES and NECKWEAR An exclusive and practical accessory that will be widely favored for spring! Our Style, Quality and Prikes are right. WEq~RDLING' ETABLISHED 19o4 217 E. LIBERTY 28 years of unexcelled values and service for I PRIOR III Means SUMMER Has Arrived i III SHOPP E 1a+ r r / . L li f ' f? 4 7 t A ,' 7 .1 ,. t " 1 I 3 yV K t i 'I/ w, ./j\ \\t. tripetisere tmat 1fl i o III U I III 11 11 l II