Cr .Y 20, 1932. THE MICHIGANll DAIL"Y __ _ _ b. A STATE STR1EET A N D h A f. ( s UIT A fine selection of flannael suits, all two pair of trouisers. $3900 $3500 $4000,' $4500 NOW NOW NO NOW ,7s $2 77t ... .r s, 1 rR a. '.+ .. t .. w ! _. may- '" _ r' ., r . , .- , 1 1 t t .. + + ^' . . ,. ' } t - t ., f. k i. - .t . ;.. . . . i : . .. _ . -. , <. ... a ". _ f i. T .. r r .: <<. . . ., .. f .. _..._, s... . "t . , ' . ". ' . ,. 1 '. .. _... ._ i ' .. d t ., _ .. + . _ _. ... ' - " . ' . . a i ! _. _. _ ... a ' S or single breasted.. All -few--sprigqtyles. TOPCOATS Ir Afine- selection of tweed and Polo. Coats either double Polo Topcoat $2950 I FPormerly $35 to $45 Others $1 9.7)523.75 One group of two pant suits. Now I Al Tuxedo and Full Dres Sits included in sale. A( $187s M OFSOLight pastel shades of mesh and clock Hosiery Hats 0 Mallory ,anda Style Park Hats' i _ light Garey and Tan 50c. P 75c _ $100 j } - X200to $500 . Linen Suits Shoes All linen suits are. full sanf orized shrunk Nunn Bush' and Freeman White .and two tone* Sport Shoes 1w Neckwear Double and single breastedl "White Background and light pastel shades $00 to $150 $5 tQ9 X15 -$41650 -X20 p ., f 1 -7 r << h .. M "" r l % "r' ti v ti . G 1 F f ,} 1 r s il .. 4x p 'I"' 6 1 8'r . ;kri k .' r 4. " LT. _. J Fpm \ Y 1sN Jq S t S ProperAttir e -for ALL AT REGULA.R PRiCES INCLUTDES THE FOLLOWING- r I .. ... ' p *°"yt r , IV-Y a Vi. xt ,- y . . r t ~ t +w'ir~s.:gy .. . .% 7 "'. t r rr*J+ ." .+ +tr. 1: .}; -j .. sr .4 $t M Blue Sport Coats White Trousers Flannel and Serg'e Single and double breasted N 1q.7 $750 to $850, The finest selection ever shown in STR EET DlRESS, and sports wear of colorful ensenmbles consisting of linens and flannels. Coo' a in and view this Comein nd vew hisCoMplete Selection at your leisure time.