THE ICHIGAN DAILY FRIAY Columbia Seniors Give Reed Harris Confidence Votes Columbia- seniors expect success3 for Reed Harris, ex-editor of the campus newspaper, the "Spectator," whose fight with the college au- thorities resulted in his expulsion from school recently. In the traditional balloting held every year, members of the grad- uating class voted Harris the mem- ber of their ranks most. likely to succeed, and predicted an earning power of $11,352 within five years for him. Harris topped the list of those called "head-wild" and "chivalrous assertionnist," and was second as "disputant." He was second also on the list of those who had done the most for Columbia, but topped those who had done Columbia for the most. Nearly 90 per cent of the flour used by Haitians is furnished by the United States, the rest being obtained from Canada. SOCIOLOGICAL VIEWPQINT OF RURAL LIFE FEATURES HOLMES' NEW BOOK A new approach to' rural life in ments of people who have had ac- America is presented in Prof. Roy tual knowledge of family-farm life H. Holmes, of the sociology depart- are presented in Chapter III. It nient, recently published text book, maintains a sympathetic attitude Mrs. Herbert Hoover receiving the degree of doctor of letters and humanities at Wooster college, Wooster, Ohio. Charles F..Wishart, presi- dent of the college, has just Conferred the degree and Professor Martin Rempf is adjusting the black and white cap. F SPECIAL BREAKFAST MENUS FOR TODAY No.I ...........................25c STRAWBERRIES OR SLICED BANANAS WITH CREAM CREAM OF WHEAT OR FLAKES RAISIN BREAD TOAST COFFEE No. II ........... . . .....:........ 25c SCRAMBLED EGGS WITH BACON BUTTERED TOAST WITH HOME-MADE JELLY COFFEE CHU B'S DANCING EVERY AFTERNOON AND EVENING Ill fil SUPERIOR MILK and ICE CREAM 2-Layer Brick Vanilla and Cherry Custard PUNCHES-FANCY MOLDS Phone 23181 Powerful ARBAR Drama C- AL Bartered HOPWVOR Soul with Regis Toomey . ZaSu Pitts A Columbia Picture SATU DAY r A boy and girl confronted by a future TICrUM such aslove never had to face before! UPTON SINCLAIR'S with this great Dorothy Cast: IOfRDAN I