it t a
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Cloudy; Showers,
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Storm Breaks Over Oil Import
Tax; Prominent Men Linked
in Lobb'ing Charges.'
of Indefinite
in Tax Measure Is Used as
,r. Albert A. Stanley. Club by Both Sides,
WASHINGTON, May 19. = (/P) -
All the bitterness of the Natign-old
tariff issue broke today in the Sen-
ate with threats and counter threats
flashing over the future of the
revenue bill and its four import
The surging debate over the oil
Funeral for Musical Director import tax has coupled prominent
Emeritus of Music School names with lobbying charges ,and
to Be Held Sunday. caused the Senate leaders to throw
up their hands to let the storm
Death came to Dr. Albert A. Stan- weay itself out. Each side used, the
Deat cae t Dr Albrt . San-vital budget balancing revenue bill
ley, musical director emeritus at the astalub a threatened f the
University, at 2:30 o'clock yesterday tariff rates went in or went out
morning at his home in Ann Arbor. that there would be no tax bill for
Afflicted for nearly 20 years with days to come.
sugar diabetes, Dr. Stanley sudden- Senator Tydings, Maryland Dem-
ly fell critically ill on Monday. His SeatrTdgstharghan De
secod wfeDorohea wa athis ocrat, brought the fight into the
second wife, Dorothea, was aths open with a reminder to the Senate
bedside when he died. She is the that if there was to be any tariff
only near relative to survive him. revision there should be general
Funeral arrangements hve legislation and he had about 500
made with the R. A. Dolph funeral amendments to offer.
parlors for 3 o'clock next Sunday Senator Thomas, Oklahoma Dem-
afternoon at St. Andrew's Episcopal ocrat, advocate of the oil duty, pre-
church,, with Rev. Henry Lewis, re- viously let it be known he had
tor, officiating. Burial will take about -a thousand amendments to
place at Forest Hill cemetery. Prof. pbostoarenenthe
Charles A. Sink, now president of propose to the revenue bill if the
therMsic Aschoo, of prlen V. oil duty were not incorporated.
the Music school, Prof. Earl V. Norris, the Nebraska Republican,
Moore, Prof. Albert Lockwood, Prof. joined Tydings in suggesting that
A. H. White, Vice-President Shirley the bill be thrown wide open for'
W. Smith, and Prof. Clarence T. tariff revision if there was to be
-Johnston will be active pall bearers. any at all.
Dr. Stanley would have reached Party lines were split asunder as
his eighty-first birthday within a representatives of various sections
few days: He had resigned from the of the Country hastily sought to
University in 1921, after 33 years on bargain for and against the tariff.
the musical staff. During most of' Lobbyists were busy and noisy in
this period he was musical director. the corridors and in galleries as
He helped organize the School of the dispute raged.
Music and tIh-mrnual-May FeSti The tariff coalition was still con-
The May Festival concert last fident of the votes to retain all four
Tihe wa esivalngdconcrtladsttariff items included in the revenue
night was rearranged to include a bill by the Finance Committee-on
memorial in Dr. ,Stanley's honor, oil, coal, copper and lumber.
Senator Fess, of Ohio, joined in
50 CARS TAGGED opposition to the inclusion of any
IN-POLICE DRIVE of the tariff items, but Senator
P IC DRI EWatson, of Indiana, the Republican
pilot, was standing by the tariff
First Offenders Fined $1 for rates.
Parking Without Lights.
Local police Wednesday night Triangles Initiation
started a campaign against traffic Cleans Up Sidewalk
law violators when they tagged 501
cars parked without lights. The Triangles, junior engineering
order has also gone out to enforce j honorary society, took in 10 new
rigidly the overtime parking law, members in its semi-annual
and as a result a single officer yes- initiation yesterday. The neo-
phytes did their traditional job
cars in the downtown district. y of polishing the sidewalk under
an o the ecipintdis oftt.the engineering arch, to the tune
Many of the recipients of the of bells and paddles wielded by
tags appeared at the station yester- the active members, who were
day afternoon nd paid the, $1.00 present attired in their ritual
fine charged first offenders A stu- robes. Whenever it seemed that
dent offender who protested that the initiates were getting the I
he had known nothing of the night- walkialmotscle etin thepi
parking rule, was told that he was Falk almost clean, another pail
getting his warning then-at the th mud was strewn on and about
cost of a dollar. the iti tesf the men taken in
Most of the cars tagged by the follows: Taylor Drysdale, James
patrolmen had been parked over- l lay yloodr Stanley C Killian
time, parked in bus-stops, before Richard H . odS anus, Chiarles M.
fire hydrants, or parked -double, Nisen Roal E. Peake, 'Harry T.
with no one in the car. TisonlEteiner.MaksyaT.
Fohey stressed the fact to offend- Tillotson, Steiner R. Vaksdal,
ers t~a alhouh te fne 'ortheElmer S. Waterbor, and Louis W.
ers that although the fine for the Westover. All are members of the
first offense is, only a dollar, the '33 engineering class.
second is five dollars and the third
Religion at the Universities of at present. They are:
California, Wisconsin, and Mich- 1. Divided religions must bring
igan is whimsical and uneertaii, about a united religious education
but aggressive and assertive, ac- at each university.
cording to the report of a two-year 2. Religion must be given- a cur-
survey made by Rev. E. W: Blake- ricular standing and be offered as a
man of Wesley Hall. field of learning.
This report was made in an ar- 3. Spiritual usefulness of the
ticle by Reverend Blakeman in "The whole student population must take
Christian Advocate," which was the place of denominational promo-
distributed to delgates at the con- tion.
ference of the Methodist-Episcopal 4. The church within a state
church being held now in Atlantic must come to regard the university
City. Reverend Blakeman has been of that state as "our university."
in Ann Arbor for the past year and "Wisconsin, whose extension work
previous to his arrival here was has extended the campus to the
connected with the Wesley Founda- state borders," s a i d Reverend
tion activities at Wisconsin and Blakeman's article, "is a peer in so-
California universities. He has re- cial-mindedness. Mlichigan, being
cently conducted a survey of the re- the oldest, has the most illustrious
ligious and moral life at state uni- alumni group and the largest grad-
versiti q with Rihnn .T J CRaker uate enrollment. The Ann Arbor
APlan for Lif'e'
to Be Discussed
in Second Parley
The sucess f the recent parley
on personal philosophies has given
several .campus organizations the
incentive to provide for another
such conference, which will be held
at 9 o'clock at'the League Sunday
morning, May h. It will be preceded
by a breakfast held at 8:15.
The meeting is to be .in the form
of a follow-up parley to the one
held here recently. The subject for
,the meeting's discussion, "A Plan
for Life," was selected in order that
the discussion from the previous
meeting might fit into this parley,
it was announced.,
Prof. John L. Brumm, head of
the journalism department, will act-
as faculty chairman of the meeting.
Other members of tle faculty who
are associated with the program
are Prof. Louis A. Strauss of the
English department and Prof. Roy
W. Sellars of the philosophy de-
Aviatrix Trails DO-X, Landing
in New Brunswick to Finish
First Leg of Flight.
NEW YORK, May 19.--(P)-The
giant seaplane DO-X and Amelia
Earhart Putman's trim little crim-
son gold-striped monoplane com-
pleted tonight the first leg of pro-
jected flight to Europe.
Starting from the vicinity of New
York ten hours and 11 minutes
apart, the two planes set down 90
minutes apart, but with the huge
air lines several hundred miles fr-
ther toward their mutual prepara-
tory destination, Harbor Grace field.
The DO-X was at Dildo, Trinity
Bay, Newfoundland, and Miss Put-
man at St. John, N. B. The pilot
of both ships hopes to reach Harbor
Grace tomorrow to await favorable
weather reports before starting the
long and d srous flight across
the Atlantic t rd' Burope
The DO-X will head from Harbor
Grace for the Azores, but Mrs. Put-
man, the first woman ever to fly the
Atlantic and now seeking to be the
first to fly it alone, will nose her
plane toward the east for a point
she has not announced.
Accompanied by Bernt Balchen,
pilot for Commander Richard Byrd,
in his flight across the South Pole,
and by Eddie Gorski, mechanic, who
will check hei plane performance
early at Harbor Grace, Mrs. Put-
man left Peterboro airport at Has-
brotAk Heights, N. J., at 2:16 p. m..
(E.S.T.). Her plane put down at
St. John, N. B., three hours and 30
minutes later, at 5:46 p. m.
Four One-Acts Written in Class
of Professor Rowe Will Be
Staged May 25-26.
Four one-act plays written by
students in Prof. Kenneth T. Rowe's
playwriting class and recently puti
into book form will be produced at
the Laboratory theatre on May 25
and 26, it was announced yesterday'
by Valentine B. Windt.
These plays, "Translated," by
Barton Rees Pogue '32, "Between
Winds," by Jack . Nestle, '33,
"Half-A-Stick," by Sydney Rosen-
thal, '34, and "The Beer Garden,"
by Adelaide Symons, '32, will be
directed, staged and the sets exe-
cuted by students in the play
production division of the depart-
ment of speech and linguistics as
part of their technical class work.
The production of these plays
represents a co-operation between
the English. department and the
play production division for the
purpose of helping student play-
wrights see what the plays actually
look like when produced.
This procedure has been a great
help kto -the students in the bast,
Windt said. He has produced simi-
lar .sets of plays for the last four
The lists of student directors and
the casts will be announced later.
Martin J. Mol Speaks
to Ann Arbor Lawyers,
Martin J. Mol, '34L, praised the
Lindbergh Murder Hunt Reveals
Mrs. Ford Appealed
for $2,500.
Daughter Had Movie Ambitions,
She Says; Was Unable
to See Jafsie'.
HOPEWELL, N.J., May 19.-(/P)-
A possible link between a Brooklyn
school teacher and "Jafsie" bobbed
in and out of the Lindbergh murder
hunt today, as police exhibited an
eagerness to learn more about the
activities of Dean H. Dobson-Pea-
cock, associate of John Hughes
Curtis, hoax -negotiator.
Behind wi ed doors of the Brook-
lyn district attorney's office,, the
officials questioned Mrs. Mary G.
Ford for several hours about a re-
port that she had communicated
several weeks ago with Dr. John F.
Condon, who handled the $50,000
ransom paym/ent for Col. Charles
A. Lindbergh.
Other officers interrogated the
teacher's daughter, Miss Barbara
Ford, whom they located in a Riv-
erside Drive apartment.
Girl and Mother Freed.
Both told substantially the same
story of their contact with the aged
"Jafsie," and later were released.
District Attorney W. F. X. Geo-
ghan said he neither believed nor
disbelieved their explanation, but
would continue the investigation.
Mrs. Ford told her questioners a
story of being in financial straits,
thinking "Jafsie" might be able to
aid her, and appealing to him in
vain for $2,500.
Information supplied by school'
officials started detectives off on
this new clue. They had heard Mrs.
Ford talk to Dr. Condgn by 'tele-"
phone, they said, and knew she was
absent from her duties between
Feb. 25 through March 1, the day
of the kidnapping. I
Denies Talking to "Jafsie."
When they asked her about her
conversation with "Jafsie," they told
officials, she denied it was Dr. Con-
don she had spoken to and said it'
was her daughter's physician..
'Under questioning, Mrs. Ford said
she first thought of Dr. Condon
when a private detective called on
her about another matter and
started discussing the Lindbergh
Her story of what followed was
She wrote to Dr. Condon, asking
an appointment about a personal
matter, and adding she would like
to be of service in the Lindbergh
case. He replied by letter asking
for her telephone number. She sent
himthe school number.
Dr. Condon called her and she
asked him for $2,500-$1,700 to set-
tle an account and $800 for her
daughter, who had motion picture
New Oflicers Elected
by Engineering..Group
The Student Branch, American
Society of Mechanical Engineers at
the last meeting of the school year
have elected the following officers
for the year 1932-33: President,
Paul R. Martig, '33E., Vice-Presi-
dent, Earl Briggs, '33E., Sec.-Treas-
urer, Elgin O. Marshall, '32E. Pro-
fessor Clyde E. Wilsoni of the Me-
chanical Engineering Departm'ent,
will be Farulty Chairman, succeed-
ing Professor R. S. Hawley, whose
resignation completes yfive years
service with the Society.
Beniamino Gigli, tenor of
Metropolitan Opera company,
will sing tonight in the fourth
Festival concert.,
AID o O . 1CONOONi° :
'Ensian Staff Picked;,
Logan Is Art Editor
Two juniors and six sopho-
mores received appointments to
the upper staff of the Michigan-
.ensian yesterday, according to
Benjamin McFate, the, newly
installed managing editor.
The juniors are Grover Logan,
who will be art editor of the year
'book next year, and Adele Ewing,
who was made women's editor.'
1 Donald Adams, '34, was named
activities editor, while Kenneth
Luce, Lloyd Nyman, -Wallace.
Graham; Samuel Greenland, and
Cyrus Huling, all sophomores,
were appointed in charge of
administration, athletics, fea-
tures, fraternities, and classes
and seniors, respectively. Huling
will also be editor-in-chief of the
1932-33 student directory.
Trr t I
T hr ee-Day 'Program ato Include
Reception, Party; Golf,
Lessons Offered..
The University will conduct its
third annual Alumni University for
five days, from June 21 to 25.
An. extensive $rogram has been
planned for those registering in the
10 lecture courses offered.,On Tues-
day evening, June 21, the William
L. Clements Library 'will give a re-
ceptior a n d special exhibition.
President Alexander G. , Rutliven
will extend a welcome in behalf of
the University and Dr. Randolph G.
Adams, director of the library, will
describe some of the exhibits in the
On Wednesday afternoon, June
24, President and Mrs. Ruthven will
give a lawn party at their home on
the campus to all the alumni stud-
There will be 10 lecture courses
offered by the Alumni University.
Economics, astronomy, American
literature, sociology, journalism,
psychology, political scienco, music,
painting, and education are includ-
ed in the curriculum to be offered.
The classes will be taught by prom-
inent members of the University
In addition to the scholasti'
courses to be offered, professional
instruction in golf or tennis may be
arranged in the afternoon at no
additional expense. These classes
will be given, ' under the 'auspices of
the University Department of Phys-
ical Education by Coach Raymond
0. Courtright, who, in addition to
long experience as coach in. major
college sports, has served two years
as a golf professional.
in Afternoon
Goeta L jungberg Sins
in Second Concert
of Series.
Beniamino Gigli, Italian ten(
and Mina Hager, mezzo-soprar
will share the honors in the M
festival concerts here today. Mi
Hager will sing this afternoc
while Gigli will appear tonighi
Accompanying the visiting at
ists are the Children's Festiv
chorus with Eric DeLamart
and Juva Higbee, on the' afte
noon program; Palmer Christia
organist, and the Chicago Syr
phony orchestra, with Gustav Hol;
guest conductor, and Frederi
Stopk and Earl V. Moore, conduc
ors, at the evening concert.
The life of Beniamino Gigli ih
been a series of brilliant success
beginning with his debut in 19
as Enzo in La Gioconda, at Rovig
Italy. Hailed by many as the su
cessor to Caruso, he was given
number of the famous tenor's rol
with the Metropolitan Opera co
pany during C ruso's prolongO
illness in the season following 19
However, "It is better to be a go
Gigli," the tenor has remarke
"than a second Caruso."
"A singer of distinction"--"a ra
combination! That of ability pl
personality"--"Decidedly to be ho
ored among the more notal
phenomena of the stage"; such a
Goeta tjungbrg, Sw4dish s+
prano, capturedteg, hearts of h
audience of over 3,500 persons Ia
night in her American festival b
but. Mlle. Ljungberg was soloist
the second part of the thirty-nin
May Festival.
The University Choral pnion, t:
Chicago Symphony orchestra, M
bel Rhead, piano, Maud Okkelbe
piano, and Palmer Christian, ;o
gan, were heard withMle. Ljun
berg. The program was direct d
Frederick Stock, Earl V.' Moore, ai
Gustav Host.
The program for the evening
rearranged to include two me*i
ial numbers to Dr. Albert A. Stia
ley, ,professor emeritus of mu
anal founder of the May Festiv
who died early yesterday. The o
marial numbers were Strauss' syr
phonic poern, "Death and Transfi
uratio," and "Elsa's Dream," fr
Wagner's o;era "Lohengrin." In a
dition Mlle. Ljungberg sang fo
encores, Cavalliera Rusticama
and three folk songs in Swedish.
A review of last night's coneg
appears on page 4 of today's Dail
the pres reports that have precede
Mina Hager to Ann Arbor. Begi
ning her career as a church sing
in the middle west, she later r
ceived acclaim in London, Berli
Paris, and Switzerland.
The afternoon- concert, at 2:
o'clock in Hill Auditorium, will fe
ture Miss Hager in an Aria, "Sal
Regina," Pergolesi-Stock; and a:
other aria, "Non Piu Mesta' fro
La Cenerentola," by Rossini. T
Children's Festival chorus wilali
selections from the Gilbert a]
Sullivan operas, and will finish wi
"The Spider and the Fly," a ca:
tata by Protheroe. Other selectio.
will be concerto by Bach, and
suite, "Children's Games," by Bizi
Gigli, in his evening concert
8:15 o'clock, will sing "M'apar
from "Martha," by Flotow; "Und
all',,azzuro spazio," from"Andr
Chenier," by Giordano; and'
Paradiso," from "L'Africana,"
Meyerbeer. The other selections a
to be Symphony in G Minor, 1
Mozart; Symphony No. 3, C Mint
("The Divine Poem") Opus No. 4
by Scriabine; a symphonic poer
"Sirens," by Gliere; and Emper
Waltzes, by Strauss.
Gustafson's Condition
Reported Unchange
The condition of 'rrne T. Gus
Jim (Sleepy) Crowley, head foot-
ball coach at Michigan State Col-
lege and member of the great Four
Horsemen backfield combination of
Notre Dame, took the opportunity
to deliver an ,attack against those
who cry out about over-emphasis
of football during a talk at the an-
nual athletic banquet of St. Thom-
as High school, last night:
"Up to 1905," Crowley pointed out,
"football was a brutal game. There
were no end runs or trick plays. A
team on offensive was only requir-
man and loved the game. So he
called the leader of the Big Three,
Harvard, Yal and Princeton into
conference. As a result, the re-
quirenlents for continued possession
of the ball were changed to ten
yards in four downs. With that
change brains entered the game of
"This change," Crowley conclud-
ed, "forced the use of the forward
pass and the end run. Football be-
came a mighty spectacle. It began
to draw crowds. And now they are{