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February 24, 1932 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1932-02-24

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aied every morning except Monday during the University
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V. Ritcies

OVIERNOR RITCHIE'S assertion that prohi-
bition will be one of the leading issues in the;
sidential campaigns is a declaration that carries
siderable import. For some time, dissatisfac-
with this question has been heard on all sides,
it today it has, on its own momentum, gathered
h force that it has become one of the leading
es of the day. It has, in recent months, been
subject of hearings in Congress, -for nomina-
is and elections in some parts of the country
he past year have been fought on issues that
uded, among other things, this one item.
Although the governor, during his brief visit
e, said he had not thought of appealing to any
vial class in the forthcoming elections, students,
i whole, welcomed his views on the problem of
hibition, even in regard to his theory of states-
its, old as the country itself. His was an open
ression ,satisfying in that, in years previous,
lidates sought to "straddle" the issue, mainly
ause attention was diverted away from this one
it to those of even lesser degree. More and
e difficult is it becoming to side-track issues
: are prominent, prominent because they are an
cation of the trend of public opinion which, in
last analysis, sees to the maintenance of the
ereignty of the people.
Whether or not Gov. Ritchie is successful in
aining at Chicago the nomination of the Demo-
ic party, his declaration will be welcomed by
e who find dissatisfaction with the present
ircement of the prohibition question. We doi
here intend to argue for or against the states-t
tts theory; we do, however, uphold Governof
:hie's viewpoint in regard to his expression
: we see "the temperance of our people impaired.
the morals of our youth threatened" 'because
he inadequacy of the existing laws. It is evi-
t that remedies are needed. It is also evident
t college students should take an increasing
rest in governmental affairs, for the existence
uch problenms are as much their own doing
he doings of the body politic.
Letters published in this column should not lie construed as
:pressniq the editorial opinion of The Dnily. Anonymous, corn-
umications will be disregarded. The names of commumicants
ill, however, he regarded as confidential upon request. Contrib-
ors are asked to be brief, confining themselves t6 less than 300
ords ifi possible.
The Editor:
t is unfortunate that the Chinese and Japanese
.ents on the campus should thrust their national
Trel before the attention of the University read-
public, but Miss Tomo Tambe's lengthy epistle to.
Daily of February 20 makes it necessary for me
efend myself, if she be still in Ann Arbor., I learn
i surprise that Miss Tambe has very probably left
n for good, presumably because she cannot sub-
tiate her libellous statements or uphold her flimsy
nse of a righteously indignant country.
ks to her charges, I need not dwell on them ex-
to point out their possible humor. They were
ssively personal in nature and meant to do real
ooee My pegrfectly honst fin~tntin'sin li xnlain-

outrunes my intelligence" when the very nature of .
my studies at the Univerity precludes the possibility
of my being more fanciful than a student of litera-
ture. (Miss Tambe, I understand, has been doing
graduate work in English literature). POLITICS
Fully aware of the indisputability of my state- HEIGH - HO!
ments, Miss Tambe, like her countryman Mr. Miwa
sometime ago, simply evaded the issue in her general We went over to the Union For-
attack upon my statements and upon those of Mr. um along with everyone else yes-
Wilfred'Smith. A hot wave of patriotism must have terday afternoon to hear his excel-
swept through her at the time of composition and lency fthe Governor decline to
cause a "deluge" of sentiments no less airy khan seaay the G seof d93,ind
* Seakabot te ssus o 192,and
ridiculous. Unfortunately, she made the damaging about the olyconcisions we
admission that "Japan's policy in China is high- about the only tcheov-
handed" despite voluminous quotations from the erd arrive at were that the Gov-
New York Times to the contrary. More experienced there mustp be something wrong
observers than I have wondered. greatly at the wis- thus bectuse wouln frng
dom of the "primitive measures in Shanghai" when anything wrong with what he said.
there was no reason for the kind of punishment anywell-we always did get terribly
Japan saw fit to administer upon China. To this onfued:we people bgan to
moment, I fail to see the suggested parallel betweencnfused whenprtpRswbeer-t,
Japan's share in the broil and the part America al Rights and such, and as for th
might play in Nicaragua or the Philippines in case Supreme Court
a political upheaval occurs in either country. When
Miss Tambe spoke of the Twenty-One Demands, she
unwittingly acknowledged the force her country was We were very much impress-
in the habit of exercising. When a treaty becomes a -ed by the Governor's assertion
list of demands anyone can see there is no justice to that the profession of law has
it. The Chinese people are more conscious of treaty a great del to do with the
obligations than the writer realizes, for honest trea- shaping ofthe nation's destiny,
ties are no more "scraps of paper" than the fully largely because it fits in so
equipped army of Japan is 'a body of toy soldiers. nicely with the inscriptions on
Rather than "do everything short of war," our people the law club buildings. The
are bravely keeping their stand before a merciless Governor should not forget,
enemy, defending our soil at tremendous odds. In- however, the lawyers have a
stead of "losing patience" as Japan's statesmen petu- profound influence on other
lantly declare they are doing, we are calmly, collect- fields as well. For instance one
edly, heroically defending the heart.of China against of the instructors in the As-
a barbarous and unprovoked invasion. To resent the tronomy Department was a
boycott in the first place was heaping insult on injury practising lavyer for three
but to use high-handed methods on peaceful, law- years, not that that means
abiding citizens of a foreign country was criminal, much. We also hear from re-
In the face of distressing conditions in the home liable sources that handsome
country, I do not wish to say any more. My purpose Paul Cavanaugh, cinema lead-
will have been served if you will allow me to enlighten ing man, was once a practicing
Miss Tambe. attorney. And while we are at
Robert K. W. Suez. it, we mustn't forget that the
rotund Mr. Oliver Hardy grad-
uated from the Georgia Law
ii L , j School, or somewhere around
hea6l Lducation there. We join with Governor
Ritchie in praising the delights
of the profession of law.
Health Service People tell us that Governor
Ritchie hasn't a chance to get the
To the above list of titles one is tempted to add nomination for the presidency, in
"Or What Have You?" This question indicates the fact no more chance than Lincoln,
uncertainty of anyone as to just what these seasonal or Harding had. It would be rath-
illnesses are. We may vey well speak of them by er awkward if he were elected to
the all inclusive term of upper respiratory .passage the Presidency, becaues the Gover-
infections. The opinion that they are infectious nor is a grass, bachelor or some-
seems justified by much evidence, but that still leaves thing and there wouldn't be any
much to be eplained. Why the great individual first lady of the land, which would
variation in illness and why the variation in seasonal be horrible. Who would sponsor
complications and deaths is unknown. The reason the Easter Egg Rolls on the White
for the sudden outbreaks over large areas is among House Lawn? Who would congrat-
the most difficult of related problems to answer. In ulate the Girl Scouts? Who would
a word, the applications of science which have donE address National conventions of
remarkable things in the prevention of other diseases Women's Clubs? President Ritchie?
have been able to do practically nothing with the Naww he ain't the type.
type of disease which is prevalent just now. We hear that a situation like that
It is hoped that the long weekend gave everyonc occurred in France not long ago
a chance to recover from or avoid the severe "colds" when a Mr. Doumer (pronounced
which were pretty well in evidence among students dew-may) with square white whis-
last week. kers, was elected to the presidency.
The present situation has resulted in few serious He had to go out and get married
complications, but has been rather wide spread. Ir 'ight after the election to keep peo-
the presence of wide spread sudden onset it is diffi- ple from thinking Fifi D'Orsay or
cult if not hopeless to try a program of isolation o someone was the first lady of
cases as a means of preventing spread. However, oum France. ,What a wicked world.
best advice as to prevention is to avoid contact witl^ What a wicked, wicked world.
persons having the trouble. Of the many points o
socialcontact considered as important in the spread
of colds, improperly cleansed dishes and eating uten- We especially revelledithe
sils needs to be stressed. . way the Political Science De-
The best advice as to individual recovery is rest partment was relegated to the
Difficult as it may be, a person who shows early sign standing room at the back of
of this illness should at once go to -bed and remai: the auditorium, while the Ann
there until recovery. Increased amounts of watei Arbor Rotary Club and the
and liquid food is advised. The use of sour fruit Student Council rats pranced
and fruit juices as from oranges, lemons, and grap fonteaishesedke
fruit helps to maintain the desired blood condition on in the R inide-
The taking of laxatives which disturb sleep and result ion. Those in the Ringside
Th bodily chilling are not advised. It is doubtful that seats: Joe Bursley, Prof. Sun-
any such drugs should be taken usually. Only smal] derland, Mr. Calkins-Fletcher.

amounts of other food are really necessary during In the rear of the room: Prof.
S. Bhrown, wof caled rithi arf
the two or three days usually required for recovery S. Brown, who called Ritchie a
Except for symptomatic relief, drugs are of doubtful political puppet, and Paul M.
value and the popular use of quinine cannot be en- "SIppy" Cuneannon, who did-
dorsed.n't. In the balcony: John D.
The Health Service is in position to make calls Reindel, the crumb. All in all
at student rooms as requested and for the most part there were 399 people there be-
advises that students remain in their own rooms foi sides ourself.
the care. With limited hospital beds and for other
reasons, hospitalization is not to be relied upon to
handle uncomplicated cases of these epidemic "colds." A CHANGE OF SUBJECT.
Somebody suggested that we use
the publicity possibilities of this
_EJTAL CO]MENT column to snag a couple of compli-
ILL___mentary tickets to a Union Dance
by backing a movement to have
ACTIVITIES AND SCHOLARSHIP Doo Loomis' music broadcast over
rhe Minnesota Daily) . some radio network or other. We
like Loomis' music and would be
Students who do not participate in extracurricular perfectly delighted to hear him over
activities in college because they fear their marks the radio but we don't quite see
will suffer no longer can use this excuse according what we can do about it. As for
to an investigation conducted here by Dr.'0. Myking the complimentary tickets, we don't
Mehus of the social science department of the Mis- go to the Union more than twice a
souri State Teachers college. His survey shows that year, and besides the Union ball-
the students who take part in the most campus activ- room doesn't need publicity.
ities tend to receive the highest grades while those
who participate in no activity get the poorer grades. During the past football season
It is an established fact that success in college one of the Toledo' papers sent a
is usually followed by success in after life. If a stu- photographer up for the football
dent is a good scholar it is very likely that he will games to get some football pictures
be able to use his intelligence along other lines as and a few views of local college col-
well. I or. One of the Daily reporters went
Individuals who say that they "haven't time" for around with him to help him get
anything but their studies virtually admit that their his pictures, and was alarmed to
mental capacity is not great enough to take in a learn that the photographer didn't
range of occupation. Those people who are active know what a co-ed was. The;Daily


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