SOCIETY TO APPEAR IN DRAMA FESTI VALHitroFSoiie SONT History o®lSoror fes nUNIE ''Alpha Phi. PI BETA PHI Alipha Phi will entertain Sorosis___ _B r t r In an exchange dinner Tuesday, [By Margaret O'Brien] gt h ooisnosaet iC oe to the pria Ps siousearwhilet Although Pi Beta Phi did not take trict school at Sugarlands is also ohe jtno the Ahatr i hoe whie its present name until 1888, it was supervised. Ghe juniors of the latter go to the Flosisadla ud n Sorosis house founded as early as April 28, 1867, dudeafve hundre dollar anal Spring flowers will be used for at Monmouth college, Monmouth, graduate fellowship for graduate lecorations. Illinois, under the name of I. C. study, which is drawn from a fel- Alpha Phi is entertaining the Sorosis. Thus although it ante- tdwhic dwn from a fel- nothers of the members living in rSrss hs lhuhi ne lowship endowment fund, and is ai snn Arbor at dinner Thursday dated Kappa Alpha Theta, which awarded each year. There is also ight. Mrs. Arthur Brown, Mrs. was founded in 1870, it was not a n Unergraduate Loan fund which the smartest Ienderson, Mrs. Rose, and Mrs. Greek letter sorority in the strict- The Balfour cup and the Stool- S ng Xt 3race will be the guests. estt sense of the word until 1888. mQn vase are warded annually to d Alpha Phi entertained at a for- The founders were Libbie Brook the two chapters which best meet Ski ... UN nal dinner dance Friday night. (Gaddis), Clara Brownlee (Hutch- their responsibilities to their col- nes t Spring flowers were used as decora- inson), Emma Brownlee (Kilgan) lcges their national organization ions. Ada Bruen (Grier), Nancy Black Kappa Kappa Gamma. (Wallace), Jennie Horne (Turn- Continued on Page 6) Miss Lila Swift of Wellesly Hills, bul), Ina Smith (Soule), Margaret Mass., who is returning home from Campbell, Fannie Whitenack (Lib- Caribbean cruise, spent the week- bey), Rosa Moore, Jennie Nicol, and N T R A ATw- nd as guest at the Kappa Ka pniehv Thompson. - ssmm house, visiting her niece, The warextension pohicy hes tenided Nv T E R C L A 7S * /ish Phyllis Swift of New York city. toward rapid growth, and there are J Alpha Gamma Delta. at present seventy-eight chapters, Alpha Gamma Delta entertained three of these being located in Can- V'iss Julia Giser and Mrs. Thorborg . ada. Th local chapter is the Mich- ED\TTHS wenson, the National Inspector yigan Beta chapter, and was chart- . nd National Building Chairman as ered in 1888. Archery. eek-end guests. The Pi Phi badge is a golden ar- Because of the weather one Saturday evening. a Founder's row, and may be jeweled or unjew- week's extension will be made for Jay banquet was held. Red and cled. It bears the Greek letters, shooting the qualifying round score uff roses and candles of the same inscribed transversely on the feath- in the archery tournament. Score olors were used for decorations. er. The pledge pin is a gold arrow- cards may be secured from the ma- Sunday four women from the head with the Greek letter Beta on tron at the desk of the Women's Michigan State chapter were enter- it. The colors are wine and silver Athletic building. ained. A blue, and the flower is the wine car- Golf. Alpha Delta Pi. score for the first nine holes "ANN ARBOR'S SMARTEST F Alpha Delta Pi is entertaining