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May 17, 1932 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1932-05-17

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AY, MAY 17, 1932

~T 4 Ir~i~igan ThI4Q
Published every morning except Monday during the University
year by the Board in Control of Student Publications.
Member of the Western Conference Editorial Association.
The Associated Press is exclusively entitledttorthe use for re-
pub'lication of all news dispatches credited to it or not othet*ise
sredited in this paper and the local news published herein.
E;ntered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second
class matter. Special rate of postage granted by Third Assistant
Postmaster General.
Subscription by carrier, $4.00; by mail, $4.50
Ofices: Ann Arbor Press 4luilding, MaynardStreet, Ann Arbor,
Michigan. Phones: Editorial, 4925; Lufriess. 21214.
Telephone 4925
Editorial Director............................ Beach Conger, Jr.
City Editor...................................... Carl Forsythe
News Edsto. ................David M. Nichol
Sports ,Fsditor.............................. Sheldon C. Fullerton
Women's Editor ..........................Margaret M. Thompson
Assistant News Editor ..........................Robert L. Pierce

of drys at Wa sington who are "keeping" our repre-


sentatives and senators from introducing legislation
which they wish to enact. The purpose of this lobby The Editor
is undoubtedly that which you have indicated, but
it is impossible to believe that they can control the Sho OiF H M th
actions of the large group of wet representatives and Oots OUt
senators which, you claim, was elected to Congress In four years at the University
in 1930. there are certain truths that one
Regardless of the power which this dry lobby may learns which one cannot express
or may not have, your criticism of it cannot be justi- until he has passed through and
fled unless that you can prove that the wets are has had time to read, learn, and
conducting their campaign for wet legislation in a thoroughly digress them. The Edi-
legal and ethical manner. No one needs to tell you tor intends to speak his mind in
that such is not the case and that, on the contrary, this, his last Rolls Column (he
an equally powerful wet lobby has done everything hopes), say what he thinks about
it probably could to bring about the repeal of the people and things at Michigan. No
18th amendment. one will agree with him, everyone
Lobbying is one of the greatest evils in our polit- will disregard him entirely and why
ical structure and it is pitiful that the will of the not; but he will speak, he will be
people is often frustrated by such a corrupt practice. heard, and here it is:

, '

Frank B. Gilhreth J. Cullen Kennedy Jamex
Roland A. Goodman Jerry E. Rosenthal
Karl Seiffert George A. Stautcr


Brian W. Jones

Stanley NV. Aruheim
Donald I". lllankertz
!?ward C. Campbell
Thomas Connellan
Robert S. pewtsch
Fred A. Huber

Sports Assistants
John W. Thomas
harold F. Klute
lihn S. Marshall
Roland Martin
hIenry MNeyer
Albert 13. Newman
1;. Terome Pettit
Prudence Foster
Alce GMube-i
Frances Mnehester
ilizabeth M a:,n
Telephone 21214

Charles A. Sanford
John W. Pritchard
Joseph lteihan
C. Hart Schaaf
Brackley Shaw
Parker Snyder
Glenn R. Winters
Margaret O'Briea
Beverly Stark
Alma Wadsworth
Josephine Woodhams

It is the lobby, as a political institution, which I
think should have been attacked in your editorial
and not one group within that institution. The dry
lobby is merely trying to cope with the opposition
of another group, equally potent and corrupt.
The wets have constantly been seeking excuses
for their failure to bring about the repeal of the 18th
amendment. They have attacked every instrument
of our political machinery on this basis, the lobby
is only one. It is time for them to choose one of two
courses of action. Either they should prove their
strength by electing a sufficient number of wet repre-
sentatives to Congress to consummate their will, or
they should effect a revision of our political system
which they so bitterly condemn.
You say that the next Congress will be over-
whelmingly wet. I say that the wets will not have
sufficient strength to achieve any more success than
they have during our present session of Congress;
nor will they ever arrive at the goal they have set
as long as the American people hold the interestsI
of the group above the liberties of the individual and'
refuse to hold a glass of beer so close to their eyes
that they lose sight of the welfare of the nation.
Hubert R. Horne.

Miriam Carver
Beatrice Collins
Louise Crandall
Elsie Feldman

CHARLES T. KLINE........................Business Manager
NORRIS P. JOHN$ON...................... Assistant Manage
Department Maagers
Advertising......................................Vernon Bisho1
Advertising Cot rcts..........................Ilarry R. Begley
Advertising Service............................BIyron C. Veddey
Publications ..................................William T. Browt,
Accounts.................................Richard Straternci
Women's Businesas Manager...................... Ann W. Verno,

Orvil Aronson
Gilbert E. Burialey
Allen Clark
Robert Finn
Donna Becker
Maxine Fischgrund
Ann Gallmeyer
Katherine Jackson
Dorothy Laylin

Arthur F. Kohn
Bernard Schnacke
Grafton W. Sharp
Virginia McComb
Caroline Mosher
Heen Olson
Ilelen Schmiude
May Seefried

Doiiald A. Johnson, 11
IDean Turner
Don Lyon
Bernard H. Good
Helen Spencer
Kathryn Spencer
Kathryn Stork
Clare Unger
Mary Elizabeth Watta

ho, I




TUESDAY, MAY 17, 1932
wan Song
UCH question has been raised in the stress of
V the last year as to how to bring about better
understanding between administrative officials and
students, particularly student publications men.
Before turning over our desks to the incoming
staff, we would like to point out to editors and
officials alike a manner in which this end may be
For two examples of misunderstanding be-
tween these two groups, let us take up the cases
of the Buildings and Grounds story last fall, and
the Hopwood awards last spring. Had the proper
officials seen fit to admit reporters to their confi-
dence, much of the embarrassment which resulted
might have been avoided.
Confidence is the first prerequisite of under-
standing in such cases. As long as administrative
officials continue to regard the "inquiring re-
porter" with suspicion, they can only expect him
to regard motives for secrecy with like suspicion.
Full admission into the complete facts of the par-
ticular case, together with any circumstances
which bear upon the subject, would bring about
a whole-hearted co-operation from the reporter:
and editors and would do much to relieve the
continued embarrassment of persons in an official
But as long as officials continue to deny knowl-
edge of facts which are known to the reporter, the
latter will naturally regard such denial as prima
facie evidence of irregularities in the administra-
tion of the University and its functions. We cannot
but feel that it is to the best interests not only of
the University but also to the official, concerned
to take full note of this condition.
Once editors are given full access to the desired
information, officials will find them perfectly
amenable to suggestions for co-operation and not
completely lacking in ability to judge the best
interests of Michigan. In addition they will find
the students not totally ignorant of ways in which
these may be best served. It has been tried on
occasion by some few members of the University's
administrative staff with admirable results.
The same situation is repeated in the case of
correspondents for out-of-town newspapers. Too
often, however, these men, when admitted to the
facts, insist upon cowardly and distasteful distor-
tion of news. This would probably, however, be
rectified by admission on all questions. At the
present time, facts about certain departments are
at a premium; any discoveries, no matter how
sensational or how suitable to distortion, are re-
garded as journalistic prizes. Often, too, tips to
such discoveries are furnished by disgruntled stu-
dents who have found themselves balked in an
effort to-ascertain both sides of the question and
were unable to secure the necessary information
with the means at their disposal.
We have personally suffered, more or less,
from this lack of co-operation and confidence for
three years. We can only hope that future editors
may benefit in some small way by the efforts put
forth during this year to attain fair treatment and
administrative co-operation.

(Daily Northwestern)
College graduate: If I had not gone to college and
wasted four years I would have a job now.
Unemployed man: If I had gone to college and
had trained for some profession I would have a job
Well, we have to blame the depression on some-
thing and we might as well pick on the colleges. One
university graduate who finished his schooling last
year and is still looking for a job wrote about his
situation in the present issue of Forum. He claims
that there is something wrong somewhere with a
society in which a man can spend four years study-
ing and then get out of school and not even be able
to get a job as a soda jerker. If he had started out
in business four years ago, he would have had a job.
He might have been fired from it, but at least, he
would have had the experience of earning a living, of
feeling that he was capable of earning a living.
Opposed to this situation is the picture of the
many men who are filling the night classes in our
universities. Unable to understand just what has
happened to the world, they are taking a few moreI
courses in the hope of finding out.
There is no real answer to our problem of whether
we should have more education or less education. It
is a strictly individual matter and one that each
person must solve for himself.
Surely, however, it is incongruous for a man to
attribute his lack of a job toa college education. It
is just as incongruous for a man to take extra courses
with the hope that they alone will get a job for him.

The Editor has discovered:
That the University, situated in
the conservative East, the liberal
West, and the beautiful South is a
muddled combination of all that is
grotesque in Harvard, Stanford,
Ohio Wesleyan and Loyola;
That truth and beauty are little
enough appreciated as it is, irre-
spective that it is so much so;
That too many people hear
Palmer Christian on Wednesday
That Shirley Smith probably
knows more about the University
than anyone here except perhaps
Bursley, Robbins, Louckes, Yost,
Kipke, Ruth, Gehrig, Chapman, to
mention only a few;
That Ed McCormick knows some-
thing that he won't tell;
That Professor Reeves, even if he
is in the Political Science Depart-
ment, has a few ideas about things
and would make a corking good
President of the United States
That-the curriculum should be
revised to eliminate about fifty per-
cent of the present basic language,
history, economics, science, and so-
ciology courses;
That the American League is
twice as good as the National
League and we, too, are sick of the
That the handling of the Univer-
sity falls abysmally short of taking
the students' viewpoint;
That Dean Rea is the truest
noblest prince on the campus;
That the girls in your home town
are more beautiful than the girls
on the campus of the University of
That the valuations placed by the
student body upon honesty, hard
work, indifference to supercilious-
ness and intellect are far too high;
That Michigan has resultantly
become a glorious high school with
the invariably popular spoon fed
courses, from which a great many
graduate with little or no idea of
how they did it;
That the least appreciated man
ever to be graduated from this
school is Johnny Chuck, and he
probably won't graduate when this
is published;




~ j That there are a great many un-
AFTER FOURG. YEALS appreciated men on the faculty too;
(Daily Kansan) That the best lecturer in the Uni-
versity is Dean John R. Effinger;
We are now a senior. During our four years I That Miss Louckes sees more,
training we have learned a lot of things. They are knows more, and cares more, about
not what we expected to learn when we first enrolled the University than anyone else
in the University, but we do not regret the time spent here, and that she, and she alone,
here learning them. In a month we shall be a grad- knows the intimate problems of ev-
uate of K.U. and have a degree which we shall never ery delinquent student on the cam-
use except to try to get a job with it. pus, and a lot of others too;
But of all the things learned, both good and bad, That the Women's page would be
there is one thing which we regret most of all. We a lot better reading if the Staff
have learned to bluff. In high school, we either knew would quit taking courses from the
something or we didn't. We made no bones about woulit takin us f t
it either way, but especially during the last year of English Department, but a lot less
our University career we have bluffed a good deal of tmppsgdoI
our way along. We have written exam answers for That campus politics and o)liti-t
pages over subjects we had never studied. In the cians are undoubtedly our finest
"shot guns" we have bulled along and we "got by.,,fallacies;
We have bluffed professors into thinking we know That the curriculum should be
their subject and we have got decent grades. It isn't revised to eliminate the other fifty
that our conscience hurts us over the few good grades percent of the courses in the cat-
we have received, but it has just occurred to us that alogue;
something is wrong. Why do we need to bluff? That the Gargoyle is a swell
Of course, we want to get along on as little work magazine and would be appreciat-
as possible, but there have been times when we have ed a great deal more if everybody
burned the midnight oil and still bluffed. Is it that would read it;
we have too much work to do in too short a time? Is That the cinemas booked for this
it that the impossible is expected of us and we merely i town are undoubtedly the worst
get along the best we can? that Hollywood turns out;
No, it is rather that we find that we can get awayI That it takes more than three
with bluffing. During our first or second year we executives to run this University;
tried it on something we had meant to study and
didn't. We got by with it. The next time it was a That the B. and G. department
little easier, and still no one found out about us. ought to take the fence out from
And fin iten xut~rif c ~,vfil vnw +the iin-,,'between Angell Hall and the Ro-
£AndL 3so itVY\'± went4 bAn . uniL now bY J theU timeJ~ we ar ait U

senior, we can write whole book reviews over books
we have never read; we can answer questions over
unknown subjects and we have learned to recite in
class for five minutes and never commit ourselves.
Now we are getting to a point where we are
bluffing ourselves. We are not sure whether we know
something or whether it is just our "gift of gab." We
are sure of one thing, that we skim along the surface
and do very little real thinking. So it must be true
here, as it is with so many American colleges and
universities, that the student goes through a four-
crna mpalia nnr ,ncc Allin~ -wrhi 4 Pima h 011

mance Language Building, a n d
build a nice new sidewalk there;
That we have too many law
buildings, too many medical build-
ings, too many chemistry and Nat-
ural Science buildings, and too
many buildings;
That the Ann Arbor climate is
the sloppiest, wettest, lousiest, and
nastiest of any other in the coun-



Letters published in this column should not he construed as
expressing the editorial opinion of The Daly. Anonymous com-
munications will he disregarded. The names of conmnunicants



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