THE MICHIRAN DAILY TUESDAY, MAY 17, 1932 _______ ___ ~ - - ,_., . T R P OF COLLEGE QUEENS I ITaking Films ill B Used at Chicago Dr. W. G. Bergman, F. F. Adams to Speai< at Oen Meeting of War Resisters. Dr. W. G. Bergman, of Detroit city college, and founder and com- mander of the Thomas Jcfferson post of the American Legion, and F. F. Adams, formerly state chap- ain of the Department of Illinois American Legion are to speak at an open meeting of the War Resisters' league at 4:15 o'clock tomorrow in Natural Science auditorium. The subject of their joint lecture will be "Why We Are Permanent Ex-Sold- iers." The Thomas Jefferson post of the American Legion has recently be- come nationally known for the doc- trines of pacifism that it sup- ports. An injunction suit has been brought against it by -the Depart- ment of Michigan American Legion in an attempt to withdraw its char- ter; this suit is being heard n the Federal courts in D'e'roit this week In addition to leading this post of the American Legion, Dr. Bergman actively supported pacifism by ad- dressing meetings in and near De- troit. Following a lecture which he delivered some time ago in which he attempted to prevent the estab- CHICAGO. May 16. - --- The maic'e:!other in1ti"u is University of Chicago i s quite wh ny o te 2 esthe S tion- iki str, ._ ." he :s a. I took four It will not be an attemipt to "jazz year: t perfect the plan. up" education, but will be an expe- TIh death of scientists in the riment in the use of talking pie- pas hse revented the world from tures as part of the university's ed- he-ring them describe their exper- ucational program. irents. Under the new plan their Within two weeks the university spoken word vill go on for years will strt the production of a ser- after they are dead. ies of twenty films on the physical Phenomena which the naked eye sciences, which will be made the cannot see will be shown. The pie- basis of study in the freshman class tures wil depit the heartbeat of bcgining next fall. They will also a dov the excvations of Neneveh be sOid to other educational insti- and Magiddo, the history of trans- tutions. portation, and the life of a plant, Describing the inovation as part and oter wonders of the scientific of the "experimental tradition" of --- - - the school, President Robert May- nard Hutchins, 33-year-old head of the institution. said it would be the first organized attempt of any uni veisity to find out what talking pictures contribute t o classroom work. eaAD E "We expect to extend to all ,..iZ .amMM mw branches of the university, to our - courses in adult education and to NOTICE world. Each film, said President Hutch- ins will require perhaps 10 minutes to show, so that only a part of a class period will be taken up in this manner, leaving time for lectures. He added there was no intention of using the films to supply the facul- ty. The "movies" will add another chapter to evolutionary educational ideas sponsored by President Hut- chins. At present students at the university are permitted freedom of study under which they attend lec- tures and take examinations at their own option. T'I SING- AT3 P. M 3 t N I AN UNUSALLY desirable office for Orin W. Butts, Best BRAND NEW 1932 PLYMOUTHS- Just received shipment of all cur- :. - -.. ,Uiincs i tgomnery Vlagg is "bored" with college beauty contests. sas°. .. ; a vaus, ic Estats including (top to bottom) Elizabethl Marsh, Mary Jane alI and Lucille Hall, were sent to the artist, .I. J vu m resed wen he returned the pictures with a request that ant.°7 f E r;s;d IA) , ljg l-because there were "no startling beauties am or; im. 2 Sg f o 'Tau Will Hold Third T'hing Oil' Session on June 1. Sigma Rho au, engineering for- C-sic society, is completing plans for its third annual "Tung Oil"I banquet which will be held at the Union on June 1. President Alex- ander G. Ruthven will deliver the piincipal address of the evening. Other speakers will be Dean Her- bert C. Sadler of the engineering olee, Dean Emeritus Moitimer E. Cooley of the colleges of engine- ering and architecture, and Prof. Emil Lorch of the college of archi- tecture. re=tly a f t e r the banquet, awards will be presented to those members of the society who have done meritorious work during the year. It has been said that this is the "only time of the year when the students and professors meet on a common level." Paraguay Explorer Returns From Trip With Tale of Peril ASUNCION, Paraguay. May 16. (/P - A story of excruciating suf- fering in the Paraguayan jungle, including being almost eaten alive by ants nearly an inch long, wasj told here by Donald S. Wees, Amer- iean explorer, who has just return- ed to civilization. Wees, who spent three months in scientific work in the wilds of northeastern Paraguay, i n t h e "grand desert," is on his way back to the United States by way of Buenos Aires. Besides the encounter with the ants, he told of battling floods in the Acaray river with a make-shift canoe hewed from a log and a struggle in chopping his way with a machete through a jungle thick with cortaderas, plants which have knife-life leaves capable of inflict- ing very severe wounds. Early in March, he said, a month after the expedition left the head- waters of the Yguazu river for the Brazilian border, his companions sickened and faced starvation. lishment of an R.O.T.C. unit in the Detroit City College, an etort was made to oust Dr. Bergman from his position as a teacher in the Detroit City College.I Sensational charges of uipaIriot- ism were brought; against Dr. ler"- man; but the school board, i i final decision, acquitted himt id assertecl that all teachers emloycd by it should in the future enjoy the privilege of free spTech at all times When not in the c assrooms. :rhe lecture tomorrow is to be giv- cart i commemorv)ation of the First, Thague Confe rence. May 13 is cele- brated throughout the world as In- terinational Goodwill Day. All Shades .. $20.00 SPRING SUITS Alf Alt rations at Cast C. DOUKAS 1319 South University Liar, Issues C allenge rent models, coaches, sedans Liardanse coupes. We will sell these at bar- BAY CITY, May 16.- 4()--Orin gain prices. Regular new car W. Buttsholder of the title, wa ity and service policy. "Champion Lir hAssociated Motor Services 311 W. Liar of the United States," is ready to defend it. __________c He won the distinction at the MOE LAUNDRY " ournamient of lies" conducted by l20 Norm hi\ Mi Phone 3916 the Burlington, Wis., "Liars' club," We have the best methods and last year. i{ vo the best results. 200c With three of his choicest "whop- per s" al r-a dy on file with ibc club WANTED and with more than ten months - 1,ft to polish up others from hii TYPINC -rad. theses a specialty, lore of more than 300 "maii lesl M. V. Hartsufl. 9087. utts is confident he will b abe 526c to hold his title in the 192ec - ;A Et'I Used bailing machine, fsi 1'd power, tcr ake bale about """""".y 6 by I to 30 inch. Call - between 6 Gad 7 p. m. or /FREN C H bwen 12 and I!p. in. 633 dI :en at s S, -LANR Soft water. 21044. " !t i-s u°tii- z }ig te. t { tw4Sel: .' . e. soc s dariiod. 271c attorney, doctor, dentist, or engi- neer. Now available in First Na- tional Bank Bldg. For informa- tion call bank office. 560c SUBURBAN HOUSES FOR RENT- 1% miles from campus. neat, clean, modern, 5 and 6 room houses, $35 to $50. E. E. Calkins Phone 7254. 632 FOR RENT-Rooms for men, sum- mer session. Ideally located fra- ternity. Call Romsen or McGuire at 23174. 641 11 ?a Of FrenchCfCinad f. Ol- Country Frenx s 3 if. nly French spoken. ewntary, Intermediate, A d V. n C e d. certificate or College Credit. French FW"'It"iittC'. nts, sit}?S-Seeing, sort 'tc.""e' ""'4 B,'ard ind "'utin, June 27-duly 30. W'rite for cir- cular to Secretary, Residential French Summer School. McGILL UNIVERSITY A-3 2 Montreal, Canada 11101 GRADE SUBURBAN HOME. Lar-e grounds, shade, fruit, and gaMx . Two full baths. Will ac- om a n large or two small f u i's. Ideal for faculty fmily. Price less than $6,000.00. n 21405. 039 iOUE "?FOR RENT- Furnished or unfurnished. 1324 Olivia. Avail- able June 1. 614ce BAUSCH LOMB BINOCULAR re- search microscope with Abbe con- denser. Call 9630. 609c FOR SALE-May Festival ticket. First row balcony. Call 21052 evening or Sunday morning. 642 LOST LOST - Wire-haired fox terrier; white with black back; about six month's old. Liberal reward. Call 4049. 647 LOST-Philosophy text and leather notebook. Bleachers, Ferry Field on Friday. Finder please call 8483. 644 FOR SALE Do d ' s L E b^ . Ii F.REE MAN'S DININ6 ~ROOM 1 Block North from Hill Auditorium NEW PRICES WEEKLY RATES Lun h and Dinner ............$4950 Tre~ak ast, Lunch and Dinner .... $6.00 Lunch 30c Dinner 50c Sunday Dinner 75c Prompt Service-Excellent Food viing; Mich ganii men and women for the twenty. eighth consecutive year! I 11 ASCREEN EVENT LA ST1 'lNJvICS ertain ly. .R. 7 out of 10 smokers inhale knowingly... the other 3 inhale unknowingly 0 youinhale? Seven out often smokers know they do. The other three inhale without realizing it. Every smoker breathes in some part of the smoke he or she draws out of a cigarette. Think, then, how important it is to be certain that your cigarette smoke is pure and clean-to be sure you don't inhale -certain impurities! Do you inhale? Lucky Strike has dared to raise this much-avoided subject because certain impurities concealed in even the finest, mildest tobacco leaves are removed by Luckies' famous purifying process. Luckies created that process. Only Luckies have it! Do you inhale? More than 20,000 physi- cians,after Luckies had been furnished them for tests, basing their opinions on their smok- ing experience, stated that Luckies are less irritating to the throat than other cigarettes. SHE SiHARD HISrFAILURES but not his success! A WOMAN who followed her man to the ends of the earth _. who suffered and sacrificed-only to be cheated of love in his hour of atriumpb ! SAMUEL GOLDWYN -RO iNA LD t p e x n s A N , :. <:;s£ 9,