ESTABLUSHED 1890 r '"V it qan '4 aflr MEMBER ASSOCIATED PRESS .......... . VOL. XLII. No. 164. SIX PAGES ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, MAY 17, 1932 WEATHER: Partly cloudy to fair. PRICE FIVE CENTS ..__.... _ ...m.... . -- -.-.... .. . _ - _ .__ ._ SM ITH P QO Aged Capt.aRobert Dollar fs;Dead; ;ES S~iI PRVS Called 'Grand Old Man of Pacific' A COUHNCIL AP !ROVES e 11 'I'F l , SLAIN PREMIEA L SAN RAFAEL, Calif., May 16. - (AP) - Robert Dollar, shipping mag- X nate extraordinary, who made the __- "$I" hi- t d lrrr~k in nnt tha IN NEW PROGRAM Soak Capital and You Soak Labor' Is Rebuttal. 'SLASH EXPENSES' Tax on Beer and Wines and Modification Suggested. NEW YORK, May 16.-()- Alfred E. Smith, candidate for the Democratic presidential nom- ination, tonight advocated the passage of the manufacturers' sales tax. The "happy warrior" of New York Democracy, who to date has 46 convention votes pledged to him, took a positive stand on the sales, tax and many other governmental matters in an ad- dress in which he outlined a "financial program for the present crisis." lie attacked opponents of the sales tax for a slogan he said had been attributed to them by the press-"in order to make up the deficient, soak the rich." "Soak capital and you will soak labor," Smith said in his rebuttal, adding: "The demagogues won't agree to that, but it's true just the same." Outlines Program. The congressional program that Smith outlined in the address broadcast over a nationWide net- work, was: 1. Pass the sales tax. 2. Slash to "the extreme limit" all unnecessary appropriations of public money. 3. Empower the president to make an "immediate consolidation o governmenta ,ctivitI-s- d , bureaus and inother ways to re- duce the cost of government." 4. Halt the passage of more veterans' legisla on; refuse to pass the "obnoxious" onus bill; appoint a committee to list what special acts and appropriations concern- ing veterans should be repealed to restore "the original Wilson princi- ples." Suggests Bond Issue. 5. Modify thd Volstead act and tax beer and light wines. 6. Authorize a Federal bond is- sue to make possible: an epanded program of Federal improvements; additional highway aid to the States; loans to limited divided corporations for the construction of low cost housing, and purchase by the federal government of state and municipal bonds issued to finance local public works of long life and permanent value. 7. Defeat Pres. Hoover's three-. point Federal relief program (which Smith criticized minutely). Would Aid Employment. 8. Give the President a "free hand to provide aid for productive public works of states and munici- palities, as well as for additional Federal projects, which will bring about the early employment of a large number of men. 9. Empower the President to prolong, if necessary, the morator- ium extended to debtor nations "until a real solution can be reach- ed." - 10. Discourage and avoid "in every possible way all blocs, cabals, insurgencies and mug-wump tac- tics, by whatever name they may be called, which increased the Depres- sion, unsettled business, and also endangered our credit at home and abroad." CTREATiON' TO OPEN 132MYFESTIVA Gritta Gradova, Featured Pianist, Will Present Recital Tomorrow Night. Ann Arbor's thirty-ninth annual May Festival, known throughout the country as the premier musical gathering of the month, will open tomorrow night at Hill Auditorium with the presentation of Haydn's choral work, "Creation," and a re- Ills u ru emar in por s L world around, died of bronchial pneumonia at his home here today. He was in his eighty-ninth year and almost to the end dictated the policies of the vast ship lines bear- ing his name. Flags on State and municipal buildings were dropped to half-staff as news of his death became known -unusual recognition for a private citizen-and standards of ships in San Francisco Bay rendered like tribute at the passing of "the grand old man of the Pacific." Funeral services will be held here Wednesday from the first Presby- terian Church of San Rafael, of which Capt. Dollar was a member. The chimes he gave the church Custard Pie Winner in Fight of Century Tables Turned as Pastry Wins years ago in memory of his daugh- ter, Mrs. Grace Dollar Dickson, will sound his dirge. Capt. Dollar had been ill two weeks. He was taken sick after a visit to a nearby town, where he' had addressed a meeting of young people in his characteristic manner, advising them hard work, and plenty of it, was the lodestar to success. "Work keeps a man in good health," he was fond of saying, "and when a man has good health he keeps at work. My rule for long life is moderation in all things. Clean habits, clean thoughts, plenty, of exercise, fresh air and sunshineI and plenty of work. And last but most important, fear God and keep his commandments." It was Capt. Dollar's personality and career that inspired the novel- ist, Peter B. Kyne, to write many stirring stories of trade at sea, whose hero was "Cappy Ricks." These rules Capt. Dollar kept with the traditional tenacity of the Scotsman, for he was Scotch by birth, the son of a lumber dealer. His father took to drink after the death of Robert Dollar's mother, and the young man determined that he would never drink liquor. It is largely because of this doggedi resolution that the ships of the Dollar lines, - although touchinng some of the alcoholically wettest spots on the globe, sold no liquor. SENIOR ALSL Old Tradition to Be Revived; Ball Will Be Held From 10 to 3 o'Clock. First Contest in History. A freshman and a piece of cus- tard pie went to the mat at the Phi Kappa Sigma house last night and the freshman, George Wolfe, '35A, came out second best when his op- ponefht got a head-lock on him and sent him to the Health Service with a dislocated jaw. According to witnesses, Wolfe was way ahead and victory seemed cer- tain, when the pie-eating contest being conducted among the Phi Kappa Sigma neophytes was sud- denly interrupted by the inability of one of the principals to proceed. Wolfe stood, witnesses declare, on the brink of success, and the pie hung on the brink of his gaping mouth. Mumbling incoherently, it is al- leged, he was transported to the in- firmary, where it was not until his molars snapped together with a re- assuring click that he was again ar- ticulate. Wolfe denied that he was in pain. He is said to have won a moral victory. 'WILL MAKE PLANS, TO HELP__CAMPERSI 'Big Brothers' of Fresh Air Camp to Meet Tonight to Plan Winter Contacts. Students interested in working after the close of the season with boys who attend the University Fresh Air camp have been invited to attend a meeting at 7:30 o'clock tonight in Lane hall. Those inter- ested in this sort of social work will act as "big brothers" to boys sent by charitable agencies that take part in the camp work. This is the second meeting of this nature that has been held. Prof. Ferdinand N. Menefee of the Engin- eering college and George Alder, next summer's head of the camp, along with 15 students, was pres- ent last week. Plans will be form- ulated tonight as to methods of contacting boys during the summer and keeping in touch with them during the following winter. "One hundred Northwestern uni- I versity students participate i n weekly programs of this kind," said Jule Ayers, '33, president of the Student C h.r i s t i a n association "They have their own settlement; we hope to establish something similar at Michigan." Tickets for the Senior Ball will be n sale to Seniors at the Union from 9 o'clock until 3 o'clock Tuesday and Thursday, and from 2 o'clock unttil 4 o'clock Monday, Wednes- day and Friday, it was announced yesterday by the Senior Ball com- mittee on tickets. According to members of the committee more than half of the tickets have al- ready been sold. The sale is still strictly limited to members of the Senior class. Special favors are being designed by Burr, Patterson and Auld com- pany in the form of modelled plaques bearing images of the Wil- liam Clements library. Favors may be obtained next week by present- ing the ticket stub at Burr Patter- son's store at Forest and South University streets. The committee on arrangements has decided to revive a tradition by holding the dance from 10 o'clock until 3 o'clock. 3:30 late permis- sion will be granted University wo- men. Isham Jones and his band, who will furnish music for the dance,j have played collegiate engagements during the past month at Indiana, Penn State, Syracuse, Cornell, and North Carolina, it was learned. They have also furnished music at the Kit-Kat club in London; Schroeder hotel, Milwaukee; Col- lege Inn, Chicago; Palais d'Or, New York; and the Gibson hotel in Cin- cinnati. Some of the popular pieces which oJnes has composed are "What's the Use," "You're Just A Dream Come True," "I'll See You In My Dreams,' "I Keep Remem- bering Someone I Should Forget," and "It Had To Be You." The ball, which is to be a summer' formal, will be held May 27 at the Union. + JU ,UUU U UUUL i FOR CITY IN 1932 Recommends Reduction in Taxes on Real ;state; Accepts Verner Appointment. ESTIMATE IS LOWER Verner Becpmnes City Treasurer After elay in Fixing Salary of, Office. The Common Council at its reg- ular meeting last night unanimous- ly adopted the city budget of $478,- 665.73 which was (prepared by the budget committee and approved a week ago by the council as a com- mittee of the whole. It also passed a resolution recommending a re- duction of 15 percent in real estate taxes; and confirmed the mayor's appoin tment of William F. Verner as city treasure]r. Representatives of the Ann Arbor Taxpayers' league, the Real Estate board and the Manufacturers as- sociation met with the budget com- mittee and the rest of the council before the council meeting to dis- cuss further possible reductions of $80,000, but no action was taken. It was brought out that the appropri- ation of $24,000 to the poor fund would be supplemented by general revenues during the year. IDistribution Listed. The budget as adopted is $90,509 lower than it 'was last year. $45,- 242 will be devoted to general ad- ministration, $43,313 t o public works, $30,701 to sanitation and health, $182,380 to city funds, in- cluding fire, police, poor relief, streets, sidewalks and parks; $172,- 669.73 for fixed charges including interest on bonds, and $2,360 for the purchase of a city dumping ground on Dewey street. The resolution in regard to tax reduction read as follows: "Resolv- ed, that the common coumcil recom-. mend that the city assessor make a general reduction 15 percent, in. the assessments of real estate in the city." Schlenker Favors Wurster. The council approved William F. Verner's appointment as city treas- urer by a vote of nine to six. Alder- men voting in his favor were Burr, Hollands, Lucas, Winney, Paton, Faust, Whaley, Young and McDon- ald, while those opposed were Schlenker, Kurtz, Thomas, Ager, Staffan and Hoppe. The appoint- ment had been delayed for weeks due to the delay in fixing the treas- urer's salary which was lowered from last year's figure. Alderman Schlenker declared the city should reappoint Ernest M. Wurster, pres- ent treasurer, at the former salary. A petition signed by Alpha Zeta club of Kappa Sigma asking that the grade of the sidewalk abutting on their prpperty be changed to make possible a driveway from Washtenaw avenue, was referred to the sidewalk committee. To Show Sound Movies of Glass Production "Making Safety Glass, Plate, and Window Glass," one of the first in- dustrial sound movies ever pro- duced, will be presented at 4:15 to- day in the Natural Science auditor- ium by the Libby, Owens, and Ford company of Toledo, under the aus- pices of Delta Sigma Pi, profession- al business administration frater- nity. There will be no admission charge. Vedder Business Staffs; for Board in Control. Appointments to senior positions of the student publications for next year were made yesterday by the Board in Control of Student Publications. Frank B. Gilbreth, Benjamin C. McFate, and Edward S. McKay were named managing editors of The Daily, Michiganen- sian and Gargoyle respectively, while Byron C. Vedder, John A. Carstens, and Willam F. Elliott were appointed business managers of the three publications. GIILBRETH, M' KAY NAMED HEAD OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS; BUSINESS MANAGERS ALSO1 CHOSEN A ssociatediPress Stuyosh~i Tntikai HOME MINISTER IS NEW JAP PIMIER Suzuki to Become Party Leader Today; Masaki Named New Minister. TOKYO, May 16.-(IP)-Kisaburo Suzuki, home minister, accepted the presidency of the Seiyukai (gov- ernment) party today and thus became virtually certain of suc- ceeding the assassinated Suyoshi Inukai as Japan's premier. His informal agreement to fill the late premier's place in the Seiyu- kai's leadership averted dissensions that threatened to split the ruling party. Elder men of the party, who decided to support him, persuaded Takejiro Tokonami, railway min- ister, another possible candidate, to give up his ambition for the presidency early today. Mr. Suzuki will be formally in- stalled as president of the party at a mass meeting of the Seiyukai's parliamentary members this after- noon. It was taken for granted that he would be the next premier in accordarce with Japanese custom which hands that post to the lead- er of the dominant party. Fascism Suffers. Fascism in Japan apparently suf- fered a setback when as a result of Premier Inukai's assassination the military council decided yesterday to replace Gen. Sadao Araki, lead- ing nationalist, as minister of war. Lieut.-Gen. Jinzaburo Masaki, a vice-chief of the army general staff, was chosen by the military council to take over the war port- folio regardless of whether the cabinet under Acting Premier Ko- rekiyo Takahashi eventually stands or falls. Tokyo was guarded by police re- serves against. a terror plot of 18 young army and navy cadets to seize the capitol after its outbreak, but it apparently had collapsed with the assassination yesterday of the 77-year-old premier, foe of militarism and veteran represent- ative of government in Japan, and a series of shootings and bombings. NETMEN NOSE OUT TEACHERS'COLLGE Michigan's Balanced Strength Is Factor in Defeat of Unbeaten Squad. (special to The Daily) KALAMAZOO, May 16.-The Uni- versity of Michigan tennis team nosed out a previously unbeaten Western State teachers college out- fit 4-3 in a dual meet here today. Captain Ryan and Bob Clarke paired together to defeat Laevin and Sorenson in the decisive dou- bles match after they had both been beaten earlier by the same men in the singles. Both teams displayed brilliant tennis, but the Kalamazoo teach- ers, who had won all of their first seven starts, could not cope with the superior balanced strength of the Wolverines. 'ummaries Sorenson (WS) d. Ryan (M) 2-6, 6-2, 6-3 Laevin (WS) d. Bob Clarke (M) P- 2_c 'Q P0 i At the same meeting Harry R, T. Brown, Charles M. Rush, Geor and Kenneth Yourd were nomin members of the Board. Three of Two Die in Attempt to Gather Scientific Data on Mt. M'Kinley FAIRBANKS, Alaska, May 16. - (/P) - An expedition to "trap" the cosmic ray on Mt. McKinley, high- est peak on the North American Continent, ended in the death of Allen Carpe, 36 years old, New York engineer, and Theodore Koven, 28, a member of his party. Word of their fate was telephon- ed here today by Harry J. Leik, sup- erintendent of Mt. McKinley Na- tional Park, who, with A. D. Lind- ley, of Minneapolis, and two others, was returning from the first scal- ing of both peaks of the huge mountain, and the first successful climb of the South Peak of McKin- ley since that of Archdeacon Hud- son Stuck and Harry Karstens in 1913. Falls into Crevasse. The superintendent said Koven apparently had fallen into a crev- asse and climbed out again, despite serious injuries, but died of expos- ure. Carpe also fell'into the crev- asse, he said, but his body was not found. An attempt was made to carry Koven's body down the mountain. This was abandoned after Ranger Grant Pearson fell 40 feet and was injured. Lower down on the peak, the Leik-Lindley party met E. P. Beck- with and Percy T. Olton, Jr., who, with Nicholas Spadevecckia, were landed on Muldrow Glacier early this month to join Carpe and Kov- en in the expedition to measure the cosmic ray. All three are from New York. BASEBALL SCORES Intercollegiate Northwestern 10, Missouri 7 Intramural Physical Eds 11, Hops 7 Phi Kappa Tau 0, Delta Tau Delta 1 Alpha Sigma Pi 4, Alpha Kappa Psi 1 Alpha Kappa Lambda 1, Phi Kappa Sigma 3 Economics 0, Swimming Club 1 Chemistry 6, Education 4 Pi Kappa Alpha 0, Phi Lambda Kappa 1 Phi Kappa 3, Theta Psi 9 Phi Beta Delta 0, Delta Alpha Epsilon ,1 Phi Gamma Delta 12, Alpha Chi Rho 9 Phi Kappa Psi 19, Kappa Delta Rho 0 TAX BILL GAINS SENATE IMPETUS WASHINGTON, May 16. - (P) - With bi-partisan support w i t h which leaders expect to drive the billion-dollar tax bill through the Senate intact, opponents today were thrown back in the first as- sault. The Couzens amendment to in- voke wartime levies on big incomes was lost with votes to spare, the unity renewing hopes that early disposition might be made of the budget-balancing legislation. Simultaneously, however, t h e threat of a summer session after the national conventions to enact the farm relief measures emerged with the backing of three large or- ganizations of farmers - the Na- tional Grange, the Farmer's Union,. and the National Farm Bureau Fed- eration. Carstens, Z. Begley, Vernon Bishop, William rge R. Squibb, George A. Stauter, ated for the positions of student these seven will be elected by the students at the annual All-Cam- pus election this month. Besides appointing the editors of the publications, the Board made one change in the organization of The Daily. The offices of city editor and news editor were combined, as were those of managing editor and editorial director. The only other senior positions which are yet to be filled are those of city editor, sports editor and women's editor. The new editors will make their senior and junior appointments later this week, it was learned last night. The Board also resolved that in the future not less than six nor more than nine students should be nominated for election to the three student positions on the Board. Member of Sphinx. Gilbreth, a junior from Mont- clair, N.J., has worked on The Daily for three semesters as a reporter and one as night editor. He is a member of Alpha Delta Phi, Sphinx, and Sigma Delta Chi. Vedder, of Adrian, worked on The Daily for three semesters as a tryout and two as advertising service manager, McFate, whose home is in Oil City, Pa., has worked on the 'Ensian five semesters, two of them as fea- ture editor. He is a member of Phi Gamma Delta, Sigma Delta Chi, and Sphinx. Carstens, of Michigan City, Id., worked this year as ac- counts manager of the 'Ensian, and has had three semesters as a try- out. He is a member of Phi Kappa Psi. McKay, of Ann Arbor, worked for two years on the 'E{nslan editorial staff, and was associate editoriof the Gargoyle last year. He is a member of Delta Phi and Sigma Delta Chi. Elliott has been a mem- ber of the Gargoyle business staff for five semesters. He lives in In- dianapolis, and is a members of Sigma Chi, Of the men nominated for the Board in Control, Stauter, Begley, Bishop and Brown have worked on The Daily. Squibb and Yourd on the 'Ensian, and Rush on the Gar- goyle. BANQUET TO HONOR1 LAYREOIH and Elliott Will Direct 7 Are Nominated Tracy to Speak to Case C Contestants; Awards to Be Gvene Iub ----- Eva LeGallienne Praises Dramatic Season Eva LeGallienne, director of the New York Repertory theatre, ex- pressed her interest in the 1932 Dramatic Season, which opens Monday evening in the Lydia Men- delssohn theatre, in a telegram which Robert Henderson received from her today. "Please accept my personal congratulations,' the wire read, "for the extraordinary plays and players assembled in your Dra- imtic Festival at Ann Arbor. It is my deep regret that I cannot be with you this year because of my doctor's orders for complete rest. Perhaps another season we shall do some production together." Miss LeGallienne was recently severely injured in a gasoline ex- plosion. The box-office sale of season tickets and single seats for the en- tire Dramatic Season opens this The entire cast of "There's Al-a ways Juliet" arrived in Ann Arbor Saturday and intensive rehearsals are now in full swing. Both Miss Heming and Lester Vail have ex- pressed their delight with the splendid equipment of the Mendels- sohn theatre. In order to assure a polished opening performance of "There's Always Juliet" on Monday evening, the play will be presented in the Civic theatre at Kalamazoo o n Saturday night, May 21. The Kala- mazoo performance is under the auspices of the Kalamazoo Civic Theatre. F i n a 1 rehearsals of "There's Always Juliet" will be held in Ann Arbor on Sunday evening. Students in the Play Production courses, as well as those working for the Hopwood awards under Prof. Kenneth Rowe and Prof. Ben- nett Weaver, who have obtained Arbor Art Association. Geoffrey Kerr, distinguished Eng- lish leading man, who will be star- red the third week of the Dramat- ic Season in Philip Barry's "The Animal Kingdom," has also been persuaded to co-star with Violet Kemble-Cooper the week of June 13 in Paul Osborne's "The Vinegar Tree." Mr. Kerr will play the role of the lover, originally created in. New York by Warren William. This will bring Geoffrey Kerr, Miss Cooper -and Glenn Hunter together in the repertory schedule during the last two weeks of the Dramatic Season. The nimsical director for the sea- son will be Stanley Fletcher, for three years a Fellow of the Juillard Foundation in the University School of Music. Mr. Fletcher has studied under Guy Maier and is well known as a concert pianist in the east and Recognition and honor to the students who have participated in the case club competition will be officially tendered by the Law school at a banquet to be held to- night at the Lawyers' club. Prof. John E. Tracy, of the law school who joined the faculty in the fall of last year will be the prin- cipal speaker. Professor Tracy has chosen as his subject, "The Famous Case of Arnold, the Miller." 125 Law students who have been in the competition will attend the banquet, which will be the occasion for the presentation of gold medal- lions to the finalists in the junior competition, subscriptions to the law review for the freshmen final- ists, and other awards to the losers of the junior semi-finalists. Paul Kauper, chairman of the work this year will be toastmaster. Dean Henry M. Bates will give a short talk. fJo fsie' Scans Rogue's Gallery for Criminal LTI1' 1 T T TTI 1'T~1 1. . '10s 1,rm f Y