THE MICHICAN TDA TLY .gArrYTF;.T AV. AV 14 109 ____s__11L_6Y11_ __ -1 **A 1V L9 S1 A. 1.4 1 1A 4. T1,dyThi'1.f 71 O tYY 1-t, 1ZI a4 t-- =- - DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Publication in the of the University.+ the President until Bulletin is constructive notice to all members Copy received at the office of the Assistant to 3:30; 11:30 a.m. Saturday. SATURDAY, MAY 14, 1932 No. 162 VOL. XLII. NOTICES Notice: The presentation to the University of the portrait by Gari Melchers of Doctor G. Carl Huber will take place on Monday, May 16, at 4:30 p.m., in the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. President Ruthven will preside. Friends, colleagues, students and the public are cordially in- vited to attend the ceremony. Executive Committee, Medical School. The Avery Hopwood Prizes: At the Lydia Mendelssolin Theatre un Thursday, May 26, at 4:30 p.m., Dean Robert M. Lovett, of the University of Chicago, will speak on the subject "Creative Writing on a University Campus." Winners of the Avery Hopwood Prizes will be announced. The public is invited. Master's Dcgree in History: All students who expect to obtain a master's degree in history this year and who, entered the graduate school in or after June, 1931, must take a written examination in French, Ger- man, or Spanish. This examination will be given at 4 p.m., on Friday, May 27, in Room 1204, A.H. Students will be permitted to use a diction- ary of their own. Junior Composition (English 87): Students who expect to enroll in English 87 next September should present manuscripts to the instructors of the course at one of the periods indicated in the following schedule:. Assistant Professor Everett-Saturday, May 14, ,10:30-11:30; Thurs-I clay, May 19, 11:30-12:00; Saturday, May 21, 10:30-11:30. Assistant Professor Walter-Wednesday, May 18, 3:00-5:00. Visitors' Night-Angell Hall Observatory: The public is invited to visit the Angell Hall Observatory from 8 to 10 tonight to observe the moon. Children must be accompanied by adults. ACADEMIC NOTICE. Psychology 42: Make-up examination for the last quizz and nid- semester will be given Monday, May 15, 4:15 p.m., Room 35 Angell Hall. EXHIBITIONS Exhibition of the work of the Lake Forest Foundation for Architec- ture and Landscape Architecture, 1931, Room 401 South Wing. Open daily 9 a.m., to 5 p.m., with the exception of Sunday until May 17. Drawings submittid by the eighteen competitors for the George G. Booth Travelling Fellowship in Architecture are now being shown in the third-floor exhibition gallery, Architectural building, and will remain on exhibition through Saturday, May 14. Open nine to five daily. The public is cordially invited. Third Annual Exhibition of Sculpture to be held under the auspices of the Division of Fine Arts. Works by students and Prof. Avard Fair- banks to be displayed from May 16 to 23 in University Hall, Rooms 210, 401, 402 from 11 a.m. to 9:30 p.m. EVENTS TODAY Girls' Swinuning Club; Important business meeting in the lounge of the Palmer Field House at 10 p.m. Everyone interested is urged to1 .,me. Please be prompt. Lantern Night Central Committee: Important meeting at 10 o'clock,; n the W.A.A. office of the League building.l OMING EVENTS Senior Mechanical Engineers: Representatives of the General Elec- ric company will be at the University on Tuesday, May 17, for the urpose of interviewing those students interested in employment with1 his organization. It is necessary to make an appointment in Room 221. It is suggested that all mechanical seniors attend a talk by Mr. Lang n Monday afternoon, at 5 p.m., in Room 248. E.E. Seniors and Others: Mr. Chet Lang, Comptroller of the Budgett nd Manager of Publicity, General Electric company, will speak to alll hose interested in G.E. at 5 p.m., Monday, May 16, in Rtoom 248 West Engineering building. Mr. George Chute will interview in the E.E. de- )artment on Tuesday. Interviews must be signed for. Find 'Rotten Practices' V in Market investigation s iA WASHINGTON, May 13-Ua )-An- nouncing that the senate investiga- tion of the New York stock market11 has uncovered "plenty of evidence of rotten practices," Chairman Nor- 'Blast beck said today the banking com- B mittee would resume its open in- quiry next Thursday. N o r b e c k's announcement was made after a meeting of the steer- FRA ing committee in charge of the in- inques vestigation at which William A. explos Gray, committee counsel, reported ed six the progress of his secret study of and d New York stock exchange and bro- Chene kerage iccords. The Gray and his staff, Norbeck said, reduce are working on 10 or 12 cases of to r irregularities and stock manipula- blocks Lion. high - rag cc 11 a.m., Morning Prayer and ser- rags A mon by the Reverend Henry Lewis, ture i 11 a.m., Young People's Fellowship, eqipp 6:15 p.m., Church Office building. six we pronou Presbyterian Young People's So- Four ticty: Sunday, student class for They v [reshnen men and women meets his son at 9:30 at the Church House. 55, an Social hour, 5:30 and Student body v Forum 6:30. Mr. Harry Graham is tons o to be the speaker tonight. His sub- the bl ject will be applied Christianity. Sam to a h Baptist Students, Sunday, 6:30 at 20, su Guild House. Rev. R. Edward Sayles hospit will give an address on "Hubmaier James and Early Baptist Principles." The jured 1 Fricndship Hour at 5:30. Noon How ;.Ludy group led by Mr. Chapman. plant,' ____ Char Evangcdical Students: The last second meeting of the school year will be to lift Wcld Sunday at 5:30. Plans for next air. It year will be discussed. All members crumbi are urged to attend. ing th Lutheran Students: The Luther- the ba an Student Club will enjoy Sunday blast a afternoon at the Stein Farm Home. partly Transportation will be provided for tically those desiring it. Cars will leave the his bar Zion Parish Hall at 3 o'clock. Indi- viduals who coudl come at 4 will Crm have transportationprovided them J if they notify either the student pastor or Mr. Roland Ungerer. URB. Church of Christ: Prof. Water- cost th man of the department of Oriental mated Language and Literature will speak year-- at 7:30 p.m., Sunday, May 15, on of ope: "A New Chapter in The Life of ment," Christ." Everyone is cordially in- Ill., dec vited. Social hour of the Young on the People's Society wil be at 6:30 p.m. pus. Corner Hill and Tappan streets. All j can re Reformed Students: Dr. Gores of sulting Grand Rapids will speak at the dissens League, Sunday, May 15, 9:30 a.m. There- to crim "An Hlour of Music" will be held in whi( at the Hillel Foundation, Sunday, to lead May 15, 8 p.m. Modern and classical second, compositions will be rendered by third, t Harold Gelman, piano; Phylis Orn- self, th stein, soprano; Louis Fink, violin; and a string trio; including selec- Wisi tions by Mozart, Bach, Beethoven, MAD Mendelssohn, and "Kol Nidre," and The U "Eili Eili." All are cordially invited. licate o --- no lon Hillel Foundation: Dr. Raphael studen Isaacs will speak at services, Sun- sight o day, May 15, 11:15 a.m., on "The Mendo Part Inspiration Plays in Science." the ob WORKMEN DIE OHIO EXPLOSION in Pulp Plant Destroys uilding, Shakes Nearby Dwellings. NKLIN, O., May 13.-(/1)--An t was opened today into the ion which late Thursday kill- men, injured eight others estroyed the plant of the y Pulp & Paper Co. here. cause of the explosion, which d a two-story brick building ins and shook houses for around, was attributed to steam pressure in a rotary oker, a boiler affair, in which vere prepared for manufac- nto the paper pulp. It was ed with a safety valve, which eks ago was inspected and .nced safe. men were killed outright. were Sam Thompson, 47, and , Richard, 24; James Young, d Finley Couch, 30. Couch's was dug from under several f debris several hours after ast. Hawthorne, 40, died en route ospital, and Preston Young, ceumbed in a Middletown al. Preston was a son of Young. All the dead and in- ived in Franklin. ard Cheney, owner of the estimated his loss at $125,000, ley Bowles, who was on the floor, said the blast seemed the entire structure into the came down in a mass of ed concrete and brick, bury- e victims. age Longworth. who was in Lsement, was dazed by the nd recovered to find himself trapped by brick. He fran- dug out of the debris with e hands. ie Bill Runs Six illion,_Says Judge ANA, Ill., May 13.-"Crime e nation the enormous esti- sum of $6,000,000,000 last an amount, equal to the cost rating the national govern- Judge H. Steely, Danville, flared recently in a talk given University of Illinois cam- uvenile crime, he pointed out, Wdily be accounted for as re- from constant quarrelsome ion within the family itself. are three stages on the road Le: first, that of dependency eh there is little opportunity 1 the child the right way; that of deliniquency; and that of the cri ninal stage it- .e judge explained. consin Arboretum Closed. ISON, Wisconsin, May 6.- niversity of Wisconsin's dup- A Ann Arbor's Arboretum is ger to be available to those s who wish to enjoy the f the moon shining on Lake ta, for the road leading to servatory is to be closed. APPEAL FOR DRY LAW REFORM TO HAIE LECTURES 'AT CLASSREUNION Talk on Russia, Medical Clinic to Feature Gatherings of Three Classes. Academic phases to their reun- ions are being planned this year by three classes who are to gather at the annual reunion in Corn- mencement weck, according to a statement made by T. Hawley Tap- ping, general secreta':y of the Alum- ni association. - Moritz Kahn, '00-'01E, '02-03, wilt deliver a lecture on "Present Day Russia," to the '02 Literary class. Dr. George M. Dock, of Pasadena, Cal. formerly on the medical facul- Ly here, is to conduct a clinic or- ganized by the '07 Medics during the week. A foimal presentation to the Uni- versity of several very ancient law books will be held by the law class of '87 at 5 o'clock on the Friday preceding Commencement in the new Legal Research library. The presentation, which is to be made by Orla B. Taylor, will include a special case to hold the books on permanent display in the library. Monroe Voters Favor $800,000 Part Project MONROE, May 13.--(IP)--Creation of a port of Monroe, an $800,000 prcject in which the federal gov- crnment will aid has been approv- ed overwhelmingly by the voters. The propsal carried Thurslay by a vote of 4,123 to 229, virtually a 19 to 1 majority, whereas only a three-fifths majority was required. Incorporation as a port district under state law is necessary for completion of a contract with the government, authorized in the 1930 rivers and harbors act, for build- ing a new port here. BRIGHT SPOT 802 Packard St. Today, 11:30 to 1:30 Bacon, Eggs and Toast Potato Salad with Franks Banana Nut Salad with Peanut Sandwich Roast Beef and Pork Sandwiches, Mashed Potatoes, Dill Pickles Banana and Cream, Cake Ice Cream, Coffee, Milk-30c 5:30 to 7:30 Soup Cubed Beef Steaks Pork Chops Lamb Chop Grill of Sausage and Sliced Tromatoes Roast Veal Roast Pork and Beef Mashed or Oven Fried Potatoes Cold Slaw, Tomatoes, Spinach Strawberry Shortcakes, Ice Cream Jello, Cake, Coffee, Milk, Tea 40c Thousands of the posters shown above will be displayed throughout! the country during "National Repeal Week," beginning May 16, when the Women's Organization for National Prohibition Reform conducts a nation-wide drive for members and funds. Forty two- state divisions of the association will participate in the campaign under the direction of Mrs. Archibald B. Roosevelt,.New York City. Michigan Women Will ( series of radio talks. Monday after- Aid Ree1 W ' noon, directors and members of the Ad' p a Wejadvisory board will meet at Mrs. rmi rn-jat Alger's home. a' ~..4I.A.AA AjJIAL~5,Aie Michigan members of the Wo- men's Organization for National Prohibition Reform will participate next week in the drive, scheduled for 42 state divisions of the organ- ization, known as "Repeai Week," when thousands of red, white and blue posters will be distributed throughout the state. Radio addresses, state confer- ences, drives for funds, and the third annual meeting of the Michi- gan branch will be included in the extensive activities of the week. Mrs. Charles H. Sabin, national chairman of the organization, and Mrs. Archibald Roosevelt, of New York, will speak Sunday over a chain of 63 radio stations, outlining the plan of campaign against the Eighteenth Amendment to precede the national political conventions. In Detroit, Mrs. Frederick M. Al- ger, the Michigan chairman, will disclose state plans Sunday in a Ann Arbor women who will at- tend the Monday afternoon meet- ing are Mrs. F. R. Waldron. Mrs. W. H. Faust, Mrs. O. J. Campbell, Mrs. Frank Devine, Mrs. J. W. Parker, Mrs. Samuel Moore, Mrs. Paul R, Kempf, Mrs. Frederick . Coller, Mrs. Herbert G. Watkins, and Mrs. D. L. Quirk, of Ypsilanti.. TG XTAIN P EN S Parker, Sbeaffer Waterman, Conkli1n, etc., $1.00 anidup* A large and choice assoret -1 L 314 S.rthae St. AnnlA L, 314 S. State St., Annm Arbo'. Il II - _ _ -- ._ __ _ _ _ _ _ __ :. a A terfraternity Council: Special meeting Wednesday, May :, in the Michigan Union to discuss deferred rushing. ant that every house have its delegates present. 18, at 7:30 It is very iding for University Women: A per ride wil be held on Sunday, 15, for women students, start- from Mr. Mullison'sstables at p.m., if weather permits. Stu- ts are asked to reserve their es by calling the stables as soon ossble. Supper will be provided.. uilcans: Meeting at 5 p.m., on day at the Union. arris Hall: Prof. L. A. Strauss he English department will ad- 5s the student group in Harris 1 immediately following the dlar student supper at 6 p.m.' day. . Andrew's Church: Sunday, y Communion, 8 a.m., Church ool, 9:30 a.m., Kindergarten at I "The Significance of the Lindbergh Case" Discussed by Rev. H. P. Marley at the Unitarian Church State and Huron Streets on Sunday Morning at 10:45 The BOOkS o Eliery Wle The World on one Leg.....................$2.50 High Hats and Low Bows .......:........$3.00 Russia's Decisive Year (new) ................ $2.50 Special price to Libraries and Reading Clubs at I AIRRS UNIVE RSITY BOOKSTORE S Help The Veterans in Hospitals, TODAY ONLE NEW LOW PRICES on all Merchandise, except Text Books, will be the order of the day in both our stores BUY Poppies