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May 14, 1932 - Image 5

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The Michigan Daily, 1932-05-14

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Women Participatig to Receive
Honor Points for Afair
Senday afternoon tllbWomien's
Athletic Asociatlon will sponsor the
second of a series of supper rides.
The group will set out at 4:30 and
will return at 7:30 o'clock.
Tshe first supper ride proved so
po pular that another was planned.
-The riders go along the river until
they reach a smiall outdoor fire-
place . A halt is called, the riders
dismount and tether their horses,
anid then sit down to welcome sup-
per consistifigy of hot coff ee sandi-

By l'o. A. C. "104

.-. . , -. . ,,.,, a ., ..

Sororities to"Fake Part in Mlan Alpha Delta PL.
Devisied bTPan Hllenic C t l~~ crteAcli ts al Alpha. Delta Pi entertained four
nigt ~re oretha usall Iguests at a rushing dinner Monday
Assciaion (CC1i I .n] ai:1al :dtive, according night. Yellow and green as a colorj
Next Tuewd ay !light will see te t ~Jt§ .WItU 3,5.i ch-ene was carited out with dla r
flL st, of a series of exchange (,lin- inary of the arcihitectural society, I(fodils.
ners, spoinhorecl by the Pan I3ellenic .and assistant dsge of costumes. F'omalniitin il.e dro
<a: scialion to be given by sorority ! Elah orate ,,~sar cap:,es in bril-nih.Atisim th olwg
houtses on t he cear,,ets. The aFfair hiarli lrsi'er tlvcal in cvi- girls will be received as mmes
Tedynight will be an experi- ;Jn ~~s ool
in n, t ds o e h W s c e~i l~she ai. v iodern~istie fle-- a e r y, D r ty Parker, irma
sue evtso di d bev e xt yccear. SulISO IknS ~b~n ice oivisto, Irma Rantana, Mal",nar
stu evnts A~uldbe extyea. o al li~r~ycoa~bi in cicle Kendlin, Joan Wiese, Lucille Barne:
Under the plan devised by thpe !and squares and all mianner of' geo- and Lenora. Kinston. A fornml hbn-.


in honor kof'the fa;culty.NMrs.IFrank-
I li M oore will Towur.
Jordaji flap.
Jordcan Hall 1honorethl e fori e
tea danu-ce iTurSay afterlnoonl. h
womlE'1en c.iting1L5htstses C wer~e
Helen Youn ,g, '35, Marg aret B3ray,
'32, Christie, Kelley,.'35, Helen
Sie,'32, Ml an Kelley, '32Ed1,
MVonia Hutchiin,, '4. , Eth l Hof.-w-
ard, '35, Betty Dak,'355MVT, Iatht-
ryn Kun, Mabel Mori,'5d iss,
Ethel McCormick, MV rs. Hfo race 'WV.
King, and Mrs. Mary Bufiton-,r

c-onii jib, at these dinners, the; n-let:Ac MITi us ere rise. Pinmary I duet will follow the iniiat.ion.
~nen~er (i I e snio clas o th ~ ~)li1~e("Sring,, lowL-s will 'be used for dec-
kfI r .1willbe invited to din-- FI a o t ohso,';2,,gene ral chair- latioll.
t.i,& s)ed houhse, while the man of~ the affair, aini his irtner, At midnighit tonight there wvill
iuu~ WOXI{' he tl'seconid ll0l15(e MiEvelyn. Miller, of Grand Ra.- be a F"ounder's Day celebrtion.
'Till hae inne r at the" f01irst. .- 1 J3iC 10 mod Cernistic de sigrnsfor Mr'lha cCook.


r =V .y~r raULU I me ci ange WL1"r irs JJ~wIi 1 ta II((Itheir coistume, They had tunics of'
wiches, home-made cake, and sal-- according to their respective dates brilliant colors, coirnbimling yellow,
ad. of fudn' and and may be held ! ed and wh1ite w'ti black. Thre
For the complete ride and supper when the sororities desire. The or- sleeves hung .il, £,,rp1fold- from the
the~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~e cagwilbony$00Aldc'of exchang ing is as follows: shIoulders. 3oth \woreTlon,(trousers,
Kapp Alha rl~ea GmmaPhiThose of Mr. Johnson were black
women interested will please call Beta, Delta Gamma, Collegiate So- with insets of red and yellow Just
Mr. Mullison 'to reserve horses. W. 1 osS, isFeBf' Phi, Kappa Kappa ' above the cull.,. of the trousers
A. A;pit llb ie t l a - Gnia, Alpha Phi, Delta Delta T'"hose Miss Mlille r wore were ylo
ticprzi nyoe iterste lDelta Alpha Chi Omega, Chi and also had inset with brighter
Omea, Theta, Phi Alpha, Alpha Xi contrasting colors.
should be at the fair ground stables } elta, Zeta "TanAalpha, :Kappa Del- J. R. Bailey, '32, chajirman of dec-r
at 4:30 o'clock Sunday. I, Alpha Omicr on Pi, Alpha Gain- orations, and his p~artner Ruth
__-- -- ma Delta, Delta Zeta, Sigmia Kap- Hyde, '31, of Midland, were dressed
City government costs Indiana pa, Alpha Epsilon Phi, and Phi Sig- as modernistic cossacks with boots
taxpayers $12.6 per capita.- ma ~ia and hig hcoak hats.
"Both c ostua es were achieved in
blocks and geomietric designs of
H ist ry qbright prima ry colors, red, white,
[1i to y o-S r r t"esyellow, and black. Thie sleeves on
o S U n r dhe costume Bailey wore wer-e of es-
PHi MI SI GMA,1 pecial interest. They were huge, and
so full, and are so designed that
[$y argaet OBrie]- they reminded of an accordian,"
[By argaet OBrie]-..- -~contfinued Miss Wheeler.
Founded as a non-sectarian fra- tors, in session, meeting annuanlly "Mazny wore painted smocks, of-
ternity for women, Phi Sigma. Sig.- during Dcccmriber om' aniuarry. The; ten running to the comic. Several
utoro gay lounging pajamas.
ma was organized November 26, chief executive body, the Grand~ The general tone of decoration
1913 at Hunter college in New YorX~ Council, is composed of the grand was afrecced by the ac., that Aiexs
city, being incorporated under the officers of the fraternity and the Lapteff of Russia whouwon the com-
laws of New York. Its foundersI secretaries of the standi.ng commit- ;petition for decorations has includ-
were Fay Chertkoff, Ethel Gordon tees. There areC also rgonlconr- ed o mu i hc of r.theRusi tm-.i




Martha Cook residents together
with the directors and governor-
will honor the faculty at aMy
party this aftternoon from three t
Five. 'Three hundred invitation
have been sent out. The tea will'
will be held in the open, if the
weather is favorable, if not, spring
flowers will be used for decorations,
In the receiving line will be the
three governors of Martha Cock,
Mrs. Fredric B. Stevens, Mrs. Harry
C. Bulkley, and Miss Emily Sargent;
Ruth Morrison, chairman of the
May Party, Ann Elizabeth Lidy,
house-president and Heen Hell-.
muth president-elect; also Miss
Margaret R. Smith and Miss. Alta
B. Atkinson.
Mrs. Alexander, G. Ruthven, Miss
Alice C. Lloyd, Mrs. Charles A. Sink,
and Mrs. Wassily Besekirsky will
pour at the tea.
Two trios from the house will
furnish the music. Marion. Works,
Helen Bentley and Genevieve Guf-
fey will mnake up one; Lucy and
Louise Wadsworth and Catherine
Shannon, the other.
The committee chairmen are Ruth
Morrison, general; Aileen Hen-ic-
son, invitations; Alyce vanden Boo-
gert, publicity; Edna Mackenzie,
mrusic; Margaret, French, decora.-
tins; and Dorothy Peck, refresh-
ments. The entire house, will act
as aids and hostesses along with
the, cbmmittee.
Alpha Phi.
Alpha Phi intertained Dean Lloyd
and her staff at dinner Wednesday
night. Spring flowers were, used for
Kappa Alpha. Delta.
Kappa Alpha Theta will hold a,
formal dinner dance for the actiwr.
members and their escorts tonighit.
Mr. and Mrs. Franklin Moore J :.
of St. Clair, Michigan. Mr. and Mrs
Matthew Spence of Bay City, Mich-
igan, and Mvrs. Franklin Moore Sr",
sorority house mother, will chap -
Sunday the sorority will serve tea

(Kraus), Estelle Melnick (Cole),I ferences and annual inspection ofl
Claire Wunder (McArdle), Gwen !chapters.
Zaliels (Snyder), Josephine Ellison, I The badg,-e iS linx-iiead with
Shirlet Cohen (Goldstein) , Rose f eyes of lpirSad the pledge is
Scherr (seidman), and Jean Lipka. a' blue trianl.e with a border of
It was organized as a non-sectP- golcd, onl whi~ch is \vJUitte the open'
ian philanthrophic fraternity be- motto. The colors are king blue and
cause of the Jewish and non-Jewish gold, the flower the Egyptian rose.
persuasion of its founders and be- The official publication, a quaff terly
cause of its purpose of working is the -Sphinx.'
charitable good without reference The philanthrop, hic work has
to creed or sect. Later, however, been, v(ry exfnsve and includes
the social aspects of the fraternity; a unit at Cap.aibw, at Crot on-
grew, and a program. of gener-al ex- on-the-Hudson, the- United C:haii-
pansion was inaugurated, although !ties camp for uid(erniourisneci camp,
its initial motive of philanthropica a pertetual ciidowin'i It to the B~eth
effort has been retained. There are David hospital inr New 'York, a
twenty chapters at present. model barber sh~op at the Duarte
The fraternity government is i sanalarin-Yn in California, a cliil-
vested in a Supreme Council, com-! dren's section in the Na tional li-'
posed of the Grand Council and bro ry in Jerusalem, andl scholar-
delegates from the several chap- ships and awards, in various schools.

The Choral Club of'StIudlent
Nurs es; Wnder the direction of Miss;
Oiiia Olson?, sang at a Mother, and
D aughLter banquet at !Belleville,
M ichiganm, Thursdauh'y afternoon, This
iam grup recently -sang over 'the
Un-iversity Broadcasting systemi.
Alh a Epsilon Phi.
Alpha Epsilon Phi will hol its,
annual srigformal (lance from 9
il 12 o'clock tonight. The decor--
t'I s;cheme will be cgrried out in
the ha of a garden party. Lant-
erns and wicker furniture will add[
to the effect. Prof. and Mrs.L I..~
Si'n rfman, Dr. and Mrs. M. Wein-
garden, Dr. and Mrs. Philip Jay,
and Mrs. Minnie Mahrer, house
mother, will act as chaperones.
li -lp

prrlrc In iiit. IAJ LIVI .2)S.,iiv :5 lurre arrasl
colorful Russian costumes seemed
especially appropriate,
Pa ThStylists T u
Pieshaedhats with crinkled
crusts andl divided into thirds by
Colors are ma ,king their way down
the r-oad to) smanrtnewss without any
obstacles. Ca price, by LyeMonier, is
d ivided t nto equilateral triangles
of rit'ci7. black and red. Its crinkly
cius .awves right along with the
line of neatly mai-celled visible on
the uap side-thie left-and the ac-
cessories deciding to be impartial
>o black, for the shoes, i-ed for the
puise and green for- the shirred
Schiaparelli scarf that ties in a
knot at the right shoulder.l

Present dlay coandt'ons dmand fearless han-dling of advertisingfpub-
licity. Judicious sp)cfdun of advertising appropriations is even more -
necessary. Leading advertisers avoiding waiste di.1"°ct more of t h e ir
expenditures to newspapers.
Read the statement of the exe cutive vi&C-pesde t and advertising d etro .H ay ad C ni.iy
"Few 1usinie s ventures in America requiri -g the stimulus of adver-
tisingP could live xithoit the new sp.-per. In it Nve stcnd n-ore than one-
half of the entire budget for aill forms of publicity. We do so rightly."
--Kenneth Collins.

, 9j


Movie stars wear them
. . debutantes wear
them . .. and you're
sure to want one for
LV d41ir a - - r l-l fl T

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