F)UR THE MICHIGAN DAIL Y ,.. _ T41M, .1..aftj ublihed every morning except Monday during the University y the Board in Control of Student Publications. ember of the Western Conference Editorial Association. 'e Associated Press is exc luive ientitledtto the use for re- ,ation of all news dispatcheus credited to it or not otherwise d in this paper and the local news published herein. ntered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigar, as second matter. Special rate of postage granted by Third Assistant aster General.. education by their crossing of cultural and practica] aims. The result is a weak hybrid. Fine arts courses are prepared in mild doses suitable for sampling by professional students and wholesale taking by fine arts majors. Professional schools turn out a mass product subject to disregarded laws of supply and demand. So now a university is properly neither a place to prepare for earning a living, nor to acquire the education befitting a cultivated citizen of the world. l S T 3 1 s 3 I { cription by carrier, $4.00; by mail, $4.50 irees: Ann Arbor Press Building, Maynard Street, Ann Arbor, an. rhones: Editorial, 4925; iuiness, 21214. THE INTELLECTUAL BOND (Harvard Crimson) EDITORIAL STAFF Telephone 4925 MANAGING EDITOR h ICHAAU)L. TOBIN rial Director ...................t........ Beach Conger, Jr. Editor.......................................Carl Farsythe SIdLr.,................................. David M. Nichol e Fditor............................... nheldon C. Fullerton en's Editor..........................Margaret M. Thompson ant News Itains of industry" as the men of ability and us of the age. Either they have ability, or rest of us are terribly sub-normal, or Mr. Oing is wrong. Phere is, however, still some chance that Mr. vling, is right. In that case, the people of the Id have been placing a wrong. emphasis on ness ability for half a century. Some realiza- of this has perhaps taken place in the past years. America may even be facing a new llectual renaissance when the emphasis will be ed upon the intelligent and the beautiful-the lucts of men of more than ordinary ability. Rut there is still another inference which may rawn from Mr. Dowling's statements-this is, ourse, if he is correct. Men of extraordinary ty have no place in modern business organ- ons. Mr. Dowling has a place in a modern ness organization. 'Therefore, Mr. Dowling no extraordinary ability. Therefore, Mr. Dowl- [as not so much right to make such statements, veneta Cook as Jennifer-Thog (Colgate Maroon) a bit weak in the first act, she grad- Periodically, our 'American newspapers find it ually warms to her task (and why not?), and then her hair is nice. necessary to play up one spectacular news item, at Virgiad Rober a Eil-n. the expense and often the exclusion of other stories.s The recent Honolulu trial, which still holds down the efficient little maid who doesn't number one column of many daily papers is our most spill the cocktails even once. We recent example of this strange phenomenon. liked the matter-pf-fact way in This periodic human interest story must appeal which she received instructions to instantly to the mass (often a synonym for puerile)E mind. For over a month the Culbertson-Lenz bridge tournament held the interest of the sensation-seek- ing American public. Then, the kidnapping of theI infant son of the Lindberghs' gave headline writers' an opportunity to display their skill. Luckily for' their own peace of mind, the majority of tabliod: reporters are too callous to be .conscience-stricken from a realization that their thirst for sensationalismt is no small factor in the unfortunate settlement of' many of these problems. The Honolulu case had already secured its position as one of the "scoops" of the year. The circumstances of the murder alone would have been sufficient to keep the incident before the public for some time. But add the presence of Clarence Darrow, the aspects of race prejudice, American interests in and power iver Hawaii and the international complications and one has all the elements of the story of the year. 3 It won't be long after this case has become history and once again tabloid pages contain room for more than headlines, before some other story with inherent' 4ualities will appear and the comedy will be once; again enacted. Newspaper America must be sordidly. shocked. What will it be next time? "make up a bed in the barn for Prince Michael." George Rademaker as Captain Holt-A real military man. His tal- ents were best displayed in the first act in the waiting scene, and in his pompously important discourse on buffer states. Frances Manchester as Ethel Holt -Has possibly the easiest, most na- ural manner of any of the cast. We enjoyed her attempts at con- versation just before the Prince's arrival, her admiring respect for her husband's opinions, and her confused delight when meeting the Prince. Burnette Bradley as Mrs. Faithful -Rendered the most polished per- formance of the evening. Her re- mark "Pink suits us; we always try to stick to pink," is typical of her type of role. Helen Dooley as Imogene Faithful i -Is admirably cast. We like the way she drinks a cocktail, the way she says "hello," the way she says wicked !" Maxwell Pribil as Dr. Ainslie- His makeup is almost as queer as it was in "Anthony and Anna" but he is excellent nonetheless. His lines just before the arrival of the Prince are whimsical (whimsical! Now there's a word! Why didn't we think of that before?) q . 1i . NUC and DRAMA7 "MVIEET 1HE PRINCE," by A. A. Milne. Presented by Comedy Club in Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. t i 1 :; i ,3 z ', '+ A Review by Margaret O'Brien I __ _ _ _ ___ _ , No self-respecting review of an A. A. Milne play Alan Handley as Prince Michael can go more than a paragraph without calling the -'Nuff sed. slightly motheaten term of "whimsy" into the play. Whitney Dixon as James Oliver' It is as inevitably associated with him as Pooh bear If we ever have .a valet itnwill or Eeyore's tail, so we might just as well get it out Dixon. of the way at once. "Meet the Prince" is whimsical, x Howard'Fettes ha c3 LXsie5J1,t (Ar3 n'.A FIRST METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH Cor. S. State and E. Washington Sts. Fretlerick B. Fisher Peter F. Stair Ministers 10:30 A. M.--Morning Worship. "PROFIT AND LOSS." Dr. Fred B. Smith of New York. 7:30 P. M. - Evening Worship. "THE WORLD SITUATION." Dr. Smith (Wesleyan Guild Lecture) HILLEL FOUNDATION Cor. East University Ave. & Oakland Rabbi Bernard Heller, Director Philip Bernstein, Assistant to the Director Sunday, May 15th, 1932 11:15 A. M.-Services in the Chapel of the Women's League Bldg. Doctor Raphael Isaacs will speak on "The Part Inspiration Plays in Science." 8:00 P. M.-Musical Recital at the, Foundation by students in the Uni- versity Music School under the di- rection of Mr. Harold Crelman. Last day of art exhibit, "Jews in Art.' -'! I and that is the trouble. There are very few people in Comedy Club, or on the Michigan campus, for that matter, who can be whimsical (again!) without being slightly painful, aavW44ci.i Tcl.4L) iltL iACtiLY ILt;tA ialilt ! executed a wonderful set. Ruth Ann Oakes has turned a swell play. out ay. , we are not sure whether he is right rong .....""" i IITOlmAL COMMENT I HER EDUCATION NOT WORTh THE NAME (The Minnesota Daily) es the world owe the college graduate a living? just that question, a 1931 graduate writes his .uck story in the "Forum." His answer is "yes." rofessional education is due, so he claims, to propaganda of successful business way back times of prosperity. This well trained advertis- xpert finds that there is an over-supply of .enced men in his profession and concludes that had spent his college years in a trade he would pared by experience to work right now. S statements. true or otherwise, clearly show a university education has become popular for imate money value in industrial and business f j j i { i J except of course, Alan Handley, who can be anything he chooses and still make us like it. Mr. Handley WHAT IS TO BECOME OF could cope creditably with Christopher Robin, one TOASTED ROLLS? feels, his advantage being that he forgets he is being An Editorial whimsical and looks you straight in the face. A "Meet the Prince" would have been an excellent Monday afternoon the Board in vehicle for mother's weekend, but like all of Mr. Control of Student Publications will; Milne's efforts, it is a trifle too diaphanous for real I meet in solemn council to select a dramatic fare. Inevitably there is a week-end party, new Managing Editor of the Michi-t a veritable host of charming and vaguely idiotic Eng- gan Daily. After conversing with a{ lish people, and a plot which bobs up now and then, few of the applicants for this posi- but finally vanishes airily in the mist, whimsical to tion we have our fears for the fu- the last gasp. ture of Toasted Rolls. Several of Mr. Handley carries the burden of the evening on said applicants want to cut it out his capable shoulders, but some of the very few peo- altogether, others want r a d i c a 1 ple in Ann Arbor who can be ******** without being changes and very few indeed like painful are right within the folds of Comedy Club, the column as it is at present. Our so you might as well resign yourself. Mr. Donner is personal opinion is that R o 11 s, I a member of the charmed circle, and so are Mr. though perhaps not uniformly hu- Rademaker, and Miss Manchester, with Mr. Pribil morous, or well written, does carry winding up as an honorary member. Miss Pierce is out a campus function which is a' a nice dependable sort of mistress of ceremonies, or necessary factor to something or I Conservative services evening, 7:30 P. M., dation. each Friday at the Foun- BETHLEHEM EVANGELICAL CHURCH South Fourth Avenue