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May 14, 1932 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1932-05-14

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Legislature Works on Taxation,
Economy, and Relief
WASHINGTON, May 13.-(I)-
Congress labored hours at its tre-
iendous task today--a task liken-
ed by President Hoover to Winning
tie war and therefore warrantingj
use of similar emergensy powers"I
by the government.
W h iil e the legislature wrestled
with taxation, economy, and relief
!cgislation, the President as the day
ended cited again that unity of ac-
tion is in order "in an increasing
campaign to re- stablish public
On capitol hill unity was in evi-
dence. The Senate spent but few
minutes on the usual debate intro-
ductory to such vital legislation as
the tax bill, cutting through to the
cores of controversy--the income
tax and tariff provisions.
Confidence prevailed there that
the non-partisan $1,500,000,000 un-
employment relief and construction
program c o u 1 d be satisfactorily
whipped into shape for enactment
this session.
In, his statement to newspaper-I
men, the President referred to this
extraordinary proposal as one for{
which he had no taste.
"But," he proceeded emphatically,
"we are fighting the economic con-
sequences of over-liquidization and
unjustified fear as to tte future of
the United States."
Some emergency powers w e r e
used in war time, he recalled, and
"we can use them to fight the de-,
pression, the misery and suffering'
from which are equally great."
The H o u s e of Representatives
showed a determination to keep!
war department expenses d o w n,
voting 141 to 135 to keep in the sup-
ply bill the dispute provision for
eliminating 2,000 officers.
Scalp and Blade Picks
John R. Edgar as Head
John R. Edgar, '33A, was chosen
as president for the coming year
by the members of the Scalp and
Blade, social fraternity composed
of men coming from Buffalo, N.Y.,
at their last meeting recently.
Edgar will succeed Julius Schwei-
gert, '32E, as president of the club.
Carlysle P. Speiz, '33E, will hold the4
office of vice-president, which was
held this year by Edgar. The treas-
urer for the coming year will bej
Chapin M. Lowel, '34E, who will fill
the office held by August G. Tro-,
oter. As secretary, Edward Stev-
ens, '34, will replace Alvin R. Moss,
The fraternity, which was origin-
ally organized in 1893, with the
Michigan chapter being founded in
1907. aims to stimulate the relations
between the many college men from
Buffalo and to award scholarships
to boys from their home town, Moss
.stated in an interview.

Artist o Dsplay
at Memorial Hall
t wM large and very interesting
exhibits re being brought to the Detroit Band Leader and Del
Alumni Memorial hall galleries. Delbridge Take Over
One an exhibition of Modern Aus- Sylvan Gardens.
trian painting, is a collectoin of ---
70 "oils, watercolors, and prints Ray Gorrell and Del Delbridge,
which have been circulatig all who need no introdicclon to Mich-
through t he Unilvd 2ts for more igan students, hav tk L over the
ta two vears. Tuey were selected management of the ylvan Gardens
flom. : lar . ollecion of works by at Sand lake and wiii npar per-
Aust; ian artists and mern prominent sonally with their orchestra tonight
in i.nse artistic oircles and at the formal opening.
assemblel for this exhibition by the Supporting lDel and Ray, who
Splayed at the Gridiron dance last
College rt association, of which month, will be the Frohne Sisters,
this University is a member. The harmony quartette of N-B-C fame,
I exhibit has received much favor- Ihoyhave beef u C f hRudy
Iwho have been-i feat ured~ with Rud~y
able comment during its showings Vallee, Thelma Bow, the "It Girl Of
in this country. the Air," blues siner, Jack lDoi;-
The seod c:hit is a group oL las, the "Od Night Wathmai," of
36 print ineludin.; many works by WJR, and Jack losevear, featwd
lpresent-day artists of America and as "America's most versatile pan-
jngland. These prints were secured ist."
by the Division of Fhit Arts from1 Following the pre-o)ening to-
the Private collection of Dr. and night, the Sylvan Gardens will be
Mrs. Walter 1. Parker of Grosse opened for dancinA on Sniday, and
Pointe. This c((llection will be hung then the following week-end, with
in the north g;ailery while the large a grand opening Saturday, May 18.
Austrian pa n tings will be placed i Nationally-known orchestras are
the west allery, being considered for en ag;ements
Both exhibits will be open (ilf during the summer.
public inspection on Sunday and These two orchestra leaders and
will continue Oin e;ibition daily for their 13-piece band were chosen by
two we;ks- the Music Corporation of America
and the General Motors corpora-
Student Photographers tion as one of the leading dance
orchestras and have recently been
Addressed .y Swain co-featured w i t h Coon-Sanders,
Ben Bernie and Henry Busse's or-
Addressing the second meeting of chestras. Besides their campus en-
students interested in amateur gagements, they have played at the
photography, George R. Swain, 01- General Motors exhibit, the U. of
fi c i a 1 University photographer, D. J-Hop, and the Big Four dance
spoke recently on "Composition and in Detroit.
Perspective in Landscape and Rem- Sand lake is 25 miles from Ann
iniscences of Personal Experiences Arbor on the Saline-Chicago high-
in the Field." way.
The first meeting held several
weeks ago was attended by more
than 75 people who evinced more
interest in the proposed club. As a S A, L E
result of this successful meeting the All Shades ** $20.00
four students who are behind the SPRING SUITS
club planned this meeting at which All Alterations at Cost
they hope to formulate plans for the C. DOUKAS
future and elected the officers for 1319South University
~next er

'' I I

AssociatedkPress Photo
The above photo shows the three sailors, two of whom lost their
holds and fell to their deaths, as they hung to a landing rope of the
Navy dirigible, Akron, when it broke away from an attempted landing
near San Diego, California. Robert Edsall, of Elkhart, Indiana and Nigel
Henton of Fresno, California, were killed, but Bud Cowart, 19, held on for
two hours and was pulled into the giant ship.

Monastery paintings believed to
be at least 300 years old, and term-
ed the finest collection in the world
and the only one in this country,
feature an exhibit of Tibetan art
now on temporary display on the
fourth floor of the University mu-
The paintings are but a part of
the exhibit brought here by Dr.
Walter Koelz, of the Roerich insti-
tute, from Tibet where he has
Differences Between Classic
and Contemporary Drama
Covered in Talk.
Chief differences between French
classic and contemporary drama,
and a description and examples of
the latter were discussed in a lec-
ture given Monday in the Romance
Languages building by M. Daniel
Mornet, professor of French litera-
ture at the University of Paris and
now visiting lecturer at the Uni-
versity of Chicago.
According to Professor Mornet
the classic dramatists of France at-
tempted to portray characters who
sought, before all else, to know
themselves, to understand them-
selves, and to express themselves
precisely. Contemporaty dramatists
nearly always depict personalities
in a fashion that is practically an-
tithetical in that characters, espe-
cially in moments of crisis, speak
mostly in monosyllables, ahd some-
times do not speak at all.
Professor Mornet devoted the last
third of his lecture to reading and
interpreting passages from contem-
porary French drama that illustrat-
ed his point.
a ways ci/ici
Bridge parties at Dearborn Inn-
the smart place to play bridge - are
always a success. In the spacious
Colcnial Lounge you can comfortably
entertain as many tables as you wish.
Early American atmosphere provides a
charming background for faculty par-
ties. A chcice of two unusual luncheon
menus is served in the Early Ameri-
can Dining Room at $1.25 and $1.00
a plate. Transportation for groups

spent the past two years. They will
be displayed during his stay here
in Ann Arbor, whikh will be for
several days.
While in Tibet, Dr. Koelz, who
was formerly connected with the
University museums as assistant
curator of ichthyology, spent a
considerable part of his time in the
Himalayas, being 13,000 to 20,000
feet above sea level most of the
time. He was collecting plants
primarily, but included zoological
and ethnological work in his rou-
Koelz is responsible for the bird
collection that is a permanent pos-
clssion of the museum, having
secured it while a member of the
MacMillan expedition to Greenland.
The exhibit contains such other
items as Afghan shawls, Persian
shawls, believed to be 300 years old,
Tibetan garments, Kashmir shawls,
guns with hand-carved barrels,
"poinson" cups, and other articles
of daily use in Tibet.
Koelz' zoological collection is en
route to the United States and has
not yet arrived. This is his own
personal display, and may be seen
on Sunday from 9 o'clock until
noon, and from 2 o'clock until 5.
Week day inspection hours remain
the same.
All Crew Members, Supervisors,
Team Captains and Student sub-
scription saIespeop!e who wish to
avail themselves of the opportunity
for free scholarship's made possible
through the courtesy of the National
Ivagaziue Publ isher's againi thiis year
are requested to apply to the national
organizer M. Anthony Steele, Jr.,
Box 244, San Juan, Porto Rica, stat-
ing qualifications fully.

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Anything in
we do it.'
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The-Whole -World Cheered-
.a but the fame he won could
not make up for the love of the
woman he had lost. A great role
for a great star in a great story,.

A Hero in the Parlor
® . Helpless in the
She wanted a husband to
make love . . . But he was
too busy making history
and WHAT history!
"FA ml OU S"
The Talkie of the Town


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