'RIDAY, MAY 13, 1932 THE MICHICAN DAILY " p,?1r'YF C'T k t A STEAK ROAST Executive Board Will Act as Hostesses at Outdoor Party Tomorrow. ociety The mothers were ente tained at Helen Newberry Residence last week-end. A dinner was given in their honor Saturday evening. Sun-; Kappa Kappa Gamma. Inti-tion Held for Six Mcmb The members of Kappa Kapp. of Honorary Journalism Gamma sorority entertained thc Sorority. Dclta Gamma chapter at a bufifet {---- An outdoor party honoring the day morning there was a special supperWednesday.evening. active members of the Woman's breakfast with an entertainment Kappa Ka y evening. I AtheticAssoiatio wil be ed '-,o- fterKappa. AKappa. Gamma will hold' Athletic Association will be heid to- afterwards. Evelyn Koh showed its spring supper dance Saturday Imorrow. The executive board will EueIa vnn t h Istea onr act as hostesses andill meet with her Corean puppets and Eugenie evening at the Washtenaw Countr their guests at 11 o'clock, at the Hart sang a solo. The guests for the Club. Palmer Field house. week-end were Mrs. G. H. Broome Kappa Delta. According to Glendora Gosling, of Detroit, Mrs. E. B. Root of Bir- Kappa Delta announces the pled- '33, who is in charge of the affair, mingham, Mrs. U. H. Root of Mon- ging of Greta Wessborg, '34, of the group will be driven out to a rce, Mrs. W. R. Orwick of Detroit, Saginaw. spot near the river and steaks will Mrs. G. N. Elspass of Lakewood. A rushing dinner entertaining be cooked over an open fire. In case Ohio; Mrs. W. G. Clufi of Detroit; four guests was held Thursday of rain the, party will be held in Mrs. C. Hamilton of Plymouth, Mrs. night. Yellow and orchid spring the Palmer Field house. Invitations C. N. Adams of Eaton Rapids, Mrs. flowers were used as deco'rations. ve bcen Lent out and it is esti- Nellie Cadwell of Ann Arbor, Mrs.li r tel that about sixty women will H. F. Taggart of Ann Arbor, Mrs. Alpha Omicron Fl. attend. Hutchinson of Detroit, Mrs. H. Alpha Omicron Pi entertained. six Marjorie Elsworth, '32,' and the Place of Blissfield, Mrs. T.'*W. Kirby3 guests at a rushing dinner Monday outdoor cooking club, are in charge of Detroit, Mrs. A. C. Windt of night. Roses and ivory tapers dec- of the food, and Margaret Martin- Grand Rapids, Mrs. C. B. Rairdon orated the tables. dale, '34SM, is planning games and of Toledo, Mrs. A. A. Weaver of Oil Saturday evening the pledges will stunts. The newly elected officers City, Mrs. A. Currie of Detroit, Mrs. give an informal dance in honor of and the executive board of the G. N. Decker of Battle Creek, Mrs. the actives. Mrs. C. F. Behymer, W. A:A. will be introduced to the A. Harwith of Detroit, Mrs. G. B. Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Wiedman and members. Wood of Algonac, Mrs. R. S. Gaylord Mrs. Underwood will act as chap- of Algonac, Mrs. Laura Littlefield erones. Eta Sigma Phi Picks of Ann Arbor, Miss Bennett of Ann Gamma Phi iejta. Arbor, Dr. Reeves of Ann Arbor, Sisson for President Iand Mrs. R. C. Hussey of Ann Arbor. I Gamma Phi Beta is entertaining Miss Alice Cady of Evanston, Illi- At the meeting of'Eta Sigma Phi. Mosher-Jordan Halls. nois, as a house guest this week. society for those interested in class- In the recent elections for class The senior women in the house will ical languages Tuesday night at the presidents in Mosher Hall, the Sen-nrp Saturday tt League building, election of officers ior representative for next year will thgiven home of the usn was held. The llowing people will be Georgianna Mot', '33. Jane Ross- Groe Misse Charlot e Bush in be next year's officers: Marion Sis- man, '34, was chosen by the Junior Grosse Poite. son, '33, president; Vincent DiPas- class and Hilda Kirby, '35, was elec- qai '33, vice-president; Margaret 1ed by the s nhomores The title( rof Il Initiation ceremonies were h for six new members fi Theta S ma Phi at the Women's Lea _ Timm, '33, secretary; and Lester - Howe, '33, treasurer. Mr. Kerr in Professor Camillo P. Merlino, of Animal King- the language department, spoke on also innark the "The Role of Cato in the Divine the season o medy." is Dalton, who ==- fromn previous l udiences. u lil~~e.0tde" Special Sale ich Miss Dade il ntly cast aro at Catherine", Vinegar Tree" TodayO ooper; and in 1 Glenn Hun-A for garded as one igenues in the1- tttractive with a,$ 9 All-Around girl for the dormitory was voted to Lois Benson, '32. 11 117 South Main Street I }M BEAUTIFUL SHEER PICOT TOP Chiffons THAT WEAR In all the091 new shadesFr 3 Pair for $2 All First Quality! Good assortment of colorsa headsizes. NO EXCHANGES Jacobson's and I p. I I Qjc)- f of C co 1 IQ C 1 c ., ...... d ; . 4.. ' ff, _ f c . ti K - o ,, ._ . .' , i,:,, , f;. c.; , R "'/ i. / J %, '. ' flf J f jJ r '1 1 /.: 1 f 9 /' r 1 j !L % , J' r {t: ,: : i a , , l "What Shall I Wear For Graduation and Tea Dances?" Thank your lucky stars, young lady, that this is the year you've chosen to grad- uate. Lovely dresses were n e v e r so low-and of course, you'll want to grad- uate in style. Is there some particular style you had in mind? Whatever your type -whatever your price - whatever your taste--there's a graduation dress here that will do you honor. Our col- lection is the talk of the town. You'll be fla:tered to death in this white pastel organdies and mouss- line-de-soi dress. The capelet, short sleeves, and bow-lace trimmed, are young ideas. Yet it's sophis- ticated enuoh fur anyone. I I I