w..T _H E IC H rGANDAILY" _ i~,~~ 3, 1932 rushing period. This agitation was short lived after ."namany fraternity leaders joined in quieting the rest- essless persons. Now even greater agitation is evident1 Published every morning except Monday during the University among sororities concerning the same matter. 'by the Board in Contro! of Student Publications. Member (i the Western Conference Editorial Association. There is only one main objection ,to the deferred The AssociatednPress is exclusively entitledttorthe use for re- rushing system and its present stringent "C" average1 ication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise ited in this paper and the local news published herein, requirements. It is the fact that during the poor Ehntered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigar, as second business season sororities are suffering from a matter. Special rate of postage granted by Third Assistant abnormal lack of rushing "material," and the number; master Genera'. of girls who could be rushed under the fall rushing Subscription by carrier, $4.00; by mail, $4.50 system is reduced by the present system. This Offices: Ann Arbor Press Building, Maynard Street, Atnn Arbor, of course, is an objection which the sororities (and n gan. Phones: Editorial, 4925; Euiness, 21214. fraternities, for that matter), cannot possibly afford EDITORIAL STAFF to overlook. Telephone 4925 But the evils resulting from a return to the fall MANAGING EDITOR quarter system are so many that the present method RICHARD L. TOBIN seems ideal by comparison. No careful selection of >rial Director ............................ Beach Conger, Jr. pledges is possible under the first quarter system and Editor ......,.,........................ ......Carl F orsythe pegsi osbeudrtefrtqatrsse n s Editoe...................................David M, Nichol rushing is marked by notoriously unfair and "cut- ts Editor ............................. Sheldon C. Fullerton throat" tactics. No "weeding out" of girls of little en's Editor..........................Margaret M. Thompson scholastic ability can be done and girls are taken ,taut News Editor ..............Robert L. 1'erce. IGT... EDITORSLinto sororities without any opportunity of adjusting NIGHT EDITORS themselves to campus life. k B. Gilbreth J. Cullen Kennedy James Inglis W Roland A. Goodman Jerry E. RosenthalW4y do not the fraternity and Panhellenic coun- Karl Sciffert George A. Stauter cils face the facts and plan some measures, perhaps tA ttemporary, to keep the second-quarter system and Sports Assistants W. Jones John W. Thomas Charles A. Sanford at the same time make pledging and initiation stand- ards more flexible? REPORTERS ey W. Arnheim Harold F. Klute John W. Pritchard Id F. 1llankertz k n S. arshall joseph Revihan THE INTELLECTUAL rd C. CampbeU Roland Martin C. hart Schaaf as Connellan li 'ry eyer Brackley Shaw (McGill t S. )eutsch Albert H. Newman Parker SnyderDal) A. Huber E. ertime Pettit Glenn R. Winters i7- SPORT SHOE SEASON IS HERE We are showing some of the best shoe values ever offered at $5 in Men's and Ladies' Footwear. Smoked Elk Gillies with Gristle Sole. '+ '. ''. I' j .; M. I I The Furs ofa i 123 EAST LIBEL RTY, CORNER 4th AVENUE . . _ _ i i II1i: sII SS A AIds*'i.s sae ~nt snut~ L tj li'l Il f "Ann Arbor'~is .2na11 Us. 1,tIJI. WHITE 4tY1 Carver rice Collina se Crandall Feldman Prudenee Foster Alice Gilbert iTrances Manchester Elizabeth Mann Margaret O'Brien Beverly Stark Aluma Wadsworth Josephine Woodhams BUSINESS STAFF^ Telephone 21214 IIARLES T. K.. .. ... . ........Business Manage ORRIS P. JOHNRON ...................... Assistant Manager Department Managers dvertising............. ....................Vernon Bishop dvertising Contracts............................ Harry R. Begley dvertising Service.............................Byron C. Vedder 'blications.................................. William T. Brown ccounts .............................Richard Stratereir rotnns Business Manager..................Ann W. Vernor i1 Aronson ert E. Bursley n Clark ert Film na Becker :ine Fischgrund Gallmneyer herine Jackson othy Laylin Assistants Arthur F. Kohn I:cr nard Sclh acke Uraiton W. Sharp Virginia McComb Caroline Mosher 1felen Olson I helen Schmude May Seefried Donald A. Johnson, Dean Turner Don Lyon Bernard H. Good II Helen Spencer Kathryn Spencer Kathryn Stork Clare Jnger Mary Elizabeth Watts NIGHT EDITOR-FRANK B. GILBRETH FRIDAY, MAY 13, 1932 Canfield 'HE shock of Dr. Canfield's sudden death yes- terday brimrgs eeiings of tragedy to his friends i the faculty and in the student body and a sense wonder and sadness to the public who knew rn only as an eminent physician. As a man of science and as a skillful physician s world was the whole world. The field of edical science does not stop at tha boundaries the state or the nation but embraces the work healing the sick in every continent. Dr. Canty id's influence in his profession has been as wide the field of medicine itself. Here in Michigan this great doctor's death will particularly felt by students who have learned rgery under him, for his whole life has been ed in the true spirit of youth. His eager en- usiasn in new projects and in the interests of hers outside medicine is remarkable in a man hose eminence in his profession would condone more limited viewpoint. He had a cosmopolitan :erest in aviation, in mining and in foreign travel. is experiences both in his practice and in pursuit other interests have been filled with high spots adventure and romance. His cheerfulness and almost constantly light arted and humorous approach to almost all the ases of his life are not usually identified with a an whom the world has so universally recognized th honor. His mind was keenly alert and always idy with an appropriate and happy reaction to y situation. His innate keenness for the joy of ing and for doing his work skillfully and suc- ssfully was evidenced equally at the patient's dside and at the operating table, his colleagues ftify. Fis achievements were amazingly suc- ssful, yet he always kept the keen exuberance a youth. - a Some eminent men are honored and remem- red chiefl for the record of service which they ve wrttten during their lives. Dr. Canfield's ath is much rnore to be grieved because he was Recently the intellectual has been the target of a volley of reproaches. He has been harried, villified, and scorned. A wave of antagonism to him followed the war mania, since mob suspicion was sure co detect in him the menacing red streak of a revolu- tionary. Conditions have little changed within the past few years, and the intellectual is still an object either of benevolent contempt or downright hostility. But what is this peculiar sort of a creature we dub an intellectual? Is he the wild-eyed malcontent and mystic rebel so threateningly pictured by the yellow press who find no cruelty painful enough to ascribe him? Or is he the weak-willed blind enthus- iast, striving after the butterfly creations of his own imagination? Indeed, there are some who are all that and perhaps the world is right in denouncing them. But far more numerous and important are thoseI groups of intellectuals who see in society and in lifeI more than the primitive rudimentary elements of food getting, self preserving, and replenishing the heart. They view life as capable of being moulded to the will of men and fashioned to their ideas and ideals. They find in life mystic interests and subtle values unconceived by the man of the street. They regard culture as the highest achievement of the human heart.1 The true intellectual is one who, silently working in his mental laboratory, plans and thinks, and hopes to add his atom of strength and knowledge to the compound wisdom of the ages. He alone keeps alive the fires on the hearthstones of art, literature, and philosophy. He alone has the power and vision to guide and predict. Against such types the world can least afford to bear ill-will. The tragedy lies in the poverty of their ntumbers rather than in the peculiarities of their manner or teaching. Our country has yet to learn to put a premium on its intelectuals and thereby give impetus to those forces that make for a higher Amer- ican life. HOW MUCJI A SENIOR KNOWS (Oklahoma Daily) Seniors within a month of graduation are nearly as ignorant as freshmen, and in some important fields even more so. 'Certainly not a flattering statement, yet this was the conclusion reached by those conducting the Carnegie Foundation study in Pennsylvania, a thor- oughgoing and intensive survey of the effects of a college education oh the mind of the average student. Then wherein does the fault lie, and how can it be remedied? Certainly under the right educational system the student who is allowed to stay in school four years should not come out with a mental deficit, and those who are unable to improve their mental status would be dropped long before their fourth year. But until such a system can be discovered and inaugurated the responsibility lies with the student. Surely no conscientious student even under the pres- ent system will go through a college course without acquiring a little knowledge, even if he must gain it upon his own initiative. The Carnegie Foundation findings should serve as a challenge to every student attending a university. So turns the mode for Sum mer . . . and these stunning new. Modes Are Capturing the town! Here's another ,vinner in a w sandal, $5.95. TINTEDF fashion lite linen FREE! White kid delightfully combined with suva mesh in the inimitable Jacque- line manner, also to be had in genuine -white pigskin or doeskin,' X5.95. }' I wear" r tr .r tt 'r ri e Y 1 5 . << :, {i , i t t+ . ,4.y\tw 1 i I . i j j I i i> d d> 4 .. . j i 1f df l i>{ t < A