NIY 13,1932 'W THE MICHIGAN DAILY ______________ Reei sAward as Most Valuable Fres hma ENTRY IN INDIANAPOLIS RACE n tong £the( enties in the Indianapolis lMemi 1 1 (1 r.1tia ce tis .ycaar I Luie Schneider, winne~r of last yeair's race. i;pitrdabove ,d. the wheel of his car' with his mreehanic, Jigger .~iin TOMEETI'MEXICO IN ZOQ.'£ R OUNL Alec"au~i Du1.ticfor Tough I flicii ueIr1,oundwill it mti1 tf' r,' d 1qiardci I ltr U. S. dl, plicit e the'fe1t;tit Clin;B",the next Tenns Tem. (ii ev days. EIl:,wvrt Ii Vines, F'rank ----.s . Shields, avid Wilimer Allison will This afternoon in New Orleans, i : the sinle brdlen, with Alli- the United States Davis Cup team sw, and John Va-n Pyn carrying on will eater' the second round of their inc the doubles. cuest for the famous trophy when The central Ameican team op- the match strokes with the Mexican posing the quartet from the Unite,! team in the American zone play, State,. will be composed of Fticar.l The winner of this match will meet Tapia, Mexicco's No. 1, player, Ang1el the winner of the Australian-Cutba . oldan, Alfovizo Undaa, and Eduaar--o 'zotahz play t o decide the team whlich: do Macstre. Ernest Lopez, non will enter the Challeligj ound. playing captain of the Mexica The four American youngsters qurtette will also be -(mrnn those who swamped the Canadian pair )resent in the Sou.athern city. I PH STANDINGS VARSITY GLFEI IND NS WIN; GjO AME'ItICAN IIAG~ FIGHT FOR aII Washiing~ton ..~.....1'7 5 .7V731 A E D O TIE S Cleveland.......17i 10 .l,:O Wyandot Comiise Weil Be S)c Detroit .............39.01!of Crul M a.I tchl. (At-veland Rlaces Detroit ill Athletics ........... 9 12 .2 Elvlad ~st. Ltati.. ,.......,..1115 .1A;3 In additiocn to} de,1;11eidi ln h T$.hird l~lace of American CG 11 21 i ,e ua et hmionhp League Standings.; Boston a.............. 4 18 .1V W L P . 1or wi(11i 11L i) th -iThe Detroit Tigers were kept idle NATIONAL 1.lA(AGUE fecateci Michigan and 1Ci Ohio S-I by a dircehing rain in the National ( arcago ............17 7 .709 golf team , Will1 give thle dopes ti City while Cleveland nosed out Bos- Boston.............14 8 .G66 sometintg to Work on1 whei t ton and forg ed ahead of the Tigers Cinicinntati......15 131..139 try to (leterine the uimi1ate Gv into third place. Boston came from 11"Allies............12 12 .51)U behind to tie the score in the eighth 'it. I.ouis...........12 14 .451l nor of the Confe renceham but the Indians won in the ninth Brooidyi"..........9 3 .the r.,p as Cissell singled and Porter doubl-- ;New Yov Vr..... .. . . 812 .400 fOh rio Stai tn!wil pi k.cnt e W eel him homne, J to 4. 15 .:1 113 ! i......... . r18 formidaleta '( I nab tWolf al:s1 on1e1e adFlorbo AMERICAN LEAGUE If)the m ati"ysof Lcoil i'se111but Cleveland . .004 000 001 -- 5 10 0 + r N wother t,wo) men n the Ohio t 'Poston....000 102 010--- 4 10 {0 Al r ,. ' i' Up cnNtbewgaue iassco Ilfirdcr, Connolly and Sowell; U ,1, l W, eii V h ,-tc wr fa1 n a More, Rus sell, Durham and T[ate. AN COfL1U Vi'i;y o i ac aul Clark, a1 vet. Detroit-Washington, rain. I ""k'1'uil ee.;n01'sen anen te uc St. Louis-Athletics, rain.Maki",u lMe(1 s'lc G, (.lalago-New lYork, wet grouunds. I- will ;1;1eup witVh1Ce P) Brry C ~~All C4\ ;rceriws rim off Perry Carver1I 1'inlthe)(,third1 NATIONAL LEAGUE aIh i~ Ics es{~dyatr orth osit ionsl'. 1,rooklyn . . ..000 030 020---- 5 5 0Cot y oaierir no C_"ineirinati . .2(0 000 000--2 9!) I101(1 uri r the silre )rvrsion ofD.)" nc>t illr im tli will h pbiycei l:°helps arid Lopz; ,Johns on, Rixey f1;yia~lIY. AHrtA. is f pth yf(°w1c )le isha ai Manion., lby tlik; ye at's w inner, J. 11 11( fy, Scioto. who shot aIt hight otlof 469, which ----:-- __-- _1Boston ......000 110 330--- 8 9 0 wa ~ uppatls er- Chiag.....000 000 0031---3 5 7wgsa i lirrndg an Iir.yve;Roo,7aId mark co1f 253 set by M. Burizd I . Bandtleyand I alae, oacdiAfter this exceptionally highsco re Phlis...001000-1the scores for the next two piaces;SPECIAL! were even better than the formeri 11 St. Louis .... .131 010'110- 8 11 01 record, for C. Dickson scored a200 jTO-PCOA T _ Elliot,an Bolen and McCurdcy; and P. Shaw totaled 274 in his sh.I Ilj aines and Wilson. Fourth place wa~s consider ably low- S LE New York-Pittsburgh, rain. 1 er and taken by D. L. Allen with a YESTERDAY'S RESIJETS J 6This sport on the spring Intra- $5 Coats 1 $18075 ;ar Ire , ii Tau mural sports calendar is one, of the y ot $27 o hrk 1ores , ivi Legue6 younger numbers, but has beenoas 27 ,l I.ID.'s :, hots 7k growing in interest in the. past D.K,.E. 15, S.A.M. 4 couple years. Soi many men have -I C.A.D. 7, Zete 1 taken up this sport of the -Middle J~ ece' _ n Phi i 1, K.D.R.0! Ages that a telegraphic meet with Lar~ge simn of e, Zoology 8, Swim Club 9j Purdue will be run off in the near ~future._______ Beach Shirts, Flannel Slacs $4,50) + . FOR SPECIALS Watch Our Windows THETI BETSY ROSS SHOP MIc& ,'cgor swea-ter $1.9 5, 2.4Y5 Walky A Few Steps and Save Do!Iars Tolm Co*,rbel' Youing Men's Clothies Shop 116 Fast ib'r4ty Street 'In the. We Deliver Arcade" Dial 5931 ' 'il SAFFELL AV% 4a 45 BUSH Summer Style Presentation Correctly Styled wearing ap- ,r , ,.- " = y -j% y, r . r iry. parel is the, keynote toa well dreased nis personal appear- ancee Our presentation of spriing wearing apparel denotes exclusively style clothing !nd fur rnishings at a very rceasontable price. Flannel Suits L Sport Coats Flanne A77 I { 001111 )M iit&l Of puiand two color Calfskin and Scotch gra in. 16 t0$9 Linen Snits 4 'T'rousers dm 0hRRAqlWWIC"3AM .. Kf I 1 ",