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WEATHER: Cloudy, possibly rain
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High Praise Given to
Leading Head and
Throat Expert.
Dies Instantlv When
Car Runs off Road
East of City.
Death yesterday cut off in its
prime the career of Dr. R. Bishop
Canfield, professor of otolaryn-I
gology in the medical school, stu -
dent and teacher in the University
for 34 years, and one of the world's
leading eye, ear, nose, and throat
Shocked by Dr. Canfeld's in-
,tantaneous death when his auto
left the highway and was demol
ished early yesterday morning on
the Washtenaw avenue road two
miles east of Ann Arbor, his col-
leagues were fulsome in their praise
of hint
Plans for the funeral will be
made today. Mrs. Canfield arrived
here at midnight from New York,
where she had seen o. to Europe
her daughter Barbara, '35, Dr. A. C.
Furstenberg, professor of otolaryn-
gology, and Mrs. Furstenberg. Mrs.
Arthur Canfield, her sister-in-law,
accompanied her to Ann Arbor.
The accident occurred, according
to the evidence brought out in the
inquest yesterday afternoon, when
Dr. Canfleld, driving a large coupe
a..oiUi 80 nil es an hour, lost con-
trol of hi car when attempting to
pass a ti'>ck.
Car Thrown off Road.
The car was thrown off the edge
of the road, travefing about eight
feet in the air and turning around
before hitting a tree. The force of
the impact broke the automobile in
half, and Dr. Canfield was dead
when removed from the wreckage
a few minutes later by Donald
MacFarlane, '32L, and two Ypsi-
lanti men who came along inn a
car just after the crash.
The truck driver, Fred Clark,
said at the inquest that he stopped
and saw Dr. Canfield, decided he
was dead, and drove on when a car
stopped. He went throug Ann Ar-
bor without notifying police.
Clark made no report of the ac-
cdent until getting to Chelsea,
where he told his employer about
it, and did not speak to any of-
ficial until he arrived in Jackson
and notifled the sheriff there, he
told the coroner's jury.
Estimates Car's Speed.
The proprietor of a gas station
at the intersection of the Washte-
naw road and US-23 said that
shortly after one o'clock a car he
believed was Dr. Canfield's, a truck
and a bus, passed his place.
The bus driver saidl he heard no
crash. The estimate of the car's
speed carne from Eugene Thomip-
son,the filling station operator.
Chosen on the coroner's jury,
which reserved its decision until to-
day, were prominent medical men
fro mthe University faculty and St.
Joseph's Mercy hosptal. The six
jurors are Dr. Frederick Novy and
Dr. Udo J. Wile, members of the
medical school executive committee,
and Dr. T. D. Loree, Dr. S. C. How-
ard, Dr. Mark Mrshall, and Dr.
George F. Muiehlig of the hospital
Was 57 Years Old.
Dr. Canfield, who was born in
Lake Forest, Ill., was 57 on July 22
of last year. He entered the Uni-
versity in 1893, received his bache-
lor's degree in 1897, and was made
a doctor of medicine in 1899. He
studied at the University of Fried-
nich Wilhelm in Berlin after his'
graduation and was chief of clinic
of Jansensche Klinik und Poliklinik
in that city in 1903.
He returned to the University in
1904 as clinical professor of diseases
of the ear, nose, and throat.
The next year he was made pro-
fessor of otolaryngeogy in the med-
ical school and has been since 1904
Iof io state opens series of rwvo
Gaines Here Today; McNeal
d to Hur1 1 iist.
Fisher Makes Shift in Line-up
to Get Baiting PIower
up Iirst.
72 Dy Sarc
Ientities Body
Autopsy Discloses Child
Two Blows on Skull;
Five Miles From
Was Killed by
By Sheldont C. Fu Irilton
Intent on liaintailin its posi-
tion at the head of the Western
Conference baseball race, Michi-
gan's diamond clan will swing into
action against Ohio State at 4:05
o'clock this afternoon, in the first
of two games with the Buckeyes.
The Scarlet and Gray nine will
meet the Wolverines in another
clash on Feiry Field Saturday.
It will be up to Harley McNeal
to keep the Maize and Blie nine
battling for the Big Ten ieadiership
in this afternoon's game. MeNeal
has already recorded Conferenice
victories over Illinois and Chicago,
two of the most powerful teams i
the hig Ten. His pitching in the
Conference games has been almost
sensational, and with any kind of
support this afternoon he should
be able to'tame the Bucks.
While the Wolverines have not
been hitting as well as they :should,
they have made their hits count
for runs in the only two Confer-
ence clashes in which they have
taken part. Last Saturday they
reached "Lefty" Roy enshaw of
Chicago for a trio of runs in the
first inning, and although they did-
n't do as well after that, the three
markers were plenty to win behind
McNeal. Speaking of elenshaw calls
to mind the fact that he holds a
triumph over the Ohio State team ,
secured early in the year when he
struck out 14 men to beat them,
Change Batting Order. -
In an effort to get as much bat-
ting power as possible in the top
part of the Wolverine batting or-
der, Coach Ray Fisher has made
another of his numerous shifts in
the batting order. Avon Artz, who
swings from the left side of the,
plate, will bat in the third position,'
while Jack Tompkins will move,
down to fourth. Art Superko, who
has tried just about every one of
the first five positions, will bat fifth i
J'ilolo by '1Ju' Assoc-h~i , 1 Prosy~
(Afarles Ati ustus Lindbergh, jr., the complete history of
s"Iv-;ationaI kiduapping will be fioud on page 2 of this issue.
wi ose
-I- --F- -ITY HOST --SR -O-ES
---Spedding PI aos
Evelyn Miller, of Grand Rapids
(above), and Floyd Johnson, '32A
(below), will lead the colorful grand
marcb inr the annual Architects'l
Ma1, In the Union ballroom tonight.
Freshmen to Offer Skit; Balloon
Dance Features Architects'
'Bal Exotique.'
To the accompaniment of one of
the country's leading orchestras,
several hundred couples will dance
their way around the ballroom of
the Union tonight, garbed in gayly
colored costumes of various designs.
The occasion is the annual Ar-
chitect's Ball, perhaps the most pic-
(uresque of the campus dances. And
the music will be that of "Slatz"
Randall and his recording orchestra,
which comes here after an extended
m4ngagement in Milwaukee.
The hours are from 9 to 2. At
11:30 Floyd R. Johnson, '32A, of
Balboa Heights, C. Z., and Miss
Evelyn Miller, of Grand Rapids,
will lead a colorful grand march,
followed by committee members
and their guests.
The architects have left nothing
undone that would mean enlivened
enterthinment. During a lull in the
dancing a group of freshmen ar-
chitects will put on a skit. Even
an additional floor show is on the
program. In, addtion, an open house
and tea will be held this afternoon
in the College of Architecture. Still
another feature-at the dance-
will be a balloon dance with all the
display of streamers, confetti, and
the like.
Finishing touches on the decora-
tive scheme will be completed this
morning. The dance, called the "Bal
Exotique," is expected to be one of
the most colorful in years.
Prizes are to be awarded those
wearing costumes that are adjudged
the best among those attending.
At the tea and open house, the
George W. Booth traveling scholar-
ship competition drawings will be
on exhibition as well as others in
design. Tea will be from 3:30 to
5:30 in the architectural library. It
will be poured by Mrs. Alexander
Grant Ruthven, Mrs. Emil Lorch,
Mrs. Junius E. Beal, Mrs. Jean He-
brard, Mrs. George McConkey, and
Mrs. Wells I. Bennett.
Union to Give Dance
jm r IF *. -"
Sessions I ied at I lospital 1Ud
I inion; Rutliven, Griflin,
Whitney Speak.
'lie University of Michigan acted
as host yest-rday to pharmllacists
from all r pm'1of thu state. They
held their sessions in the Michigan
Union and at the University Hospi-
L.l The miet iii was sponcored by
the (Xllere f1 Pharmacy, and by
the 1)(,ri t branch of the American
Pharmaceutical association.
Presiden bAlexander G. Ruthven
opened 1Le day's activities with a
i eet-g that he delivered to the
deates. I lean Clare E. Griffin, of
the Scht l i Asi dm in istra-
tion, soeon the i)r('sC11 1, baa", fls
conrditioni, and Ii. A. Whitney, head
;pharnaeist at the University hos-
pital, spoke on the activities of the
hospital pharmacy.
The afternoon program consist-
ed of three speeches: Dr. Nathan
B. Eddy, professor of pharmacology
in the medical school, spoke on
"The Search for a Morphine Sub-
stitute," Dr. U. Garfield Rickett
spoke on the "Relation of Phar-
macy to Dentistry," and Dr. Harley
A. Haynes spoke on "The Develop-
ment of H-ospitilazation in this
A tour of in spectioii of the Uni-
versity hospital mpleted the days
,gainst the Bucks, while Mike Diff-
ley will be stationed in sixth place.
Ohio State has also been having
trouble in collecting hits, while
their pitching has not been excep-
tionally steady. Lowell Wrigley, one
of last year's hurlers, remains the
Buckeye ace, but he has been hand-
icapped in recent games by a bad
ankle. This should not keep him
out of action, however, and chances
are good that he will be on the
firing line against the Wolves thisI
afternoon, with Mert Alvord taking
over the duties Saturday.
in Poetry
Contest to Preseut
Selections Tuesday
'hU first public poetry reading
contest under the auspices of the
Michigan Interpretive Arts society;
will be h(ld at 8:15 Tuesday in the
laboratory theatre.
JThe society is under thedlirec-,
thon of IPiof. Richiard 1). T. Ilolis tr,j
Sixty to Receive Comnissions
in Michigan R .0-.'.C., Says
Major ludward s.
Sixty men will receive conmnlis-
sions as reserve officers in the
United States army frm the Mich-
igan battalion of the R. . T. C. this
year, Major Basil D. Edwards an-
it o u c e d yesterday. Recognition
was given to them by Major-Gen-
eral Frank Parker, commanding of-
fleer of the sixth corps area at a
review of the entire R. 0. T. C. and
band yesterday afternoon on South
Perry field.
The majority of the men are sen-
iors. However, there are some .jun-
iors and a few sophimores in 1the
'lie following iienw will receive
Dwight R. Abrams, Robert M. Ar-
nold, Benjamin F. Bailey Jr., Wil-
iam J. Bird, Theodore A. Benner,
John C. Billingsley, Charles E. Bor-
berg, Aubrey E. Boyd, Jr., Frederic
K. Brunton, Samuel M. Cardone,
Harry E. Chesebrough, Charles H.
Claypoole Jr., Paul F. Clement,
Hugh R. Conklin and Cecil L. Davis.
George J. Danneffel, Harvey D.
Davidson, Carlos L. Dean, Alfred R.
Decker, Homer W. Dotts, Robert C.
Ewing, John V. Field, Alfred W.
Fleer, George E. Forster, Robert T.
Garrison, Kirby M. Gillette, Charles
I. Glueck, Ervin Greenbaum, Carl
J1. Hlolcomb, Thomas C. Hill, Carl
i Holly, Keene S. Jackson, Ken-
neth K. Kauffman and Kenneth
Robert B. Ladd, 1)avid D. Lowber,
John G. McDonald, Douglas C. Mc-
Dougal Jr., George A. Maag, Elgin
o. Marshall, Garland C. Misener,
Daniel C. Mitchell, Anthony Mony,
8-arold E. Moore, Walter R. Morris,
Max F. Mueller, Ralph E. Newcomb
and Walter Nielsen.
Richard G. Otstot, Lester H. Rose,
Clifford M. Roth, Alfred J. Sawyer,
Louis F. Schimansky, Rudolph C.
S c h u 1tt e, Winthrop M. Scofield,
'32B.Ad. Edward C. Spaulding, Rich-
ard C. Sperry, horace E. Townsend,
Ame Vennema and Joseph G. Wil-
H oover, Senate Reach Informal
. Understanding; Plan Termed
Biggest in U.S. History.
WASHINGTON, May 12.-(/P)-A
titanic conpromise Federal relief
program was tentatively agreed
upon today by President Hoover,
Congressional leaders of both par-
ties and the Government financial
It involved doubling the borrow-
ing power of the Reconstruction
Finance Corp, to a total of $3,000,-
000,000 with the additional $1,500,-
000,000 to be used for loans to the
states for unemployment relief and
to promote public and private con-
The two billion dollar bond issue
advocated by Senator Robinson, of
Arkansas, the Democratic leader,
(ByT 'hei sssaalel Press)
f R)PFWlI7L - -N.J., May 2--The kidnapped Lindbergh baby,
idenuiied by l ageients of his garnments, was found dead today.
A scant five iuiles from the Sourland Mountain estate of Col.
Chas. A. Lindbergh and within seventy-five feet of emergency
telephone lines employed in an unlparalleled search the body was
discovered in a wooded area, partly concealed by leaves and dirt.
ihe discovery was made by the occupants of a transfer truck
on a country cross-roads just 72 days after the world's most cele-
orated inf.t was spirited away from his home.
1"he skull bore a hole the size of a twenty-five cent piece above
tie forehead. The oficial autopsy by Doctor Charles A. Mitchell,
county physician, disclosed the child was killed by two tremendous
blows on the head.
The autopsy showed that the skull had been fractured on the
left side, the fracture extending from the top to just behind the
left ear. 'I1he second blow was dealt on the right side of the head
just back of the right ear, and left a hole one-half inch in diameter.
It was as if some adult person had held the baby tightly in
his arms and deliberately hammered the head with the purpose
4f causing instant death.
lle diagnosis was:
"The cause of death is a fractured skull due to external vio-
An attempt had been made to bury the body. A coroner said
death was d(ie to a compound fracture of the skull.
The hair of the dead child tallied with the shade of the blond,
ctrly-haired Lindbergh heir, 20 months old when he was stolen.
An undershirt and flannel band formed a more positive link.
Similar articles of clothing from the Lindbergh Baby's wardrobe
were brought to the spot from the home.
They matched closely enough to convince the authorities they
had found the body of the famous baby for whom hundreds of thous.
ands of policemen in every part of the globe had searched.
Then as police worked feverishly to be sure of their identifica-
tion, telephones rang in the state house at Trenton, N.J.
Reporters . were summoned to the Lindbergh estate for' an
important announcement.
The telephone rang again. It was Col. I. Norman Schwarzkopf,
state police head, who has been the field-marshal of the official
investigation, calling his superior, Gov. A. Harry Moore.
"Cot Schwarzkopf tells me tle Lindbergh baby has been found
dead," the governor informed the Associated Press correspondent.
Three hours before (about 3:15 p.m.) a truck bearing four men
had stopped on a steep grade between Hopewell and the hamlet of
Mount Dose. The vehicle halted opposite a wood separated from
the road by a small ditch. William Allen, a Negro, went into the
woods and saw the body.
"The body was pretty well co:cealed by leaves, dirt and brush"
the subsequent formal statement by Schwarzkopf explained. Going
under the bush he (Allen) lowered his head and as he raised a
branch he saw a skeleton on the ground.
"It was in a bad state of decomposition," was the way Schwarz-
kopf summarized the gruesome details of the condition of the child.
Physicians later theorized the compound fracture was caused either
by a terriffic blow on the head with a blunt instrument or from the
effects of being hurled from a ca. The best medical estimate was
that the body had been exposed to weather for "about two months."
However, physicians explained the child might well have been aban-
doned on the same night he was silen from his home.
Col. Lindbergh, who had macy an exhaustive private and sepa-
rate search for his stolen son, spending thousands of dollars and
even paying a $50,000 ransom to the supposed kidnappers, was absent.
as the formal statement of the finding of the body came from police
headquarters at his hilltop home. Ile was notified tonight and started
at once for home.
State troopers said he was not: on the estate. Latest reports
were that he had been in Virginia for more than two weeks attempt-
ing to establish contact with men posing as the kidnappers.
Mrs. Anne Lindbergh, daughe of the late Senator Dwight W.
Morrow, who expects the arrival of another child within several
months, also was not seen. She and her mother, Mrs. Morrow, were
known to have been in the house, however.
Schwarzkopf, a grave look on his face, told the arrivals to be
seated around the long table in the garage and then discussed ini
detail how the statement was to be made public.
lie directed that no one leave before he had concluded. And
when he had finished, he waived aside all questions and directed all
outsiders to depart at once.
Among the information to be withheld was any detail concern-
ing the whereabouts and health of the Lindbergh family.
A statement from Col. Schwarzkopf was as follows:
"As long as there was a possibility of the baby being alive, the
police have been acting with a certain amount of suppressed activity
in order not to interfere with any negotiations that might result in
the safe return of the baby.
"Now that the body of the baby has been found every possible
effort will be used and all men necessary will immediately exercise
every possible effort to accomplish the arrest of the kidnannerg anA
Ohio Seeks Right Combination. who ntemdts to make it a state-wide
Coach Wayne Wright of the Scar- organization with membership open
let and Gray nine has had almost to all pe'sons with interest or abil-
as much trouble as Fisher in alter- ity in lthe interpretive arts,
ing, the Buckeye batting order an I'The finalists are Evelyn L. Wol-
lineup. He has constantly shifted ford, '33, Viva N. Richardson, '34,
A - L. N.EGilbUrtP, Alice Slama, grad.,
PROBESABLE LINEUIPS Wilbert L. hlindmnan, '33, and Mary
Michigan Ohio State E. McIntosh, '34, T'hese contest-
Ferguson, If Widler, 2b ants were selected after a series
Waterbor, ss Gutter, S of prliminaries. They will be judg-
Artz, rf Ba;umgartner, cf ed by Professor Roy W. Cowden,
Tompkins, of Condon, rf Prof. Carl E. Burkhmd, Rev. How-
Superko, 3b Fichter, lb lard R. Chapman, Mrs. Louis M.
Diffley, c Dolch, If Eich, and Mr. Harry Moser.
Daniels, 2b Hale, 3b The contest will consist of mem-
Manuel, lb weisheimner, e oizedl selections from Amy Lowell,
MacNeal, p Wrigley, p Kipling, Ripert Brooke, A I f r e d
Noyes, Sandburg, Untermeyer, Pea-
both the infield, outfield, and catch-' body, Kilmer, Tennyson, and others.
ing staff in a vain attempt to Iind Each t'om testani tI is allowed 12 min-
a winning combination, but as yet tites.
hasn't succeeded. The only Ohio
victotry of the year was a surprise Parker Finds National
win over the strong Indiana team,
while the Bucks have dropped four Defense Satisfactory
games. Two of these losses were at
the hands of Illinois and Chicago,
teams that fell to Michigan,
Walter Dolch, in left field, may
be replaced by the hard hitting
"Fat" Vidis, while Jack Condon, the
Buckeye right fielder; has been woe-
fully weak at bat in the earlyl
"I am optimistic about our de-{
fensive system," said Major Gen-
eral Frank Parker, commanding
officer of the sixth corps area at a
luncheon given in his honor yester-
day noon by the officers of the
Michigan R.O.T.C. He talked on