THE MICHICAN DAILY -"' Tr"RSnA-, MAY 12, 1932 -----w-- Published every morning except Monday during the University ear by the Board in Control of Student Publications. Member of the Western Conference Editorial Association. The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for re- Ublication of al news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise edited in thiz paper and the local news published herein. Fntered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second ass matter. Special rate of postage granted by Third Assistant ostmaster Generai. Subscription by carrier, $4.00; by mail, $4.50 Ofitces: Ann Arbor Press tuildinat, Maynard Street, Ann Arbor, ichig1n. Phdnes: Editorial, 4925; ilusiness, 21214. EDITORIAL STAFF Telephone 4925 MANAGING EDITOR RICl1AxRD L. TOBIN ditorial Director.................. . .....Beach Conger, Jr. ty Editor ...................................... Carl Forsythe cws EdIw................................... David M. Nichol >orts Editor..............................Sheldon C. Fullerton omen's Editor ....... ...............Margaret M. Thompson esistant News li~r*....................... Rohert L. Pierce 'ank B. (;ilhreth Roland A. IKari NiGHT EDITORS J. Cullen Kennedy James Goodman Jerry E. Rosenthal Seilvrt George A. Stanter Inglis before I wrote to you. I said to her, 'I don't want to go over to America to make a splash-I don't want to go there to show off-I want to go there to find a place to do some good work.' "'That doesn't mean,' I added to her, 'that I don't I want, ultimately, to take the work to Chicago, New York, Philadelphia, etc., and seriously go before the public there with solid stuff, and profit thereby: but I want to go to some place quietly, first, to prepare it all.' "At present, you must remember, I'm not like Stanislawsky, Reinhardt, Belasco, who have or had their owntheatre, their own company, their own staff of workmen, and to whom it was quite easy to say 'We will have four weeks' rehearsals, and produce1 "Hamlet" at the end of that time.' ' "If I had had a theatre for a long time, as they have had, or even for a year or two, I could also do I that; but I have not those conditions which they had and have-I am entirely and quite alone. I, have my brains and my talent, and that is all I3 have got. And that is all I have ever had.l "It is difficult for anyone in America to under- stand this, for you are not near enough to Europe to see that England is the only place on earth that would have failed to give me my theatre and support.. (Of course it is out of the question for an Englishman to accept support from a French town or a Germanr town or a Russian town. Those things are not doner in Europe. I don't know why, but they are not.) C "So then, being without anything, I look around myself and ask, will anybody ever offer me those two or three things-a permanent place for myself, if only a barn, which I can call my own-permanent t group of people, whether professional or amateur, if only a dozen, with whom I can work and call my ownt company-and sufficient support to keep that place t or that group of people going.; "That is all I ask-after all, I can produce, forr those who have supported me, as many pieces as theyI want, and in as quite a short a time as anybody can. "You will say that this must be exaggerated, butr it is no exaggeration-I am positively without any Y workshop, and have been for years. "It seems to me, Mr. Henderson, you have onlyC to ask yourself this question: 'Can you find and givec Capitol ews By TOM loovER Special Daily Correspondent NOTICE! You can have -1 All Crew Members, Supervisors, Team Captains and Student sub- scription salespeople who wish to avail themselves of the opportunity for free schoarship's made possible through the courtesy of the National Magazine Publisher's again this year are requested to apply to the national organizer M. Anthony Steele, Jr., Box 244, San Juan, Porto Rica, stat- ing qualifications fully. ARBOR SPRINGS WATER an W. Jones nhey W. Arnheim nahi F. lankertz ward 1.. (.;Ampljl omas Connellan bert S. lleutsch ed A. Huber Sports Assistants John W. Thomas REPOR'ERS Haroll F. Klute I i,u S. l11ar;hall Ito? :rnl Mrtin 1,i;Iry Meyer Albert 11. Newman 1 . rgie Pettit Prudence Foster lFrances Manchester Elizabeth Mann Charles A. Sanford John W. Pritchard Josepi Renihan C. I fart Schaaf Brackly Shaw Parker Snyder Glenn K. Winters Margaret O'Bria Beverly Stark Alma Wadsworth Josephine Woodharns Secretary of State Stimson is aboard the liner Vulcania and on his way home. J ust what he wil discuss with President Hooverwhen he arrives in Washington is little known. His talks on disarmament and reparation were blocked when the French premier announced that an audience was impossible due to illness. And so we are even.-Laval, you remember, accomplished very little when he visited our country. S. 4 A short while ago all Washington read a book called "Washington Merry Go Round." The book stated rather pointedly certain malad- ministrations and voiced opinions of political corruption. The authors' most of them young men with good positions, suffered the loss of their jobs-all for expressing themselves too clearly. And now a play based on this book is finding it hard to locate a theatre for an opening in New York. Although denied, it has been ru- mored that Tammany, disliking the contentions, is trying to outwit the producers with Broadway pull. The "Washington Merry Go Round" is having a merry run around and certain politicians run the risk of being classified by Mr. Sirovich as one of those critics that delight in WANT ADS PAY! 113, -' Aq C r THE LEAGUE ' 'l - A -9 Alk i. D T on tap" in your home or at the office. Nothing is more invigorating on warm spring and summer days than a cooling drink of fresh Arbor Springs Water. We can also supply you with chemically pure distilicd water. ARBOR SPRINGS WATER CO. 416 West Huron Phone 8270 Friday 9 till 1:00 ivl im ixl. p .0 Friday 9 till 1:00 riam Carver atrice C 'lling nise Cramdail ie Feldman BUSINESS STAFF Telephone 21214 CHARLES T. KLINE .......................,Business Managet NORRIS P. JOHNSON...................... Assistant Manager Department Managers Advertising.................................... Vernon Bishop Advertising Contracts...... . ....... Harry R. Begley Advertising Service ......................... Byron C. Veddem Publications..................................William Tr. Brown Accounts.........................Richard Stratemeit Women's Business Manager ...................... Ann- W. Vernor Orvil Aronson Gilbert JBurley Allen Clark Robert Finn Donna Becker Maxine Fischgrund Ann Calltmeyer Katherine Jackson Dorothy Laylin Assistantx Arthtur F. Kohn I ernardl Schuacke Grafton W. Sharp Virginia McComb Caroliine Mosher H IccnOlson IIc lenSchminde may Seefried Donald A. Johnson, I1 Dean Turner Don Lyon Bernard i1. Good Helen Spencer Kathryn Spencer iKat hryni Stork Clare Unger Mary Elizabeth Watts NIGHT EDITOR-JAMES H. INGLIS THURSDAY, MAY 12, 1932 he World's Greatest Lobby ASSEMBLED in Washington these days might be termed the World's greatest lobby ever gathered to coerce legislation in one direction. This lobby, numbering hundreds of inidividuals whose sole purpose is to keep national represent- atives and senators from passing any legislation of a wet nature, has been steadily growing ever since the 1930 elections which proved to the world at large that the American people were against the Eighteenth amendment and any method of trying to enforce it. Before these elections, which proved more than mything else, that dry fanaticism was approach- ng its inevitable doom, various dry organizations which were responsible for the passage of the historic amendment and acompanying Volstead zid Jones acts were a disorganized and uncentral- zed convlomeration of groups each one intent on i definite aim but not co-operating in the least. When the 1930 elections proved to these militant groups that they were fast losing ground. they legan to organiie until today they are a unified body with the sole aim of keeping politics dry and autocnitic. The reason is clearly obvious. The numerous organizations such as Crusaders, and Women's Prohibition Reform association have sprung up and under energetic and forceful leaders have shown that public opinion does not want prohibi- tion. To combat these groups as well as the evils that have proved to be too much for them sepa- rately they are now organized into one group. Had it not been for this reorganization of dry groups, the Unritcd States night now be in the nidst of a ntional prohibition reform referendum. [t is this dry lobby that has prevented such a referendum for more than a few congressmen have, wanted to put the ouestion to the public only to have this power group crush such sentiments with all the coercion characteristic of power. The unification of the dry groups into one >rganization, however, will not frustrate the in- :reasing storm of public opinion which is sure to burst when Novemiber cones around. Political leaders everywhere are of the opinion that the next Congress will be overwhelmingly wet and that if either the Republican or Democratic, parties can buck this lobby enough to put a wet plank rn its platform, the drys will have lost control forever and prohibition will be doomed. At least, it is obvious-to those who are looking ahead into the political future that it will not be long before the United States will have its beer. And if beer comes, the other liquors will not be far behind. It will be interesting to watch the efforts of this dry lobby, the largest group of its kind in the world. It is sure to fall. Just how soon is another question but if past practices are ny indication, America has but a few years until it gets its dry throat refreshed. Now that the freshmen and sophomores have left plough and harrow in front of the library, they're inI a right convenient spot for the B. and G. boys to use on their potato patch further up the diagonal. me a place to work in'-not a room only, but a place'discouraging authors. where I can put up and realize in a very few weeks (for I assure you it is easy) my big dream-like scenes * -and then sufficient people to start rehearsals for the first act of "Macbeth," say, as I would do it? The On the hill while Chairman Hale two plays I myself want to do at first are "Macbeth" (R., Me.) of the Senate Naval Af- and "The School for Scandal"-the one very big, and fairs Committee argued and secur- fantastic in the extreme, the other very precise, small ed the passage of a bill to increase and realistic. I would work on these two simultan- the United States Navy to the limits eously-one in one part of the week, the other during of the London Naval Treaty Con- the rest of the week-and go on preparing them till gress slashed the sum of $58,000,- both are ready. 000 from the appropriations for the "Whefi you ask me how long it would take to get War Department. both of them ready, I must remind you of what The new bill fails to provide ap- Stanislawsky has always said-that when they are I propriations for citizens military finished, then they are ready and that no time can I training camps. The camps cost be fixed for that. For the production of 'The Blue the government $2,779,000 last year Bird,' Stanislawsky took two years, for 'Hamlet' he and had an enrollment of 37,500. took three. If special l'egislation is not taken "I think six to eight months, at the outside, would the 120,000 applications to date will be ample time to prepare these two plays, provided be disregarded. (and this very important) there 'were no long delays * * * in constructing the scheme, no delays because one 2ould not get sufficient people to come together and The economy question is still be- set to work-no delays in finding a man and a ing hashed over in the Senate and woman able to understand, to some serious extent, the House of "Misrepresentatives." Macbeth and Lady Macbeth-and no delays through Everything we know of has been people failing to understand that I must have things taxed and consideration is even be- as I want them. You know how it is, Mr. Henderson, ing given to taxing wartime excess with actors and actresses kicking up and wasting profits. Before attempting such im- time. possibilities and delaying an im- "What I think I woud also want, would be suffi- provement in the present condi- eient means to bring over to America four or five tions Congress should realize that, men and women who could act as my staff: for "fully 50,000,000 people in the coun- instance, there is an artist in Paris, another in try would welcome one form of tax- Berlin7 whom I very much want to be able to count ation-g tax on beer!" Mayor on as my assistants. There would be about five or Walker of New York has pointed six in all, I should think-men and women who would this- out, every citizen knows the ;et things going for me immediately on arrival. fact, and Congress is inconsistent "Better than these two productions, I have an- in not following with legislation. i i other thing which I very much want to do; but although the music is written, the libretto has to 6e very greatly revised, and I would have to prac- tically create the whole thing from the beginning. It is a ballet, opera, play, in one. This should come third, after 'Macbeth' and 'The School for Scandal.' "With many thanks for your interest- Yours sincerely, E. Gordon Craig." i I SWRIEEN IREFL1ECTllONSI AT THE MAJESTIC "Impatient Maiden" Lew Ayres, in his comparatively short Hollywood career, has made some excellent pictures. His part in "All Quiet on the Western Front" was enough in itself to establish a notable reputation for the young man. But his work in "Impatient Maiden" is cer- tainly not up to standard, It is not entirely the fault of the actor in this case however. The plot, based on "The Impatient Virgin," is poor at best. A Barrymore could not be expected to do much better with such a vehicle. Mae Clarke, a slaving stenographer in the picture, falls in love with the young fifty-dollar a month ambulance-attending doctor, Lew Ayres. The usual sequence follows after the girl refuses marriage with the young man. The rich boss steps in, provides the apartment at just the right mo'ment, and all is not so well. Then along comes the young doctor, who takes one look, and then steps back into a world of disillusionment. Difficulties are ironed out when the doctor and his ambulance are called to care for the appendectomy-stricken heroine. But where the directors made the biggest mistake in the entire production was at the operating table, where the handsome young hero was forced to carve up pretty Miss Clarke, in the absence of the resident surgeons. We have seen operating rooms, hospital corriders, nurses in uniform, and even ether caps in the movies before-but never have we had to peer over the edge of an incision and watch doctors attach forceps to the arteries of the leading lady (supposed- ly). It is all quite a grim proceeding, even with the The two branches of our govern- ment are like two large mountains offering a good deal of obstruction and giving birth to a lot of dis- agreeable molehills. Senator Borah called the Senate's attentions to the fact that the 1masses everywhere, are becoming restless." He further pointed out that, "un- less armaments are reduced, so that the burden is lifted, unless repara- tions are settled so Europe can start on economic recovery, and I unless silver is restored to the place it occupied prior to 1925 to restore to some extent the purchasing power of half the world, there will not, in my judgment, be any ready return to prosperity." We can't help but realize that ' even though Borah says very little he speaks with a world of truth! * * * The Garner victory, appareptly a compromise victory, in California changes the presidential battle completely. But to further the sur- prise we note that Senator Huey P. Long (disregard the first name) to- gether with Senator Norris plan on backing Roosevelt. Yes, at this stage of the game we will find a lot of politicians climb- ing from one band wagon to an- other. And with all the commotion the only thing to do is to settle back and wait until the Standard, Oil company makes up its mind. Fashion experts predictthat the prevailing color will be blue this season. Of course, we won't be able i to say much but we do argue that "Madeto-measure" service for business Whether the business is small or large - the corner grocery or the refrigerator factory -requirements for telephone service vary. So, to meet special conditions, Bell System men custom-fit the service to the subscriber. They worked out a telephone conference plan for a large manufacturer. Every Friday, at specified times, each district mannoer calk so arranged that the chief sales executiv'es are on the line simultaneously. Problems are dis- cussed, decisions given. In minutes, the ex- ecutives cover the country. This plan lowered selling costs, raised efficiency, helped the user to increase profits 31 % in a year's time. i MUyIlC md[ DRAMA 11__ Meg .I By making the telephone more useful,' 19' 1SG x er r n r lc fa +1- .,..: e _ _ _ i