....... . .......... ... .... . ..... .... Av M -i GARBO PROVES PEERLESSNESS 1S ___ ~s History o Sororities NwPA KAPPA KAPPA GAMMA [By Mar garet O'Brien] Junior Honor Society Collects Women in Dance Groups to Be Ni , Although it was secretly organiz- I Kappas; the Rose McGill fund, a I Neop ytes in tMchligamua ed as early as March, 1870, Kappa gift fund for Kappas in special Canvassed for Necessary Fashion. Kappa Gamma did not make its loans to chapters, and the Coniven-.j Freshman Dues. need; the Endowment fund, for Using the time-honored Michi- first public appearance until Octo~ tion fund, for miscellaneous expen- According to the report of the garnua custom of dumping pros- b'er 13, 1870, when six girls wearing ses, finance committee of the freshman pective members out of bed, but golden Kappa keys walked into the i During the World War, under the pageant, $90 in dues have been co,- minus the accoutrements of horses chapel of Monmouth college at i auspices of Dorothy Canfield Fisher, lected to date toward the staging and red paint, Wyvern, junior hn- Monmouth , Illinois. Of the six a dispensary was established and of the annual enterprise. The wo- orary society, formally notified 13 founders, M. Louise Bennett (Mrs. maintained in the town of Belle- men on the committtee have a dif- vue-Mendon, in France, from which ference of $85 to collect from the members of the sophomore class Js-ph N. oyd, 1-. Jeanette Boyd were distributed clothing and large 175 irls eidbeftri ma,'iotin,-m ABssoctated Press Photo Greta had to exercise her finest talent and display a great deal of her famous beauty to keep her head up in "Grand Hotel," where sh4 is competing with half a dozen other stars almost equally famous, but the throngs at the Wilson theatre in Detroit still acclaim the gloriouw Swede as the feminine lead of the picture. Societ y Alpha Gamma Delta. Alpha Xi Delta. Alpha Gamma Delta held an in- A-a formal spring party Friday night at Alpha Xi Delta entertained guests the Woman's League. Mrs. Ida at a rushing dinner Thursday eve- Townsend and Mr. and Mrs. Schu- ing. Rushing dinners will also be man acted as chaperones. held Tuesday and Wednesday of The mothers were entertained at this week. dinner, Sunday. Mrs. C. E. Kean of The mothers of the active mem- Port Huron, Mrs. A. K. Howard of hers were entertained at a bridge Detroit, Mrs. F. J. Rentschler of party Saturday afternoon and at Ann Arbor, Mrs. C. S. Ziefle of Ann breakfast Sunday. Spring flowers Arbor, Mrs. I. Bond of Farmington, and yellow tapers were used for Mrs. A. E. Hall of Ann Arbor and decorations. Mrs. F. J. Davidson of Ann Arbor Theta Phi Alpha. were those present. Theta Phi Alpha held its annual Alpha Chi, Omega. Founders' Day luncheon Saturday, Alpha Chi Omega entertained April 30, at the Detroit Athletic twenty mothers Saturday noon and Club. Mrs. Robert Magee, toastmis- evening and for Sunday dinner. tress, and Mary Elizabeth Dunn, ac- Both the fathers and mothers were tive president, were the speakers. that they had been invited to mem- Maryy M. Stewart (Mrs. Lucius A. bership. Field), Anna Willits (Mrs. Henry H. The second year women routed Patte), Susan B. Walker (Mrs. Al- vim S. Vincent), and M. Louisa out so unceremoniously included Stevenson (Mrs. William O. Miller), Ruth Duhic, Harriet Jennings, only two are still living. 1orrinne Fries. Ada Blackman, The early extension was rapid. ynthia Root, Josephine McCausey, and thirty-one chapters were es- ane Mayt, Joe Robinson, Joan tablished by 1889, all of which did not survive, due to faculty opposi- 3ainett, Marion Giddings, Jean tion in most cases. In the next de- Porter, Ruth Kurtz, and Margaret cade expansion was somewhat slow- illen, al of whom have been prom- er, growth came to a climax in 1929 ont in campous activities during iwith four chapters in Canada. their two years on campus. The national organization of the After the notification process, the fraternity is vested in a grand couni- members and neophytes repaired to cil, and the ,hapters are grouped thc apartment of Mrs. Byrl Fox geographically in provinces. The Bacher, assistant to the dean of | central office is in Columbus, Ohio, women, who is sponsor of the or- and it is from here that the Kappa ganiization. A spread was served, Magazine, The Key, established in late permission until 12 o'clock 1882, is issued. having been granted. The initiation The Kappa badge is the fami- will beheld sometime in the near liar golden key, jewelled with pearls, future, with the Greek letters inscribed on The present members of Wyvern it. One of the original hand made include Catherine Heeson, 33, pre- badges was recently pinned on the sident, Helen DeWitt, secretary, gown of Mrs. Rutherford B. Hayes, Barbara Braun, treasurer, Jean which is in the collection of the Botsford, Evelyn Neilson, Vinselle gowns of president's wives in the Bartlctt, Janet Allen, Elsie Feld- Smithsonian institute in Washing- man, Margaret Ferrin, Aileen Clark, ton. The Kappa colors are light and Jane Fecheimer, Margaret Keal, dark blue, the flower is the flour- Margret Schermack, Katherine Bar- de-lis, and the jewel is the saj3- nard, Elizabeth Eaglesfield, Eliza- phire. beth Gribble, Jane Rayen, Mary The fraternity has established Barnett, Vriginia Taylor, Margaret two general funds, and has five spe- O'Brien, Adele Ewing, Anne Neb- cial funds; the Student's Aid fund, rle, Jean Bentley, and Parrish a scholarship loan fund, open to Riker. other college women as well as Y CHIC BEAUTY SHOPPE Shampoo and Finger Wave 50c Shampoo and Marcel,. . .$. 1.00 Eye Brow Arch ....... . 50c Eye Brows Dyed..... . 50c I Manicure ............. Rinses, any shade. ...5. 0c .25c Phone 22757 205 Michigan Theater Bldg. 7, 77 a'i V7,77 .. dlE 711 SPECIAL! THIS WEEK ONLY 850 $100 I $135 $165 Semi-Chiffon Service Weight I