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VOL. XLIL No. 158.
WEATHER: Cloudy, local rains.
. ' - -- '-________________________
Painleve's Withdrawal Clarifies
Situation; Deemed Fitting
by Senate.:
Premier's Cabinet May Remain
in Office Until New Chamber
Is Organized.I
PARIS, May 9.-(AP)-A new pre-
sident for France will be elected
tomorrow, and presumably he will
be Albert Lebrun, Aow president of
the Senate..
Simultaneously Premier Andre
Tardieuwill present the resignation
of his government with a request
that it be accepted immediately.
Unless unforseen political con-
tingencies should arise, M. Lebrun
will be formally placed in the Elysee
palace to succeed the assassinated
Paul Doumer. Lebrun's only oppon-
Astiunfed /'rers3 Photo
The most stubborn fire in New York's recent history wrecked the giant Cunard line pier on the Hudson
river causing more than $2,000,000 damage. One man was killed and about 300 firemen suffered injuries
while battling the blaze.
ent, Paul Painleve, former premier,
withdrew his candidacy late to-
night, leaving the field clear.
This was in line with the stigges-
tion from. the senate, where it was
held that in view of the sadness of
the occassion, it would be fitting
that one candidate be named on a
single ballot,
The president of France is elected
at a meeting of the senators and
deputies at Versailles.
It was intimated today that Pre-
mier Tardieu's cabinet would re-
main in office until a new Chamber
of Deputies is organized on June 1,
but the ministers' duties will be
perfunctory only.
This step of formal resignation,
and yet continuance in' office, is
somewhat unusual in French par-
liamentary history.
Henry M. Bates Is Chosen SCWILL ODI
to Receive Association's A ward rIrrIr
'violet Heming, Lester
Lillian Bronson
Arrive Soon.
Vail, and
to .
Dean Henry M. Bates of the Law
school has been chosen in a nation
wide selection as the recipient of
the California Bar association's
annual trust fund award which is
granted for the purpose of bringing
to the association's yearly meeting
some outstanding student of the
law to deliver the principal address.
In a letter received last week by
Dean Bates, J. W. Hawkins, bar
governor of California, says with
regard to Dean Bates proposed lec-
ture there, "the occasion would be
an outstanding one in the legal life
of California." The invitation to
receive this recognition, which Dean
Bates intends to accept, involves
an extended trip to California next
summer with all expenses paid and
the delivery of a paper on some
legal subject at the association's
annual meeting to be held Septem-
ber 29 to October 1, at San Diego.
Dean Roscoe Pound of the Harv-
ard Law school was the recipiest
of this recognition in 1930 and Hon.
James Grafton Rogers the recipient
in 1931. Dean Pound spoke on "Co-
operation in Enforcement of the
An extensive tour of the west
several weeks in advance of the
San Diego meeting is being planned
for Dean Bates so that he may
meet and speak before a large
number of the law alumni. He has
quite definitely decided to visit Los
Angeles, San Francisco, Tacoma,
Portland, and Seattle. He will also
address a gathering of the general
Virmnia Ham tster
Will Give Recital
Here This Afternoon
With a schedule which demands
rehearsals at least four or six
weeks in advance of the opening of
the plays, dramatic season stars in-
cluding Violet Heming, Lester Vail,
and Lillian Bronson will arrive in
Ann Arbor Thursday and Friady to
begin work do "There's Always Ju-,
liet" which opens the season May
Glenn Hunter and Violet Kemble-
Cooper who play the lead parts in
"Peter Ibbetson" are working on
their roles now in New York, ac-
cording to the statement of Robert
Henderson, who is directing the
work. At least ten days of rehear-
sals are stipulated here in Ann Ar-
bor, Henderson said. Often as
many as three plays will be under
rehearsal at one time he indicated.
The complete company for the
season as announced yesterday by
Henderson includes: Lillian Bron-
son, Broadway favorite in "Five
Star Final" and "Lean Harvest";
Amy Loomis and Frances Dade,
both of whom have taken part in
previous seasons; Ainsworth Arn-
old who will do the minister in
"Candida"; Francis Compton, a
brother of Fay Compton, English
actress. He played the school
teacher in the New York produc-
tion of "Journey's End."
Geoffrey Kerr will be here to
play in his own "The Animal
Kingdom.". Kerr has also been
asked to Join the cast of "The Vine-
gar Tree." Raymond O'Brien,act-
or and singer in the American
Opera company, will take parts in
the season. Sets will be designed
by Stewart Chaney; English artist.
A permanent exhibition of paint-
ing and sculpture is to be placed[
In the lobby of the Mendelssohn
theatre during the season by the
Ann Arbor art association, it was'
announced by Henderson.
Tolstoi Group to Hear
Talk onLife Values
"Is Life Worth Living?" is the
subject of an illustrated open lec-
ture to be given by Dr. Charles F.
Onderdonk of the College of Archi-
tecture at 4:15 o'clock Thursday
afternoon in Angell hall. The lec-
ture will be given under auspices of
the Tolstoi lenae
alumni of the University in Seattle.
As an indication of the strength
of the Michigan law school alumni
body on the coast, Governor Hawk-
ins in his letter to Dean Bates says,
"Michigan has been greatly hon-
ored throughout California in the
selection of the judiciary. Three of
the seven members of the Supreme
Court are graduates of the Univer-
sity of Michigan."
Alpha Nu and Adelphi Members
to Discuss Michigan
Freshman debating squads of Al-
pha Nu and Adelphi will meet
tonight in a discussion of University
paternalism at 7:30 in the Alpha
Nu chapter room, Angell hall. The
question for debate, chosen in re-
sponse to the campus interest, is,
"Resolved, that the present extent
of University control of student
affairs is detrimental."
Uphqlding the affirmative for
Adelphi wil be Alexander Hirsch-
field, John A. Moekle and Abraham
Zwerdling. The Alpha Nu team
includes Robert S. Ward, Walter
Morrison,RandrCharles B. Brown-
son, speaking in the order named.
All men participating have had
experience in high school debating
and two of them, Zwerdling and
Brownson, have met in the state
finals ofthe extempore contest. The
teams were coached by Victor Rab-
inowitz, '34L, and John W. Lederle,
'32, respectively. Prof. Floyd K.
Riley of the speech department will
give the decision. D. Robert Thomas,
'32, president of Alpha Nu, will
serve as chairman.
The three other speech societies
will be guests at the debate, which
is open to the general public.
Illinois 112, Chicago 61/2.
Illinois 5, Chicago 1.
Ayers, Passmore, and Messner
Delegated to Attend
Annual Parley.
The Michigan Student Christian
association is sending Jule Ayers,
'33, president for 1932-33, Lyle Pass-
more, '33, secretary, and Sherwood
Messner, '34, as delegates to the an-
nual state conference of Student
Christian associations.
The purpose of the conference, to
be held this year at Camp Ohiyesa
May 13 to 15, is to provide oppor-
tunity for informal discussion of
programs that have been carried
out this year and to formulate plans
for next year. I
Last year the University of Mich-
igan acted as host at the Univer-
sity Fresh Air camp at Patterson
lake. Ayers. who was in charge last
year, said that there were some
very'tangible results.
One of the most advantageous
results of this conference was the
arangement for exchange of pro-
fessors from the colleges represent-
ed to speak at discussion meetings.
Two men visited the Michigan cam-
pus this year, Professors S. M. Har-
rison and R. G. Hall of Albion.
At the conference at Ohiyesa the
Michigan S.C.A. is _planning to pre-I
sent a special report of the Big
Ten S.C.A. conference held in Chi-
cago in early April, which Ayers,
Kearns, and Passmore attended.
Laws of Contracts
Will Be Restated
First Official Vote on Two Weeks
Pledging Plan Will Also
Be Taken.
Charles Jewett, '34, to Replace
Howard Gould, '32, as
The election of the president of
the Interfraternity Council and the
First official vote on the newly pro-
posed two week deferred pledging
plan will be held at a regular meet-
ing of the Council at 7:30 o'clock,
tomorrow night, in the Union.
The Council will elect the presi-
dent from two men that have been
nominated by the Judiciary Com-
mittee of the interfraternity Coun-
nil. The names of these men have
not been announced as yet as the
Judiciary committee wishes to keep
politics as much as possible out of
the election.
Charles Wood Jewett, '34, newly
appointed secretary - treasurer of
The Council will officially replace
TT'oward Gould, '32, in this capacity
at the meeting.
To Vote on Deferred Rushing.
The new plan o deferred rush-
ing, presented at the last meeting
to the representatives of the gener-
al fraternities, will be voted upon
for the first inme. The constitu-
tion of the body provides that a
change of this nature be proposed
at one meeting and then passed in
two consecutive mpptings by at
least three-fifths of the total num-
ber of houses.
The proposal has been drawn up
by a committee appointed from the
Council by Howard T. Worden, '32,
president. The committee has been
co-operating with several promin-
ent alumni and faculty men in
composing the new system.
Propose Pledging in Third Week.
Economic strain would be lessen-
ed, it is believed, as the plan pro-
vides for deferred rushing .during
orientation week, followed by only
two weeks of intensive rushing. At
the beginning of the third week,
men will be pledge through the of-
fice of the dean of students in the
same manner that they were pledg-
ed under the present system.
If the plan is passed two times
by the Council, it will go to the Ju-
diciary committee for approval and
will then be sent to the Senate
Committee on Student Affairs.
It was announced at the last
meeting of the Council that a group
of alumni were at present work-
ing on a plan of deferred rushing
and committee men stated that they
believed that this group would co-
operate with them in obtaining the
approval of the plan.
'Army and Navy Club
to Entertain Parker
The Army and Navy club of Ann
Arbor will hold its annual election
of officers banquet at 7 o'clock on
Thursday at the Union. The guestk
of honor, Major General Frank
Parker, commanding general of the
sixth corps area, will be the prin-
cipal speaker of the evening.
A number of commanding officers
of organized reserve units through-
out the state are expected to at-
tend. Members of the club are
especially invited to attend a re-
view of the entire R.O.T.C. at 5:15
o'clock on '' uth Ferry field, or in
Yost field house in case of rain.
Tickets may be obtained at the
R.O.T.C. headquarters.
Kimball Given
$300 First Prize
in Essay Contest
Leonard L Kimball, '33, has been
awarded the $300 first prize in an
essay contest on "How Can the Col-
lege Promote World Peace" con-
lueted by the New History society
jf New York, it was announced yes-
Kimball's paper was adjudged
best among 265 papers submitted
by students of 144 American col-
leges and universities. He was
given the award by a unanimous
decision of the seven judges of the
contest, Dr. John Dewey of Colum-
bia university, Kirby Page, author
and liberal, Rabbi Stephen S. Wise,
Devere Allen of the Nation staff,
James G. MacDonald, Tucker P.
Smith, and William Floyd.
Prizes will be presented personal-
ly to the contest winners Monday,
May 23, at International house in
New York. A trip to that city with
>xpenses paid will be given the
winners in addition to the money
Kimball's essay- will be published
in the June issue of " 'The New His-
torian," the society magazines,
Minnesota Faculty Disciplines
10 Participants; Council
Is Dissolved.
MINNEAPOLIS, May 9. - (P) -
Penalties ranging from a year's
suspensidn to additional credits re-
quirements for graduation were
imposed today on ten University of
Minnesota students by the faculty
disciplinary committee, as a result
of recent student election disorders.
The committee also disolved the
all-university council, student self-
government body, and voided elec-
tions to the council and to the
board in control of student publica-
The action, approved by Presi-
dent Lotus D. Coffman, was the
climaxing development to election
fights last month when a ballot
box was stolen and, in an attack on
another box, five students were
penalized 15 credits toward grad-
Names of the penalized students
were not made known. It was un-
derstood Carl C. Zapffe, Brainerd,
Minn., who was dismissed from the
university by Dean Edward E.
Nicholson after the acid attack,
was suspended for a year.
School Census to Be
Begun by Local Board
The Ann Arbor School board will
begin its annual census of school
children between five and 19 years.
of age this morning, it was an-
nounced by Lee Thurston, assistant
superintendent of schools yester-
From a fund collected from taxes
on Michigan utilities, the state gives
$17 for each child in the state. Last
year about $100,000 was obtaned by
the school district.l
Eight courteous numerators have
been appointed to canvass the city.
The task will take until about May
The workers are: Mrs. Alta
Godfrey, first ward; Mrs. John
Gehringer, second ward; Jack Rabe,
third ward; Jack Luther, fourth
\ward; Mrs. Marjorie Tappe, fifth
ward; Mrs. Ada Barker, sixth ward;
Harold Matzke, seventh ward, first
precinct; Mrs. Alma Hollard, sev-
enth ward, second precinct.
Purple Team Drops Match
by 10-8 Score After Taking
Early Lead.
Morning Showers, Heavy Storm
in Afternoon Make Play
- Difficult
(Special to The Daily)
EVANSTON, Ill., May 9.-Playing
through frequent showers in the
morning and a heavy rainstorm in
the afternoon, that made the course
slow and soggy, the University of
Michigan golf team edged out a 10-
8 victory over Northwestern in a
Big Ten match over the Westmore-
land Country Club links here today.
This marked the sixth consecu-
tive triumph for the undefeated
The Wildcats got away to an early
lead in the morning foursomes, col-
lecting four points to the Wolver-
ines' two. Capt. Lenfesty and Fis-
cher halved their match with Capt.
Damaske and McDonald, while the
best Howard and Hand could get
was one-half point out of three
from Whittaker and Casper.
The afternoon singles matches
were bitterly contested. Johnny Fis-
cher and Eugene Hand turned in
the most decisive victories for the
Wolverines defeating Damaske and
Casper respectively, .by scores of
2 1-2 to 1-2.
Jimmy Whittaker, one of the best
golfers in the Chicago district, sub-
dued Capt. Jack Lenfesty by a count
of 2-1 to hand the Wolverines their
only setback in the singles. How rd
took the measure of Paul McD6n-
ald, husky center on the Wildcat
football team, by the same count.
Lenfesty-Fischer 1 1-2, Damaske-
McDonald 1 1-2.
Howard - Hand 1-2, Whittaker-
Casper 2 1-2.
Fischer d., Damaske 2 1-2 1-2
Whittaker d. Lenfesty 2-1.
Hand d. Casper 2 1-2 1-2.
Howard d. McDonald 2-1.
-apitalists and Communists to
Be Represented at
Ford Parley.
Capitalists, labor leaders, and uni-
iersity professors will meet at 8
)'clock tonight in the auditorium
)f the Ann Arbor high school for
, public hearing on the recent
hooting at the Ford factory gate.
Prof. John Dawson ad Prof. Ho-
iart R. Coffey of the law schoolas
,ell as Prof. Lowell J. Carr of the
I ;ociology department and P rof.
[ohn Van den Broek of the engi-
ieering college will represent the
faculty at the meeting.
John Lovett, secretary of the
Michigan Manufacturer's associa-
tion has been asked to attend to
resent the case for the Ford or-
Outstanding witness at the gath-
,ring will be Eugene Mack, one of
;he "hunger marchers" who was
wounded in three places by gun
fire and has survived to tell his
version of the riot.
The hearing is being sponsored
by the Ann Arbor Civil Liberties
Union.. Judge Patrick. O'Brien will
Speak for the Detroit Civil Liberties
Union as well as Maurice Sugar,.
graduate of the law school, who will
represent the International Labor
City Budget Discussed
by Taxpayers' Leaue
The Taxpayer's league last night
presented proposed reductions of
$10,000 to the tentative city budget
for the coming year before a meet-
ing of the budget committee and
citizens at the city hall. This re-
duction is from the $57,886 arriv-
ed at by the budget coimittee in
a meeting last Friday night.
The tentative budget before it
was slashed by the budget commit-
tee in its meting last week
amounted to $600,000. The savings
of $72,986 was primarily due to the
15 per cent cut in wages of all city
Virginia Hamister, '32SM, will
give a graduation recital at 4:15
o'clock in Lydia Mendelssohn the-
atre. The public is invited, with
the exception of small chldren.
Miss Hamister, who has been a
student at the school of music for
several years, is the pupil of Prof.
Mabel R. Rhead. Last summer she
von a scholarship for study under
Josef Lhevinne, noted Chicago
teacher of piano. .
Here recent performance with the
University Symphony orchestra,
received the praise of many critics.
by, Prof.
A complete restatement of all
laws on contracts in the state of
Michigan has been assigned to
prof. Grover Grismore of the law
school, by the Cook law foundation,
t was learned last week.
This task involves reading almost
Al thg important cases on con-
tracts that have taken place in
Michigan, professor Grismore said.
The American Law Institute, it was
brought out, restates the law in all
its branches from time to time in
a way applicable to the country as
a whole. Professor Grismore's
work will involve taking this re-
3tatement of the Law Institute and
writing a similar one for the Mich-
igan courts.
There is no official authority'
which requires this work, nor does
the legislature recognize this rein-
terperation as being the official law,
however, the results of such work
are commonly used by lawyers as
authority and carry considerable
weight with judges.
That the "good faith of the pros-
ccution was doubtful," that evi-
dence was changed and witnesses
questionable, and that there was
a tendency to subordinate impa'r-
tial justice to political or economic
ends, were the major points brought
by Prof. Lowell J. Carr, sociology
department, in his lecture yester-
day reviewing the facts of the Tom
Mooney case, which resulted in the
conviction of Mooney for his part
in the Preparedness Day bombing
in San Francisco in 1916.
Professor Carr terms the case a
paradoxical one. The judge himself,
two federal commissions, the ten
surviving jurors, practically all the
witnesses except one who has been
discredited by his own letters, an
assistant to th¢ dmstrtAt npv anI
up charges, many of them proven
to be faked and to involve bribery,
to imprison Mooney for his labor
After the bombing, Mooney's de-
fense claims that Fickert failed to
make an exhaustive inquiry, that
he enlarged with crowbars the holes
made by the explosion and used
photographs of this as evidence,
and that a detective involved in the
case had sworn "to get" Mooney.
The prosecution denied these.'
The only witness produced by
the prosecution Prof. Car pointed
out, "who could swear that he had
seen Billings and Mooney actually
at Stewart and Market streets with
a suitcase just before the explosion
was John MacDonald. He is the on-
in win~ienr- na- -in c -v
Office Sale Opens
Comic Milne Play
Box office seat sale opened yes-
terday at the Mendelssohn theatre
for "Meet the Prince" which the
Comedy club will offer starting on
Thursday. According to announce-
m an+m R n 1i.,. ,1
Justice Benjamin N. Cardoza was
described yesterday by Prof. Jesse
S. Reeves, of the political science
department, as being abreast of the
j ursprudential thought-of the world
to a degree unparralleled by any
other Supreme court justice in the
history of the United States. Pro-
fessor Reeves addressed an open
forum in the Union conducted un-
der the auspices of Hillel founda-
tion on "Cardoza-The Man and the
The chief difference between Car-
doza and Holmes, whom he has suc-
ceeded, lies, according to Profes-
sor Reeves, in the fact that the lat-
ter's approach to law was primar-
ily historical, while Cardoza's is
esting to know to what extent Jus-
tice Cardoza has been influenced by
the manner in which he acquired
his legal education, which was in-
formal, he never having attended
a law school.
In appointing Justice Cardoza, it
was pointed out, President Hoover
canvassed Southwestern and North-
western opinion f or suggestions,
fearing that , those districts, being
unrepresented on the Supreme court
bench, might feel slighted if an-
other Eastern appointment were
made. The fact that the almost
universal opinion of these regions
was in favor of Cardoza was declar-
ed by Professor Reeves, "certainly
to eliminate all questions of par-