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May 08, 1932 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1932-05-08

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8, 1932

ublished every morning except Monday during the Univeirsity
by the Board in Con tro of Student Publications.
Iember of the Western Conference Editorial Association.
'he Associated press is exclusively entitled to the use for re-
atn of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise
ed in thic paper and the local news published herein.
:ntered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second
matter. Special rate of postage granted by Third Assistant
aster General.
ubscription by carrier, $4.00; by mail, $4.50
ffices: Ann Arbor Press Building, Maynard Street, Ann Arbor,
;an. Phones: Editorial, 4925; Business, 21214.

recognized merit have grown slowly during the.-
past 10 years, expanding gradually in well thought
out directions. Other departments whose support
now requires many thousands of dollars have
sprung into existence almost over night as experi- KILL
ments or at the particular whim of certain admin-jSAMMY
istrators. In view of this, is it too much to ask JAY
that a painstaking and intelligent re-evaluation of Boy oh boy, did we even have a
all departments be made in the face of the present ro esy, dadmy Jay, hure!
finacialembrrasment? jnarrow escape. Sammy Jay, dur-
ing Uncle Johnny Chuck's absence,
slipped a column into the good old
copy basket while we weren't look-
SM an DRA IA ,ing and very nearly put ole Uncle
Elmer in the wrong. However, we
1rescued it, and here are the mangl-
Goeta Ljungberg, Swedish prima donna operatic j ed remains:
star who will make her American Festival debut at

Telephone 4925
a Editor ................................... David M. Nichol
Editor.............................,......... Carl Forsythe,
orial Director...........................Beach Congyr, Jr.
s Editor..............................Sheldon C. Fullerton
en's Editor................. .Margaret M. Thompson
;tant News Editor.................. ..... Robert L. fierce1
k B. Gilbreth I. Cullen Kennedy James Inglis
Roland A. Goodman Jerry E. Rosenthal
Karl Seilkrt George A. Stauter


n W. Jones

nley W. Arnheim
nald F. Blankertz
vard C. Campbelh
omas Connellan
,ert S. 1eutsch
d A. Hluber

Sports Assistants
John W. Thomas
Harold F. Klute
lohn S. Marshall
Roland Martin
tlenry Meyer
Albert }. Newman
]E. Teromle Pettit
Prudence Foster
Alice Gilbert
Frances Manchester
Elizabeth Mann

I Charles A. Sanford
John W. Pritchard
Joseph lterihan
C. Hart Schaaf
Brackley Shaw
Parker Snyder
Glenn R. Winters
Margaret O'Brien
Beverly Stark
Alma Wadsworth
Josephine Woodhanis

'iam Carver
trice Colins
ise Crandall
ie Feldman

Telephone 21214
ARLES T. KLINE......................Business Managei
RRIS P. JOHNSON ..................... Assistant Manager
Department Managers
ertising ............................ Vernon Bishop
rtising Contracts...........................Harry R. Begley
.ertising Service........................... Byron C. Vedder
lications...................................William T. Brown
ounts ................................Richard Stratemeir
men's Business Manager......................Ann W. Vernor

il Aronson
ert E. Bursley
n Clark
iert Finn
na Becker
ine Fischgrund
berine Jackson
othy Laylin

. Assistants
Arthur F. Kohn
Bernard Schnacke
Grafton W. Sharp
Virginia McComb
Caroline Mosher
Helen Olson
] lelen Schmude
May Seefried

Donald A. Johnson, II
])ean Turner
Don Lyon
Bernard H. Good
Helen Spencer
Kathryn Spencer
Kathryn Stork
Clare Unger
Mary Elizabeth Watts

the Thursday evening concert of the Ann Arbor May
Festival, May 19, has just received the following
encomium from Charles E. Watt, Publisher of Music
News, under date of May 6:
"Mme. Goeta Ljungberg, beautiful young Swedish
soprano, has completed her first season at the Metro-
politan as an internationally famous heroine.
As a Wagnerian singer she gripped New York in
a spell that was phenomenal last winter and this
spring she is packing them in at the festivals (Chi-
cago hears her in May at the Northshore Festival).
At the end of May she will leave for Europe.
It is now announced that she will be at the
Metropolitan throughout the entire season next year
and that to her other roles she will add Tosca,
Santuzza, Elizabeth, Melisande and Electra.
Unusual honors and distinctions that have been
piled on her this year have been pompous and gay
in turn. The King of Belgium has decorated her
with lhe 'Order of Leopold.' The famous Dutch Treat
Club of New York feted her as honor guest. When
she sang Kundry in "Parsifal" at the Metropolitan
she wanted to wear the dress she wore when she sang
the part in London. The gown was a gift to her
from the Prince of Wales, to whom it had been givenI
by one of the Matadors in India. The Indian crown
and costume have a worth of about $40,000, and when
delivered to Mine. Ljungberg at Covent Garden was
escorted by two policemen.
April 26 the Madame sang in Allentown, Pa., and
the following is a sample of the encomiums of praise
proffered her by the press:
"With the same fervor and histrionic power that
marked Mme. Ljungberg's singing of the role of Sieg-
linde in 'Die Walkeure' the night of her debut, the
soprano sang two glorious Wagnerian arias and the
'Voi lo sapete' from 'Cavalleria Rusticana," and the
'Pace, pace, mio dio' from Verdi's 'La Forza del
But even more delightful than the arias,/perhaps,
was the soprano's interpretations of several Scandin-
avian songs, the Swedish Dancing Song, completely
winning the esteem of her hearers. The Brahms
and Strauss compositions were exquisitely done.
Goeta Ljungberg presented a striking picture
when she appeared on the lyric stage last night. Her
stately presence compelled attention at once and her,
voice undoubtedly matches her poise in majesty and
beauty. Majestic was the adjective heard on all
sides last evening."
"The Crowd Roars"


SUNDAY, MAY 8, 1932


I * * k!


ITHOUT presuming to give administrative
- heads of the University advice on how to
>rune the budget 15 per cent for the coming year,
t seems timely to point out a few figures regard-
ng University expenses which are matters of
ecord on the budgets of former years.
It was proposed last week in this column that
i blanket salary cut of the entire organization
vould weaken the whole University, whereas, a
e-evaluation of each department of the University
ind a subsequent pruning out of departments
vhich have failed to prove themselves of value
vould strengthen the University and balance the
>udget at the same time.;
The remarkable growth of a great administra-
ive superstructure is one of the most striking:
>oints which a comparison of the budgets of 1921
nd 1931 reveals. Under the heading, "Adminis-
ration" we find $342,000 were spent in 1921 and
770,000 in 1931, or an increase of 125 per cent.
'his increase is alarming enough as it is. but a
loser scrutiny of the budget itemizing reveals ,a
nushroom like growth of this administrative side
f the University which is even more disquieting.
This apparent increase in administrative costs
f 125 per cent is as low as it is because of two
ractices used in itemizing the budget. In the
frst place there are several large items included
nder the head "Administration" in 1921 which
y 1931 have been moved over into a new category,
Independent departments or Divisions." For
xample, one of the largest administration items of
921, the Health Service, then spending $54,000 a
ear, really does not belong under administration
t all according to the 1931 way of classifying de-
artnents. Secondly the percentage increase of
le administrative costs is masked to some extent
y the inclusion under this head of many charges
which are more or less constant from year to year
nd which do not precisely come under the term
dministration, for example, fire insurance and
iplorna fees.
Weeding out such non-controversial items from.
he list of administration expenses as postage on
Jniversity bulletins and boiler insurance, and
icluding only the purely administrative functions
uch as the president's office, the office of the dean
f students, the registrar's office, the work of
ataloging and contacting alumni, educational in-
estigation, and occupational information, we find
he comparison of expenditures between 1921 and;
931 amazing. In 1921 $133,000 was paid for this
vork, while it took $405,000 in 1931 to accomplish
he work included under the same offices and the
tew offices created since that time. This amounts
o an increase of 300 per cent in what it seems
easonable to define as administrative.
The total budget of the University, on the
>ther hand, has'increased only 100 per cent during
he ten years, and the size of the student body now
ias not yet increased by more than 50 per cent.
Phenomenal is the growth, for one example, of
he office of the dean of students. In 1921 when
ts head was still a member of the teaching faculty,
t cost the taxpayers of the state less than $6,000.
[oday it costs the taxpayers $46,000.
If a comparison is wanted to bring out the true
ize of this department, figures from the 1931
>udget show that the cost of the dean's office, with
hat of the health service added, amounts alto-}

James Cagney, that little fellow who has become
so well known to moviegoers as the hard-boiled taxi-
driving sort of individual, has another role along the
same lines in "The Crowd Roars." The picture con-
cerns the career of a famous racing driver, Cagney,
and his younger brother, played by Eric Linden.
Linden nearly steals the picture from his older
brother during a few of the fiery-tempered scenes
with whichw the picture is amply suppiied but both
boys seem capable of holding their own.
Joan Blondell and Ann Dvorak, that brunettish
new-comer to silver sheet circles, play opposite the
two racers, and the young ladies are not so slow on
taking the turns themselves. Joan appears to us at
times as just another "dizzy blonde"-and it is true
that she always has that type to portray-but the
little gal certainly must have something underneath.
It might be a certain amount of acting ability, since
she does nicely this time.
Thrills, if you like to see flaming racers speeding
around a dirt track at night, are there aplenty.
Spills, if you like the tune of an ambulance siren, are
not lacking. Ann Dvorak alone is capable of provid-
ing enough of the female interest, and she does it.
There are some excellent shots of actual races at the
famous Indianapolis speedway, and also closeups of
some honest-to-goodness champion racing drivers.
And the picture is not slow. E.J.P.

Sammy Jay has been dog-
gone despondent since his big
benefactor left town. He has
been searching everywhere for
some means to drown his sor-
row. Just yesterday morning he
was walking moodily about the
Campus when the course of his
travels brought him up short
in front of the Architectural
School. There, sitting on the
grass, was a strange figure. But
there was something familiar
about it. We peered! Why to be
sure it was the dancing red-
head of the J. G. P. Good old
Mary Phillips and with a draw-
ing board? As we watched the
surrounding countryside took
shape. Suddenly a small boy
playing the unherald part of
the street urchin strolled up.
"Gee," he said, is that house on
* * *
While we're on the subject of Ar-
chitects have you' noticed the title
of this year's May Party. Bal Exo-
tique! Tsk. Tsk. This in itself is
bad enough, but we have learned
from authoritative sources t h a t
they are also having a subscription
tea on the afternoon of the dance.
My! My! It's hardly safe for a nice
big he-man to walk thestreets any
Dear Sammy: Which end of I
these trains do you get off
from, anyhow. Please wire im-
mediately. I'm in a jam. Af-
fectionately Yours, J. Chuck.
Dear Johnny: It doesn't make
any difference. Both ends ought
to stop. As Ever, Sammy Jay.
Well, Folks, you have no idea the
struggle that Sammy is having try-
ing to win the Editorship of Toast-
ed Rolls. Thousands of competitors
are surrounding my chair. Even
more than that, five-hundred! Any-
how, Sammy has his little heart set
on being J. Chuck's successor.
Can't you give him some encourage-
ment. Please write just a short
note to Sammy Jay in care of
Toasted Rolls of the Michigan Daily
and watch his little face brighten
with the joy of knowing that some-
where, someone is thinking of him.
Just Brighten Up The Corner,
Where You Are. Yours until the re-
urn of Uncle Johnny.
So you can see that as far as we
are concerned, Sammy Jay just
won't get our recommendation.
It seems the captain of the sopho-
more games, one William Weber
McRoy, wanted to arouse spirit
among the class. So he declared
that the sophomores ought to throw
one of their own class mates into
the river and get the angry ire of
the class of '34 aroused. It was all
well and good until someone sug-
gested that he was the man to be
thrown in.

Quick as a flash, Weber remember-
ed that if anyone did anything to
the captain, that side forfeited the
games. And he didn't want to win
that way. So they tried the presi-
dent, vice-president, secretary and
treasurer. All couldn't quite see the
point, except the treasurer, who
agreed. But at the last moment,
something went wrong, so captain
McRoy had to drum up spirit by
words rather than deeds. Ah, this
good old collich spirit.
* * '







(Purdue Exponent)
Even with the widely varied and somewhat in-j
volved definitions of education which we have today,
still additional ones appear now and then. Among
the latest is that of Dr. Nicholas Butler, president of
Columbia university, who defines education as fol-
"Education is a gradual adjustment to the spir-
itual possessions of the race, with a view to realizing
one's potentialities and to assist in carrying forward
that complex of ideas, arts, and institutions which we I
call civilizaton.
"Those spiritual possessions may be variously
classified, but they certainly are at least five-fold.
The child is entitled to his scientific inheritance, to
his institutional inheritance, and to his religious
inheritance. Without them all he cannot become a
truly educated and truly civilized man."
Surely the educated person must be familiar with
and in accord with the spiritual and intellectual poc-
sessions of his race, but he must be more than that.
Society, like industry, is always undergoing an evolu-
tionary process, presenting for each of us a constant-
lu e'hannyi-"vo iimrnmvh-.onm"A-vrrkn+

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