4-THE MICHICAN DAILY Florida Champion WOMEN'S APPEARANCE IS DEPENDANT I FrYREHEARSALS ON GOOD POSTURE, SAYS MISS BEISE BODY BY FISHE UU |i| ," L T ET All Students in Barbour times morning and evening will Thinks of English Maid. Gymnasium. soon correct the defect. There are William McFee, English novelist, Chorus Members Asked to Leave ofmany other exercises for correcting declares thaIl New York women are P Chor s cmerhsed theae n Posture is one of the most essen-adosreadoraigr o- like Rolls Rayces with Ford enines Practice "Postureure nisor onein orlos-g r.Class Schedules With bdpsueadfrgiigo -beautiful ins body but standard- Weel iss B e tial points in a woman's appear- ing of weight. These are taught in ized in speech, clothes, habits, view- iss Brazier., Be __ance," stated Miss Dorothy Beise, classes at Barbour gymnasium." point and spirit, according to a re- Intensive practices for "No Man's instructor in physical education, in Anyone interested may enroll, cent issue of the Outlook. Hilda Land" will continue this week. a recent interview. "The unfortun- Classes are conducted Monday and That, the irate editor goes Of, Miner a All members of the cast and I ate thing, however, is that few rea- Friday at 2 o'clock, Tuesday and makes us furious an more than of inter lize the difference a good or bad Thursday at 10, 11 and 2 o'clock half iclined to pass a few reflec- ant ha ;choruses will meet at 3 o'clock to- posture makes. Emphasis is laid and Wednesday evening from 7:15 tions on English womanhood to re- Smith h day for a song rehearsal. All wom- usually more on make-up and to 7:45 o'clock. talate. This time, here goes; Eng- managei I Fen who have speaking parts *ill clothes. Strangely enough, with- In speaking of the general pos- lish women are like bicycles 'with practice: { i meet at 7 o'clock Monday, Wednes- out good posture even the best- tore of women at Michigan Misswrebktsnth hndbr- The fl, Sday and Frida nihts Geore the looking outfit will not 'make' a Beise said that it was average. In They are always going somewhere, ended, I wy. woman. the freshman class which entered usually with muddy heels. They playing male lead, and the song chorus will "If a student could realize how this year 50% of the freshmen had are constantly off for all-day out- and jun i- y rehearse at 4 o'clock Tuesday, and ungainly she looks when dancing, A or B posture. ings. They always carry raincoats Tuesday n Willy, the woman lead, and the slumped and sagging, she would and parcels of lunch; they move will con a e chorus will meet at 7:15 o'clock soon correct her posture," Miss D Alumnae competently but without grace. with the STue'day night. TBeise continued. "It is very hare strongly built and rath- taking ; ias Members of the choruses are ask-to maintain good posture when House Feted at Dinner er knobby. They seem to have Maureen Orcutt ed to make out, cards with their students are sitting in cramped been washed with ice-cold water back an names, chorus -numbers and class seats in classes a great majority of Residents of Alumnae house were and a handful of sand. Their ap- stand w schedules as soon as possible. The the day, but that is all the more th t f Prof d M Hu pearance is standardized-crochet- as if th m AOslips should be turned i at Miss reason for watching carefully." E Keesr at d er .anast grs.ht hedblouses, nondescript skirts and Royce hBrazier's office, and in case the eGoodnof hats three Years old, turned up in time. en door is locked, they should be slip- postureconsists now their residence ol Onondaga street. Sits ed lockthey sholding the abdomen in, shoulders Mrs. Keeler is a member of the A ue eh e straight, and the body in one Board of Governors of the house. i dAschedule of rhearsa for to- straight line with the head up and The favors and decorations car-;A lamp 114 WISjR II if day will be found in the D.O.B. not forward. The chest should be ( tied out the Washington's birthday LA ST" W E" on thrown upward, not forward. h otif. Red tapers on the tables and his Champion Defeats Helen Hicks Anthony and Anna' hes n of the entire body i red and white tulips in the rooms OF OUR GREATEST S lp in Gruellin Contest- should be the very top of the head." added notes of color. e g Cast WInclude "Many women are troubled with All Florsheims Inch Sinks 20 Foot Putt. hollow backs. To correct this lie on T Y P E W R I T E R S sP Two Campus Stars the back, knees bent, feet flat on k - Iare and Portable STORE OPEN ALL DAY re By missing a four-foot putt on the floor. Place one hand on the Sold te "ged Eepaired byth 0t.grenHle ics lowdlower abdomen. Pull in on the ab- URW coces=eJeye's. byhe 1tugreen Ht tHicks allowed Conedy Club has selected to play dominal muscles 'so that they be-.A re. Maureen Orcutt to tie up one of the the feminine roles in its forthcom come contracted and hard. Relax0' D. LAMSR., AnnUArb80. ;ed most gruelling matches in Wom- inlg production, St. John Ervines them so that the hand is pushed31 S. S tot St., A.n Arbor.* agen's golf, history and then Miss Or . f"Anthonfy and Anna", two women _^___T______ ---- - - -~ - ----- ~----------- __- _._...____ - tl ZZ, ZZ -k AZL =AL'AAL, A"& ALAL ALA q w~w.w-w' Misses' This is a 'r 4 i N'c. 624-Supreme individuality N e:pressed in this CO-ED Frock of si Twin Print with a reversible ad jccket.,b Ccaors: Blact and Green, Brown and Rose, ' and Light Blue, C Dark and Light Creen.$G Sizes: 12 to 20. en 'Su