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May 08, 1932 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1932-05-08

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'I V






VOL. VLII. No. 157.



WEATIIHER: Cloudy, unsettled.


VARSIJY THACKMEN Burgoo King Runs to Derby Victory
IN 77 5 CONTEST, . ... .. ....

Hellmich Beats Renwick in 220
Yard Dash; Egleston,
Carson Win.

Maize and Blue Take 10 of
Firsts; Illini Are Strong
in Field Events.


By Sheldon C. Fullerton
Coming through to capture 10
out of 15 first places, Michigan's
well balanced track team swept to
a 77/ to 56/ victory over Illinois
on the Ferry Field cinders yester-
day afternoon. The meet was run
off before a crowd of about 1,500
fans as one of the features of the
University homecoming program.
With the meet deadlocked at 40
points apiece late in the afternoon,
the Wolverines came through with
triumphs in the 220-yard low hur-
dies, the half-mile run, the discus
throw, and the hammer throw to
sew up first place. The Maize and
Blue's greatest advantage came in
the track events, where they took
seven out of a possible eight first
Illinois Wins 220.
Illinois' only victory in the dashes
came in the 220-yard run, when
Huddy Helmich, the lanky Illini
sprint star, nosed out Do Renwick
by a narrow margin of about a
yard. Renwick had previously best-
ed Helmich in a thrilling 100-yard
dash that opened the afternoon's
Hawley Egleston, Wolverine tim-
ber topper, managed to win both
of the hurdle events with fast
times. He was the easy winner in
the high hurdle event, -which he
took with a time of :14.8 to tie the
former Michigan mark set by
Cooper in 1928. Carson, of Illinois,
was the only other double winner
of the meet, the Illini field man
taking first places in the javelin
throw and the broad jump. ,
Rusell Beats~ Baker.
Ed usfl' Michigan captain,
dame through to capture a brilliant
440-yard run 'i the face of some
stiff, ompretit on by Charleyy De-
Baker. Russell ran a beautiful race
and finished in the exceptionally
fast time of :48:4 to tie the Michi-
gan mark set by Haff way back in
1913. De~aker also ran a nice race
to take second place a step ahead
of Christinsen of Illinois.
Booker Brooks, giant Wolverine
weight man, hurled the discus 150
ft. 3% in., to better his own mark
of 149 ft. 5% in. set in 1930. Broows
also beat out Purma of Illinois to!
get a second place in the shot put.
Rod Cox, the Michigan hammer
thrower, was the easy winner in
that event.
100-yard dash-Won by Renwick
(M); 2 Hellmich (); 3 Russell (M).
Time :09.8.
One-mile run - Won by Wolfe
(M); 2 Long (); 3 Lindahl (I.)
Time 4:27.
220-yard dash-Won by Helmich
(I); 2 Renwick (M); 3 Ellerby (M).
Time :21.2,
120-yard high hurdles-Won by
Egleston (M); 2 Johnson (I). Hae-
f le (M) and Etnyre (1 disquali-
fied. Time :14.8.
440-yard dash-Won by Russell
(M); 2 DeBaker (M); 3 Christian-
sen (I). Time :48.4.
Two-mile run-Won by Hill (M);
2 West (); 3 Ostrander (M). Time'
220-yard low hurdles -Won by
Egleston (M); 2 Ilaefele (M); 3
Etnyre (I) and DeBaker (M) tied.
Time :23.9.
Half-mile run-Won by Turner
(M); 2 Lemen (M); 3 Smith (I).
Time 1:57.2.
Pole vault-Won by Schlansker
(1); 2 Linington (1); 3 Humphreys
(M). Height- 12 ft.
High jump-Won by Moisio (M);
Juzek (M) and Osty (I) tied for
second. Height-5ft. 10 in.
Javelin throw-Won by Carson
(1); 2 Robinson (I); 3 Hazen (M).
Distance- 186 ft. 51/ in.
Shot put-Won by Cook (U; ,2
Brooks (M); 3 Purma I(1. Distance
-47 ft. 6 7-8 in.
Discus throw-Won by Brooks
(M); 2 Purina (I); 3 Hazen (M).
Distance 150 ft. 3%/2 in.

Broad jump-Won by Carson (I);
2 Nelle (I); 3 Rea (M). Distance-
22 ft. 2 in.
Hammer throw-Won by Cox
(M); 2 Dibble (M); 3 Purma (IM.
Distance-150 ft. 10%.

Holds Chicago Team to Four
Hits as Varsity Retains
Big Ten Lead.
Three Maroon Errors Pave Way
for Michigan Tallies;
Daniels Stars.
CHICAGO, May 7.--(P)-Harley
McNeal held Chicago to four hits
today while Michigan batted Roy
Ilenshaw for nine blows and a 5 to
1 victory over the Maroons in a*
Western Conference baseball game.,
The. Wolverines bunched three
singles, a pair of walks, and an er-
ror for three runs in the first in-
ning, and McNeal held the Maroons
helpless except in the fifth when, a
single and a double scored their
only run. It was Michigan's second
straight victory.
The Wolverines wasted no time in
getting onto Henshaw. After Su-j
perko had been thrown out in. the!
first, Ferguson walked, Waterbor
was safe on Henshaw's error, and
Ferguson went to second. Diffley
flied out, but Petoskey singled, scor-
ing Ferguson, and Daniels' single
s c o r e d Waterbor. Braendle and
Manuel were walked, the latter's
pass forcing in Petoskey with the
third run.
After two were gone in the fifth,
Pat Page singled, and Lewis drove
a double over third to score the Ma-
roons' only run.
Michigan picked up another in
the sixth when Braendle doubled,
went to third on a wild pitch and
scored on McNeal's infield out. The
last one came in the eighth. Daniels
and Braendle singled) and the bases
were filled when Lewis booted Man-
uel's grounder. McNeal's si n g 1e
scored Daniels, and Braendle was
nailed at the plate to end the in-

Minnesota Student
Tells Weird Story
of BeingKidnaped
MINNEAPOLIS, May 7. - (/P)
Police and University of Minnesota
officials who two days ago viewed
the disappearance of a student
leader as being a page out of light
comedy, decided today they had a
serious mystery on their hands
after his return with a story of
being kidnapped.
Richard Morean, the student, was
in bed unable to answer questions,
with his father describing him as
a "nervous wreck" from his experi-
ence. He disappeared Wednesday
and returned Friday night saying
he had been seized by four men,
his eyes bandaged, that he had
been anaesthetized, and held cap-
tive in a Wisconsin lake cottage, on
a bread, water and sausage diet.
His grandfather, F. P. Nicoll,
offered a reward of $500 for appre-
hension of his abductors and has
spurred police to efforts toward un-
raveling the mystery. Nicoll also
charged university authorities with
laxity in discipline and asserted a
student political faction "is at the
bottom of the whole affair."
Morean, after a bitter ballot :ight
was selected leader of the senior
prom, regarded as a high1honor.
Obstacle Race Error Is Deciding
Factor; Leaves Underclass
Supremacy Undecided.
The sophomores yesterday even-
ed their score with the class of '35.
At the close of the spring games
on South Ferry field Saturday
morning, the class of '34 was on the
long end of an 8 to 5 score. As a
result, underclass supremacy, for
this year, at least, remains unde-
cided, for the freshmen had won

Saginaw Regent
Talks at Dinner;
Caps Go in Fir4

AssociaterPress Photo s
flurgoo King with Eugene James up
Son of 'Bubbling Over'
Wins by Five LengzthsHI F RA IR


LOUISVILLE, Ky., May 7.-(P)-
The thoroughbred son of a royally
bred sire, Burgoo King, came down
the stretch today with a smashing
drive to capture the rich Kentucky
Derby, to duplicate the victory of
his daddy, Bubbling Over, in 1926,
and give the hearts of the old Blue-
grass their greatest thrill in many
a southern moon.
Burgoo King whipped the best
that the east had to offer in an un-
wieldy field of 20 strutters, and gave
his owners, Col. Edward Riley Brad-
ley honors that no turfman has
ever gained before.
An unexpectedly big crowd of 40,-
000 roared its tribute to Col. Brad-
ley's third victory within a dozen
years, a record for all-time.
Taking full command in the
stretch after being rated nicely all
the way, byJockey. Eugene Ja.s,
Burgoo King left little doubt he
was the best of the three-year-olds
in this 58th running of America's
most colorful horse race.
The big chestnut finished five
good lengths in front of his near-.
est eastern rival, Economic, owned'
by J. H. Loucheim, of New York.
Mrs. John Hay Whitney's Stepen-
fetchit, one of the favorites in the
betting, pressed Economic closely to
finish in third place.
Many Churches Plan to Present

11 W V d L, 1 1 1.11 1 1 111
Rep. Patman Campaigns to Keep
Congress in Session Till
Bill Is Passed.
WASHINOTON, May 7.---(/P)--The
Ways and Means Committee today
reaffirmed its action in voting a
disposition of t h e $2,000,000,000
cash bonus issue that is expected
to block a House vote this session.
A campaign to .keep Congress in
session until a vote is had on full
payment of the bonus was-threat-
ened after the committee had held
to its action of yesterday in voting
to report the Patman Bill unfav-
Rep. Patman,. Texas Democrat
and Coniery, 4assachusetts Demo-
crat, announced that "henceforth
the slogan of bonus sponsors will
be: 'A vote to adjourn is a vote
against the bonus.'"
Patman Plans Fight.
Patman planned to introduce a
resolution seeping a special legisla-
tive status for the rejected bonus
This would go to the Rules Com-
mittee and if approved would make
a vote possible, but Rep. Rainey,
the Democratic leader, said, "The
Rules Committee isn't going to ap-
prove it. The issue is dead this
The action of the Ways and
Means Committee places the bonus
question in such a legislative posi-
tion that a vote would be delayed
until so late that it would be vir-
tually impossible for final Congres-
sional action.
Detroit Student Wins
Architectural Award

Box Score:
Michigan AB R
Superko. 3b5 f
Ferguson, of 3 1
Waterbor, ss.....4 1
Diffley, c........5 0
Petoskey, rf.....4 1
Daniels, 2b. 3 1
Braendle, If. 3 1
Manuel, lb...... 3 0
McNeal, p ....... 4 0





Totals .
Buzzell, rf .
Mahoney, 2b
Lynch, cf ...
Howard, c ..
Renshaw, p
Offil, lb ...
3'ohnson, ss.
Page, If
Lewis, 31

......34 5 9 27 15 0
. 3 0 1 5 1 0
,.. 4 0 1 2 2 0
. 4 0 0 2 1 0
.4 0 0 3 1 0
4 0 0 0 2 1
3 0 0 81 0
3 0 0 3 2 0
3 1 1 1 0 1
3 0 1 3 0 1
......31 1 4 27 10 3
..030 001 010-5
.000 010 000-1


the games last fall.
The class of '35 could have won
had not one of its runners in the
obstacle race failed to observe the
rules. On a turn in the race, the
runner, in making the tirn, passed
inside o flag and was called back
by the judges. This error permit-
ted his sophomore rival to pass him
and give his class a lead that was
never in doubt to the end.
Friday the games ended in a tie,
the sophomores winning two 50-
man tugs-of-war and the freshmen
winning the free-for-all.
In yesterday's game, the sopho-
mores added two points in the cane
spree when they won three of the
six individual fights. The fresh-
men won one, while the remaining
two ended in a tie. The pillow fight
was won by the sophomores, 3 to 2.
They also won the obstacle race.
But in the final event, the "hog-
tying" contest, the freshmen, out-
numbering their opponents, suc-
ceeded in tying and corralling most
of the sophomores.
The games were judged by mem-
bers of the Student Council, Union,
and The Daily. Joseph Zias, '33,
was in charge of the games.
Nov, Wile Attend
IY,.s * * ~ .

'The class of 1935 officially left
the ranks of freshmen at the an-
nual Cap Night ceremonies held
yesterday in Sleepy Hollow as a
feature of the Spring Homecoming
Following a formal program of
speeches, more than 200 first year
students snake danced about a huge
bonfire built at the base of the Hol-
low and threw their "pots" into the
Edward Kuhn, '32, recording sec-
retary of the Union, acted as mas-
ter of ceremonies at the affair and
introduced the speakers: Edward .
McCormick, '32, president of the
Student Council, and Fielding H.
Yost, director of athletics.
After the Cap Night program, a
few freshmen, urged on by high
school and grammar school youths
in their ranks, attempted to rush
the Michigan and Majestic theatres
but after a few futile attempts, de-
cided to pay for their movie.
Besides Cap Night, there were
many other events planned yester-
day for the entertainment of the
hundreds of returning aluni. In
the afternoon there was the dual
track meet with Illinois, a swim-
ming carnival held in the Intra-
mural pool by Michigan's intercol-
legiate championship team, and a
lecture by Prof. John S. Worley,
of the engineering school, on "The
Antiquity of New Things."
Tomorrow, the main events on
the Homecoming program will be
the specially conducted tours over
the University campus, at 1 and 3
o'clock, and the display at the Wil-
l i a m Clements library, President
Ruthveh and Mrs. Ruthven will be
at home to alumni and parents be-
tween 3 and 5 o'clock.
'M Club to Sponsor
Annual Camp Drive
A tag day for the raising of funds
to maintain a sumer camp for 400
underprivileged and needy children
of Ann Arbor and Detroit will be
held on thebcampus Wednesday. It
will be the twelfth annual appeal
of the University Fresh Air Camp,
located on Patterson Lake.
Members of the "M" club will
sponsor the drive. They will be sta-
tioned at various parts of the cam-
pus, with Norman Daniels, '32Ed.,
in charge.
The quotafor this year's drive
has been set at $2,000, a figure
much lower than the quota of other
Semi-Finals in Poetry
Reading Test Monday
Semi-finals in the Poetry Read-
ing contest, sponsored by the Mich-
igan Interpretive Arts society, will
take place at 7:15 o'clock, Monday
night, in room 02 Mason hall.
Six of those speaking in the semi-
finals will be chosen . to speak in
the finals.
"Cardozo The Law and the
Man," will be the topic of a talk
by Prof. Jesse Reeves of the pol-
tical science department at eight
o'clock tonight in room 319 of the
Union. His speech will, precede a
Hillel foundation open forum.

Fathers, Sons H e a r
Perry Shorts at
in ion.
by George A. Stauter
A speech that drew from its
listeners applause and admiration
-an address on "American Man-
hood"-clim Fixed the fathers' and
sons' banqut held last night in
the Union as part of the second
annual homecoming festivities. It
was given by R. Perry Shorts, of
Saginaw, a Regent of the Uni-
versity, who summed up experi-'
ences with 'en over a period of
years and placed them at the
disposal of students.
Conklin Talks.
The talk given by Regent Shorts
was the principal one of the pro-
gram. P receding him were Hugh R.
Conklin, '32E, the president of the
Union, who welcomed alumni, and
President Ruthven. The latter, ex-
tending the k'ys of the University
to the visitors, sketched briefly the
work of a modern educational in-
stitution, summing up its objectives
and placing emphasis upon two
points-the diffusion of knowledge
and the teaching of the art of
The dinner, in the Union ball-
room, was attended by more than
200 persons. 'Prof. Waldo Abbot,
director of the University broad-
In the address of Regent Shorts=
which he gave with an appealing
forcefulness, the definition of the
term "American Manhood" was
based on six points-goqd reputa-
tion, thrift, determination, brains,
labor, and good citizenship.
Stresses Honesty.
"First of all," he said, "American
manhood is a manhood of good
reputation-for honesty, integrity
and all-aroun~d dependable char-
acter. Honesty must be
all else secondary. Re
the appraisal which the public puts
upon you' qualities; it is what the
other people think of you. Qne
single act of misconduct may ruin
a reputation which has taken you
years to acquire."
In his speech he thrust aside
generalities-which he termed easy
to preach but hard to practice-and
illustrated points in most instanees
by referring to specific example
and then pointing out the qualities
which carry men to success.
Turning to thrift - his second
point-he characterized it as not
a natural instinct but one "acquir-
ed only through constant effort."
Debt, he said, ruins more men than
any other single cause, advising
students in his audience that "the
time to save money is while you
are young."
His third point, determination,
was summed up by Regent Shorts
as "the man with a fl ed determ-
ination to accomplish a definite
thing almost always succeeds. Suc-
cess has its price. You can have it
if you are willing to pay."
New Ideas Asked.
Brains was Regent Shorts' next
point, declaring that 4'scientifie
thinking has at last become the
first essential of the successful man.
Ideas-ever 'new ideas'-are the
surest stepping stones upon which
to rise above the crowd." Still
further, it is a manhood of labor-
hard work, citing that the best
proof of this lies in the fact that
all of America's greatest men in
every line of endeavor have been
incessant workers.
His concluding point was good
citizenship4 "No matter how suc-
cessful you may be in your business
or profession, you are a miserable
failure unless in addition you are a
good citizen."




Mothers' Day.
Dr. Murray Bartlett, president of
Hobart college, Geneva, N. Y., and a
prominent educator and speaker,
will preach at St. Andrew's Episco-
pal church at this morning's serv-
ice and will address the young peo-
ple's group at Harris hall this eve-
Dr. Bartlett was a chaplain in the
American army during the World
war. He was wounded in action and
was twice cited for gallantry. Fol-
lowing the war he served as presi-
dent of the University of the Philip-
pines and has been president of Ho-f
bart college since 1921. He comes
to Ann Arbor on the Baldwin Lee-
ture foundation of Harris hall.
Observance of Mother's day will
figure prominently in all church
services held today. At the First
Methodist Episcopal c h u r c h, Dr.
Frederick B. Fisher will continue
his series on "Immortal Virtues"
with a discourse on "Love," with
special reference to Mother's day.
The subject of the evening worship
at 7:30 o'clock, directed by Mrs.
Peter F. Stair, will be "Famous
Mothers in Living Pictures and
"A Mother's Wages" will be the
subject of Rev. Theodore R. Sch-
male in the English service at 10
o'clock this morning at the Bethle-
hem Evangelical church. Rev. R.
Edward Sayles will speak on "Faith
(Continued on Page 6)
Illinois 7, Wisconsin 2'
Northwestern 17, Minnesota 3.
Indiana 7, Ohio State 4.
Minana 1nn 4 rn'rfhwesern

'Two base hits-Lewis, Braendle.
Stolen base-Superko. Sacrifice-
Waterbor. Double play-Lynch to
Mahone' Left on bases-Michigan

Malcolm R. Stirton, '32A, of De- 8, Chicago. 3. Struck
troit, was awarded the $1,200 George Neal 5, Henshaw 3. Wild pitch-f
Booth traveling fellowship in ar- -Henshaw. Umpires-Stack and Bay.
chitecture yesterday afternoon by a
jury of prominent Detroit archi-
tects. T
Stirton, an all-A student, won I
first place inthe competition forr
his general plan and proposition in
solution of the problem, "An Art NWITHCREDS
Club." L
Three architectural students were
awarded honorable mention in the Borgolov Wanted France, Russia
contest as follows: Earl W. Peller,-
in, '32A, of Detroit, second place; Involved inWar; Insanity
Flod R. Johnson, '32A, of Balboa, Plea Fails.
Panama Canal zone, third place;
and Sulho A. Nurmi, '32A, of Jack- PARIS, May 7.-()-Paul Gorgo-
son, fourth place. lov, w h o assassinated President
-~- _ ~-_ _ Doumer, was described today by
the head of the' French Secret
NOTICE Service as a "member of a Bolshe-
vik organization." When he was
dent Publications will hold it sarrested yesterday the man admit-
meeting for appointment of the 'ted that he was a Russian, but said
managing editor and business he was the head of a "Fascist" or-
manager of The Michigan Daily ganization which was opposed to
the Michiganensian, and th' Bolshevism. By killing M. Doumer,
Gargoyle the week of May 15, he said, he hoped to involve France
1932. ina war with Soviet Russia.
Each applicant for a position The first statement by the police
is re'quested to file seven copies 1 yesterday said the prisoner was not
of his letter of application at It possession of all his faculties,
the board office in the Press but today three alienists examined
wilding not later than May 12 him and pronounced him sane and
for the use of the members of responsible for his crime.
the board. Carbon copies, if leg Shortly after that he' was ar-
ible, will be satisfactory. Each raigned before a magistrate and
letter should state the facts as formally charged with the assass-
to the applicant's experience ination. It was expected that he
upon the publication or else- would be brought to trial quickly.
'where, so far as they may have Gorgolov probably will die on the

uaU erin s i (n asLi I
Dr. Fredrick G. Novy, chairman
of the executive committee of the
Medical school returned Friday
from the East where he attended
medical meetings in Atlantic City,
Philadelphia and Washington.
Dr. Udo J. Wile, director of the7
clinical medicine of the medical
school, is in Havana, Cuba, at the
present attending a convention of
a dermitological society. Following
this he will go to New Orleans
where the American Medical asso-
ciation is holding its annual meet-
ing this week.


Rapidly increasing interest and
ability in the writing of one act
plays among students has resulted
in ten undergraduate dramas be-M
ing included in the third book of
'University of Michigan Plays' this
year. In previous years only five
or six student plays have been
judged of sufficiently high caliber
to warrant publication.
All of the plays included in the
volume have been written by stu-
dents in the play writing course of
Prof. Kenneth Rowe, of the Eng-
lish department, who is editing the
volume. Lennox Robinson, director
of the Abbey theatre in Dublin)
whose company played in Ann Ar-
hnr.c win mter hnc writan an in-

Compton, '32; "Half-a-Stick" by
Sidney L. Rosenthal, '34; "A Doctor
to Be" by Paul R. Sissman, '35M;
"Masquerade" by Richard L. Tobin.
'32; "The Bright Medallion" and
"The Eyes of the Old" both by Doris
Price, Grad.
The two plays by Miss Price, with
a third, "Sokta," formed the group
of negro folk plays recently produc-
ed in the Laboratory theatre with
an amateur colored cast from De-
The noticeablely increased capa-
city on the part of students for
writing one act plays this year Pro-
fessor Rowe attributed to a general
trend on the campus which is creat-
ing a drama consciousness here.
Drnfaecr n,. flr. cai c i ' A m u rim .t.'.lr

Transport Authority
to Speak Here May 12
Motion pictures and a discussion
of the personal researches of Col.
Charles A. Lindbergh will feature
the address which Daniel M. Sheaf-
fer, chief of passenger transporta-
tion and vice-president of the
Pennsylvania railroad, will deliver
at 7:30 o'clock, Thursday, in the
Natural Science auditorium.
D. T. Hay, general sales promo-
tion manager and an aeronautical
authority, will also speak on the
program which is under the direc-
tion of the Transportation club of
the engineering school.

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