- -'- - -- Augmented by new materials from 1year, giving students in dramatics' Maa ndasworkloe te p ng awithkxnHnen, Conn.,Yal Iactual experience in the varied Mywodasworeeopdth ipnga ekin tiiNew heYCoe., Selucia and from Sephoris in Pales- {ciiiso lypoutoi a most elaborate civilization in the lw schol faclty ulQfl statitical ' ~~~~~~~~tine, the exhibition of antiquities'Neactivitierso th ooinplaydtaproductionte itera hasts frc Seuci-ontheTigis illbebeen announced by Dean Edward H.Ne Wolprrtoh cmnofdarltigoteferacuts _ rmSlcarnh-irswl eKraus. I Columbus, will be the subject of a =- o n t d y f o . m o 1 .i.'n the corridorĀ° cases of the fi s The w ork w ill be in charge of U niversity le t r by J . E i orofpeto edrchitectrLeyI dn.rector of the AWoo id theatre of Natural History, at il4:Musem'oclock CL SF ED expditonledby ocor ero 1in St. Louis, Valentine B. Windt, Tusday in the Natural Science \ Watrmn o te Uivrsiy nddirector of Play Production, and Describing those aborigines, Dr e sonsre bytheMueumaofTo Alexander Wyckoff, stagecraft ex- ! Carl E. Guthie, director of the Un- redo, Cleveland and the University - ofMcia a enecvtn pert. versity museum or archaeology, - a________________ n the site of Selucia, only 20 miles Beside the activities on theater I said that "the majority of the in- NOIC froamden#agda, or the past ars h ourses in speech andl habtants of southern Mexico and I five years. The treasures they un- liiwguistics, recently consolidated in- CnrlAeiatdyaeMy RN E 92PYOT~ F covered from this ancient Babylon-~ to a single department, have been Indians who have lst, to some de- ust received shipnent of all cur- ian city, that flourished from 323i extended in scope to care for the "giee, the scientific and artistic rent models, coaches, sedans, - ~~B.C. to 212 A.D., comprise the prs-, increasing demands of teachers of knowledge which their forefathers cue.W ilsl ~s tbr ent exhibit. speech andl those interested in lab-j pessessed and have taken over dur gi rcs eua e a Prof. Emil Lrch, Director of the oratory and analytical aspects ing the last fou centuries many of anpie.Reu~nwct #College of Architecture said of the ligitcs. A special course will be the Euopean customs. warranty sand service policy. linguisAssociated.Motor Servies 311 W. ytt exhibit yesterday, it is a remark-j given on high school debating,em Thompson has lived among the Huron. 22001. 610 able collection of relics that have phasizing the organization of co- ppl and knows their present-- Ibeside their intrinsic value a great tests like the Michigan high School m nner of life. His lecture will be -.historical worth. Many of the relics Debating league and including an illustrated with lantern slides. WANED are different from anything yet dis-' intensive study of the question to _..__________________.___________________________ cvrdof the Parthian and Selu- be debated by the league urin r the Women Aidf Loan Fn MOE LAUNRY Ijacutr.Te shw"Prof. 1932-33 season. 20,orhManPhn~916 Lo rch said, "the influences of Hel- Twenty-four courses for brth by Giving up De' set We can Wash~ your curtains and le nistic Greece, Oriental and Ro- gr aduat~ and undergraduate stu - blankets clener and 'cheapr manl culture upon the Parthian dents are scheduled, including The Delta Gammas in the Uni- 200c am ts.",ogteraefnsaepicsrs coursesn in oia biolinguistics which will versity of Wisconsin are making an -____ Amngth ar fns repic' tr. sth ioical and p cooi ttmtt ep the student loan TYPINGC-0=4. thes a specialty of sculpture, thousands of silver cal relations of speech to pson- fund by going dessertless every M. V. Hartsuff. 9087. and bronze coins, a great deal of ality and every day life, as well as Monday night. This sacrifice is ex- 526 jeely fgriesi.ioy and bone, inter-relations with anthropology,petdo net $4 a week. They are DTOTfml at unse A su~tec PessPhto otery salsan aseries of baked sociology, music and kindred sub- as lso coelecting old text books for a hETOsefinlnnaborfornsmer Among Pulitzer award winners for 1932 were: Henry F. Pringle clay figures representing the Gods IJcts.I lending library. _nd______ ofth school session; five :bedrooms; (upper left) for his biography, "Theodore Roosevelt"; Walter Duranty ruled wo (upper right), Moscow correspondent of the New York Times, for oneSeui200yasgo change for furnished house in of the two best exaiples of newspaper correspondence; Pearl S. Buck WhitnVilaeeDtoi.yo A0 Film Showay ((lowerloerleft) rgtfor wher novel, wth"The Good Earth," adand George GrhwS. Kaufman "Of Horrns of LasMWari1:30DViley etot BxA01. Thee I Sing," a musical comedy, which won the award for the best play., --00FORRENT __________ ___A German produced war picture, 35c to ____________ giving the German view point of . 5 P.M. IOUS FOR RENT'.Furnished or DEDICATE 1$,000 EV ERGREEN TREES the conflict, "Comrades of 1918" unfurnshed. 1324 Olivia. Avail- W S I G O pee yete day aiWhitney Wold Iable urie 1. 614c TO ME MORY OF GEORGE W__________heneetr__eteda An attempt is made in this :movieYo AThil AN UNUSALLY desirable offie for Members of local patriotic organ- Regents a special action was taken to present the war authentically Y0RealT ril attorney, doctor, dentist, or eng- izations, representatives of Pres. designating the planting of ever- and without decoratih, so that the w wfeer. Now available in First Nla- Ruthven and the Board of Regentsl greens as a Washington memorial, resulting picture may be an indict- . tional Bank Bldg. For informa- and members of the University, as part of Michigan's participation ment of war and all its horrors s.. tion call bank ofce. 560c forestry department yesterday ded- in the Bicentennial. As yesterday Evad er adatin, teicst;reporte. FOR RENT-Fraternity house. Will iae oeto 500small ever- wa Arbor day, the dedication at eerynmaloe inwhe cas towitotheg accommodate 25 boys. Call 6845. ictdafrsf1,001wsecpino ewowstoyug61: greens, located in the University that time was most fitting. to fight, is a surviver of actual owned Stinchfield woods, to the;j The program, which was in charge trench warfare. As a deterrent to' memory of George Washington. I of the Department of Forestry and further war the German govern- FOR SAJE Conservation, was held at the Cabin met has ordered this picture to Stncfll wod, yngtoth n Stinchfleld woods at 2:30. be shown at least once a ya in all west of Dexter, was purchased by Po.JB BAUSCH LOMB BNCLRrp the University six years ago. At the :rf .B Steere, explorer, cl- parts ofte country, according o search mcrosope with Abbe co- Feb.26 metig oftheBoar oflector, and curato of the University arpr rmtepoues esr al93.~9 Feb 2 metngofthBar o Museum for years, represented Pres. arpr rmtepoues-v1dne.Cl :3.69 Ruthven who was unable to attend. ~mcasnbosfo Russel Endowment fund should be The address of dedication was SA LEIOSĀ±D set aside annually for that purpose, deiee y r adlp dmAl hds* Efff EIetag oft, aerproof, light. whil a ikeamout ws st asde f te Clmens Lbrar wh di- ; Excellent for canoeing and whl i~ mutwsstaieo h lmnsLbay wodsSPRIN.hG SUITS Fcamping trips. Sacrifice. '1030 forth aar. he ecurr s e-cussed the fittingness of trees as All Alterations at Cost lected by the executive board of the a memoral to Washington, saying, C O K S~*.. .Oakland or call 23600. Ask for Research club as the faculty mem- "May.itoicltaeOidiae Dc. 2 ber who has attained the highest ra oeo re yWsigo. 1319 Soutrh University distinction in the field of scholar- - -- = ,-- ---,- ,--.- ,_. _ _ _ . ship, while a special committee se-1 LOST lects the recipient of the award $200REARr r1 Withbrf as from the faculty members of the YOUTH AND THFIE WAR For the first time from JA LN ELJf nro 05A ,I'i~,i rank of assistant professor or in- the German Side. ruJA LN3L 20 E~ ~?fr xWibifcs structor on the basis of his past ERIC LINDEN returned to Daily Busines o. ce. acivmnsadpoiefrtefuture. ' ON 5j j734 ANN DVORAK LOST-8mAll1 Delta Ijpslon pin be- tween Tikers and 715 Forest, Past recipients of the award are: ,__A__so Saturday afternoon. Call 8219.. 1925-26, Carter L. Goodrich; 1926- FINEST OF THE GERMAN TALKIES .. "HOLLYWOOD LIGHTS" 616 27, Albert Hyma; 1927-28, Laurence ________________NEWS______ M. Gould; 192-29, John Alexander; GRAPHIC ACTION requiring~ no kntowl- WHIITF, GOLD wrist watch. Initials 1929-30, Carl L. Hubbs; 1930-31, o COMING WEDNESDAY- P.M.R. Lost between Angell Hall Earl L. Griggs. Past Russel lectar- edge ofthe ln uaeto understandit/ and Jordan Hall. Call 2-3281. ers are: 1925-26, Moses Gomberg; .gag Lew Ayres andi Mae Clarke Reward. 624 1926-27, F. G. Novy; 1927-28, Henry AG E TPC U EI N A G A E" H M A IN A D N OTLgtbontpotwt A. Sanders; 1928-29, Aldred S. War- 'A______PICT RE_1_AYLANG AGE_"T11111E____________AEN"'_OST-Lihtbrontopcatwit thin; 1929-30, Claude H. Van Tyne; scarf and gloves in pocket. Find- 1930-31, William H. Hobbs. B,' 11?--...- - er please call Hirsch, 4026. TYPEWRITERS - POREAL 1 - , , -.~...- NeWtIe~o ona NozRebl, I______________ 19ewSoron1a Noiseessi, TODAY,.SUNDAY 35c toCPM ntinuos i to 11 P.M. _______________ tni.&e'woa, R~yV RemigonEvgs. 0 no red.OTHER UNUSUAL FILMS-A FULL TWO-HOUR SHOW 314 S State St., Ann Arbor .-I --.--- 111111