ESTABLISHED 1890 '1 it ja atl VOL. XLII. No. 156. SIX PAGES ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, MAY 7, 1932 WEATHER: Showers. PRICE FIVE CENlT FRE CH PRESIDE T 0 E OF SHOT BY FANATIC, SHTB DOUMER EXPIRES 12 HORS LATER Transfusions of Blood Fail to Save Life of Aged Statesman.i ASSASSIN SEIZED FRENCH MARTYR Russian Doctor Grilled by Police; Lynching Attempts Fail. PARIS, May 7. (Saturday)- ()-President Paul Doumer of France died this morning from two bullet wounds inflicted by a Russian assassin. Death came at 4:40 o'clock, al- most exactly 12 hours after the venerable president was shot. The body was taken immedi- ately to Elysee, the president's residence, from Beaujon hospital. M. Doumer was desperately wounded at a veterans' charity exhibition yesterday byaWhite' Russian fanatic. An official bulletin issued last night said that two bullets enter- ed the President's body. One crossed the region at the base of the skull and came out on a level with the other entered at the level of the armpit and came out behind the shoulder, causing a heavy hemorrhiage. h Oxygen Administered. Oxygen was b'eing administered late last hight to assist the Presi- dent's heart action. Loss .of blood from a severed artery under the arm was causing the doctors con- siderable concern, and three trans- fusions were made during the day. The old statesman, who had given four sons to France in the World War, was smiling a kindly greeting to the veterans he loved when two bullets from the assassin's pistol crashed into his slender body. M. Doumer crumpled to the floor. "Impossible!" he murmured. Crowd Seizes Assassin. There was an instant's pause, then those in the distinguished company nearest their President sprang into action. Claude Farrer, the noted author, dashed for the assassin and grab- bed the man as a bullet pierced his own arm. Paul Guichard, director of Paris police, closed in. He, too, got a bullet in the arm. Francois Pietri, minister of de- fense, lunged forward and knocked up the Russian's hand. A bullet crashed into a case of china near- by. A news photographer caught the assassin on the cheek with his camera. Then the police got him. But the officers were not a mo- ment too isoon. There were shouts of "Kill the assassin!" and many hands strove to tear the prisoner away from his captors. They mauled him badly before the police could get outside the building of the Rothschild Foundation, where the exhibition was held. Bares Hatred for France. They took the man to the district commissaire 's office and there sub- jected him to an intense grilling. "I am Dr. Paul Gorgulov," the assassin finally admitted, "and had my medical diploma from Prague. I am president of the National Fascist Party of Russia. I have always been against Bolshevism." But why shoot at the president; can't you explain?" pursued the commissioner. "France always helped Bolshe- vism; all Europe is against my mother country," was his reply. . . Fire in Mack School Causes Small Damage A fire in the manual-training room of the Mack school caused damage variouslyuestimated from $100 to $200 about 7 o'clock last night. The fire, attributed to spon- taneous combustion, started in the naint and varnish room in the base- PRESIDENT PAUL DOUMER BAND9 GLEE CLUBS WILL GIVECONCER-T Trio, Quartet, and Soos Will Feature Combined Recital. The Varsity band and the Varsity and Women's Glee clubs will pre- sent a combined concert as one of the features of the Homecoming program at 8 o'clock tonight in Hill auditorium. The band will be under the direc- tion of Leonard Falcone, the band- master at Michigan State College, and brother of Nicholas D. Falcone, Michigan bandmaster, for whom he will substitute. The band will play Schubert's overture "Rosamunde" and three movements from the famous "Caucasian Sketches" of' Ippolitow-Iwanow. Among the selections of the Var- sity glee club, singing under the direction of(Prof. David E. Mattern, will be Mendelssohn's "On Wings of Song," Bullard's "The Sword of Ferrara," Franz's "Dedication," and, several Michigan songs. By popular request the glee club will repeat I two numbers from DeKoven's opera, "Robin Hood." These selections will be the well-known "Brown October Ale," sung as a solo by Herman Skoog, Spec. Mu., and the "Tinker's Song." Other soloists will be George Brown, '33L, DavidCannon, Grad., and Gayle Chaffin, '32, president of the club. The Women's glee club will sing "Nocturne," by Browne, Harris's "Invocation to St. Cecelia," and a folk-song entitled "Wake Thee Now, Dearest," all under the direction of Miss Nora C. Hunt. In concluding the -program, the# three organizations will unite for1 "Varsity" march, "The Victors" march, and "The Yellow and the Blue." HOUSE COMMITTEE, ENDS BO0NUS BILL Senate Finance Group Confers With Secretary Mills on Revenue Measure. WASHINGTON, May 6. - (iP) - A speciai meeting of the Ways and Means Committee to review action taken today in voting adverse re-- ports on the Bonus Bill was calledE REEVES IEWS MAY CALL HAT INTERNATIONALTOLINDBER LAW PROBLEMS CASEEFFORTS' Russel Lecturer Says Monday Thought to Be Meetings Attempt Deadline for Work Too Much. in Virginia. AYRES IS HONORED NO DEVELOPMENTS I Codification Attempts Means Asked $35,000 at Hague Court More, Attorney Surveyed, Reveals. (See Page 2, Column 1) NORFOLK, Va.., May 6.-()- With a change in the technique With one of the Norfok intermedi- of conducting international confer- aries admitting the possibility that ences on the codification of inter- a deadline has been set, John national law accomplished, tangible Hughes Curtis was believed tonight results from future meetings may to be pressing with redoubled ef- be expected, according to Professor forts toward the conclusion of his Jesse S. Reeves, who yesterday de- work as the principal negotiator in livered the annual Henry Russel the Lindbergh kidnapping case. award lecture. His topic was "The The Very. Rev. H. Dobson-Pea-I Codification of International Law." cock, associated as an intermediary At the lecture, Prof. William L. with Curtis and Rear Admiral Guy. Ayres, of the mathematics depart- H. Burrage, retired said, "It mayl ment, was announced as the winner be so," when asked if Monday o of the Russel award for this year. some near day has been decided Developing the history of inter- upon as a final date for continuing national law and attempts at its efforts through negotiation for the codification, Professor Re e v e s recovery of the famous baby. The f pointed out that at the last Hague clergyman added, however, that he conference for this purpose, held did not know if such an arrange- in 1930, the topics selected for con- Wmit adMeeim and his asso- sideration were three of the most ciates aboard the yacht Maroon en- controversial subjects in interna- gaged today upon another cruise tional law: nationality, territorial out to sea in connection withtheir waters, and responsibility of states negotiations, the Ledger-Dispatch for damages done to aliens in their said it had learned that next Men- territory, day has been set as the deadline Too Many Subjects. for the consummation of the Nor- "Fewer subjects should be con- folk negotiations unless some new sidered," stated Professor Reeves. evelopment comes. "In the choice of topics, the ones The paper said notice to that ef- that states wish discussed the most betweens" for transmission to the are the most controversial. If they principals in the kidnapping. The are not controversial, the topic is alternative, the paper added, will apt to be insignificant. We have be to throw the full police power of then the mddle ground for progress, the federal government and the not too controversial and yet not various states into the brach. too insignificant." Following the Hague conference search Warrant Is issued of 1930, when Professor Reeves rep- resented the American government, WASHINGTON, May 6.-(iP)--Al- the necessary change in technique bert Fox, attorney for Mrs. Edward was made by the League of Na- McLean, said tAday that Gaston B. tions, but from now on the initia- B. Means had sought an additional tive for calling a conference will $35,000 from her in addition to the rest with individual states, he said. $100,000 already given him to ob- The work of preparation goes on tain the kidnapped Lindbergh baby, nevertheless. but she refused to give it to him. Fox said Means told her that the Worked Six -ears. kidnaper with whom he was deal- A commission worked six years ing had $49,000 of marked money in preparing for the 1930 meeting. obtained from Lindbergh and the The Harvard research for interna- $35,000 would be sufficient to bring tional law in this country has just the baby to her at El Paso, Tex., published draft conventions on four where she was at the time. He was topics which will be ready for the said to have suggested that she next conference, he stated, while pawn her jewelry. similar work is being done in Eu- Fox said she was already becom- ingdubious about the Means deal r ope; and consulted her attorneys. "For the past 60 years," Professor A search warrant was issued at Reeves concluded, "the work on Rokville, Md., for Means shomc, codification has been going on. The and Department of Justice agents tangible results are perhaps negli- left immediately to hunt the $100,- gible. But the feeling is still that 000 received from Mrs. McLean. premising a legal order in the world, --- --- - - that legal order best maintained by clear, careful statement of law. REDNER FULFILLS The technique is extremely difficultI Those working on the problem are WAGER IN B.V.D.'S taking part in a world problem,-- but none expect to reach the goal Lawyer Successfully R u ns s yet"~Martha Cook Gauntlet. Promenading Freshman Weather very rainy; track fast- H eld Up on Long Walk kthe weather report from the race ~!~- ~ . course for the first annual Lawyers' SA blond bandit who tried to hold Club B.V.D. Run, which was won up Miss Marjorie Western, 35, as ; 1 ht k~ Tu to Fea ILLI1NITHINCLADS, Michigan Trackmen Given Edge in 'Only Home Meet of Season. By John S. Townsend Michigan and Illinois once again, renew their rivalry of the cinder paths when the Ilini encounter the Wolverine thinclads this afternoon on Ferry field in the only home ap- pearance of the Maize and Blue this season. The meet, which is one of the high spots of the spring home- coming programi is scheduled to start at 2:30. Today's meet will be more than just a renewal of rivalry between the two schools, it will also see TENNIS MEET CANCELED The tennis match scheduled between Michigan and Western State at Kalamazoo today has been called off because of the the state of the courts there, Franklin Cappon, the assistant athletic director, announced late last night. Charlie Hoyt, the Wolverine men- tor, and Harry Gill, the tutor of the Illini, matched against each other again. These two Big Ten- coaches are among the foremost master minds of the track game. In the matter of past perfor- mances Michigan holds a slight edge over the fighting Illini. Hoyt will endeavor to retain this narrow margin of supremacy while Gill will be striving to even up the past rec- ord between the two teams. At pre- sent Michigan holds eight wins over the Indians in outdoor competition while their rivals have captured seven. Both schools have always been represented by strong teams on the track and on the field, but this year the Illini do not boast toge strength of former years and the Wolverines have been handicapped by injur- ies and poor weather conditions. Harry Gill's men hold the advant- age of greater competition this spring as they have already com- peted in two meets, the Kansas and (Continued on Page 6.) WOLVES'BALGM POSTPONED BY RAIN' Frosh Yank Plow From Sophs, But Games End in Tie From the banks of the Huron river to the center of the campus a plow and harrow were dragged yesterday amid the shouts of sev- eral hundred freshmen. They were symbols of victory, first the property of the class of '34. But to the victors, 'tis said, belong the spoils, and so, on the end of a rope, the plow and harrow were dragged from the river's edge to the campus-prizes that were attached to the rope which the freshmen succeeded in wresting fron the sophomores in the free-for-all tug- of-war in the first of the spring games. But the freshmen didn't win. Neither did the sophomores. The games yesterday ended in a tie, 2 to 2. The class of '34 had won the first two50-man tug-of-war events, giving the second-year class two points. The final event, the free- for-all, gave the freshmen two. points. The freshmen were disqual- ified by the judges in the second event for having more than 50 men on the rope. The games were the best, both in spirit and in competition, that have been seen here in recent years. The climax came in the free-for-all, when the freshmen swept across the river and engaged the sopho- mores in a hand-to-hand battle. The fight started when the fresh- men, unable to pull the sophomores in the river after hauling in some 40 or 50 feet of rope, started across to the opposite side to learn the reason why the sophomores would- n't budge. They soon learned the cause. On the end of the rope was a plow and a harrow, the plow deep in the ground and logs blocking the way. Ten minutes later, the plow and harrow were dragged across thea river, up to the road at the bridge, down the road to State street, and then to the campus. This morning the games will be resumed. Four events are sched- uled for 10. o'clock at South Ferry, field-an obstacle race, cane spree, hog tying contest, and pillow fight. The flag pole rush this year has been eliminated. . ARE TO, SPEAK Will Hold Exercises at Sleepy Hollow at '8 o'Clock. Hundreds of returning alumni were guests of the University and Ann Arbor yesterday during the first day of the second annual Spring Homecoming. Although they were unable to witness the traditional Cap Night ceremony, postponed because of storms, plans have been made to hold the sam'e program for their entertain- ment tonight. The exercises will begin at 8 o'clock in Sleepy Hollow. The same speakers who were to talk last night have been secured. Edward Kuhn, '32, recording secreIry of the Union, will be the toastmaster, and Edward J. McCormick, '32, president of the Student Council, Kenneth M. Stevens, 116L, promi- nent Detroit attorney, and Fielding H. Yost will'be the speakers. Coach Yost will also award "M' blankets to men who have made at least two varsity letters during their college career. Worley To Talk. Besides Cap Night, the main events on the program today are: the dual track meet between Mich- igan and Illinois, which will be held at 2 o'clock on Ferry field, an ad- dress at 2 o'clock in Natural Science auditorium by Prof. John S. Worley, of the engineering department, on the "Antiquity of New Things," Michigan national intercollegiate championship swimming team, who will present a unique water carnival at 4 o'clock in the Intramural pool, and the annual Union fathers' and sons' banquet will be held at 6:15 o'clock in the main assembly room. Speakers at the banquet- will be President Alexander G. Ruthven, Regent R. Perry Shorts, of Grand Rapids, and Justice Louis Fead, of the State Supreme court. Other events today are a moth- crs' and daughters' banquet whihh will be held at 1 o'clock in the League, a women's bridge tea spon- sored by Wyvern and Mortarboard to be held at 2 o'clock in the Lea- gue, and a concert by the Varsity band, the Men's Glee club, and the Women's Glee club, which will'be held at 8:30 o'clock in Hill auditor- lum. To Hold Open Houses. Throughout the day, the engi- necung school open house, the ex- hibit at ~ iie University museum, the art dis:bo at Alumni Memorial hall, and the inspection trips through Michigan's athletic plant and $175,000 Press building, will continue. Tomorrow there will be specially conducted tours of the University at 1 and 3 o'clock, the William Clements library will continue to be open for inspection, and President R~uthven and Mrs. Ruthven will be at home to visitors between 3 and 5 o'clock. Pollock Writes Book on European Politics "Money and Politics Abroad" is the title of a book written by Prof. James K. Pollock, of the political science department, recently pub- lished by the Alfred A. Knopf com- pany. In it Professor Pollock sets forth abundant evidence that much larger sums of money are raised and spent in European political eamnaion th n. t-nrwmh, ivnm1 Cap Night Is Postponed to Today; Meet, Banquet ture Homecoming Pitchers Star as Gophers and Hoosiers Win Games With First Inning Sprees. IOWA CITY, Ia., May 6.-(IP)-- The Big Ten baseball game between Michigan and Iowa here was called off today because of rain. EVANSTON, Ill., MayN .--(P)-- Wilf red Mattson, held Northwest- ern to four hits today as Minnesota defeated the Wildcats, 5 to 2, in a Slater Loses Fight to Cleveland Boxer (Special to The Daily) NEW YORK, May 6. - Jack Slater, University of Michigan heavyweight, was eliminated in the semifinal round of the Na- tional A.A.U. boxing champion- ships tonight. George Schultz, of Cleveland, to whom Slater lost the decision, was defeated by Jack Beery, 20-year-old Los An- geles high school boy, in the finals. i Western conference baseball game. The Gophers bunched their hits ciff Lefty Harris in the firsit and sixth innings to win their second game in three starts. It was North- 'xnln-l rl ~^ --f- tonight by Acting Chairman Crisp.I Crisp called the Committee at' the request of Rep. Patman, Texas Democrat, who urged reconsidera- tion of the Committee procedure in voting to make unfavorable reports to the House on the new money bonus bills. This procedure would delay the opportunity for bonus advocates to force a House vote through a dis- charge petition. Patman wants the Committee simply to reject the bills so that he can file a petition and force a House vote by May 23. Unless the Committee changes its actions or Congress meets after t1, nnrixnr nr h n : F f 11 - she walked along Oxford Rd., be- tween Hill and Washtenaw Ave. late last night was frustrated in his at- tempt when the girl screamed and frightened him away. The would-be holdup man drove up in a car, followed Miss Western for a few steps, and clapped his' hand over her mouth, but she freed- herself by biting him. Johnson Eliminated in Forensic Contest CLEVELAND, May 6.-(/P)-Jay Stillwell of Northwestern uni- last n ght by tuartt a. dner, westerns fourtda U e e a t in ive '33L, amid the cheers of members games. of the club and of Martha Cook Score by innings: dormitory.Minnesota . .. 300 002 000- 5 7 1 dormitory Nothwestern 000 000 101- 2 4 2 The event was instigated by a Mattson and Hannon; Harris and $1.29 bet made with Redner by aIPotter. 200 PISCOPALIANi BOYS MEET TODA9Yi Third Annual Older Boys' MeetI ing to Open at St. Andrews Parish This Morning. Beginning at 9 o'clock this morn- ing, more than 200 young men of the Episcopal diocese of Michigan, attending the third annual older boys convention, will convene in St. Andrew's parish where, at that time, devotions will open the sec- ond day of the three-day conven- tion. On the program this morning is a speech to be delivered at 9:15 by Rev. H. H. Lumpkin, rector of Grace church, Madison, Wis., on "Areas of Conflict in the Life of Youth 1; number of his confreres in the Lawyers' club. Redner will be re- membered as the gentleman who recently achieved nation-wide not- oriety when he made a remark to Gov. Wilber M. Brucker which proved, according to Redner, that busy executives pay no attention to remarks made casually to them. nn +s o --r tha ctnkPCfn. BLOOMINGTON, Ind., May 6.- UP)-Indiana evened its baseball series with Ohio State today, Cap- tain Wright besting Wrigley in a pitching duel, 5 to 4. Three iB and three walks off Wrigley in the first inning after two were down brought four runs.j The winning tally came in the sec-' r-i when , nni' ,zinc pi an t ip -