1T1A _3f MTL'CL 1 \/.IAN OAT{-T L.Y
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Lightino Effects and New Stage
Have been Presen
Leading Orchestras
in America.
Science is one of the greatest . Arrangements to Lend .Two more of the outstanding art- company,~and was a soloist at the Second Annual Homecomin
stimulants of the imagination, pde-NE ists which Choral Union has ob- Apolla club and the North Shore
Novelty to Event.T! Celebration.
alared Miss Marjorie Nioolson.hro-e rsttime tamed for the coming May Festival Festival. After an American tour C b_ .
fessor of English and academic This year for the first time the are Mina Hager, mezzo-soprano of with the Chicago Symphony Or- Mothers of students on campus
Dean of Smith College, in a lecture Freshman pageant will be given at the National Music League, and chestra, she visited Europe. She will be guests of honor at the see-
given here yesterday on "Science night, therefore the lighting effects Gitta Gradova, ditinguishcd plan- sang in London, and gave recitals -ond annual mothers and daughters
and the Poetic Imagination." are expected to add novelty to the ist- in Berlin, Paris, and Switzerland. 'luncheon to be held at 1 o'clock to-
c"From the baginnin the 17th n eet Besides her appearances with morrow in the League ballroom. All
century references to the stars nsiforeign orchestras, Miss Hager has students and returning alumnae are
moon, and other planets can be There will be two thousand watt by birth, obtained her first singing been soloist with the American also invited to attend the affair, of
found in nearly all literature and lamps at each side of the stage, ac- exprence as soloist in Mid-Western Symphony, in Seattle, New York which Enid Bush, '33, is in charge.
.35prose. This development may be cording to Maxine Maynard, '3churches.she gave recitals when Philharmonic, New York Symph- Prominent women who will be
directly traced to the invention of who is in charge of the lighting yvy young At the comletion of , , Hollywood Bowl Orchestra, and seated at the speakers' table include
the telescope at that time. Many effects. Although the colors for. .yuthc li othe Cleveland and Los Angeles Miss Alice C. Lloyd, Mrs. A. G.
books, especially written for woM- each dance have not yet been de- Symphony orchestras. Ruthven, Miss Ethel McCormick,
boos, espreci wre pforiwhd termined it has been decided that Sigma Eta Chi to Give Although Gitta Gradova was Mrs. Byrl Fox Bacher, Miss Jean-
en's comprehension, were published I colored slides will cover the power- .morn of Russian parentage, her ed- ette Perry, Dr. Margaret Bell, Miss
on astronomy during this periodlih t i .hts. These lights in addition Gr e.aS Feature of ucation and musical training have Ellen Stevenson and Mrs. Steven-
became the fad for 17th century
ladies to carry small microscopes to serving for decorative purposes Weekend been entirely American. She pre- son, Mrs. Grace Hollister, Mrs. W.
with them, will be used as block-outs, since - sented her first recital in New D. Henderson, Mrs. Crocker, Helen
"The discovery of the telescope," there will be no curtains. I York n 1923. She, too, has appear- DeWitt, '33, and Mrs. DeWitt, Path-
continued Miss Nicolson "gave the Two wings have been added to As one of ihe Events of Home ed with the leading orchestras of erine Heeson, '33, and Mrs. Heeson,
people a new persective which had the stage and is expected that this Coning c eek-end, the alumnae the United States, including the and Enid Bush, '33, and Mrs. Bush,
two different effects upon the 17th change together with the new light- anter of Beta of Sigma Eta Chi, Chicago Symphony, New York Phil- Another event for the mothers
E ryuponing effects will lend this years page- National Congregational sorority, harmonic, Los Angeles Symphony, will take place in the afternoon
discernable in the literature of the ant an atmosphere different from is giving its annual bridge party besides those of Baltimore, Toron- when they will be honored at a tea
times. One was the disillusionment any which has been obtained in at 2:00 o'clock, Saturday at the to,Ottawa, and the New York Bee- given jointly by Wyvern and Mor-
tie.Oewstepiilsomn revious years. home o Mrs. Whittnore Smith, thoven Orchestra arboard, honoraryscei,
caused by the reality of the imnts i
Mrs. Alexander Grant Ruthven
Mrs. Shurly Smith, Mrs. Mary E .1
Guffington, Miss Lois Failyer, Miss
Sarah Lutes, Miss Inez V. Bozorth,
Miss Isabel Dudley, and Madamoi-
selle Fournier will cha np.rn fnh p
VY 1pA e U t'' -- - - - - - - - - - -
formal spring supper dance to be mensity of space. The more char-
held Friday night. Spring flowers acteristic reaction was an exultant
will form the background for the optimism which came from the lib-
decorations. eration of the imagination."
Miss Nicolson traced these infiu-
Helen Newberry. ences in the sphere of lterature and
The residents of Helen Newberry compared the works of Shakespeare
will entertain their mothers with a with those of Milton, written 30
dinner Saturday evening. Sunday years later. Milton, she described
morning a special breakfast will be as a man of space, and Shakes-
given in their honor. A program peare, a man of time.
will be presented at that time. TheE
house will be decorated with springAD
flowers. Sarah Place is in charge WANT ADS PAY!
of the entertainment.
Athena Will Select
Officers Next Week
At the meeting of Athena, wo-
men's speech society, held Tuesday
night a committee was appointed
to nominate the officers for next
year. Carol Hart, grad., Sylvia Mil-
ler, '34, and Marion Watrous, '33,
will act on this committee.
1UU JUOakandc.
This affair is for the benefit of
the active chapter, and gentlemen
are invited as well as returning
alumnae and visiting mothers who
will be especially welcome. Persons
may come singly or in groups of
Mrs. Smith, a patroness of the
sorority, will be assisted by Miss
Avis Brown and Miss Dorothy
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