FOUR ' THE MICHIGAN DA IL"Y . FRIDAY. MAY 6. 192 - - - . _. . s: xa .es+sr r. i .. :.l a:l A Published every morning except Monday during the University dear by the Board in Contro' of Student Publications.I Member of the Western Conference Editorial Association. j The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for re- publication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this paper and the local news published herein. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as secondI class matter. Special rate of postage granted by Third Assistant Postmaster General. Subscription by carrier, $4.00; by mail, $4.50 Offices: Ann Arbor Press Building, Maynard Street, Ann Arbor, Michigan. Phones: Editorial, 4925; Business, 21214. EDITORIAL STAFF Telephone 4925 MANAGING EDITOR RICHARD L. TOBIN News Editor....................................David M. Nichol Cty Editor ...................................... . Carl Forsythe -ditoria--Director....- ........... Beach Cong er, Jr. Sports Editor............................... Sheldon C. Fullerton Women's Editor ...........................Margaret M. Thompson Assistant News Editor ..........................Robert L. Pierce Joan Bennett we are forced to say that "The Careless Lady" is little better than average. J.S.M- I pm I i7DRTORRAL COMMEN ii- STUDENT GOVERNMENT (The Daily Illini) Students are constantly reminded by their fellows and by their elders that they do not need govern-I ment, have few problems worthy of their serious consideration, and are in a deep coma. The criti- cisms are not without basis, for students have not shown themselves politically minded even in the management of their own affairs. Two factors, however, figure prominently in this dearth of interest, and if they were removed, student j participation in the management of their affairs NOTICE! All Crew Members, Supervisors, Team Capains and Student sub- scription saJ speople who wish to avail themselves of the opportunity or free scholarship's made possible through the courtesy of the National Magazine Publisher's again this year. are requested to apply to the national a organizer M. Anthony, Steele, Jr., Box 244, San Juan, Porto Rica, state- g quaificationsBlly. F MARKET 223 N. Main Phone 4208 !rank B. Gilbreth Roland A. Karl; NIGHT EDITORS J. Cullen Kennedy James Goodman Jerry E. Rosenthal Seiffert George A. Stauter InglisI would probably increase. First, little or no publicity Brian W. Jones Stanley W. Arnheim Donald F. Blankertz Edward C. Campbell Thomas Connellan Robert S. Deutsch Fred A. Huber Sports Assistants John W. Thomas REPORTERS Harold F. Klute 1 on S. Marshall Roland Martin lenry eyer Albert 11. Newman T;. Terome Pettit Prudence Foster Aice G;ilbe-t tarances Manchester I'lizabeth Mann Charles A. Sanford John W. Pritchard Joseph JRenitian C. hart Schaaf Brackley Shaw Parker Snyder Glenn R. Winters Margaret O'Bries Beverly Stark Alma \Wadsworth Josephine Woodhams Miriam Carver Beatrice Collins Louise Crandall Elsie Feldman has been given to the actual mechanics and processes of student government. Nearly all students are ignor- ant of the procedure of their campus elections and, of course, manifest not the slightest interest in the' results. Campus political parties have never ac- tempted to issue anything more than the sketchiest policy. They have been too afraid that they mightj compromise themselves. Secondly, the student legislative body-the student council-has a membership which is not truly repre- sentative. While members of the student council have proved themselves willing and capable of hand-' ling student affairs, they have not had much to do because they were not in close touch with student problems other than those which appeared in their NIad DAMJA Warm Weather Suggestions Potato Salad Homemade ready-to-serve meats. ,:y « iie I , BUSINESS STAFF Telephone 21214 CHARLES T. KLINE......................Business Managei NORRIS P. JOHNSON ...................."Assistant Managet Department Managers Advertising......................................Vernon Bishop Advertising Contracts............................Harry R. Begley Advertising Service.............................Byron C. Vedder Publications.................................. William T. Browr Accounts...s...............................Richard Stratemeit Women's .Business Manager ...................... Ann W. Vernor4 Orvil Aronson Gilbert E. Bursley Allen Clark Robert Finn Dlonna Becker Mlaxine Fischgrund Ann Gallmeyer Katherine Jackson Dorothy Laylin Assistants Arthur F. Kohn Sernard Schacke Grafton W. Sharp Virginia McComb Caroline Mosher Helen Olson Ilelen Schmude May 'Seeiried Donald A. Johnson, II Dean Turner Don Lyon Bernard H. Good I en Spencer Kathryn Spencer Kathryn Stork Clare Uneger M~lary Elizabeth Watts NIGHT EDITOR-FRANK B. GILBRETH FRIDAY, MAY 6, 1932 Capone cnd ' Chicago A L CAPONE has gone to prison. In refusing to review his case, the Supreme court has put an end, temporarily it is sure, and permanently it is hoped, to the career of the most colorful crrn- inal America has known since the days of Jesse James. But in order that this highly gratifying result may be perpetuated it will be necessary for the city of Chicago to adopt a drastically different'; attitude toward law enforcement than she has held in the past. It is a matter of everlasting disgrace to Chicago that she allowed herself to become so involved in foul leaguery with a power which could never be aught but her enemy that outside fortes had to come in to break the spell. It is fortunate that the federal authorities proved them- selves equal to the occasion; but the very fact that their conviction was secured on the technicality of an income-tax evasion--the only score on which they could touch him-while thousands of out- rages to good government and law and order and decency from the-same source remain unpunished because Chicago's self-tied hands cannot be lifted, is irony of the grimmest sort. The closing of Atlanta's doors upon Capone will not end the problem. As long as there are laws there will be criminals, and as long as there are laws which are profitable to violate there will be organized violation of them. Utopian condi- tions are unattainable in our society. Even the blase and similarly-contaminated neighbors, how- ever, have been shocked by the Faust-like abandon with which Chicago sold herself to the devil. It is hard to assemble a greater list of political racket- eers and infamous characters than the names which have figured most prominently in Chicago politics during the past five years. If Chicago will rid herself of the octopus which is now entwined throughout her commercial and civic body she must resolutely expel every office- holder in league with the underworld, establish a non-partisan police force which shall have for its objective the suppression.of crime rather than the serving of political interests, and prove to crim- inals and citizens alike that she intends to be master of the situation from now on. If not, Al Capone m:ght well have been left free, for he had a few good points which his successor might lack. SCREEN ]EWLECONS AT THE MICHIGAN If you have any kind of a memory at all you will recall a picture of a month ago called "Lady With a Past" in which Constance Bennett is an innocent sweet young thing who goes to Paris to acquire a spicy reputation in order to impress the boys back home. For no good reason at all the Michigan Thea- tre has imported a new picture for Wednesday instead of Thursday, and for no good reason at all the pic- ture is entitled "The Careless Lady." It might be called anything from "One Hour With You" to "Lovers Courageous," with equal appropriateness. Strangely enough, Joan Bennett, who features in the THE SPANISH PLAYS A Review by Prof. Nelson W. Eddy The enthusiastic reception accorded two Spanish one-act plays presented in Mimes Theatre the eve- ning of May 3, is distinctly an encouragement for the presentation of similar plays in that language in, years to come. Spanish societies desiring to produce plays are particularly fortunate in having such sure- fire contemporary dramatists as Martinez Sierra and the Quintero brothers to draw upon. The former is best known in this country through the New York production of Cradle Song a few years ago, and its inclusion, in English translation, by Burns Mantle in his annual selection of the ten best plays of the current Broadway season. The Quintero brothers are less famous on this side of the ocean, although in the recent past Otis Skinner went on tour in a play of theirs, Papa Juan, and a couple of their plays have been given a performance by Eva LeGallienne The present Quintero play, Sin Palabras, is typ- ically buoyant and mellow. Alfred Gold, '34, as the romantic lover of facile tongue and quick wit, assured the success of the play from the moment of his first appearance. Prior to his arrival, things had been wabbling unsteadily, due largely to poor manip- ulation of the part of Don Jesus. The latter is created. as an old doddering family servant, blundering, un- imaginative, habitually a half block behind the procession of which he is nominally a figure. The role is one which the Quintero brothers are past masters in creating, and the gaucheries of such inept zanies account for a great part of the high popularity of the' playwrights in their own country. The rich juices of humor which are implicit in every line of the part fizzed into nothingness, instead of seasoning the play with that quaint drollery which is part and oarcel of the Quintero armamentarium, because the actor spoke his lines with machine-gun rapidity, instead of with the baffled, wondering, plodding slowness which is obviously intended. The part was fundamentaly mistimed and misinterpreted, and :onstituted the only serious blemish of an otherwise enjoyable occasion. The housekeeper was vividly played by Muriel Easley, '32. Vivien Caplin, '32, the heroine, looked the part of a Spanish senorita, and acted with great animation and an evident liking for the part. Nervousness was no doubt responsible for a certain tenseness, and for frequent lapses in the handling of the Spanish language due to an attempt at a rapidity clearly beyond the speaker's powers. By far her best work was in the scene con- ducted in pantomime, in which the actress was for the nonce miming the part of one bereft of speech. The Martinez Sierra play, Rosiina es Fragil, car- ried across to the audience in excellent sty;. The brunt of the burden was carried on the slim should ers of Marion Schmidt, '33, as Rosna, whose perfect memorization of the foreign-language script and Expressive reading of her lines kept the play together and in motion at all times. Alfred Gold was again a pillar of strength in a part very similar to the one he took in the first play. Hi excellent poise pleasing stage presence and authentic Spanish pro- nunciation, gave stability to both of the plays. The outstanding characterization of the evening wa offered by Louise Karpinski, grad., in the role of Rosina's mother. The easy, nonchalant easualness witt which she conveyed to the audience the exac weight of each element of her too-infrequent speeches, and her perfect comprehension of the overtones of her lines, made the part a joy to the ear. John Rishell, '33, supported her nicely in the part of the father. He had a fat comedy role, and would have been very funny even without the drooping mous- taches. Jane Robinson, '35, made five minutes pass rapidly in her one appearance, when she was out to do no good to the flirt who had stolen away her sweetheart. She received the heartiest and mos spontaneous round of applause of the evening for her spirited work. Incidentally, she is the first Spanish II student in the history of Spanish plays here, ever to be entrusted with any activity greater than man- aging a tray of beer-glasses, or donging a cowbell in the meadows off-stage. Frederick Smoot, '35, apeared MELODY IN FOOD Lke tones in music, there are tcnes in food, Dinner at Dear- born lnn is a symphony of flavor and good taste. It is pre- pared under the masterly direc- tion of a real New England chef. Harmony is also apparent in the Early American furnish- ings and the old-fashioned hos- pitality. Table d'hote dinners in the Early American Dining Room. Music by the Dearborn Inn Tria. A la carte service in the English Coffee Shop. Un- usual facilities for faculty din- ners and teas. 'Phone Dearborn 1810 for reservations. Ample parking space and garage. Opposite the Ford Airport Oakwood Boulevard Dearborn Michigan I I 11' l A pca . O 1 r B MAY "i a a fd F _,, r _' H t ', , A? , ;i irr r111i rn on HA Cose-fitting and brims Real Values Formerly priced at $5.00 and X6.50 French Berets and Softies. Large assort- mert of colors. c,9 OU'LL find the smartest dresses of the season included! And there's a thri l in every one of them . . . in the fabrics, colors, styles! Plenty of sports frocks, and frocks for afternoon and sum- iner nights! Printed crepes and sheers. III f i I - 117 SOUTH MAIN STREET SPECIALS Beautiful Picot Top CHIFFONS MESH and SERVICE A.P 'SO $1 cJr. /p4:2(;); J7111 Uzs1rEeydy Styles for Everybody! And this is easily, I C I . I