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May 06, 1932 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1932-05-06

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VOL. XLIL No. 155.



WEATHER: Rain, Thundershowers


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Visitors Will Attend Traditional Class Events;
New Press Building Open for Inspection;
Free Show to Follow Cap Night.
Michigan's second annual Spring H omecornin, inaugurated
last year to include events which had formerly been conducted
separately during the second and third weeks of May, will start
today when returning alumni arrive for the three-day program of
traditional ceremonies, exhibitions, banquets, and speeches which
have been arranged by the University and the people of Ann Arbor.
Special exhibits in the University museum, considered one of
the finest institutions of its type in the world, architectural showings,
Engineering Open House, displays by the physics department, art
exhibits, and inspection of the new Legal Research library will open
today's program and continue on
Ithr ough Sturdlay.
BU TTSTO g dhe new University Student 'ub-
1} t oi bui ildifg, costing $175,000
which will house all student publi-
ations, will be open for inspection
IN during .the first, two days of the
"M" Blankets to be Given.
Freshmen Will Begin Ceremony Annual Cap Night ceremonies will
at 8 o'Clock; Huge Crowd be held at 8 o'clock tonight in
expected to Attend. Sleepy Hollow, at which time first
year men will throw their "pots"
into the blazing fire and "M" men
Cap Night, the traditional event will be awarded blankets. A free
which marks the graduation of the show for all students at both the
freshman class into the ranks of Michigan and Majestic theatres
sophomores, will be'held at 8 o'clock will follow the addresses of athletic
'night in sleepy~Holldw"when the coaches at the traditional field. The
first year men, 800 strong, snak- Varsity band, as in past years, will
dance about a huge bonfire and be present at the ceremonies.
throw their "pots" into the blaze. Angell hall observatory will be
Special arrangements have been open during the evening, where
made to take care of the unusually visitors may view the astronomical
large crowd of students, townspeo- equipment under the direction of
ple, and returning alumni which members of the department. Special
is expected to attend the ceremon- dances at the League and Union
ies and amplifiers will be installed 'will be featured both nights with
so that all may hear the speeches. the Union presenting its May Frolic
Edward Kuhn, '32, recording seC- balloon dance from 9 to 1 tonight.
retary of the Union will act as mas- Reeves Will Lecture.
ter of ceremonies at the affair.,o
Talks will be given by Edward J. Other events on the opening day's
McCormick, '32, president of the prbfam include the Henry Russel
'Student Council, Kenneth M. Stev- *4:ur by Prof. Jesse S. Reeves at
'Stden pro uci KennDet h M.t ey-4:15 o'clock this afternoon in the
ens, prominent Detroit attorneyNtrlSineadoiu ad
and Fielding H. Yost, director of Natural Science auditorium and
andldingCcH.Yost, dwill also various exhibits in William Clem-
athletics. CoachkYostwmllwlo ents library which will be o'pen to
award "M" blankets to men who visitors from 2 to 5 o'clock.
have won at least two varsity let- Saturday's plans include, in addi-
treshen will senble at 7:3 lion to a continuation of the vari-
o'clock in front of the Union and ous exhibits by the several depart-
-'inments, a Homecoming luncheon for
Mother's at 1 o'clock at the League,
Members of the freshman and a bridge tea at 2 o'clock, and the
sophomore classes of all schools dual track meet with the Univer-
and colleges of the University will sity of Illinois, when the Michigan
gather this afternoon at the Huron team will defend its outdoor cham-
river for the first day's activities pionship track title. The Union's
of the annual spring games in a Father and Son banquet will be
renewal of the battle for underclass held at 6:15 tomorrow night.
supremacy. Worley to Speak.
Led by their respective bands, the An address by Professor John S.
two classes will parade to the scene Worley of the transportation en-
of battle. Freshmen under their co- gineering department, a swimming
captains Charles Shelly and George carnival, and a concert by the
Duffy will asemble promptly at 3 Varsity band and the Men's and
o'clock on the steps of the Union, Women's Glee Clubs will complete
while their rivals under the leader- Saturday's program.
ship of William McRoy will meet Appropriate Mother's Day serm-
at Waterman gymnasium. Univer- ons at Ann Arbor churches will
sity classes will be dismissed at that provide the center for Sunday's
time for all of the students par~ activities, at which time the seniors
ticipating in the traditional under- of the University will begin their
class struggle. spring activties with Cane Day.
Three tugs of war are scheduled President and Mrs. Alexander G.
for this afternoon, the first two of Ruthven will be at home to visitors
which will be between selected 50-during the afternoon.
man teams from each class.d
The games will be resumed to-
morrow morning at south Ferry NOTICE
field with the holding of the cane
sprees, the obstacle race, the pillow The Board in Control of Stu-
fights, and the hog-tieing contests. (ident Publications will hold its

Tokio Ball Player Offers Bat
to Player He Injured.
That Japanese courtesy and ori-
1ental ceremony do not cease to be
respected when the Rikkio univer-
sity baseball team takes the field
was shown Wednesday aftenoon
(when Michigan's varsity beat the
eastern visitors 13-9.
As Gene Braendle, '33, dove into
first base during the game, Yama-
shiro, the Japanese baseman, tried
Lo tag him with the ball and in the
ensuing mix-up Braendle's hand
was badly bruised. Spedtators saw
Yamashiro immediately apologize.
But they did not see him enter
the dressing room after the game.
He stood at the doorway lhat in
hand and asked for Gene Braendle.
When Gene appeared Yamashiro,
with appropriate ceremony, p re
sented him with a baseball bat,
manufactured in Tokio, which had
been broken during the game, as a
further symbol of his regret, that
he shared in the injury of the Mich-
igan player. Braendle, siuprised.
thanked him for the gi t.
The Tokio tean captain later pre-
seited the Varsitly with a lar ge pen-
Bitter Surprise Message Asks
limmrediate Prograni to
Balance Books.
WASHINGTON, May 5.-- (1)--In
a message burning with crticism of
the way Congress has handled the
t a x economy program, President
Hoover today demanded of the Sen-
ate and House a "definite and con-
clusive program for balancing the
The surprise message came in ther
midst of a hum of activity to find
new sources of revenue by taxes
and savings made necessary by brig
cuts in both of these programs by
the House, and brought immediate
assaults from Democratic leaders
and support from administration
While the message was being read
in both houses, the Senate finance
committee sought additional rev-
enue by boosting further the nor-f
mal income tax rates from the pre- 1
sent one and one-half to four per
cent on the first $4,000. A new sur-
tax schedule, beginning with one
per cent between $6,000 and $10-
000 and graduating up to a maxi-
mum of 55 per cent on incomes
over a million dollars also was ap-
proved. A one per cent sales tax
Swas rejected, 12 to .
Meanwhile, the House was pass-
ing the Hill bill providing for gov-
ernment operation of Muscle Shoals
if no acceptable privatelease is ob-
tained. The Senate turned down a
proposal by Senator Frazier R.,
N. D.) for a year's suspension of
military and naval construction.
This had ben offered as a substitute
for the Hale bill to authorize build-
ing the navy up to treaty allow-
a necs.
Fuzzy Dog on Lapel to Be Sign
of Well-Dressed Man.
The "dogs" will take possessifji
of Ann Arbor tomorrow, when the
Kings Daughters conduct their an-
nual drive to raise funds for the
hospital school of the University
Hospital by a tag sale. The tags
will be made in the form of dos

and will be sold on the campus as
well as throughout the city.
More than 8,000 of the tags have
been made for this campaign and
the organization is confident that
they will all be disposed of during
the course of the one-day sale.
The dogs are all hand made and
connsistof ria'id bodieand lc,(-e cov-

EX-JUstice Department Official
Accused of False Claims in
Lindbergh Baby Hunt.
HELD ON $100,000 BOND
Wife of Washington Publisher
Victimized in Attempt to
heal With Abductors.
WASHINGTON, May 5.-(P)--The
world-wide search for the kid-
napped Lindbergh baby was echoed
dramatically today in the arrest of
Gaston B. Means on a charge of
obtaining $100,000 on false repre-
sentations that he could obtain the
ch ild from his abductor-s.
Departinent of Justice ,)gnts
arrested the former Justice Depart-
nment investigator after a secret
inquiry into allegations hat he had
been paid the money by Mrs. Ed-
ward B. McLean, wife of the pub-
lisher of the Washington Post. Mrs.
McLean said through her attorney,
Albert W. Fox, that Col. Charles A.
Lindbergh, father of the kidnapped
child, knew of her activities, but
that they were kept secret, even
from her closest friends.
Tells of Weird Rendezvous.
The weird negotiations conducted
by Mrs. McLean, her attorney said,t
led her to Aiken, S.C., where she
net Means and a rough-looking in-
dividual armed with guns, ,who
represented himself to be one of
the kidnapping gang.
She was told, her attorney added,1
that it would be necessary for her+
to go to El Paso, Tex., as the baby1
was in Mexico.
Arriving there, Fox continued,'
she -was informed there had been a
hitch in the plans and that she1
would have to return to Washing-
ton and re-estaplish contact with]
the gang,
Attorneys Stop Plot.'
Later, after additional demandst
for money had been made and Mrs.
McLean was ready to pawn some
of her jewelry to raise aditional
funds, her attorneys learned of the
negotiations, Fox said, and put a
stop to them.'
A demand was made upon Means
to return the $100,000, Fox added,
and he was given until last Wed-
nesday to do so. Upon his failure,
attorneys for Mrs. McLean went to
the Department of Justice and told
the story, Fox said. Arraigned be-
fore a United States commissionerf
late today, Means, who served more1
than three years in the AtlantaE
Penitentiary for accepting a bribe
and for conspiracy to violate the1
National Prohibition Act, pleaded1
not guilty.;
Leo A. Rover, United States dis-
trict attorney asked $100,000 ail.I
Michigan Heavyweight Lays Low+
Both Foes in First Round
to Lead Tourney. ;
NEW YORK, May 5.-(P)-;
Jack Slater of Michigan knock-
ed out Earl Sather, of Minne-
apolis, in 55 seconds of the first
round. This advances him to
thefourth round.
NEW .YORK, May 5.- (P)-Jack

Slater, giant boxer from the Uni-
versity of Michigan, was the out-
standing heavyweight of the Na-
tional A.A.U. bouts today, taking.
the play completely from the high-
ly-touted Yale tackle, Jack Kilcul-
Slater hammered down Jack
Moran of Philadelphia, in a single
round to draw all the cheers of thek

Asociate d Pcn

I)uiliching raitis failed to wash out the annual May day demonstra-.
tion of New York communists. In contrast to similar parades of other
years there were no arrests and hardly any disorders. It was estimated
that 35,000 took part in the rally.
Lawyers Will Dance
in Novel Setting
The final word in picturesque T S NAS


and romantic settings for campus'
dances will be written tonight at
the lawyers' club spring party when
student couples will walk in the
Cook quadrangle and sit beneath
the gothic towers of the recently
completed legal research libraryI
between dances.!
"Buzz" Hoyt with his Toledo or-
chestra will furnish music for the
affair. Hoyt has just returned to
the United States after spendingl
most of the winter in Havana where
he led his band in a number of
dance and country club engage-
Prof. John Tracy, Prof. Edwin
Dickinson, Prof. Paul A. Liedy, and
Prof. John B. Waite have been in-
vited to attend, it was anounced by
Edward M. Welch, '32L, chairman
of the dance.
Jap Commander Says
Troops Will Evacuate
SHANGHAI, May 5. -- (AP) - The
Japanese high command announc-
ed tonight that evacuation of the
troops that fought the battle of
Shanghai already had been ordered
in accordance with the terms of a
formal armistice signed earlier in
the day by emissaries of Chinese
and Japanese governments.
The signing of the truce was a
most unusual procedure. It was
necessary to carry the document to
two sickbeds.
Comedy Club Elects

No Naval Disciplina'ry Action to
Be Taken Against Slayer,
Secretary Adams Says.
WASHINGTON, May 5. -- (A) --
Obviously intent upon concluding
the Fortescue-Massie slaying case,
Secretary Adams today said no
disciplinary action would be taken
against the Naval men involved.
Lieut. Thomas H..Massie was order-
ed to duty in San Francisco.
Plans in Congress to give legis-
lative relief to the four persons
convicted of slaying an Hawaiian
accused of attacking Massie's wife
meanwhile were allowed to rest.
Hawaii Slayers to Leave
Islands Forever Sunday
HONOLULU, May 5. -- (U") --The
living victim of Hawaii's most
famous episode of crime, Mrs.
Thalia Massie, and the four persons:
who took a life to avenge her honor
prepared today to leave the Islands
And while they made ready to
say "Aloha," Clarence Darrow, aged
attorney for Mrs. Granville Fortes-
cue and three Navy men, convicted
of manslaughter in the killing of
Joseph Kahahawai, pleaded with
Gov. Lawrence M. Judd for a full
pardon for the quartet. All were
given commutations yesterday after
serving one hour of their 10-year

Interfraternity G r o u p
Must Pass Bill
Twice More,
Council Members Sure
That Senate Will
Pass Measure.
by Carl S. Forsythe
The "Back to First Semester
Pledging" plan as presented last
night to 60 campus fraternities by'
a special committee headed by
Charles T. Kline, '32, business
manager of The Daily, was ac-
cepted with enthusiasm by the
Interfraternity Council group di-
rectly after a short discussion of
the proposed system, its merits,
and the general situation existing
within the Greek orders. The pro-
posal will have to be passed two
times more by the body before
it will be sent to the administra-
One hour following the presenta-
tion, the new system was approved
by all houses present, and the com-
mittee was instructed by Council
members to seek alumni aid and
guidance in getting the plan before
the Senate Committee on Student
Affairs, the body which must ap-
prove the system before It can
become effective for the rushing
period next fall.
Members of the Council were
certain last night that the plan
would meet with the approval of
the Senate committee since all of
the houses have agreed that the
proposed system would alleviate the
evils of the old, and at the same
time include the commendable fea-
tures of the existing plan.
The proposed plan, a modification
of the existing system, includes the
following by-laws and regulations:
1. Freshmen are not to be rushed
during Orientation week. No rush-
ing shall take place until after 12
o'clock noon on the Saturday at
the end of the week in the first
2. Rushing will begin at that time,
and may continue through Thurs
lay of the second week following.
3. Pledging~ will be done through
I the dean's office at the end of the
two weeks. Initiations can be held
in February.
4. Rushing engagements may be
held any time during the day until
3:30 p. in. No rushing shall take
place after this time excepting
phone calls for the purpose-of mak-
ing dates.
5. No binding promises regarding
f ledging shall be entered into -
bween the fraternity and rushee
during the rushing period.
6. The period from 8:30 p. m. of
Thursday of the second week of
(Continued on Page 2) -
Bishop Hampton Will
Give Talk Here Today
"Psycho-analysis" will be the sub
ject of the address to be made by
Bishop Charles F. Hampton of the
Liberal Catholic Churchat 4:15 to-
day in room D of alumni memoral

At 8 o'clock in the evening,
Bishop Hampton will speak at the
Union on the subject, "Health and
Spiritual Life." The programs are
sponsored by the Student Theosop-
hical Club, and are open to the pub-
Dr. Carr to Addres

Fettes as President Mrs. Masse said that her hus-
h dr L~if "ht hn H- M\s~i hor

Howard L. Fettes, '33, of Detroit,
will head Comedy club as president
during the coming school year as a
result of elections held yesterday
afternoon at a meeting of the or-
ganization in the league.
Other officers chosen were: Mary
L. Pray, '34, vice-president, Ann
Vernor, '33, secretary, and James
Raymond, '33, treasurer.

oana , ieu llOmas . wassie, !ery
mother, Mrs. Granville Fortescue,
and the two Naval men involved in
the slaying, would sail for Sant
Francisco Sunday.
The young victim of the brutal
attack which led to the killing of
Joseph Kahahawai, thus indicated
that she would not remain here to
appear once more against the four
remaining men still facing trial.

Two points will be awarded for
each of the first three events, while
threce points will be given to tOw
class winning the last ei("nt.
march in a body to the lHollow car-
ring a huge "pot" which they have
constiucted. Throughout the week
they have been working gathering
wood for the bonfire. As wood is
particularly scarce this year, sopho-
mores were urged last night by
Louis Colombo, '33, in charge of Cap
Nifl-._ nnolto buretthe wood bforcI

meeting for appointment of the
managing editor and business
i mager of The Michigan Daily,
tHe Miehiganensian, and the
Ga rgoyle the week of May 15,
Each applicant for a position
is requested to file seven copies
of his letter of application at
the board office in the Press
building not later than May 12
for the use of the members of
the board. Carbon copies, if leg-
ible, will be satisfactory. Each


NEW YORK, May 5.-P(AI)--Serious
consideration is being given to the
possibility of offering John M. Gar-
ner the Democratic vice presiden-
tial nomination and lining up Gar-
ner's Presidential support behind
Franklin D. Roosevelt, it was learn-
ed tonight in the Roosevelt camp.
I Garner's vietorv in the three-cor-

No oventures have been made,
however, to Garner as yet, it was
The possibility of the Roosevelt-
Garner combine was mentioned in
"Washington by Sen. James Hamil-
ton Lewis, favoritte son in Illinois,
which has 58 convention votes.
James A. Farley, field marshal of
the Roosevelt forces. said nthinm-

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