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May 05, 1932 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1932-05-05

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Wolverines Use Four Pitchers;
Eight Errors Marked Up
to Each Team.



Opens Graduation



Warns Against Danger
o 'Pollyanna

Led by the Varsity band, seniors
in every school and college of the
University, nearly 1,000 strong, pa-
raded yesterday in the a n n u a 1
Swingout procession. The ceremon-
ies, which began at 3:30 o'clock
when the seniors assembled in the
center of the diagonal and march-
ed completely around the campus
to Hill auditorium, inaugurated the
exercises of the classes.'
Following the band as the en-
tourage proceeded northwest on the
diagonal, south on State street, east
on South University avenue, north
on East University avenue, and west
on North University, marched the
Literary college Honor Guard, head-
ed by. President David M. Nichol
and' Richard L. Tobin, swingout
Ruthven Gives Address.
At Hill auditorium, where the
classes assembled in formal meet-
ing, President Ruthven presented
the address, introduced by Tobin.
Picturesque in their caps and gowns,
which they were wearing for the
first time the seniors filed into the
auditorium, where the main Pfoor
was reserved for, them. Visitors
were confined torthe balconies.
President Ruthven's a d d r e s s,
though i n f or m.al in character,
charged the 1932 classmen with
their responsibilities in dealing with
life. "I will not" he said, "if I can
help it, have the members of the
graduating Mlasses go out from here
with Pollyanna nonsense and many
platitudes ringing in their ears."
The keynote of the president's
speech was a warning against "the
demoralizing effects of a human
tendency to fear the unknown." In
this connection he said:
"Too many people are afraid of
real living, either or both because
they are anxious to avoid pain and
discomfort, or because they worry
about the hostages which they give
to fortune."
Compares Life to Factory.
Comparing life with a huge fac-
tory, he indicated that the danger
of fear is that in dodging about
"among the belts and wheels of the
social machine," people not infre-
quently shy away from clanking
presses and griding cogwheels in-
to serious consequences with "a
buzz saw."
"An attitude of fear is neither
a noble nor a safe one," he said,
"and above all it is an inexcusable
one for you,"
While not denying that life pre-
sents dangers to be encountered,
President Ruthven described fear,
like carelessness, as "both senseless
and dangerous."
In his closing remarks he declar-
ed "All this means simply that you
are to work with happiness, for for-
tunately for us 'the great high-road
of human welfare and happiness
lies along the highway of steadfast
well-doing and those who are the
most persistent and work in the
truest spirit will inevitably be the
most successful.'"
The Board in Control of Stu-
dent Publications will hold its
meeting for appointment of the
managing editor and business
manager of The Michigan Daily,
the Michiganensian, and the
Gargoyle the week of May 15,
Each applicant for a position
is requested to file seven copies
of his, letter of application at
the board office in the Press
building not later than May 12
for the use of the members of
the board. Carbon copies, if leg-
ible, will be satisfactory. Each
letter should state the facts as
to the applicant's experience
upon the publication or else-
where. so far as they may have

Menefee Credited With Victory;
Both Teams Score Five
Runs in Second.
By John Townsend.
1Ferry field was the scene of the
season's first international diamond
classic yesterday afternoon, which
turned out to be more of a field
day than a ball game, with Michi-
gan collecting 13 runs to 9 for St.
Paul of Tokio. The Wolverines
nicked the Tokio pitcher for 13 hits
and two passes, while St. Paul
knocked four Michigan twirlers for
five safeties and received 11 bases
on balls. Each team was charged
with eight errors.
The fun began in the first half
of the second inning, with Travers,
who started in the box for the
Wolves, walking the first two men
up, then Tsuji beat out an infield
hit filling the bases. Hatanka then
walked forcing in Niura. At this
point Ken Manuel relieved Harry
Travers on the mound. Uchida flied
out to Petoskey who threw to the
plate in an attempt to get Momose
coming in from third, but Diffley
missed the throw and the runner
St. Paul Scores Two Runs.
The next man up, Sekiguchi,
singled to left, scoring two runners.
Manuel walked' the next man, ad-
vancing Sekiguchi to second. Kuni-
tomo sacrificed to Wistert, who tos-
sed to Manuel at first for the pu
out. Wistert messed up Yamashiro's
grounder and Sekiguchi scored. Ni-
ura ended this five-run frame by
flying out to Artz.

Members of the graduating classes in all schools and colleges of the University yesterday took part in
the traditional swingout exercises, the first of the 1o mnmencement functions of the senior classes. Here's
a group snapped as the procession started down the diagonal amid the gaze of undergraduates. The
pharmacology building may be seen in the background.
1 Food, Clothes Drive S|MT XII A
for Stricken Miners
toBe Opened Today
A campus-wide drive to get a pair . . -

Co-Ed Leads Attack
on Engineering Arch
It took a co-ed to lead the senior
law class through a gauntlet of
senior engineers at the engineering
arch yesterday afternoon in the
traditional swing-out fight between
members of the two classes.
The girl was Florence N. Clement.
She broke from the ranks of the
procession as it reached the corner
of the arch and, followed by Earl
L. Meixner, Henry Ford, jr., Leo T.
Norville, and other members of her
class, scattered a group of engineers
stationed at the arch, the latter
numbering among its clan Harvey
Bauss, '33E, a boxer, and Carl Dou-
govito, the captain of the 193 1-32
wrestling team.
Senior engineers were vehement
in their denials last night that
more than a handful of the would-
be lawyers had broken through
their ranks.
Miss Clement, a member of the
Law Review board, won the title of
"Miss Kalamazoo" in a beauty con-
test in that city several years ago.,
Tickets for Spring Homecoming
Event Placed on Sale;
Fead to Speak.
Tickets for the Fathers and Sons
banquet, to be held at 6:15 o'clock
Saturday in the Union in conjunc-I
tion with Spring Homecoming, will
go on sale today Hugh R. Conklin,
'32E, president, said last night.
The tickets for the banquet will
include stubs which will admit the
bearer to attend the dual track
meet with Illinois, the Majestic or
Michigan theatres, and Union pool.
Further, there will be a stub
which will allow alumni to play on
the University golf course for the
regular student rate of 50 cents,
instead of the customary $2 green
fee charged to outsiders. The tick-
ets to the banquet and all the stubs
for free events will cost $1.25.
Justice Louis H. Fead, of the
state supreme court, will be one of
the main speakers at the banquet.
President Ruthven and Regent R.
Perry Shorts, of Grand Rapids; will
also speak.
Horak Picked to Head Freshman
Honorary Fraternity;
Name Initiates.
Joseph E. Horak, jr., '35, was
elected president of Phi Eta Sigma,
freshman honorary scholastic fra-
ternity yesterday.
Other officers for 1932-33 are
William Kennedy, '35E, vice-presi-
dent; George Atherton, '35E, secre-
tary-treasurer; Donald Adams, '34,
senior adviser; and Arthur Carr.
'35, publicity director.
Freshmen initiated on April 22,
whose names were previously with-
held, are: Literary college, Edward
F. Andrews, John C. Becker, Eu-
gene S. Brewer jr., John M. Brook-
hart, Arthur J. Carr, Arthur W
Carstens, Ralph G. Coulter, Harold
L. Freedman, Hyman Gersten, Rob-
ert B. Hawley, Roy G. Ives, Merritt
W. Johnson, Albert J. Komishane
Charles W. Parker, Harold Ross.
Seymour J. Rubin, Truman Smith.
Louis W. Staudt, George B. Van
Vleck, and William J. Warner.

Engineers: George H. Atherton.
Nathaniel Batter, Maurice R. De-
mers, Joseph E. Horak jr., William
P. Kennedy, O. Allen Knuusi, Rosti
R. Mayfield, Charles A. Leonard.
Henry M. Merker, Martin A. Mor-
tensen jr., Philip A. Singleton.
Walter P. Sullivan, Joseph C. Wag-
ner, Ralph D. Walker, and John V.
" Wehausen.


Campus Leaders, Representatives
of Fraternities to Meet I
With Council.T
Protests against the present de-
ferred rushing system will be
brought to a head tonight at an
emergency mass meeting of the In-1
terfraternity Coincil when campus
leaders and representatives of
ll T 1..L . _ _._ ... ... ..«.. 4! - 4-i .n.. 4 -i a '

Action Comes One Hour
After Sentence
Is Imposed.

Case Will Be



Michigan's general fraternities
gather in the Union at 7:30 o'clock
to consider a demand for revision.
A new rushing plan, designed to
aid fraternities financially, has
been drawn up by a committee ap-
pointed from the Council by How-
ard T. Worden, '32, president, at'
the last meeting. The measure will
be discussed and voted upon to-
The proposed plan would defer
rushing during Orientation week
and allow a formal pledging cere-
mony at the opening of the third
'week of school following two weeks

of shoes out of every student's room Scientific Group Admits Large In their half of
and a sack of flour out of every Number of Faculty, Seniors, Wolverines retalia
faculty member's kitchen to send and Graduates. (ing five counters.
to southern Ohio for the relief of
the destitute coal miners of Hock- One hundred and sixty-five new
ing county will be opened this members were initiated into Sigma
i Xi, national honorary scientific
morning with the placing of two society, last night at the annual BOX S
barrels in front of the library banquet of the organization which I
The 10-day drive is being spon- was held in the Michigan League Michigan
Bored by the Socialist club and the ballroom. Ferguscon, cf
Ann Arbor Council of churches, as prof. Knight Dunlapprominent Ferguson, cf .... .
a result of an investigation carried ns Hopkns un Wateror, ss .....
on during Spring recess by Wilfred~ versity, delivered the principal ad- Diffley, c
who r por ed starvatiuncomditions dress, speaking on "Some Problems Superko. 3b.....
. of Street and Highway. Petoskey, if..
in the strike area. bProf. Alfred H. White, president Daniels, 2b.
Three barrels will b used on of the Michigan chapter of Sigma Kracht, 2b......
the campus for the collection o- Xi, presided at the initiation and Wistert, lb..
supplies, it was announced by Eu-W
suunes, '34, whouisnchy presented the diplomas to the new Ware, lb...
gene K n,4hrg members. Other officers of the Travers, p. ..
of the drive. They will be place dat chapter are Dean Edward H. Kraus,' Manuel, p . . . . . .
the Engineering arch, at the south vice-president; Prof. Ora S. Duffen- Menefee, p.....
of the librarygidack, secretary; and Prof. Stephen *Braendle .."... .
of special use to the miners will . Attwood, treasurer...
be fiour, beans, old shoes, trousers, Faculty members who were mi- Totals ......... .
be fran sls hoe se tiated are Prof. Nathan B. Eddy, St. Paul
socks and shirts, Kuhne said. Woldemar O. Freyberg, Prof. Wil- Kashima, cf. . .
l1am Housel, Prof. Edgar A. Kahn, Kunitomo, rf
'Ensian to Go on Sale Dr. Floyd H. Lashmet, Dr. Harold Hopa, rf...... . .
for Last Time Today W Lovell, Prof. Felix W. Pawloski, Yamashiro, lb...
---- Prof. Robert H. Sherlock, Prof. Ed- Niura, If ........
The final sale of 1932 Michigan- ward A. Stalker, Ernest J. Abbott, Momose, c .......
ensians will be held on campus to- John E. Anderson, Leonard Boddy, Tsuji, p........
day with the subscription price re- Harold J. Brodie, Frank Lai-Ngi Hatanaka, 2b . .
maningat $5. No pledge cChan, Wesley Clanton, Edwin P. Uchida, 3b.....
which were issued last September C se, Carroll . Greene, and Sekiguchi (c), ss .
will be redeemable. Ethel B. Hansen._
Those wishing to purchase the Clinton S. Hart, Leslie R. Hedrick, Totals.......
yearbooks will be able to subscribe Ralph W. Higbie, Howland W. *Batted for Men
at various points on the diagonal, Hoerr, George E. Holbrook, Kenneth Rikkio........
at the new Press building and at L. Jones, Karl Kammermeyer, Don- Michigan .........
the 'Ensian office in the old Press ald L. Katz, Kimber C. Kuster, Home Runs-W
building. James D. Lindsay, Canuto G. Man- Petoskey. Stolen
Distribution of the books will uel, Stuart McLain, John F. Middle- Sacrifice hit -K
take place on May 16 and will be ton, Newell A. Norton, Leonard D. plays-Artz to Wis
issued only upon receipt of sub- Powers, Robert R. Ralston, Reginald Daniels to Wistert
scription. Rickett, Alden F. Roe, Wilburn C. Travers 1, by MenE
Schroeder, J. K. Gwynn Silvey, 1, by Tsugi 3. Ba
BIG TEN TENNIS Alexander H.. Smith, George M. Travers 5., off Mar.
Chicago 5, Northwestern 1. Stanley, William C. Steere, Rich- fee 3, off Tsugi 2.
ard W. Stenzel, Hsu Huai Ting, 1 in 1 1-3 innings;
Clarence B. Weiss, Gladys F. West, 1 inning; off Mene
vLANTA PRISON; Theodore E. White, and Oswald T. nings; off Wistert
LEA ' A 4Z 4A8t8fRnqi Zimmerman. off Tsuji 13 in 8

4 1
4 2
5 4
5 1
5 1
5 1
3 1
2 0
3 1
0 0
0 0
1 0
1 1
1 0


2 0
1 2
4 1
3 0
0 1
3 0
2 2
3 1
5 2
2 0
0 0
2 0
0 1
0 0

f the inning the
ted by also get-
Waterbor start-
On Page 3)


Dismissed, Darrow
HONOLULU, May 4.-(P)-With-
in one dramatic hour today Lieut.
Thomas H. Massie and his three co-
defendants were sentenced to 10
years at hard labor for the honor
slaying of an alleged Hawaiian at-
tacker and then received their free-
dom through a commutation by
Gov. Lawrence M. Judd.
The swift moving final act of the
most dramatic judicial battle in the
h i s t o r y of Honolulu apparently
marked the close of the chapter of
crime which lifted Hawaii from an
unwearied paradise in mid-Pacific
into a spotlight at which the whole
world pointed.
Exactly one hour after the tall,
gray-haired Mrs. Granville Forstes-
cue, her stiffly erect son-inlaw,
Massie,rand two sailos, Albert 0.
Jones and D. J. Lord, were sentenc-
ed by Judge Charles Davis for the
slaying of jJoseph Kahahawa, they
were handed commutations.
Four Convicted Friday.
The four were convicted Friday of
manslaughter for the killing of Ka-
hahawai, alleged attacker of Mrs.
The hour they served of their
sentences was spent in the high-
ceilinged red-carpeted room in lo-
lani palace,. where they .were in
nominal custody of High Sheriff
Gordon Ross, of Oahu prison.
Fred, they returned to the Pearl
harbor naval base where Mrs. For-
tescue is preparing to leave the is-
land, probably forever. Her daugh-
ter, Mrs. Thalie Massie, whose ter-
rible experience with a group of
men last September was the begin-
ning of Lhe wave of unrest, may
go soon. Lieut. Masse, Jones and
Lord probably will be transferred
to another post.
Climax of Massie Case.
With today's climax of the mur-
der trial came almost certain end
to the Massie assault case. Clarence
Darrow, veteran Chicago attorney
who headed the defense counsel,
said he would advise Mrs. Massie to
;o away without testifying again,
and from an unimpeachable source,
it was learned that the case will
not be retried. The jury at the first
trial of Kahahawai and the four
>thers accused of attacking Mrs.
Massie failed to agree.
Without Mrs. Massie as a witness,
it would be impossible anyway.
Event to Start June 16, to Hold
Clinics for Returning
More than 1,600 alumni are ex-
)ected to attend the reunion being
geld this year from Thursday June
16, to Monday, June 21, according
o Fred S. Randall of the Alumni
association office.
The program which has been an-
nounced by the association begins
n the Thursday before commence-
ment with registration in Angell
hall for the Alumni celebrations
and the Alumni university which
will begin on Tuesov, June 21
Also on Thursday there will be
medical clinics for returning physi-
cians at the University hospital.
On Friday t7e registration will
continue and the medical clinics
will be completed. Friday noon
there will be class luncheons, and
in the evening after the classes
have met for dinners here will be
a Michigan Song Fest on the steps
of the library in accordance with
the recently established custom.

In the morning, Saturday, June
18, class meetings will be held and
all of the schools and colleges will

'of intensive rushing.V
The committee that formulated
the new system has been aided by
prominent faculty men and alumni.
They stated last night that the
plan had been drawn up with the
aim to get freshmen into fraterni-
ties as soon as possible without in-
terfering with Orientation week and
At the least possble expense. They
said they were sure the plan would
meet the approval of the fraternities
with little or no opposition in view
of the complete falure of the pres-
ent system and the inability of the
houses to meet their financial obli-
gations under the present situation.
The committee urged all houses
to send representatives to the emer-
gency meeting as co-operation will
be needed to obtain a quorum and I
to pass th measure.
ATLANTA, Ga., May 4.-(iP)-The
big steel gates of the Atlanta fed-
eral prison clanged shut tonight
behind "Scarface Al" Capone and
public enemy No. 1 became convict
No. 40886.
At 7:09 p.m., central standard l
time, the Chicago gang boss began
serving his 11 year sentence for
evading income taxes, a sentence
that was expected to break up his
domination of Chicago's under-
world and his far-reaching power
in other cities as well.
Capone's notoriety followed him
to the very doors of his exile. He
left the train that had brought him

39 13 13 27 10 8
4 0 0 2 0 0
1 0 0 0 0 0
4 0 0 4 0 1
5 0 0 4 0 0"
3 1 0 2 0 1
3 1 0 3 2 0
5 2 1 0 1 0
2 3 0 6 0 3
3 1 1 1 2 1
4 1 3 2 3 2
34 9 5 24 8 8
tefee in 7th.
053 010 000- 9
050 601 01*-13
aterbor 2, Artz,
uhitomo. Double
tert; Waterbor to
. Struck out-by
efee 1, by Wistert
ises on balls-off
nuel 2, off Mene-
Hits-off Travers
off Manuel 1 in
fee 2 in 4 2-3 in-
1 in 2 innings;
innings. Hit by

ing a sigh of relief. The "big fellow"I
was off his hands and in prison at

Graduate students: John R. Ab-
ernethy, Stanard Bergquist, James
T. Bradbury, Henry Brown, Ernestl
K. Chapin, Kyu Nam Choi, Julian
L. Culberston, Paul D. Dalke, Her-

pitcher-by Tsuj i



Usual prison routine was followed man C. Fogg, Dawson G. Fulton,
to the letter. Warden Aderhold Emanuel H. Hildebrandt, Samuel'
asked in formal manner "What is A. Lough, John G. Malone, and Roy
your name?" The gang chief, K. Marshall.
known throughout the world as the I Eldred R. Martell, Orren Mohler,
most notorious of modern crimin- (Continued on Page 6.)
als, looked slightly surprised and
answered "Alphonse Capone." Nicolson to Lecture
In reply to the warden's nextj
question, Capone said his sentence! Here This Afternoon
was 11 years. Marshal Lauben---
heimer corrected him, telling the Miss Marjorie Nicolson, professor
warden it was 10 years in the of English and academic Dean of
federal prison and one year in the Women of Smith College will lec-
Cook county (Chicago) jail. ture here at 4:15 o'clock today, in
1-- .1.__..._ I 1, - .. . _ _ -,-- - - - - - - - - _ 11 -.,_ _.


Ann Arbor citizens will be asked 17 full-time teachers. Courses
to make their contributions to the from kindergarttn through high
Universit ont sinon rn tuir- school were taught. Recently, how-

V111YG1, IUY 11VJj.1t'al Ot 11VV1 Vll 1.7 C4trUt

day_ when the local chapter of the
King's Daughters will conduct its
annual Tag Day drive.
The King's Daughters is an in-
ternational philanthropic organiza-
tion, the Ann Arbor unit of which is
assigned to work connected with
the University hospital. This in-
cludes distribution of clothes and

necessary to cut the staff and elim-
ever, due to lack of funds, it was
inate all of the kindergarten and
most of the high school work.
The school is under the supervi-!
sion of Dean James B. Edmonson
of the School of Education and
Louis W. Keeler, profesosr of edu-
cational psychology. Under their
direction three commencement ex-

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