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May 04, 1932 - Image 6

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1932-05-04

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T - F* M Ir- RTC. A N


t7tM7ZAMOT'N A"7

TIP ~ H r A 1 a, tN l1TT131 V!l!"1L


Varsity Band: Rehearsal at 7:15
p.m., in Morris Hall.

illunstra te the lecture.

Varsity Band: There will be a EprsofSe i sLioving, the construction' of the
formation of the entire bandi in
uniform at 3:15 at Morris Hall, to Empire State building, and a short
take part in the Swing Out cetre- reviewOf interesting facts by Pre-
mony. Imo~ 1. M. Gram, of the Civil
lirgnccring department, will be
Freslmcn: Meetino at 7:30 pm g.,I ln by the courtesy of the A.S.C.E.
Michigan Union Assemb1ly Zzlail, to l S5liudeii1. Bran~ch, Thursday, May 5.I
tmake plans arid elct cl;.(-Ia:tain i :3~0 p.m., Nat ural Science a Hditor I
'1wZi Spri I ;: h mes. ; . ( t)jw) h[i 1) blc No 'a l) i sio ,

i1PI rP Detroit Student Heayds More than
Pd 0 dU i IdEd3 Publications Staffs colt(te ~143
DETROIT, May 3.-S3,,ething of poueso
a record in collegiate journalistic' world. 1ilt,
annals was set here last week when
'Resurrection' Written to Expose' James P. Dunnigan, student at the
I. ailnanities of Prison Life, College of the City of Detroit, wasl Try C
Lecturer Says. appointed to the position of editor- Chc
__ ~in-chief of the Collegian, semi-
''"Resurrec.tion,'' one of Leo Tol-I weekly publication of the nmm icipal I

one sixth of Arj
gasoline station-,
in Buenc):;A ires.

koi leather in thie
:)ur Sunday


Seiors,: Iy permiiss ion of the Deans of the'various Schools andI
College(s, 'Seniors are excused from class attendance from 3 o'clock until
the end of the afteifor7rrnon nWedimsda y, May 4, in order to attend (.ht,
Swill;;Ouil, eecie.Alexandler(G. ltoth ven.
To the M emibers of the University Council: The next regular meeting
of the University Council will be held on Monday, May 9, at 4:15 p.m.,
in Room "B," Alumni Memorial Hall. Louis A. Hopkins, Secy.
Comprehensive Professional Examination in Education: Uinder the
regulationis of the School of Education all candidates for the Teacher'sf
Certificate' (except those receiving a Graduate degree this June) are
required to pass a Com!'prehenisive Professional Examination in Educa-
tion before they are eligible for recommendation for the. Certificate.
Thv neXt exam11ination of this kind, will be held fromi 9 to 12 o'clock
Saturday, May 21, in the audlitork(iu AtfieUiversity High,! School.
C. 0. Davis.
Sigmra Xi: Banquet tickets have been mailed to all initiates who
hiave paid the initiation fees. In case any initiate fails to receive his
ticket, please come to the Secretary in corrdor of second floor of League
bldg!., by 61 p.m., and a ticket will be supplied. The banquet is informal.

.~stoi s laist Inovoils, wsthe i Ubj( :colleges.
Wesley HaP: l~~r. I~islu~r w11 hr of Allison Ray IHap's illustrated J nipi~i il i.I tdnl
pr~s~n I t~I jod 1 u' su t II y~l~dX(,.ceremon y, en tire Corps a(udLe'eterdI(lay ii ;vNati a rt0l c rclrfl ;ieadthe staffs of all three C. C. D.
fiar., n ,,did 1; S~U~ il h iiIl~md outh Ferry Field, onilpuliatonsiIt131heiasedto
'iluvaMy5. Roll call 5:0{)7 pm I i. RlsUIurr oon, Tolstoi gavespilc<tas n13 ewseio
'1 is "rre mumriuy is substituted for hiis opinion of iWe," said Rev. Heaps . of the D-B~ook, handbook for all
Michgat ~4 iahst (i~i: i~ula~ rno 'ilcoilnlsallissfor thiis "He wrote it to expose the inhu- entering students, andl is not only
r, , < . ninitics f prison life and the in editor but business manager of the
.>l ~n t7:;( ~. om34finy of the penal system."Gifn C . yearbook, He as-
icgnUrn.M.MneSua, SiedLtioAicana:inn Bfre is rvie of Re304ec Gifin Cth.GifinedtoshpD.e
1ietroiii, 8ttM. hl4 ey wgall, tio r. hiesgvwo e a srie ~cl isnnsedto ris earswas when
)ro~~~nin(~~nt p~ocitant metin Amurdanay 5, tonoo' .Hs i e d iears "To! ae nlgbeadihsha
sperak. Opn et rum1oit' s. juity l 8pmRo 0 Mcia no.so," es g,"asoss e itsofibotedepar tens oyeawye-
iti 1f'5Ice or all tim cmembers is the idea early in life of f'indingtaout book and of, the editorial cat-
; !f x14''I,1 '~t' t ; t. tim reason of his oxisttence. Ie wa.,;me. nt of the paper.
(riiv-rsit c riire: Thurit4dty, :it -.-*. -tiways seekin- gthe ma (nf iC . ---........
1.: i l t15 An tl fal.,.~t,'w C : M eig o eet arid all lefiid' sttlw~~i riseiry. lIe,
RoJs 25Aiel 111 (uue~yCub Metngt e t last tunaiie' to the humible lf
MVis" ,arjoric Nicolson, Professor oflhicers for next year will be held oft; the p(.asant as the inost pi. .1 C('t 1i
Af English~ and academic Dean otf in the b.eat ie Thursday, at 4:30. lupit.
Smith College: "Science rlnd the All who intend to go on the picnic and hapiesSA
Potntic imagination." should sign up and pay one dollar INTlRAMVUAltl iwsii'r S
on 'ilvirsday.
0bservatory Journal CDlb will I___ Baseball
nriect at 4:15, Thursday, May 5, in11 1sSimior Society: Meeting Thurs- I Delta Alpha Epsilon 6, Theta Starts ,edn(
the Observatory lecture room. .Dr. day, '7:30 p.m., at Helen Newberry. Kappa Nui 3. IM NSC O HN
W. C. Rufus will speak onl the! All absences must be excused. Phi Delta Epsilon 6, Phi Beta ]Del- M N
" Astron~omy of Rittenhouse," whose I 'tao3.C OT IN
200th anniversary is being com- Mr. Fritz Kura, well-known 1ec- { Phi Rho Sigma 3, Sigma Phi Ep-S A
memorated thi~s year. Tea will b" 'turer and practical philosopher, will' silon 2.
served at 3 :4. speak on- "Perils of a College Edu- Hermitage 14, Alpha Kappa Kap-=
_ t-~~(atiori" and "What Is Theosophy?" pa 8.
Tne fxtorapi nal and ('Acological 'Thursday, May 5. The lectures 'will Phi Alpha Delta 12, Phi Epsilon Scey Ba
leri iial Club: Prof. L,. C. Karpinsk ia be given iii Aluni Memorial H-all Pi 2. Suits a 1/4 off
wiAll give an ll itlistrcated lecture on at, 4:15 acid the Chapel of the Wo- Zeta Beta Tau 15, Phi Kappa 1. at. .
("e'arly Maps of America,,, Thutrs- mcii's League at 8 p.m., respectively. Lambda Clhi Alpha 9, Alpha 0 nre- T pot.....
dlay, at 8 p.m., in Room . 1053 N.S,. jPublic invited. ga 1.T .
Phvscal ds 1 ftn~lcees 0 { T --


UOLOr Regultaar
504 I~inuers
You do."erve the E)(t food that yoor°
pocke' book can afford. Tenit why
ply more? T! y
1204 St h University Avenuee


Senior Women: Collars for Swing Out may =still be obtained by ap;-
plying at the Main desk of the League.
W.A.A. points for individual and intraimural athletics will be record-
ed upon request at the W.A.A. office in the League, Thursday, May 5,
from 3:30 to 5:45 p.m.
Ps.,ychology 42: Make-up examination for the midl-semester and pre-
vious quizz will be given Thursday, May 5, in Doom 25 Angell Hall, at
four o'clock'.
The Exhibitioia of Antiquities from Seleucia will be augmented by
new materials of the past season's work from Seleucia and from Sep-
phoris in Palestine. Main floor lobby, of the Architectural building. Open
from 8 amn., to 10 p.m., on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday.

flotanical Seminar meets at 4:30 p.m., in Room 1139 N.S. bldg. Paper
by F. G. Gustafson, "Desert "Vegetation of Southern Arizona (illustrat-
Chemistry Colloquium mreets at 4:15 p.m., in Room 303 Chemistry
bldg.Mr~. Brundage will discuss, "A Revision of the Atomic Weight
of Silicon by the S1014: SiO2 Ratio."
Society of Industrial Engineers meeting at 7:30 p.m., in Room 306
Michigan Union. Mr. J. H. Marks, Purchasing Agent for the Packard
Motor Car company, will speak on some of the purchasing problems,
and their solutions, that; arise in the automotive industry. All interested
are cordially invited.
Chemical Engineering Seminar: Mr. H. W. Hoerr will be thc speaker
at 4 o'clock in Room 3201 East Engineering bldg., on, the subject, "Plate
Efficiencies in Fractionating Column for Petroleum."
A.SM.E.-Student Members who have signed up for trip to Detroit
must be at Enginee-ring Archway at 12:45 sharp. A bus has been char-
tered and the cost per student will be 50c round trip.

rAI.C h.E.-Student Branchi: Regu- I Women Fight Fire.
lar meeting on Thursday, May 5, Women in evening dress left the
at 7:30 p.m., in Room 3201 East dance floor during a ball at the
Engineering bldg. Mr. L. A. Danse, Cloisters Hotel, Bickley, England
chief metallurgist of the Cadillac and formed a bucket brigade to
Motor Car company 'will address fight a fire in the building. They
i~he group on ".An Unique Connect-- worked. so well that the fire was ex-
ing Rod." Movies and slides wiltiilguished in half an hour.
Thinks of You Every Day
Be Sure You Remember Her Day! j
JEJOICING in, your triuinphs, battling in your -
trials, loving you tenderly every day and every
- hour.. that's Mother! When her Day dawns, let -
her know that you remember, that you are thinking
of her, too. just a little token will carry your senti-
- nien-ts . it' s tolIw cam c for a101' :m ~ e happyI
Mother's fDay!
Ne'xt Sunay y
IFarmers- nd Mechanics Bank
Nordi M.iii Street Soiidi Sttte Street=
Fcdjcral Reser~ve

Good. Morning!.
W!V'hat About That
.Mother's Day Card?
kenL_ hop
Nickel's Arcade
Opposite Post Office





Hops 12, Acorns 10.


We shall be pleased to show you our expellent line of





- . - ~ z~~cz7 7: - ~2..*. ZZTT...... .Z -..

The Best in Modern Coren ed3
Play Production and the Michigan League join
tonight in presenting the third anniversary perform.
anice of the Mendelssohn Theatre...

Oscar Wilde's Brilliant Concoction
"The Imp~ortance o
Bei*ng Earnest"
Done with all the Fizz and Bubble of the Smart
Set's Impossible Chit-Chat...


Tonight and May 5,'6, and 7

- -M =8 W - - A- AK -r -- roa

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