, / THE MICHIGAN DAILY ' _ __ _ DAILY. OFFICIAL BULLETIN, Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all Mkembers, of the University. Copy received at the +pifice of the Assistant to the President until 3:30; 11:30 a.m. Saturday. VOL. XLII.' TUESDAY, MAY 3, 1932 No. 152, NOTICIVS To Members of thre University Conwil: There will be an adjourned mneeting of the University Council onf Tuesday] May 3, at 4:15 p.m., Room "B," Alumni Memorial Ball, to consider the report of the Standint; Committee on Student Re.zlations.x Louis A. ilopkihs., Sec'y. University Lecture: Miss Marjorie Nicolson, Professor of English and a.cademnic Dean of Smith College, will give a lecture on 1May 5, at 4:15 p.m., in Room 1025 Angell hall, 'on the subject, "Science and the" Poetic Imagination." I -Apparatus Exchange: The Regents at their meeting in March, 1927, authorized an arrangemnent Joi' the sale of scientific apparatus by one department to anohr the proceeds of the sale to be credited to the budget account of the department from, which the apparatus is, trarzns- ferred. Departments having apparatus ;which is not in active use are ad- vised to send descriptions thereof to the University Chemistry Store, of which Professor R.. J. Carney is Director. The Chemistry Store head- quarters are in Room 223 Chemistry building. An effort will be rnade to sell the apparatus to other departments which are likely to bey able to use it. In some instances the apparatus may be sent to the University Chemisrry Store on consignment, and, if it is not sold 'within a reason- able time, it will be returned to the department from which it was received. The object, of this arrangement' is to promote economy by reducing the amount of unused. apparatus. It is hoped that depart- ments having such apparatus will realize the advantage to themselves and to the University in availing themselves of this opportunity. Shirley W. Smith. (;enerail Information Bulletins: The new edition of the General In- form~ation Bulletin will be~ ofTthe c press in about twQ weeks. Any offlces having an excess supply\of' the old issue on hand are asked 'to turn-them over to the Business, Offce to tide over the shortage until the new issue is printed'. Excess bulletins on hand will he called for if those conceredc will kindly notify the Busine~s Office. Forestrs: A meeting of. all students who expect to attend Canmp Filibert Roth this sumnmer will be held today at 5 p.m., in. Room 2039 N.S. bldg. Impo~rtant. Make a 'real effort to be present. Robert Craig, Jr., Camp Director. Fra'teruiLds and Sororities who are lplan11inf' theatrĀ°e parties for their parn.~ts to ..The importance of Being .Earnest," are requested to mall 6300o r~come to the League Bob 0ffice for arrangements. The play wl bepresented May X1,.5, 6 an'd 7, with pecial Homecoming week-end performances on Friday and Saturday, Sophomore Engineers: Orders are now being taken for tour class bla~zer. Come to Room 311 "West Engineering .bldg., Tuesday, Thursday or Friday afternoons from 2:30 to' 5:30. Also Tuesday night, May 3, in Room 302 Michigan, Union, after the pep meeting. 2 Freshman Pageant Rehearsal Schedule: / eaance ............... ....Monday 4:00 and Wednesday 7:'0 Struss Waltz............ ... ...... ... Tuesday and Thursday 4:00 Greek Warrior and Greek Priestess........ .Tuesday and Thursday 4:30 G ..........................Monday and Thursday 4:00 Priitive.............. ....:.........Tusa aid Thursday 5:00 Modern.............. .........Monday and Wednesday 4:30 B3allet.................. .....:..Monday and. Wednesday 5:00 All in Barbour gym. Please-be prompt,. Heads of dlance groups please come a little early, if possible. All Foreign Students who were included in the picture on the night of'the Rotary International Banquet, are requested to go to the Lane Hall between 3 to G p.m., to give their names and addresses as these ~informnations are needed by~ the' rotarians. At the same time they can see the copies of the pictures and can leave their orders, should, they desire to give copies of the pictures., 4 , EXHIBITION Exhibition of Antiquities "from the excavations at Seleucia-on-the- Tirsin the main floor lob~by of the;'Architectural bulding. Open from 8 a. n., to 10 p.m~udaily until May 7, with the exception of Sundays. EVENTS .TODAY University Symphony Orcht'stra.: Important rehearsal at 3 p.m.' Dr. Moore will conduct the rehearsal. Univrsity Poetry Society: Regular meeting in Room 3227 Angell Hall at 7:45. Visitors welcome. Transportation Club: Important meeting at 7:15 p.m. Christian Science Organization meets in the Chapel of the Michigan League at 8 p.m. All students and faculty are invited to attend. Pan'-J-elleie a.elegates: Regular meeting .of Pan-1'lellenic today in the Cave at, 4 parm. Mfr. Ph1ilill C. Na;h, the Na tional Director of the League of Nations Asocatonwxillislypcak at 8:15 p.ij-., ini Room 1025 AllI., on the subject "Our Interest in the Peace MVaehmi'y - t ; Lei amelt and the Far Ea st." The public is invited. Central Committee of~ the E resinman P'a ;-ant: Important meeting at 3:15 i the League. Illustrated Lecture: Allison Ray Heaps, will present Tolstoy's novel "Resurrection" with colored slides taken from the motion picture, at 4:15 p.m., in Natural Science Auditorium. Th~e public is invited. Michigan M)anes meet at 8 p.m., in the Grand Rapids Room of the league. There will be secondl semester in~itiattion and electionl0 officers for next year, I I C:OMXING EVENTS Chemistry Colloquium meeting Wednesday, May 4 at 4:15 p.m., in Room 303. 'Mr. Brundage wil discuss, "A Revision of the, Atomic Weightk Hof Silicon by the SiCl4:S8102 Ratio. A.I.Ch.E.-Student BranWh Regular meeting on Thursday, May 5, at " :30 p.m., in Room 3201 East Engineering bldg. Mr. L. A. Danse, chief metallurgiAt of the Cadillac Mltotor Car comliany will address the group, on "An Unique Connecting Rod." Movies and slides will illustrate the lecture. Society of Industrial Engineers: 'There will lie a meeting at 7:30 p.m., Wednesday, May 4, at the Union ini Room 306. Mr. J. H. Marks, 1-urchasing Agent for- the Packard Motor Car company, will speak on som)ne of the purchasing problems, and their solutions, that arise in the .uiitunjotive industry. All interested are cordially invited. We wish to announce this as the mostg i g a n t i c storewide tobacco and pipe sale in the 40 year history of Calk ins-Fletcher Drug Stores. Just arrived -- especially importedBE N W A DE'PIPE S- ( Cmltomplete assortment of all styles of the 'World's most famu pipe) at, ROCK O0FTOM PRICES! Waeoies 94' (This is the 'only straight grain pipe ever offeredat this price. We were able to obtain only a v~ry limited quantity. It is a rare treat to see a pipe of the beauty and d e s ig n these pipes em- rbody). 0 0ade ipes$5m95 R.O.T.C. ceremony. 'Thursday, May 5. Roll, regular drill comparlies entire Corps and Band, South= Ferry Field, on cell 5:07 p.m. T. is ceremony is substituted for for this week. (Continued oan Pale 2) (In two super-finishes: "WNalnut" and "Natural." Sg en Wade P. K. Pipes 2."95 , 0 Lydia MENDELSSOHN Tljeatre' 1932 Dramnatic Season 5 Weeks-MAY 23 to JUNE 25--1-6 Playsa Duzuhll, ayiswoodie U i~o are also incluad i in'thi *VIOLET IIEMING in "There's Always Juliet" *PI'ATRICIA COLLING E in E"Caiadida" *MARTHA.'GRAHAM in 2 Dance Recitals ilFin - eA-ni-mal 'Kingdom" 4 "isantic bargain r Other Otstan ding Smoker's argin v ) ().C,() DUN, VIA, PIPES KNYW()OD1 AND MHA x(7 *VIOLET KEMB LE-COOPER in "The Vincgae. Tree" *GLENFRNE in "Pter-c ilbbctson" I p. I} 1111 :E; $s6.75 ' PRICE? 13. Of "1 . R' IA .fl I $15.0o ALSO TFIONI OR Boo0 1 .ooi 11 $5.00 JA G TER . . . . (New, Modic Iitic iii design) RON SON--CAST AND Y LIH'TI r:,, ;')MNI NAT ONO. (I DEAL GRADUA- R~fiNT~i~OI~G'iRL 9 ALI. RUMI )DOUS Seats-$1 and $1.50; .50 and 75 cents. SEASON TICKETS--All 6 plays; for $6y $4 or $3. HIALF SEASON 'TICKE'TS (for students only)-Any 3 plays for $3.50 or $2.50. NOW OAN SALE at Michigan League.x k A Hornecorn ire Feature. . . Play Production1 comes with just the play that will iinpress your Mother and Dad and be, a complete solution to the entertainment problem . . /x ' (Wh[7 1ylat 'I3 6'ACO I1(10 C I i's (Blargain~s as low as 49c) PIPE b RACKS $6.50 R2ONSON 7)c ALL ASH 'IRAYS ABSOLUTELY V PCK UP" ELECTRIC LIGHTERS ALL GIGARE rTE HOLDEFRS...,..:.. / (Salle asl ..... 100OFF tow as 19c) 50O1 - y 1.9 li(ITERS German fDepartment. m 20 1 University Hall. Regular monthly n-jecting at 4 :15 p.m., inl ASPECIAL!, I GOLF BALL1S Sunior Research Club: '7:30 p.m., in Room 2082 N.S. "Chemical Re- ictions in Liquid Steel," by Dr. John Chipman; and "Vascularization of he~ Neural Tube in ;the Mammal," by Dr. L. H. Strong. Memnbers of Tuesday and Thursday Groups of the Dean's Luncheon: There will be a joint meeting of tke memberstdf these two groups4 at a .ncheon at the Union. Tau Seta Pi dinner meeting at 6:15 p.m., in the Michigan Union. PiSigma 7:30 p.m., in Room 2116 N.S. Mr. E. R. Martell, of the School of Forestry and Conservation, 'will speak oan "Some observations n a spruce plantation." Election of officers for the school year 1932-33, id election of new members. TIGERS AND ZIP 4 FOR 95c Oscar Wilde's IIOL-HI AND U. S. ROYALS 3 FO R.. . . . . . . . . . . . .. MEDALIST GOLF BALLS ($4.50 D)OZ.) 3 FOR........... (REGULAR 50c GOLF BALLS) TENNIS BALLS SPECIAL! 3 FOR .......... .......... $1.39 $1.25 "The IMPORTANCE 95c of Being EtAR NEST" r K~appa Phi meeting at 5:30. One (.)Ithe 'Most khingl y funny4 shows that was ever written. Spanish Pla~ys.* La Sociedad Hispanica presents two one-act plays he Laborattry Theatre at 8:15 p.mz. Tickets at Wathr's and at Ro- ce Language office, also at box of~ee in the evening. Adelphi: tnter-party discussion upon a ;subject to be announced ng the open meeting at 7:30; in Room 4203 A.H. The recipient of annual-~Honor Award will be voted upon in the closed session. Athena: Dr. Muyskens, of the Department of Speech and General ;usties, will give the discussion,, which was postponed frorn the ting of April 4, at 8:15 p.m., in th~e Athena Room., May 4, 5, 6, and 7 Lydia MENDELSSOHN Theatre Box Qflice 6300 All Seats 75 Cents I - ---- ------ ------ ~HT "SPO 802 Packard St. 'oday, 11: 30 hto 1:30 Pork Chop, Mashed Potatoes ni and Cheese, Meat Loaf Shredded Lettuce shi Stew with Biscuits atop Salad and Franks Ie Cream or Cake Coffee, Milk 30c 53.20 to 7:30 iedSpring Chicken .A T4 - ...... Mother's Day 1 Let acs help you to celebrat~e this altogether lovely occasion-Nothing would make Mother more happy than to receive in the mail A BEAUTIFUL BOOK II M-IF. bF R ,,