S HE MICHIG-ANI DAILY GIIURCH Ethical, Religious Values Before ,th'oeists. Iitud from Page ran, director of , 1) Wesley Da ily Offieial; 1 i11tin Dr. i~xs. TFetze. Pr 4fessor of th~e Fine Ats, Un~iversity "of Vienna, will give an i illstrated1 lE cture on "Al- brecht Duror, the Gr'atest German Artist," Thu~rsday afternoon, 4:15, in Alumni lvemorial ,;Hall, under the auspices of the Axin Arbor Art Association. Play Reading Secti on, of Fa~culty Women's Club, will :meet Tuesday, Feb. 23, at 2:30 p.m., at the League: Army and. Navy L tbi ier will be at 6 p.m., Feb. 22, i,stead of 6:30, as previously annournoed. Meeting dism;?is:ed by .:1Q. ylpha Epsilon Mu: 7iitiation and Ban-uet, Wednesday, web. 24, at 4 p.m., Michigan Union, Rooh 302. Dues -must be payed at. this meeting. TuilleT Foundation: Mrs. Ullian will spe'ak on "Jews and Zionism" Tuesday, Feb. 23~, at' 8 p.m. All in.- terested axe invited. tryot for iembersiiip should at- tend tryouts Tuesday at 8 p.m., in the Athenwa room. At 8:20 under the direction of Guth Morrison a group of tryouts will present the play, "Neghbors" by Zona Gale. All members please be present at 8 to. hear all tryouts., Sigma Gamma Epsilon business meeting 5 p.m., Tuesday, in Room 1057 N.S. Failure. of many financial com- rable to pay, th>-ese investments have ~mitmnents due to an epidemic of un- sound business is the underlying cause of the depression, according to Dr. Olin W. Blackett, professor of business statistics, who discussed "'The Backglround of the Present Depression" last night over the Uni- versity broadcasting station. When such a situation arises, a dubious value. "The second unprofitable com- mitment is real estate," continued Dr. Blackett. Private building was on the proscribed 'list during the war, and as a result, a building def- icit was created which still exists. During the last years of the war,I agriculture was virtuoally subsidiz-I ed, Dr. Blackett stated. This was a necessary step in view of war prob- 1,'..- DEPRESSION DUE TO CULMINATION SOF POOR GUEiSSES, SAYS !$LACKETT s r B A 31 .M ICHIGAN 'OUIT4IN PERS, , zter, Shf f er, Waterman, onill in, etc., $1.00 anid up. L lage and choice assorbaent ;14 S. State St., Am nArmo. T Y P E W R I TP our' o sot/by c 108DUoRRI our hope to have a special ity service once each semes- 'a a view to educating our constituency in the spirit- "t .of th~e, University and. of the campus constituency e Church joins cordially in ucatlon." 'rederick B. Fisher, the pas- .n California as Earl lectur- e Pacific School of Religion :eley. lecture in the evening of ouis Wolsey will be the of a series of lectures pro- Dr by the Henry Martin Loud nient Fund. With highly sue- pastorates at Little Rock, leveland and Philadelphia, Wolsey has taken his place the, great American rabbis [ay, and is cons:idered'a brit- Michiganensian Freshman Try- outs All freshmen wishing to try- out for the Michiganensian should report to the Press Building at 4:15 Tuesday. Editorial Staff meets also, at this hour. Organ Recital-: Palmer Christian, Ujniversity Organist, will give the following program, Wednesday, Feb. 24, at 4:15 o'clock, to which the general public with the exception of small children will be invited: Corelli: Prelude; Krebs: Trio; Bach: Prelude and Fugue in A minor; Hone gger: Choral; Bingh am: Suite for Organ, Op. 25; Taylor: Dedica- tion (From "'Through the Looking- glass Suite") ; Bubeck: Fantasia; Dvorak: Largo ("Frome the New World" Symphony) ; Mulet: Toc-] cata, "Tu es petra." I/ debts cannot be liquidated, and people become afraid to go aboutE kbusiness as usual until the prospect of ultimate adjustment is, settled one way or another. lThe reason why so many of our f bad g uesses have culminated at this time, said Dr. lackett, is because important capital commitments were m~ade during the post-war re-, adjtiustiinents, and the prices at which these coixmitments were made have no~t been permanent. Exportation of capital abroad is one of the commitments which has caused much trouble, said Dr. Dlaclett. Europe now owes the Un.hited Mtates approximately 18 bil- lion dollars. As the debtors are u n- Todaiy 1:30-11:00 P. M. NOW PLA4YING Faulty' Rifle Shoot will be held, Tuesd~ay, Feb. 23, at 7:30 p.m., in the R.O.T.C. bldg. All Faculty mem- bers interetsted are cordially invited. The Tai)r will be at the. R.O.T.C. office Wedr esday, Feb. 23, from 8:30 am., to 6 kP.m. All R.O.T.C. mem- bers requiring unifolms will report during the period indicated to be measured. two talks on Russia to be in the Unitarian church wil4 ide by Rev. H. P. Marley, who peak on "Lenin and Washing- Is Russia the New America?" y Prof. U. G. Rickert, who in vening, will tell of "Observd- of the Russian Experiment." the First Baptist church, Rev. [ward Sayler will preach on' 'ge Washington." At Hillel elation, Rabbi Hieller will speak lave the Jews a Working So- DOUGLAS AT P. A V RS N Gsir'n NTE - -LAUNDRY- Soft water. ?1044. FAIRBANKS, Jr. NOTICETowels free. Socks darned. 271c JOAN BLON ..L TYPEWRITERS, all1 mak~es, bought, i4 Guy Kibbee, David Landau Detroit Eiigini~Crxs will lecture ona Tool Eniteering: As a part of Shop 7, Jig and Fixture Design, the Dcpartmen t of Engineering Shop has schedlul ed a series of' lectures to be given. by. b number of prominent Detroit eni;Lneers. The first of this series is to l~e given in Room 1042 of the East ling. bldg., on Wednes- day, Feb, 24, at 8 a.m., by Mr. Wil- liamn F. Wise,~ Vice President and Manager of S,,Oes of the Ex-Cell.,, Aircraft and Tool Corporation. flis subject will be. "Selling, Designing,, and Fabricating Tools and Special Machinies." Meirbers of the faculty, as well, as local manufacturers, who are interested in this subject, are invited to attend. find" is the sermon topic chos- r services this morning in First rch Chrst, Scientist. Rev. Theo-s R. Schmale, of Bethlehem '.Ev- yicial church, will speak on SChristian, a Disciple o f ornin g worship at Zionl Luther-t lurch will center on the 'Cap- of Giur Salvation~," with Rev; P'enhellonie Delegates: 'Special Stellhorn in charge. Rev. C. meceting for election of oifX-ers off. rauer, of St. Paul's Lutheran Tuesday, at 4 o'clock. Notice' League h, will give a sermon, a Wash- bulletin for room number. n. bicentennial subject, "The Service to Our Country." Athena: Any woman wishing to ie exotic Chinese star speaks perfect German in her first talking picture. A STORY~ OF LOVE VS. PREJUDICE- a"ThE WAY TO SHAM ,E" ('Der Weg Zur Shiande") Opens today--Matinee at 3 r I sold, rented, exchanged, repaired. 0. D. MORRILL, 314 So. State. 307c TYPEWRITING AND MIMEO- GRAPHING promptly and neatly done.: 0. D. MORRILL, 314 So. State St. 30l8c HILDA'S BEAUTY 'SHOP-209 S. State. Located over Chuabb's. Special n permanents, $5, $6, and $8. Shampoo and marcel $1. Shampoo and finger wave '75c. For appointmnents phone 7249. 485 EXPERIENCED porter wants work in fraternity house. Can furnish 6 ' eight years fraternity reference. Phone 5537. 490 RESTAURANTS EAT-Meal tickets $5.50 for $4.50. Special Steak and Chop Dinner 40c. Forest.Inn 538 Forest Ave. 4G9c PEBBLES' Phone 7112, Killins Gravel Co. 29Lc WANTE D S "TUDENT LAUJNDRY WANTED- Called for and delivered. Phone 4863. 1500 THMRCN HOTEL isY makig a special offer to students of single rooms at, $3.00 and $3.50 weekly. 455 LARGE suite for rent, single or cloubie. Close to_ campus and downtown. Price reasonable. Phone 22352. 425 So. Division. 486 FOR RENT-Two single room:;. ' block from campus. Reasonable. Wood, League House. 725 Haven.. 491 FOR SALE REPOSSESSED CARS--Buyu from Finance Company for balance due. We sell all makes of new cars at a discount. Investigate. 311..W. Huron. Phone 22001. 235c PERSIAN Oriental 'Rug, about 8x11, reasonable. 1324 Olivia. LOST_ LEST-Cresent shaped pin; plat-r inum with diamonds; J-Hop week-end. Reward. Call Spencer. 4917. _487 Lt choe~us the secrets of tenl thousand strange romances! 1 ,, i! ' I c i 1 i ..r i ' II II OPULENT SPOOF OF THE MALE GENDER, ' - ,. .. ' a ' : r These gals are as morally and socially right 'as the Marinies, and equially as amusing. COME I: 6RfEK It A NA C LIJOAN J LONDE nL M 1++AD tIGE EVlJAINS From Zoe Akins' Comedy "Suco > V . ithat had Broadway .au ghing fo ' year. S EE THIS It blends all of life's emotions into the sensation of the season! Comedy . . "WAR MAMAS"? ZUZU PITTS THELMA TODEL. "No More Hookey" Act .- " .~,, ~'.r I' ________ALSO Chas. Chase Paramounit News 1 ssion......50C day Matinees . 55C~ ren .... ... ~c WHITNEY' Stows (intinuous 7 tilt 11 every night Mats. at 3 Sat. & Sun. HEARST NEWS CARTOON -WEIDNESDAY- "Are These Our- Children" SUBSCRI BE T I'O.TH',IHIG.AN I WANT ADS PAY Mae I 'I "oi il1 ] I III 1732 1932 0",_'" I f:. aL .107- IIW44 dim v~ I. 'rH~IS year Tnarks the 200th anniversary of the birth of eir ge Wash- -inton-and the beginning of a nation-wide c1elebratiHon in honor ofT this gretest American of lSooteian ever paidl so large a part 4i the shaping of a nation's +estiny. A natloinw ide celebration to do him hom ge now bogm A It Will la t until next Thanksgiving. It is not a fair or ani exposition; no formal 'program will be. followed. But throughout the natiorn spciaal e phais wilhb placed upon matters pertain' g to the life and works of George Washington-the soldier, statesman, the scholar, and the -man of men. The scope of his influence has been so Nast that the principles and ideals for which he stood are iving, function ing factors in present day oaffairs. Q) A F-I - , AW Af \ U4 ? TT9 T'A'Y TA i"F A 7[ J1'.^ rv W TAP A T Ll Z-ftlr n fiet F flTK,41 . TT'*T!+d'- Tr, , lf fl. V %3 Te- a flfl A - V Er 'A rr, U ' - V w, r,. n w., - ' a. %7 =X a r.. .AUY A - Tm r4rrlW WE A' A TW ~ r rA -yrA*nn1TA "1 A. T' Y. bl-%Vr A A "T? TT TT rILTT[4 T TT T A 4T*%