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May 03, 1932 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1932-05-03

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Published every. morning except Monday during the University
by the Board in Contro! of Student Publications.
Member of the Western Conference Editorial Association,.
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for re-
Ication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise
ited in this paper and the local news published herein,.
Enatered at the. Post &fllce at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second
Smatter.> Special rate of postage granted by Third Aspistant
maater Geperal. / ,
Subscription by carrier, $4.00; by mail, $4.50
fies: Ann Arbor Press Building, Maynard Street, Ann Arbor,
iigan. Phones: EditorIal, 4925; Buiness, 22214. .

Telephonp .425

Etor .............. .......... David M. Nichol
rna) Director .'...''.'...'....... Bea''''ch Conge, Jr.
I JEditor............ . Sheldo C. Fule o
en's Editor...... ...'. .'...Mkirgaret M. Thomps>on
:ant News F~ditor......................... Robert L. Pierce
B. Gilreh G Jda. Cullen Kennedy Jaoenmes Ingis
Karl SeifferA George A. Stauter

still others think they are putrid. We have always
gotten a laugh out of R'bbt. and Bert, and we believe
that*'Girl Crazy" is as good as any and better than
most of their series of pictures. You ought to have
a pretty good opinion of the picture formed by now
but we'll go ahead and give you a sort of resume
pf what's in it.
"Girl Crazy" has a lot of new jokes and a lot of
old ones dressed up in new clothing. The music' is
good for the m-ost part, although we didn't care much
for the way Kate Foster sang "I Got Rythm." Doro-
thy Lee, Robert Woolsey, and Mitzi Green do a tap
dance together that wohld be a lot better if they
would get out from behind all those beams and well-
ropes. There is some good satire on the "spirit of
the Old West that was," Mitzi Green is the hit of the
show when she imit~ates Bing Crosby, George Arliss,
Roscoe Ates, and Edna May Oliver, in a way that
ought'to nmake you want to cheer. She may be a
precocious child and all that, but she surely can act.
Something else that we didn't get enough of was the
equestrian quartet rendering "Bidin' My Time."...
. . .If you don't like "Girl Crazy' you needn't take it
too much to heart. Its probably because you are the
serious aijinded sort who wants everything to mean
something. To get the best results out of Wheeler
and Woolsey you ought to swallow a few feathers or
get tight, and we hope you do. J.S.M.


Sports Assistants
a W. Jones John W. Thomas
.ey W. Arnheim Harold F. Klute
Lid F. lBlankertz John S. Marshall
ard C. Campbell Roland Martin
las Connellan H{enry Meyer
rt S. Deutechi. Albert H. Newman
A. Euber E. Jerome Pettit
ern Carver Phrudenu.e Foster
-ice Coiling Alice G;ilbert
it Cadall EFracesh anchester

John W. 'Pritchard
Joseph Rezihan
C. Hart Schaaf
Brackiey Shaw
Parker Snydier
Glenn R. Winters
Margaret 0 riea
Beverly Stank
Jophine Woodhans

Charles A. Sanford


Telephone 21214
NORRaI P. 'JOHNSONE ........... As an Manager
Advertising.....................a......... Vernon Bishop
Advertising Contracts......................... Harry R. Begley
Publiationgs...r.c........... ................Wiliam T. Brown
Accounts ..- .............................. .Richard Stratemeir
Women's Bunness Manager ..................... Ann W. Vernor

I Aronson
ert E. Bura1ey
ii Ciark
ert Finn.
na Becker
:me Fischgrund
serne Jackon

SArthur F. Kohn
Bernard Schnacke
G~raf ton W. Sharp
Virginia McComb
Caroline Mosher
Heen Semude

Donald 'A. Johnson, II
Dean Turner
Don Lyon
Bernard H. Good

Helen Spencer
Kathryn Spencer
Clare Urngerr -

iuorothly Layrin May SeeiriedI Mary Elizabeth Watt
TUESDAY, MAY 3, 1932


Let's File Dr.
A S the Socialist club so very euphemnistically
Smaintains, "reform hi the relationship be-
tween the University and the legislative body .of
the state so that cuts in the University appropria-
tions and cuts in dalaries of faculty members
would not be possible" is the remedy which will
~ecure abolition of tuition at the University as
welt as pay e~xpen~ses of students financially unalide
to obtain an education. (See page 1 of Sunday's
This >program, coming at a time when the
University is being hard pressed to reduce its
expenditures by some $700,000, deserves the close
attention of President Ruthven and Secretary
Smith. Indeed they could probably receive valu-
able advice in the matter of financial policy. In
addition to finding out how to eliminate the al-
ready established cut i~n revenue for the following
scholastic .year, they ,could find out how to drop
'another million or so in revenue and still maintain
a first rate institution.
Of course the fact that President Ruthven has
been in closest touch with the financial problems
of the University for three years, and Secretary
Smith ,for many many more than that, han hardly
count in the balance. We approach a new era in
University financial policy, with the first step in
the pt-ograzn the election of a Socialist member
to that policy-determining body, the Student
Whee! .-
Hillel Art Exhibit
SA Review
by Professor Slusser -
It was an excellent idea to have such an exhibit
at the Hilfel Foundation. There are some excellent
artists represented. There is some special racial
characteristic existing in their works, but what it
4s is hard to say. Something in the coloring is rather
special. A richness in the school and a display of a
good deal of feeling are evident. A good trait is
evinced in the interest shown in modernism by these
artists. They are quite willing to experiment and do
not fall into stereotyped ways of painting. They are
very open to new ideas and suggestions.
As to the specific works, "The Negress," by Mr.
Bayinson of New York is very good in coloring. It is
a mature piece of work and beautifully developed in
planes. The prize-winning portrait of Mr. Glicken-
~stein modelling a bust of Mr. William Schwartz of
Chicago as painted by the latter Is very strong and
dramatic. It also has a. good deal of feeling in it.
Mr. Enrico Glickenstein's drypoints are very good.
Mr. Willi~am Auerbach-Levy is a fine etcher. Mr.
Rader, Mr.Lavinger, Miss Gurvitch and Miss Rosenw-
thal are all fine representative artists of Detroit. Mr.
Rader has a new style of painting. Mr. Q. Raymond
Katz of Chicago has an excellent original idea in
using Hebraic letters for the background of his pic-
tut'es. I anm rather well-acquainted with some of
these. works as several of the artists have been pupils

by Martha Graham
S.(Editor's Note: The John Simon Guggenheim
Memorial Fellowship has -for the first time
recognized the dance as an art by granting a
fellowship to Miss Graham for the study of
native forms and materials in Mexico and
Yucatan this spring. Oh her way to Mexico,
she will give two dance recitals on June 2
and 3 in the Dramatic Season. The following
article was written pspecially for The Michi-
gan Daily by Miss Graham.) .
To many, America stands among the arts as a
tower of Babel, and they are bewildered by the con-
fusion, of tongues; to others the varied rhythms of
these tongues are exciting, .and their clamor consti-
tutes a vital portent. That these rhythms may
generate the prodigious energy latent\in them we
must become aware-we must learn that we shall
perceive thorn by looking up and down and not
abroad. It'1is with the question of these very rhythms
that the dancer-by dancer we mean the dancer
as creator-should be concerned; and the \first an-
swer, perhaps the final and only answer, will come
from the land itself.
It is with the manifestation of an old art in a
land newly growing aware that we should be con-
cerned, and not with the personalities of those who
represent the dance as an art in America today. The
eye of the beholdet is apt to becomne so focused upon
personalities as to lose sight of the potentialities and
trend of the art itself.
Dance in its var-ied forms and styles is directly
affected by the country in which it manifests itself,
but the physical principles, the body, itself, which is
the dancer's medium, is eternally subject to certain'
laws of rhythm definitely its own.
Manner, however, is borg of the climatic, social'
and religious conditions of the land in which the
dance finds itself. This is the reason why a dance
form, whether it be Spanish, Russian, Oriental, or
even modern European, when trangplanrted or grafted
on a completely alien culture loses its creative energy
and becomes decadent or, at best, merely decorative. I
Any dance, however formal and stylized its mani- l
festation, which does not stem from life itself will I
become decadent.
It is not possible for One people to 'understand
another people' entirely, or to feel with the soul of
another. How then is it possible to adopt a dance
form which is the revelation of a people's soul?
Dance& is movement made divinely significant, and
movement is the one speech which cannot lie. In
|movement all that is false, too obviously learned
becomes glaringly apparent. This is' important inl
considering the modern dance, for it is with move-
ment, rather -thantwith stieps, that it is con~cerned.
America's great gift to the arts is rhythm; rich,
full, unabashed, virile. Our two forms of indigenous
dance, the Negro and the Indian, are as dramatically
contrasted as the land in which they root. The Negro
dance is a dance toward freedom, a dance to forget,
fulness, often Dionysiac in its abandon and the raw
splendor of its geniusc-it is a rhythm of disintegra-
tion. The Indian dance, however, is not for freedom,
or forgetfulness, or escape, but for awareness of life,
complete relationship with that world in which he
finds himself; it is a dance for power, a rhythm tf
These are primitive sources which, though they
may be basically foreign to us, are nevertheless, akin
to 1the forces which are at work in our life. :For we,
as a nation, are primitive also-primitive i~n the
sense that we are forming a new cultule. We are
weaving a new fabric, and while it is true that we
are weaving it from the threads of many old cultures,
the whole cloth will be entirely indigenous.
It has been said that the dance today is the un-
spanked baby of the American theatre. Most cer-
tainly it is the one lusty voice on the American stage.
Many hear its voice as a prophecy of the possibility
of a theatre of the future. History shows 'that the
great theatre 'of the world, whether in Greece or the
Orient, had its roots in Yhe dance, and that the
the~atre of any culture is only as great as its dance.
-Why should fiot all those so deeply concerned \with
the modern dramna see that it is not possible for the
order of progress to be different?
The modern. American dance is characterized, like
the true dance of any 'period in world history, by a
simplicity of idea, an economy of means, a focus
directly upon movement, which is the "stuff" of the
dance art, and behind and above and around all,
an awareness, a direct relationship to the blood flow
of the time and country that nourishes it. To have
an American dance we must take these character-
istics as a starting* point, then from a cognizance of
old forms we shal build a new order.

If Gene Tunney should be elected Senator we can
think nf enmo nthor Ronitcnre whn wxnii1M hta onrofii1

Perhaps you are wondering why
that lousey paragraph about the
confusion on South Ferry Field has
run two or three times during the
past week. Well so are we. As fa~r
as we can figure it out this is the
very same paragraph that we wrote
on Tuesday for Wednesday's -col-
umn, but got cut because someone
wrote too long Campus Opinion. We
mentioned the omission in Thurs-
day's column and told the story all
over again. Then yesterday morn-
ing the original turned up, and the
make-up man, as a special favor
to us, jerked the picture of Dr.
Ruthven and stuck this pairagraph
on the bottom of the column. And
on top of all this mess, we, who
thought we had fifteen dollars in
the bank, rectived notice this morn-
ing that we were overdrawn two
dollars. It certainly is discouraging.
* *
And here is a~ clipping from the
"Bridgman Enterprise." Bridgman,
as you probably don't know, is a
small t o w n in Berrien County,
Michigan, with a population of 200
at ieast.
By F. W. Baldwin
The frill is goob
Her boots am boob
Burp lattiss geek
She imus leek.
(With apologies to Lewis Carol.
Why not?)
The girl is good
Her boy is bad
But that is why
She is so glad.
This poem isn't so hot but we had
to have something in today about
We received a note this morning
from. a member of the Sports Staff,
who reports that he has at ]ast
shown what a big bunch'of ninny-
hammers there are on the Women's
staff. This enterprising young man
has always had an ambition to
write a fashions artcle. He wr~ote
one, put the name of a member of
the Women's Staff on it, and put
it in the dask with the rest of the
Women's copy. Yestorday morn-
ing his fashions article appeared in
a prominent place on the Women's
Page. The big advantage of this
story ovet~ mnst othe style articles
on the V/me's Pa ;e is that it
doesn't mean a thing. A few char-
acteristic phrases: "widely woven
~wools." "A twisted turban-effect
~hat set off her tlelicate features and
lent a tone of du .monde." "Egg-
shell satins have almost been prom-
inent-." "The general trend of the
fashion mart is toWards a model



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:hibit will continue throughi May 16th, at

The early fervor displayed by
Sammy Jay in making a tryout
for the Rolls Editorship, seems
to be the sun and extentt of in-
+a.no+ in+ 4 -lat n no -+a, wUa

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