f 1932 fTHE MICHIGAN DAIr7Y PAGE THREE _______________________________________________________ .~ -I------ IY J I4 MVother's Day,' May 8th You r ./ Place yct be no ch ". your ow motherc f romyo YOUR MOTHER ,-,4 I - I r our orders for Mother's Day early and there will -arge for wiring. A letter can be sent enclosing m card. Just imagine the thrill it will give your on° receiving a pretty plant or box of cut flowers 3u on her day. other Des& es.. al YOUR WIFE Mother's are so tolerant, so under- standing, that 'we sometimes neglect them. That is one reason why FLOWERS are so much appreciated on Mother's Day. They express your l ov e a nd thoughtfulness. They "say,"~ you do remember.. 1The Mother of your children is Smaking sacrifices for them" just as your mother did for you. Perhaps they are too young to show their ap- preciati~on. Why not express your thoughts through them with flowers on Mother's .Day. A Remmbc"ce it° Persw~d To~ich THE UNIVERSITY FLOWI,,R SHOP, INC. 606 EAST LIBERTY PHONE 9055 Arcade JwernSo 16 Nickei'.Arcade DELIVERIES ANYWHERE IN THE CIVILIZED WORLD REMEMBER YOUR MOTHER, SUNDAY,. MAY,8TH CARL BAY I i11 tt ! NEXT SUNDAY o 10o 1152 13, 14 15 16\ 17 18 192021i . [22 ? 24,i25 262728 29 30 31 MOTHER'S 'DAY 1 \ ti IJ t + F f li GIVE -., .0 >> ... I, CANDY, Special Boxen By AND Thnk' f ouEvr TheB~tsyr (ss:ho (IN THE ARCADE) We Pack, Wrap, and Mal f f __ II Be Sur Y ou Remember H-er.; -. - (; j -a SEND Mother -;,.p .'9 ,/ 'N- r.6 Send a 1 Greeting Card + r. f Y j Y.' .f Sin your trials, lving *youtnrlevy day 'and every hour ...that's 6the. Wens.her ay awsletherknw ha you rememb er, 0tha You ae- ; kngof I ABoxof DELICIOUS CHO COLA TES GILBERT'S" PAGE and SIHAW IDAGGE TTS We will wrap and mail them for you Swift's Drug Store 340 SOUTH STATE STREET or- Frame' tt her, ~e Jst alittle token wI.'. carry yoursnixint You will fnda large and choice. assortment of Greeting Cards and Mottoes Lfor everybody for all occasions at b Staionry ndTypewriter Siorc, EnI sa S u r prise H er! SPECIAL 3 14 Sou"th State Street. SHE'LL NEVER EXPECT A FRIVOLOUS G I F T--A N D W rapigand Mailing On the; purchase of any article, we widll wrap and }mail without charge. .Be sure and drop in and see the many lovely things that will please HER. -a- -a Y R~educed prices prievail! eeo urarge stock YOU CAN, BET SHE 'LL 4 LOVE IT! FLOWTERS \THE PEFECT;TRIBUTE n s,, J . --r. . y I Shimmering, silky, lingerie-hose in the newest and smartest shades-gloves-'costume jewelry, always an excellent choice can be found to please any taste- scarfs, handkerchiefs-the list of suggestions is end- less. Better drop in- Chocolates are more and ;pore becoming the aprproprite, g i ft for MOTHER. Choose your box today and don't fr get- ce will wrap and mail free of charge. The kind hands that lovingl~y guided your first faltering, childishi steps.. the hands that smoot.hed your fretful brow during impetuous youth .. . the hamnds that steady you- now since you have reached mnore mat ure years ..*. they're MOTHtR'S HANDS,5 the ten er~est hands you have ever known. Fill therm with fresh Sweet flowers onMohe'sDay. A genes: expression of your gratitudec -nd Love. Wherever She* may be, near or far, you1 can , pl e ase mnother when you- ()9O